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Show SAN FRASCISCOJTRADE IMPORTANT WORKS ON MINES AND MINING L..E.I Title. 1 Mlnlne U.tcrlllK'- " a"V"li!-r tS.' MlV.N.'ii I.t.llurry ot TS;id'ia!lvr. Uy j.i..tiwnu- ifii. Ilurici, In Hire. vol.. Vol. 1 !lt cr ;uY..l. Vol. II. C.tpo .udlrou. ol.lll. Siccl.n'l 1, u.l. Kl,h vol .-IJ :ci':iratcly at bUHMJ per Yol. T"i Slcl.llu. Hi ;'""'"' .."ST Ali r;ri. ouUrU l)ci.o,IU. By Lombard Lom-bard Von Coim. , - M iviUin of Mineralogy. By J nines D ian.M.A. , . W . Any of the above works sent by mail on receipt re-ceipt of inco in c-oin. or iu equivalent in UU'oaaHo have in addition to the above, larvo waonuioni oi Sjienlilic. Standard aDd Miycclliinoous Book.-", iilank Books and Si nionory. Catalogued turniohod on apim- CAli"U- A. HUMAN CO., Publisher. Uoo Unci less, Importer! ttnd Sttttloneri. No. 11 Montgomery St.. Lick House Blook, t:in tr-iucieco, California. ab HUEPHY.GRANT&CO. Importers of American and European Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, HAN FKANC1SCO, CALIFOHMIA, Call tho attention of the Trado to their large and complote stock ol FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Which they are now receiving dlreot from European Manufacturers, conn-rising in part French Merinos, Wool Satinet, Wool Plaids, French and German, Irish tad French Poplins, Kmpreei Cloths, Itmlii, black and oolored, Velveteens. Alpacas, black and colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS. ALSO G L O "V E S , Kid.Buok, Berlin (Ladies', Misaos. QenUO Gents' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Hndery. complete in all 1U brioches W lilie Uoodi, ilitnd kerchiefs, Shirting Linens, 4,iUta, white and colored UriiikiUs, lirowo loom dud bleached, i'ovrili, Unci, Diaper, Turkish. NaphJHS and Doylies.. k.to.. Ufa., Eta. BOOTS AND SHOES, California Manufacture, FOIL WHOLESALE THADE, Weaver & Taylor, lis Front Street, San Francisco, California. alJ i. ciiuLovicu. WALTia nooi il b. bust, i J. CiilKIiOVICH Ob CO., importers and wholijaolo dealers in VINi: W INKS A. L1QDORS, BOLE A1ISI3 fOB JESSE, M00.SE & CO'S FINE OLD BOURBON AN3 8YE WHISKIES. Diaici r n o k louistillx, it. Ml Front Sl. BAN FRANCISCO. ap4 L. A. Sanderson, T. L. Horn, SANDERSON & HORN, (Importers andUobbera of j CIGARS AAA TOBACCO, (Proprietors if La Espanola Cigar Factor;,) Hole manufacturers of the celebrated 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 413 Front Street". Between Washington and Clay, SAN FRANCISCO. ap4 TUB U1PUUVED FRENCH RANGE. Ill t moatcotnploto Cooking Apparatus in use The Eureka Range, Stands unrivalled by any other Portable Kange. Guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. satisfac-tion. Locke & Montague, 112 AUi Battery BL, alO SiK FmciJOO, ROSENBAUIYI & FRIEDMAN a A. !4i Battery St., San Fran, Importers and WholesaleDealers in French, English, German and American DRY AND FANCY GOODS, -MoBiery, Corsets, Ribbons, And ful line of Umallwares. m6 CRAY, JONES &CO. DEPOT 0 TUB SANTA CRUZ TANNERY, MANUFACTURERS OF OAK SOLE LEATHER, No. 418 Battery street, , SAN FKAM CISCO. apti GUAND IIOTJEL. On Market, New Montgomery and Second ttLroeis, CMAJ i'K.AWCIOCO, CaXj. JOHNSON & Co., VaopRtEToas. A. P. HOTAUNG & CO. SJLE AGK.NT3 FOR TUB J. H. CUTTER OLD BOURBON WHISKY, AND IMPORTERS OF FINE WINKS AND LUtUOKB, Jackson !,(.., (jau Francisco. a19 J. H. CUTTER OLD BOURBON WHISKY. C. P. MOORMAN & CO., Louisville, Kentucky, Distillers. The Trade and Consumers are notifiod tn.it the abovo u tho only genuine brand oi Cutter wiiHky, and that the anderinned are tho sole Ascnta lor the nauij, Ail other branai cUiuitnj to bo "Cutler" whbiky are only poor liultai Ions. In ordor to prfr vent ir.u.d, tho name- of the Agent are burned m eacto barrel, and blown Hi each boitle, with a ft-lmile slgna-oYu'r slgna-oYu'r gi'nuiu""''"' tbe corks. None fApiv"'ls?M.co-' 8018 AK0Dt' lf.-Av!.fo cldfcf; Jack,on SttMU Ban uW.UKtit UKO S CO., ABBBtS for Bali laieand Utah. Agentslor i TO TtlhZ TRADE. For Sale in Store and Warehouses! 2.;-0 barreli J. If. Cutter wbiky. h:.rroIs D.inicl Uyono whiskj. j barrel KUorade wrii.ky. barrels C.iM. Chicken Cock whisky, o-irreis u.d Lourb-jQ whisky, barrels Urhall whisky. ";rrclf rX fu-ir brands Ky. tJ.'-'W c-es J. U. Cuitor whisky. Also la Store and Bond, y o f" t"nd brtaia French brandy j'''.''1!'? Holland Gin. " oc-?" Port ino ;,oried brands oe;;She:: : Bra.C Ul Jackson Jier. W Vl.li t 11. .."ro1 l- Ai.au to, itanuiiia co-r TRAVEL. GILMER & SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES TIlllOUGU Utah, South -cast Nevada & Montana, Mon-tana, Leaving Salt Lake City Dally, iu-nlng iu-nlng south to Tintio, American Fork, Mount Nebo, Sevier, St. Georpe, Utah ; and Pioohe, iSovada ; Passing; through Provo, Sprbgvillo, Spanish Fork,Py-eon, Fork,Py-eon, Salt Creok, Cnickon Greek, Round Valley, FiLLmoro.Corn Creek, Beaver, Miners-villo, Miners-villo, and AU the principal town and mining camps in southern Utah and south-east Nevada. Also leave Corlnnt, Utah, dally, ranalng north to Virginia City, Helena, Fort Bonton, jjeor Lodgo, Cedar Creek mines, and passing through all the principal towns and mining min-ing oampa in Montana. Mon-tana. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Wells, Fargo & Co. Building juni Salt Lake City Len Wines. B. P. Kimball.- SALT LAKE, OFII1R And Tintic Stage and Express ZLiIZTSTE, RUNN1HO D ALLS' FROM SALT LAKE CITY, via LAKE TOWfl, TOOELE CITY, STOCKTON AND OPHIR TO TINTIO. The ronte has been re-Btookod with splen- ! did Concord Coaches, fine Stock, cat etui and attentive Drivers, and every attontion is paid to the comfort an 1 eonvenienoe of passea-tera. passea-tera. Good accommodations on the road, THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. OtBsB at Wells, Fargo Co.'s, Salt Lake City, WINE3 & KIMBALL, apl4 Proprietors. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. On and after August Otb, 1187. MIXED TRAINS TILL liXJISr DAILY. Leaving the Utah Central R.R, Depot, Salt Lake City, at 7 a.m. and 3.00 p.m. Sandy, (nearest point to Little Cottonwood Canon,) at 8.10 a.m, and 4.10 p.m., arrive at Point at 8.50 a.m. and ioO p.m. Leaving Point at 9.10 a.m. and 5.10 p.m.; Sandy at 10.10 a.m: and 6.10 p.m; arrive at Salt Lake City at 11.00 a.m. and 7 p.m. Salt Lake to Cottonwood Station. 50otl Sandy " ;1.00 ' " Draper " 1.25 ' Point " " 1.75 W Passengers will ploaso purohaao tickets at iho otlico. M. II. DAVIS, Gen. Freight and Tioket Agent. FKRAMORZ LITTLE BUPlRINTJUiDBNT. UTAH CENTRAL IlAlLItOAD. PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On and after Honday, July IT, 1 871 laily Trains : Leave Halt Lake City at 5 s m. and 2:45 p.m Arrive at Ogden Ti.ni, and p. m. Leave Osdon at B a. m. and 5; .'SO p. m. Arrive at tialt Lake City 10 a,m. and 7:30 p.m In addition to the abo Will mn DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Laavini 6alt Lake City at 5 JO p.m, and Ocden at 5 a.m. aasffrB illi piaa Purchase tnlr Tlshsta at th OOmi, Fifty Cents additional will beeharsed when tho fare Is oellecud on Ut Lrain. lot all Information concern Ids freJsht or : pasiace, apply u n. H, DAVIS, General Fraisht and Iioket Axt JOHN SHAEP, 1 BXTPmaiNTlHDtKT MISCELLANEOUS, SECOND TO NONE! Daniel Guemg JJAS now 03 comiIoto a Stock ofT FAMILY Groceries as any llouso in Town. LICHT BREAD, CAKES, PIES and CRACKERS, Fresh Every Dny. Ho sells as Choap iu any rcofonablo ior-soa ior-soa irould ask. Tho Uoodi iro FIRST CLASS And aro sorvod up by obliging salesmen. fB&R ir Giro him a call at his well-known eland, EAST SIDE EAST TEMPLE STREET, Abovo Socond South Street. 1 augH M -J ' Si- o -S O J ci g u a S CJ . y o K i - h O -a B S J I 73 J S! - 8 o I z Q 5 s mm S g S Q LOGAN DAILY STAGE LINE CONNECIIXO flTm UTAH K0R1UEEN K. K. AT Hampton's Station. ROUTE TO SODA SPRINGS. Daily Staco leaves Hampton's Station for Loan on arrival of tho 10a.ni. train; Connecting on Mondav, Wednesdny nrd Friday with Stases to i'ranklin, AVcllsvillg ana all intermediate towns in Cacho; and Connocting with stage lor SODA S P R I N O S Which loaves Franklin every Tuesday, H. G. MILLER & CO., aulG proprietors. JAMES M. SMITH, REAL ESTATE AGENT, REID'S BUILDING. Slain Street, Salt Lake City. City Lots, Houses, Stores, etc., sold and leased. A choice lot of city property always al-ways on hand. Parties who buy through mo can rely on getting good bargains. mjl5 . Citv Gas Works. The undersigned is now opening cp he largegt and moH complete stock and assortment of Gas fixings over brought to the western country. Store 42 Main street, third door nortb of Deaeret Bank, Gilt. Bronze, anrl all ihn Intt otvlna of Chandeliers, Brackets and drop lights of every pattern to auit tho purchaser. Have now on hand and will continue to , keep the largest stock of Gas and Stoam pipes to be found in Utah or on the Pacific Pa-cific Coast, and am now prepared to contract for the piping of housos, offices, buildings and dwellings gonorally at rates that will defy competition. Over 60,000 feet of gas piping now on hand and am receiving it daily. My Gas Fittings and Fixtures will bo supplied to the inhabitants of Salt Lake ' City at the lowest possible rates. I also keep on bind a full and complete com-plete assortment of tho latest improved pumps for mining and domestic uso. The Celebratod Knowles Steam Pump with boiler connections comploto always on hand. All work connected with Pumps and Plumbing of every description, and with Gas, "Water and Steam Fittings will bo done with dispatch. B. LYONS, 42 Main Street, Throo Doors North ot Doeerot Bank, Oflico of Salt Lako City Gas Company. jn5 ICE CREAM. ICECHEAM ICE CREAM. SODA WATER. SODA WATER. SODA WATEH. ' The :UesT 1n Town at H. WALLACE'S. as MISCELLANEOUS. Z. G. ML Clothing Department Having secured the exclusive sale for Utah Territory, of tho CELEBRATED BURLOCK DIAMOND SHIRTS, Now offer to the trado WHOLESALE & RETAIL, A full stock, all sizes and qualities, for ME & BOYS, Of the latest styles and best make. The Superiority and Unrivalled Excellence orthese SUIRTS are Established by the following reasons: 5y The materials aro the beat standard Irish linens, and first olass, highest cost muslins only New York Mills, Wamsutta, Williamsville, Bates, Tho count of linen and quality qual-ity of muslin in each respective shirt are always uniform, and the standard is never deteriorated or varied. The workmanship is the finest and best, and such as a olass of labor better than usually employed, and the most careful inspection, can only produce. pro-duce. fitr The Laundry work is unequalled un-equalled in beauty ; bodies soft finish, not deooptivc, heavy and stiff with starch. fc" In the important particular of perfection of patterns and fit, unequalled un-equalled excellence is claimed for these shirts. Cut on scientific principles attained at-tained by experience, their correot proportions pro-portions are warranted to be evident on examination, and guaranteed to give satisfaction on trial. Burlock Man'g Co., Bridgeport Conn. 25. C 1SL. I., Sole Agents lor Utah. H. B, CLAWSON. Sup't. ii31-3m GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. JAUK3 QALLACIIER. J0US GALLACHEB, WILLIAM CULLACHKK. TRIUNE BAKERY MAIN STKEET, One door bolow tho Walker House. Ice Cream, Refreshments, GALLACHER & SONS. Pure Bread! Pore Canty! T 'HE ESTATE CHARD GOLIGUTLY beg to inform; 1 o P 11 olio, that they still carry on the business of Bakers and Confectioners, At tho old stand of Tlao 'GLOTJI3," EAST TEMPLE STREET, Adjoining tho Co-operative Grocery Department, Depart-ment, wbero cen bo found everything In their lino of business, and 1 hoy hope, by strict attention to tho wants of thoir cuatomori, to oontinuo thoir patronage and support. Pure Ilome-inntle Candles a Special!)-. ORDERS FILLED WITH DISPATCH, a 16 DUTY OFF TEAS JUST RECEIVED, A LAHGK STOCK OF BEST BRAND OF GUNPOWDER AND Japan Teas AT REDUCED DUTY. Our TEAS for quality aro'provorbi-al. aro'provorbi-al. We make it our special study, bo that the public can always depend on quality and priocs. C.W.DAVIS. BICKER'S Little Washer, THE BE T AMD CHEAPEST IS THE MARKET, Only $1.00. J. G. COLTRIN, Agent, f'cciuioni, nth TVard Co-oporative Store Tbn higUeit Prion in r-ir rnid f-r Hidos and lulls. j. t;. sjuii-KiS dt CO., W At P.Pagsloy-a Xannory, leUj Word. Watches. Clocks JEWELRY to bo found in tho West, by CARL C. ASMUSSEN, East Temple Street, Half-a-block north of tho Eagle Emporium. OB-Alnrgo Sign: 2 solid Mahogany Door.', and a lino Silver Show Caso, plato glass, for sale. augl7 IMPERIAL. Having concluded arrangements with the largest Refinery iu tho east to manufacture man-ufacture for us a special quality of CARBON OIL for our trade We hereby give notico that wo now havo forsalo the D1PERIAL CARBON OIL, Whioh is far superior in quality and safety to any over offered in this market. It ia water whito and stands 160s fire todt Wo recommend it to those that want a Good Quality of Illuminating Oil. CAL L AND EX AM I IV E . E. REESE & CO,, 87 FIRST SOUTH ST. BALTIMORE TRADE. WM. LANAHAN & SON, DISTILLKha AND JOD11ERS OF RYE WHISKEYS, Wsvrelious Mo. 30 Llglit Street, ' DaLXinORU. f,113CLL ANLOUS. IXITEI) STATES OP AMEBICA, lllSTttH'T OF SEVADA, 111 I lie OlHcc of til- Cleric of the V. S. Hlstilct Court, .. - . To will' . - ' mombo r c d, '-" ' ' That "n tbo - Seventeenth -. 'fc'i 'iVZ: '' A y(liiy ofA0i'to j ' '.- '-", - - - j 1 Domini, One ''.v--' thousand T- r- ' '"'Vo -3 ol -Tbt hun-V, hun-V, --r'. tArodandix- -i .' -fii".'L'h:U , -fr.y Of thO Kllid V .'-V JS- Hiflt rk-t,h;th ry tl.'poiih'd in this olhVr. a lnbel cntitlnl "II AMMKK'R rOLI.AK UAI.L UlNT.M t;X'L" thoriirlit w hereof he chiitn- iis I'rwrieUir, in ennfonuity with an Aet cf I'un-pre-- entith'd "An Ai t to amend tho severul ;;R00EBS. !i-a, C'lork uf said l'i-trit-t, T. S. DUriet Conrt, bytiKo. It. Ammosh, .District uf-A'ovudu, Doputy. OINTMENT For Collar Galls. Vm-iunlled for tlie fiicfeful cure of f11:ir li.ilK K.ire lliieli.i. lim-e lil. iiii-lie.-. t'rii lu-dll.-.'Ir.tin-ris.Mnnlnll tr.mM.-.iiic P in- . j;-T1ih OinttiM'Lit a-j,- nul .-.-ali over. Imt (h ies . nmi liriil.-. .1 s.iro fniin t l-oitom. ITwu.l ll.-h oaniu.t f.nn Iuto it i- iho.1. l;i- iVfjitr.i only by KING 3c CO., Proprietors, Carson. City, Nevada, fnmlliun.vli-efii cdelinili-l Vitctliuirlnn Eedington(;& Co., Wholesale Agents, I S.v Onl "jf'llint J. D. LAMB & CO., GENERAL. ACENTS. SALT I.AKB CUT. Dp. J. P. P. YAHDEHBERGH, FROM PRUSSIA. First Soutli St., opiiosltc Theatre. 823 Oxyruis V.'orras Expelled l'rom O. A. A1IT. FOR ft Iodk time I bavo been afflicted with different pains and m:se;iei, and could not find tho cause of my ailments, uatil I consulted Dr. J. P .P. Van Po-orgb, and atior an oTiu.;iuiu'a lio tolo. meat once mat n;j stomach was a bearding place for worms to live und regenerate in a', tho expense of my hculth acd Hi'-. I asked the .Doctor if he muld enre mo. Ho said he would expell tbo worms in live or six hours, and alter taking four little powdrs, they all. tii3 in number cumo away, and in fact I fool like nnotho: ptrson ouco moro. I hereby ex-ircs ex-ircs uiy einoero gralitudo towards Dr. J. f. P. an ilcnbor(fh. l-'irtt East atroet, bo-iwocn bo-iwocn 1'uit and Second South streets, O. A. AMY. Salt Lake City, Utah, June 11th. 1672. Card from Juilire Prler, of Polk County. DB J- P. P. VAN DEMJKllG: Deab 61a: I tako pleasure in thankini ! you pui'licly for tho restoration of my health after nineteen years of great suffering mentally men-tally t. id bodily. I doctored a great doal; was afflicted with almost every imaginable pai- and despaired of seeing a well day again. Whon I came to see yon at Salem, you said you would remove the oause of ninotocn years' suffering in five hours. I could hardly believo it, bat after taking the five tasteless powdora you gave me, about uat worm it piuuinH from ma. and now, fourteen four-teen days aiterwards, I feel like another man, and am able to follow my business without pain or inconvenience. X remain, Xoura roepootfully, A. H. FRIEA, Bethel, Polk county, October 10, 1871. fara from loctor II. Suiltli, DR. J- P- P- VAN DKNBKKGH: D ear Sia I deem it my duty to make the folio wing statement: for the last three years Inave boon suffering with constant gnawing; pain and a quivering sensation in my stomach, also pain in my ohost and heart; my food would not dig est, and I was so nervous nerv-ous that with difhouliy I could follow my occupation, which has been here in Balein for the past ten yoars as a practical dentist In fact, from the constant pain and misery I had wasted away to a mere skeleton. X had boon doctoring a great deal without any benefit, and believing there was no help for mo but to Linger on until doath would relieve re-lieve all my sulforing. Some of my friends thought X had worms and had better see Dr. Van Donbergh. lie told me at once that worms were the cause of all my troubles, so he gave me five small and tasteless powders, ana in four hours about 700 worms from one inch to ono and one half inohea long, came away from me that day, and the following nisbt some more came, and now I am happy to ear X feel like anothor man again, and am gaining aLrapgth from day to day. H. SMITIJ, M.D. Salem, Oregon. Sop tern ber 23d. 171. Another Great Slaughter I Wo think it oar duty to make the follow ing statcuiont, in hopes it may do some cood to sick ohildron : Our child had been liok for some time. Thinking all the time our litlte une wad troubled with worms, wo tried many doctors and a great many remodies, without any relief. So mo neighbors told as we should go and try Dr. Van Donberg. the Worm Doctor, in Salem. We did so, and he gave us one bottle of his celebratod Worm Syrup, and after giving the medicine, to our great astonishment about SuO worms passed awa. from our doar child, and now. thank hoavoo, she La well again. I. D- GRIZZLE. Balooit Oregon, October 3d, iSTl. 1.500 Worms K roe lied. A ft or seven yoars of suffering, pain and debility and doctoring for many complaints, now proved that I did not have, and taking different kinds of medioino from many eminent emi-nent phyHioians. I gavo up in despair, thinking think-ing it was bo uso to dronch my poor stomach stom-ach any longer, and that 1 must waste away until thore was nothing left of poor mo. But hearing of tho astonishing euros that D r. J. P. Van Dcnbergh has per termed in so short ' a time, etlooting cures in a few hours, and my friends advising mo to make one more effort, 1 consulted Dr. Van Denbergh.and he told me that my miseries ware caused by worms, and ho would expol thorn in about five hours. After taking hve small powders, about fiftoen hundred worms pafsod away from me, and 1 am happy to say that I am hotter than I havo been lor a groat while. P, K Subscribed and sworn to before me, tb.il 18"1 """ 3-'bj; 'fJiuBPHY. J. P. Oratitudo compots mo to mako the following follow-ing statement, thinking it may do Bomo good to my follow suil'orers. 1 havo boon atllictod for a long numbor of years with tho following follow-ing complaints : I. could not oat anything unless It would produco groat pain in my stomach and bowels, bow-els, always palpitation of tho hoart, severe a it oiling and rboutuatlc pains in all my joints; also neuralgia in my hoad, no sloop, always rostlosa at uitfht; in fact, I was ro-duced ro-duced to a more helpless skoloton. not able to walk alono, and gave up in despair. I must also state. 1 bad been doctoring nith tho most eminent physicians of this Stato, also with tho boat doctors of Sun Francisco, and God only knows, without any roltot, tilt I hoard the groat euros Dr. J. P. P. Van Donborgh had ii or formed in and around Saloui. I applied to him for help, and may God bless him for the restoration of my hoalth. 1 havo only taken his modioino two months, and havo gained, during that tinio, twenty-live pounds in weight, and am able to do all my housowork and moro. JANK POTTER. Linn county, about hirty miloa east of the foot of tho Cascador, Salem, Oregon, Dooembor 26, 1S7L all) ANTI-DYSPEPTIC, COMPOUND BONE-SET PILLS Home-made and purely vegetable. They relievo Jaundk'o. Dyflpepjis, Indigestion, Indiges-tion, Liver LViuiilaiDt, Uoada'he. Li'js ol Appotito and I'd ul ti to in iit' li . will oro-vk up Ci'Uls, Fevers, Co;it,-li. and I'uril'y llic UluoJ. They will CloniiKe the Stom:icb, Renovate the Liyfltem, and diapol Diieiise Aro good in all cues wboro I'liyic is needed. Try n hux. You will like thcui, and never want an v olhor sort. They are Xonic, Cathaxlio and Kx recto rec-to ran L Twenty-tlvoconW ror Knx Twenty-fire Pills. Warractod to give satulaction. i J. K. JOHNSON, Bt. UeorR, Ut And MJ atZion'H Co-operative yt-ri( ui by otbor ago nut through.'ut tbo Terrilmy. alno sold at wbolrfile it forni'hod on ooui-miBBion ooui-miBBion to responsible atoiUi. li those med-Icinrui med-Icinrui rtre nut katt at vour stores, ask roar Buohaat to ordsi Uieja st oagtJ MISCELLANEOUS. k DUDLIT X. STEELS. BAH'L E. JOHK801 STEELE fit JOUXSON, Wholesale dealon In Staple an! Fancy GROCERIES, L1QU3HS. FLOUR AND BACON, Council Bluffs, la. Sole Agents for the Oriental and Dupont my2S Powder Companies. THIS WELL KX0WN BKAXD OF JAPAN TEAS FOR SALE AT - Grocery Department. oil II. D. CLAWSON, 3uM. W.T.KKYNOLDS Jt CO., E. B. ZABRISKIE, titui Frimobcu. bolt Lake City. WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABRISKIE & CO. HAVE FOR SALE A FINE LINE OF WINES AND LIQUORS, To which they call tho attention of DEALERS. Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. BOLE AGENTS FOR "HOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WHISKIES. THE FINEST IB -A. JEZ, IN THE CITY CONNECTED WITH TI1E HOUSE. 64 MAIN STREET' Two doors south, of We Lis, Fargo A Co' Bank. m5 Furnaccmen, Attention. A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. . .ASS AGISTS FOB IHI GOLD KM CITT FIR. EI BRICK, Which ars equal if not Buperior to th best Bullish. Special rates given by the ear load- ootU MUSIC I MUSIC! MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Of all kinds, including tho BATJEK IMPROVED ORGANS, Cheaper than ever. J. DAYNE3 & SON, Fxiist South Street, Two doors oast of Post Office, augH THE "ANALYSIS" OF THE VAN DYKE COAL AS GIVEN BY THE HOUSE-keeper?, HOUSE-keeper?, Blacksmiths and Smelters of Ut&h, (not of Massachusetts) is that it is tho best for family Uso, and the only Blacksmith Coal in the country, that is a success. Ask our leading Forgenien. A choice supply always on hand. W. W. Fl'XiiB, nug 13 Agent. Sersliej's Torsi fapSprii. This is the best Wagon Spring in use, and was awarded the FIK.NT PREMU M AND MEDAL, over the Elliptio and all other competitors, at tho American Institute in the city of Now York, in November, 1S70. 1 1 is now being applied ap-plied by tho WaII UKPAttTMKNT toUov-ernmont toUov-ernmont Wagons going ou tno Plains. It la Lighter, It occupies less Space, It raises the Wngou less than any othor Spring;, and ;it utilizes the most perfect means of elasticity in steel, namely tho torsion principle, carryiag capacity capa-city from 400, loJiUW lbs. With all tbese advantages tho Spring is sold at a much low er price lor tho same carrying capacity than any other Spring in use. oi full particulars apply at D. Hutchinson's Hutchin-son's wagon shop, 2aH South street, next door west of WiUard Jt Orr's livery stable. Sim pica can aljobo seen at Scott, Dan- ' h&m Jt Oo'fl, and at Kahn tiro's stores. KKNC1I liE.NDElUsON, jy 26. ; Sole Agents for Utah. LUMBER YAED. All Kinds of Lumber DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, iMOULDLNGS, 8HINGLES, LATHS, T. K. JONES Kalf-hlonlt i.iuth oTJ. O. Denot. Pure Manilla Rope. 7L HAVE been aprointed by Tubbs ii Co. V agents lor the fftle ol their rope. To miners it is particularly recommended, being all pure Mnnllln and not mixed mLfl Sieal or other inferior material. Special price given to the Traitc, STURTEVANT BLOWERS. Sovernt pUos on hand. Suoa not In Slock ordered or-dered at lowest rates by tho agents. ttt OTT, Dl .Ml.in dk. t O Golden City Fire Brick. A Stock or Arch aud Suuro Brick now on hand. SCOTT, DtMIAM & COt al W GROCERY DEP'T, z. o. nvi. i. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Groceries, Hardware, Plows, Stoves, Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. We do not throw out an? Baits by Advertizing' a few Leading Articles at Low Prices. ALL OUK G-OOIDS ARE OHEAJ PEALERd IN THE SETTLEMENTS AND MINING TOWN! WILL FIND IT TO THEIIl INTEREST TO CALL AND KNQUIUK l'KICKd BEFORE l'llllClIASlNG. . mll II. H. CI.AW OS, Hup.rlnl...l.. T'E respectfully invito the Publio to call tad see our oioollont variety o. Sewing Machines, IN Plain,Beautiful aud Elaborate Styles of Workmanship ASD GREATLY IMPROVED WHO TUB , ,. FANTON CASTORS- The Total Sates of tlie S1XGER MAC SINE are nolo THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION. THE SALES OF JL.AST YEAR, a. s s., s o o " An oridoQce that its fast vlaDiaK Hm.nuuo favor ia tlia hoasohold, ' The SlNOEa Company sold ovor the other CompaQiea, 52,7o-l. 1- The Chicago Relief Committee famished sufferers by the Fire to March 18, 1872, 3,9; 3.151 Singer Machines, all other makes, 7S3. Applicants made their selection, with same discount on all. OUB SALES IN UTAH EXCEED AN OTHER HOUSE LS ISB SEWING MACHINE LINE THIS SIDE OF CHICAGO. Wo courteously invito tho Ladies to see our Hmbroidery tttvoTxont, It attracts general attention and admiration, I Wo also desiro you to seo our TUCKERS, CORDERS, RUFFLERS, BINDERS, QUILTERS, HEMMERS, TRIMIVIERS, PLEATERS, SELF-BASTERS, SEAM-RIPPERS. NEEDLE-SETTERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, SUITABLE FOR ALL KINDS OF SHUTTLE SEWLXQ MACI1LNES. TTE GUARANTEE EVERY MACHINE WE SELL TO OTVE ENTIRE SATISFY TT tion, as each ono is thorouhli-ii.lju.-ted, tried and tested by erporicseod .Mtxaaaa. and all are warranted to sow with oiue all kimLf of gt-ods. from iho coarsot to the finest. .Lace, Musliu, Cambric, Douiestic, Deiiiius, Tickiugs, Ducking, Beaver, Buckskin and Leather. tag Instruction given frco of charge by competent attendants, and tn of sale to suit all circumstances. OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON REA' SONABLE TERMS. Wo extend a cordial invitation to all to COME AND SEE OUR MACHINES Whether they wish to purchase or not, IT THE SINGER SEWING ULCMXB DEPARTMENT Z C. IYI- I. General Agents. Two doors nouth of Eigle Emporium, Salt IiAKB CitT-EVER CitT-EVER BROUGHT TO UTAH. HAVING Jt'ST RETURNED FROM THE EASTERN STlTj; where I sclectod with great care aed a knowlodco of the rco-iiirenKO-this region, an immense Stock of Furniture, I am now r-rooared w olliirao' induoementfl to purchasers in the following articles : BEDROOM SETS IN GREAT VARIETY, PA F LOR SETS. PATENT BED-LOUNGES, TURKISH SL'RING-BAlb. CHAIRS, SIDEBOARDS, BUREAUS. II AIR, FULU and SPRING MATTRESSES, PATENT BED-SPK1NGS. Tho bMt Stock ,nr iatrodnool to tats markBL lun alio priraroa t SHADES, VALANCES, DRAPEEHS and to LAI CAIU'ETS AT TKN CKNT8 PER If ARD. I have a complete lino of QIMI'H iAHSi'LS.Ht'l'S. TERKV-CLOTJIS A BR0Gitl'll Wttioh I will Bell in quaDtitiej to salt rurohascr. j- Call aud examine my Slock before puri'liasinS elsowhcre. J. M. JOELSO.V. Otxsbock'i BuUdinft Main SlW)2' |