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Show Old GoVERywiST Jars, Coffee, at Kira-bmll Kira-bmll 4 Lawrence'!. a31 Barrtt'b stock U next door to the Post Office. jylti fi rk it variety of Fancy Brackets nd Clock Shelve, at EL Dinwodey'a. iiM To oottit Your House, go to Barratt's. Bar-ratt's. ' jl6 For Sale. A carload of Fine Horses at Hen ham & Mu Hoy's stables, lid Mouth street. se7 We will isue our Fall style of Silk Hats, Wednesday, September 4, lb72. t.i Dustokd & Sons. Davis1 Teas and Groceries cannot be equalled for quality and price. ee7 Ih the Kitcolh. Suspend cloths or spongus motftened with Bromo Chlora-lvn Chlora-lvn diluted one part to six or sight of water; it will absorb all odors from cooking. Fur sale at Z. C. M. I. Urug Store. so8 Wabhikq Machine for $6.00. Just try one of Colby's little Washers and Wringers, at Charles W.Stayner's, next to Savage's Gallery; light-running, durable dur-able and cheap. Reference, Mr. W. C. Dunbar, Herald Office. se7 Uamks and Harness trimmings, at Kimball & Lawrence's. &31 Watson's Book C la Mrs, The nicest thing in the world to carry books to school. For sale at Campbell fc Patterson's. Patter-son's. se7 Fink Chamber and Parlor Setts at Barratt's. jy 16 Scndat School Rewards. A largo varioty recoivod at Bwyer'i. si The Best and Largogt Assortment of FAMILY GltOOEKIES in the city at O. W. Datis. se7 For California. .To-morrow a delegation of prominont gentlemen, representing re-presenting tho Descret agricultural and manufacturing sooioty, will leave for the west, to attend the California Stato fair which opens at Sacramento I on tho 17 th bat. Charcoal, Charcoal, at the Utah uol Sheds, noar U. 0. Depot, whole-tale whole-tale and rotail. 18 For complete mining outfit, go to Kimball & Lawrence's. . a31 Basement to Kent under s8 Tailor A Cutler's. Knives, Forks and Spoons at Bar-rail's, Bar-rail's, jylti Via New Orleahb, China and Croukory at Barratt's. jyl6 For tour Family Groceries go to Kimball A Lawrence's. a31 For Mirrors, Larga and Small, go to Barratt's. jl6 Window glass or all sites at Kimball Kim-ball & Lawrence's. 31 Fourteenth Ward Seminary. Through tho enargy of bishop Taylor, tho Assembly rooms of this ward havo been very excellently and comfortably fitted up for school purposes. 0. H. Riggs will open a seminary in those rooms on Monday, September 16, and will spare no pains to mako the institution insti-tution a success. He hopes to be remembered re-membered by his old friends and patrons. Sec advertismeoU School Boons. All kinds of School Hooks for tho fall term, Kubbor corner SUtos and Copy Books fur sals at Dwy- " ' l Fob, Chiaf Furniture, go to Bar-fu Bar-fu Jlii Uutfalo Meat, in canvas, at Klm-bnll Klm-bnll & Lawrence's. a:U For Fine Furnituro, ao to Barratt's. Great Trade Sals. Mcssn. S. L. Jones & Co., the well-known San Francisco auction firm, will on Wednesday Wednes-day next, 11th inst., have a great fall trado sale of tea, of first quality, new crop, from China and Japan, importation importa-tion of Messrs. C. AdoIpheLow A Co. ox "Clara Bell" and lato steamer arrivals. ar-rivals. Tea dealersin this region should noto the cfficial announcement of tho sale whioh appears in our advertising columns thia morain I The uest Family Alackorel at Kimball Kim-ball & Lawronco:s. al M. B. Callahan has received two car loads of Eureka coal oil, which he ollbrs to dealers at tho lowest market rates. THIS OIL has gained a reputation reputa-tion in this city us the safest in use. a8 FotJSTLKMTH WARD SkMINABY will commence, .Monday, September 16th, in tho iSchoul llooms; 0. H. Riggs, Principal. Tuition, per torm of ten weeks: Primary Pri-mary department, por term $4.00; In-tnrmediato In-tnrmediato department, por torm, $(.(Klj grammar department, per term, $'.' 00; academic department, per term, $ I '2.00. Instrumental music, pur quarter, extra, $20 00. These rates aro payable invariably in advance. eo7 OrriCR Chairs aud Desks at Bar-rail's. Bar-rail's. jylG Wanted, in a respectable family, a woman, who is a good, Com prtknt Cook. Apply to S. J. Loos, at Walker Bro's. so For Matrasses and Curtains go to Barratt's, j 16 Prof. "W. H. Raqsr will re-open his ycliool in tho 13th Ward Assembly rooms, September 9th, 1872. Those interested in-terested in the advancement of students will do well to see him. s3 XnsuoPAL Prater Books. Just received a splendid assortment of handsomely hand-somely bound Episcopal Prayer Books from $1.5 to $18.00, at Dwyer's. si Best Bed Out. The wonderfull WOVEN WIKK MxVTTltESS for sale at Henry Dinwoodey's, 31 East Temple and 76 First South streets. al4 Cutting & Co'b California Canned Fruits, Jollies, Jams, etc., aro far superior supe-rior to all other brands. For salo Dy all first-classgroeors. myl4 D. R. Ai.i.kn'h fsmous XXX And XX FAMILY KLOU K for sale at Z.C.M.I. Prod ii e Department, first door north ot Bank of lM-orct. my&i Call and see ti. Dinwoodey's now sljlc of Bod room Furniture before you purchase elsewhere. 31 East Temple and 76 First South streets. auU Utah Fdel Co. have constantly on hand Hinton c-al, Stove and crd wood. Order bozes at Dwyer's Book Store, Post Office, and Wells, Fargo & Co. Orders promptly attended to. Office Ho. 103 Kimball Block. j2 The Queen fruitjar, all glass, at Kimball Kim-ball & Lawrence's. a31 Premium Fruits and Jellies manufactured man-ufactured by STEAM. POWER at the establishment of P. D. Code & Co., 622 and 623 Front street, San Francisco. alO Salook For Sale. Tno finest and moat elegantly ; fitted up Salown in the city, in a good location. Terms liberal. For particulars, apply immediately at Wright's Saloon, Main street. tO Great Summer Tonic. Uneeman's Cordial Klixir of Calisnva Bark. A pleasant Cordial which sirougtUons and improves tho Digestion, an excellent preventative of Fevers, Fever and Ague, &c,, and a ureat llenovator and Tonic for invalids and debilitated persona. Heoeman & Co., New York, sole manufacturers. man-ufacturers. Sold by all Druggists. my29 Fok Sui-ek Extra Japan Tub, go to Kimball & Lawrence's. a31 BoMrusoN's Best Weber Coal, sold by J, II. Stalling?, at the U. O. Depot. Leave your orders on tho elate vi G, H. iinowlden's, Main 6treot, or P. O. box 762. Delivered in all parts of the city. ' 6o SKRVOIS DEBILITY, Witu its gloomy attendants, low spirits, depression, involuntary omissions, omis-sions, loss of semen, spermatorrhcea, loss of power, dizzy head, loss of memory, mem-ory, and threatened impotence and imbecility, im-becility, find a sovereign cure in Hum-niRKT's Hum-niRKT's Homeopathic Spkcitic Mo. Tvf estt-Eiqht. Composed of the most valuable mild and potent Cura- ' lives, they strike at once at the root of the manor tone up the system, arraat the discharges, ai-d impart vigor and energy, life and vitality to the entiro man. They havo cured thousands of cases. Price, $-5 per package of five boxes and a lariie 2vial, which ia very important in obstinate or old cases, or Si por single box. Sold by all Drug-rUls, Drug-rUls, and s.'nt by mail on receipt of price. Address, Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co., 52 Broad-nay, Broad-nay, .Ni'W York. For Sale at Z. C. U. 1. and God bo". Drue Store. h'J SALT LAKE THEATRE Monday Eve., Sept. 9th, '72. ENGAGEMENT of tUe popnlor yomi g actor Sir, Geo. D. Chaplin. Miss Jean Clara WALTERS as Martlia and Betsey Trotwood. Will bo prostrated for the first time in this cily, a d ram Mini tion of Charles Dickons' Dick-ons' groat novel of "Invld Cop-pcrfleld" Cop-pcrfleld" entitled LITTLE EM'LY. New Scenery! New Appointments! New Music, Etc. In preparation, tho Iimt now Eonsalion drama, ootitlod STRATH MO RE, OH WROUGHT BY HIS OWN HAND. First National Bank SALT LA Ii JK CITV. D5tfItr.NA.TfiD DEPOSITORY A-Sl D FINANCIAL AGE! NT OF ; ' THB UNITED STATES. Wakbix Hiiibxt, . G. L. Dihlir, President. Viot Proat. AXTHOXT QODBM, ClUlhiar. Authorised Capital, - - 300,000 Paid up capital, - 9150,000. HAHHING8, - il30, 000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cent. Oldat Banking Institution in Utah A. General Banking Busintw Transacted. AQRNCIBS IN COLORADO AND MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. INTKRKST ALLOWED ON TIMK DRPOSITS. flfi WAGENER'S BOTTLED BEER, ALE AND POUTER, At tho Cheapest Ratos and on the shorten notioa. Leaf your orders at tho Doiiot or tho Culifornift Prowerj. No. 54 Commeronil Itrept. "i PITTSBURGH TRADE. . ESTABLISHED 1830.J Wm. McCully &. Co., Manufacturers of. tho Staodnrd Brand, of WINDOW CLASS DRUGGISTS' GLASSWARE. M&ko specialty f larpo mw of Window Qats, and nil odd siiu cut to ordor. Oflice 18 nndaOWood street, Pittsburgh, Pen 11. V. S. Havin tho mojt extensive factories !n thkS country, nd m akin it a larger lino of pxhla, dealers will find it tn Ihcir in tor os t lo cot our quotations b of ore purchasing. jii Pittsburgh Union Glass Works, STEWART, ESTEP & Co., ManofftCturon of WINDOW CLASS, All sixes cut to order-Mo. order-Mo. 8 Smltnileld street, PITTSBURGH, PA. H. H. M TZRS. D- K: A1KOR. ECONOMY WORKS. MYERS & ARMOR, MannfuTturer of Shovels, bpartea, Wrln Seoops, Sole rannuficUrer of . W. Moore's three Rivet Mininc Shoteli. Mo. 108, Wtr Street, Plttsbnrfr, PsKHBYLTiMii, FftOtorr. st Bearer Falls. Pa. yll IRON WORKS. Jones & Laughlins, Manufacturers of Iron &Dd Nails, T. Kails, Fish Bare aod Bolts, Patent Cold Rolled Shafting, Patent Cold Rolled Piston Hods, Couplings, Pulleys, Han com and Collars. Warehouses and OEce Second Arenas, Try ftroot and Ihird Arsnu. Branch Eoos Sos. 100 to ; 198 oath Canai street. ChlcaKOi Ills UTAH SyORTHERPd Trains are now Running-1, Daily, BRIGH AM JUNCTION with. C. P. R. R. HAMPTON'S 7or MONTANA. Dis1 OOIXO SOUTH i a. m. ' v. m. Faro. 1W QQIXO XOKTft a.m. ' r. M. 1 Fare. Leavo Hampton's at 1J:1" i Leave llrinhaui at S:li i 7:13 ,. I 7! " DewvriUe"! 4:35 1:3) ) 1', " Bos Elder - $: 7: j 35 11 " HoaeyriUe " j 4:50 l:". . H!, " Calls Fort 9:00 , . 60 13 " Calls Fort "! .":W 1:15,; VO 14 j lloneyvilla" 9:10 S;10 T5 20 " Box Elder " j 5:30 2:15 ; 1 25 IS; " Dcweyville" t:25 1,00 25,Arriveat Brisham j 5:45 2:30 l''0 2)'Arrivo at Hampton 10:00 1:00 y SPECIAL RATES TO EXCURSION PARTIES. Passeneers will please purcha,e their tickets at the Company"? Offices, or 50 centa additional will be charged when th Fare is c-l ced on the tram. Arrangements have been made with the Central PaciHo and Utah Central Railroad Companies whereby pa -tigers can purchase Tickets at the U. C. Offioo in Gait 1-ake City or C. P. Office at Ojrdon tor Box Eider or rWpion's on the U. N. R. R., and from Hampton's or Bos. Elder to Ogden or Salt Lake Ciy at greatly reduced rates. Through Connection as follows : OOIXO SOUTH A.M. P.M. OOIXO NORTH. A.M. 1'. M. Loavo Hampton's at 4:00 12:45 Leave Salt Lake City, UCKK., at 5:00 2:45 Arriro at Brigham, U. N. R. R. 5:45 2:30 Arrive at Ondon. " 7:iW 4:4". Leave Brighnm. C P.R.R. at ti;o 2:30 Leave OKdon, C. V. R. R., at 7:15 0:00 Arrive at Ogden, C. P. R. R. 7:00 3:50 Arrivo at Brifihain, " " S:15 7:X) Leave O&den, U. C. R. R, 8:00 5:30 Leave Brigham, U. X. It- It., at S:l5 7:15 Arrivo at Salt Lake City 10:00 7:30 Arrive at Hampton's" " 10:00 s:HO THE TIME TABLES ARE CALCULATED OX SALT LAKE TIME. FARES, Hampton's to Osdcn, 82 50 1 Salt Lako City lo Box Elder, S3 25 to Salt Lako City, 4 5U I " " " Hampton's 4 -1" Box Eldor to " " 3 25 1 Ogdon to Hasipten's 2 V " 10 Osden, 1 25 I ' " ttoi .fclldor - 1 2o H. Ot, Miller & Co's Express leaves Hampton's every morning for Logan on arrival ot the 10 a.m. train, and tri-wcekly, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, for principal settlements in 'ache county, aud weekly 00 Monday morning for Soda Springs, returning daily from Logan at 10 a m., to connect with the 12:45 p.m. train, and leaving Soda Springs every Friday morning. jl8 JOHN W. YOUNG, Gen'l Supt. Julius Bauer cfi? Oo, MANUFACTURERS OF TUE DIPROVED BAUER AND JSL BLODEO NiS. par-a r l' ' - rf HKi" I r! iSTiLi fir J " f 1 Every Instrument FULLY WARRANTED for FIVE YEARS. Upward of 26,000 now in use. CATALOGUES sent p R E to at,y address (upon application. ALSO IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN PIANOS H ALL KINDS of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. JULIUS BAUEli & CO., 650 Broadwav, 390, 392, 394 & 396 Wabash Ave NEW YOHK. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. J. DAYNES & SON, Agents for Utah, 1st South St., jjl9 TWO DOORS EAST OF POST OFFICE BT AIL DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, For the Month of August. HaviDg determined to o-oso )ut our Fancy G- o o d s , We offer induce menta unparalleled to tho history of McrchandininK. PEKCALES, LiAWiYS, PIQUES, At such Figures aa must demand Attention. U MARSEILLES AND CHINESE GIUSSCL0T1I iYe have no Competitors, 1 1ST QBEITADinSTES We hold ourselves inferior to none. Our immcaec etook has dwindled to a few now offered at New York prices . - -" t " . LADLES' LACE SACQUES AtfD SHAWLS, See Style, Variety and Price. Bargalnisi m tlio Orclor of tlie Hzvy, m29 H. B. CLAWSON, S u peri n tend cDf. NOTICE. O0ic Salt Isike. Cily Ga Company, Msio Street, .Innel. 172. 1HS public r hereby notified that the Suit Lsko Our Gm CompADy wul pro-oed pro-oed ferthwith to erest their works, snd will be prer&rod to famish Qu for gtneml ate about ths lit of Jmaarr next. Thone de-iriDK de-iriDK to ase Qu ia their stores. oSces or dwellinc. would do wfll to notify the emptily. em-ptily. st the ear inst day popiible. thu tr-rn(inU tr-rn(inU for metres and lerxie m ay be mu. The price of Qu will be four dollar per one thousand cnbio feet. DANIEL H. WELLS, President. 1'. LALOR SBERREY, 8apennteDdcDti The Genuine ROCK SPRINGS COIL, FROM BITTER CREEK, VOW p. m -AT.E t (VP n. C. R. Y. Depot. i at ' per lom also EVANSTON COAL, At 97 per ton, by the Wj'umlnci ouI&MintnConip'l Dtliverrd lo nny pnri of Ihe city mt llenhonnble hargn. Orders retired by AKTllnR RTaYKKR, I Agent, oflioe at i'i W, Stayner's fltore. One door sooth ol Sara' Phounraphio Oal 1 fcttgZj CHICAGO trad:. JOHN V. FARWELL & Co., WHOLESALE NOTIONS, DRY GOODS. -AXD- WOOLENS. Largest StockWest of Kw York. Monroe &. Franklin Sts , CHICAGO. (white lead) 170 &. 172 RAMIOI.I'II SlIi'-rT. OITtr f.-Uil imlm- " l"''' and tho Jobbing ii.i.io of I --di l.iritory. i--i..i.ii-;..-a i-v,' Williams. Miller A tll:;i-n';iii. Hats, CapU lire siua hi&tik, island liT7 M. HK i: l' S I lihKT, . ii I 1114 .!.. 'PAGE, ERO. Sl Co., Importirs ami Henl rs in' LEAT11KK AM) FlMllMiS, ' 35 A 37 South l'.ul i.-i l. W. ft . P.iso. llo,ion. I " jujld H. M. KNICKERBOCKER, (Formerly M i. 11, & L. Lifi.is) Wholealo PAPER DEALER, 80, 83 W. Hniidoliih St., ClllCAUO, ILLS. rAsonl for tho salo o OWES PAl'l.K Co's I'Al'KHS,: Uond l'ai'cr, "iho bost in tlio world," 1'rint rafiT, wliiln mui wlered, Flut l'ni'rs of nil lU'.-iTii'iioiis, Envelopes, Card Hoard, liill, Leitor and Solo Headi, jftuteiuonts, etc A Most Coutlktr 1'mxri.Rs' Stok. SATISFACTION 0 U A H A N T K K D . SEEBERGER BREAKrX Wholesale Dentcrs In UiRDWARE & CUTLERY, - 3S and 10 L-ito street, CHICAGO, B- Orderrt by mail solicited nuh satislactioD guarauteed. jy7 Damon, Toinjile & Co., Importers, Manufacturers and J ubbors of 1ST IB O IK -TIES And ullOood for GENT'S NKC'K WEAK, LINEN AND PAI'Ktl COL1.A1W AND CUFFS. Ill &nd 113 Waba.h Ave. jy3 CMICAnO. 111,. "The Old Salamander." REMOVAL. VANSOHAACK, STEVENSON & R!C, Wholesale DRUGGISTS Paint Dealers, 114 LAKK SI HKK.T, ,.,,rill.- 1 1 , r r J iireot, (cu tno old mu) t I . , ..(, w.iuru with buil.lir.un tiuL'toJ o i ' r i" " - y iur (ho bu-incs', Sieuin li ov-tt-r,-, o.-.'., tlii'j liiivo oiicne'l u. iui imiiiojdo block, uunuriA,.tod in tho northwest- tiifial aitoDtion itiveo to Torritm inl business. j-.j M. D. WELLS tL CO., UkDnfMtaren of and WholMulo Deul.r, in Boots and Slices, 018 W Abash Ave, OtilcKgo. M.D. Wells. II. J. AWIarland, &. Beocdiot. m b, l. .Mclaij io. KIRK, COLEMAN & CO.' Manufacturers and doulors ln IBON, NAILS, Heavy Ilnnhvsre, WouniI CarrliKe Wood Htock, And Western headquarters for BURDEN'S HOUSE ND MULE SHOES .And Northwestern Horse Hulls, , etc. 31 and 3J South Cnnal Siroet, PIONEER MANUFACTURING CO., Miinufnclurcrs of Prrfuintil Twllel and 8JIAVIIVG (SOAPS, 51 and Vi Suutb Cnnal s trout, Clili ar.. Turo. F. Swo. J'rct'lnnt. lie an J. Wn.nu.i, rtcci clary. A. JJ. Meckel- A (u, PIG IRON AND COAL AlLowtlt Nnrlirl H.i.. 0 Wabaflh Ai'oduo, j" 3UI ( 1 A i ( , MUSS'S MEinffiPi FIRE and Ill KGLAR I'itOOF The Dest Snfcs In tlie Worlil. HERRING & CO., 46 Slate street, and corner Mlh street and Indiana Avenue, No. 716,717. 71U and 721, INDIANA AVI;. IIHI'Al.o. Allmilu' mill Purine TOBACCO WORKS. i!t of a few of our k'Minn Wniids: FINF CUT CHEWING. FIN- ' UT SMOKING V A- Swert Hr.tno, Atlnntic. I'.'ilst-n Hull, l-io'ili.' Wild K'jbo. Cbui(,.'i.ij, Uobart, Dwetle k Co,, |