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Show Oferatic Airs. The Indian question ques-tion has its amusing episodes, as wcl as its serious and sad .bases. One ot these happy incidents occurred recently in New York, when the braves of the Sioux, who have just been doing the east, called upon madame Pauline Lucca, the divine soogstres?. Fourteen Four-teen chief, strired, ring-speckled aod streaked with war pnint,and bedazzled with glittering gew gaws, paid their respects with the uual "bows," and having smacked their lips over a dozen bottJea of sparkling champagne, nnd firored their hsiesi wiib mil-J war cong,tL( j ttggcd of yi'tiiti Lucca"just one song in return." The !adv at once consenting, gave .hew Air de Vioux" from Gounod's, "Faust," wiih a piano accompaniment by Max Mareizek. Imagine the situation! Here then was a literal txemplitu-aliun of the line "Music bath charms to su.jtho the .-avago breiit." Fourteen ltd fkios, motionless in estatic bhs over an aria from Taut"! If operatic melody can bo made iiiMtn- mental for tho civilization of the few thousand Indiins yet roaming our western wilds, why not introduce upon the reservations the music of Verdi or Mayerbecr. and furnish a grand opur troupe (or each tribe of the dky warriors, war-riors, until they become competent to howl their own chorujes. and pound their own cbickerings i Will the"Great Father" at Washington accept the wtuatioo, and act upon the matier? |