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Show PACIFIC COAST REWS. CALIFORNIA. Tin Masons nd Odd Fellows of Gil-roy Gil-roy have bought the ground for a new cemetery. Wild hogs have become so numerous on the north side of the Burns' Slough 118 to bo of great annoyance to farmers. Two hundred diggers from Colfax, and a delegation of Piutes from Nova- A,re noWi,ig love-feast at Truokee. Tho ten-mile trot at the San Fran-cieco Fran-cieco agricultural park, on Tuesday, was was won by Sally-Come-Up, she beating fiiram. Tho grape orop at Santa Barbara oounty is said to be better this vcar l than tor many previous years. , Vallejo is endeavoring toraiEe ajoint stock company with a capital of 50,-000 50,-000 for the establishment of a tannery ln that vioinity. The president of the Central Pacific railroad aonounoes that the break in the California Paoific railroad between OavuviUe and Sacramento will be repaired re-paired to put on trains for the State fair. Lieut-commander Byron Wilson, late assistant executive officer at the Mare Island Navy Yard, took his departure July 2sth,under orders for the Norfolk navy yard. A lunatic at Los Angeles blocked all the wheels of railway train by wedging wedg-ing them with stones on the traok, and the tuck was not discovered until the "OR'oeor attempted to start the train. The olive orop in Santa Barbara oounty the present year is likely to prove an entire failure. One cultivator "ays that tree, from which he gathered last season 40 gallons, this year will not yield more than a gallon to the tree. The chain-gang of Los Angeles, has among its members Kobert Gordon Milne, a graduate of Oxford university, univers-ity, England, olass of 1867, who is serving a sentenoe of twenty-five days for the petty offense of appropriating a half gallon of native wine, value twenty-five oeots, which he claims he desired to purohase. and afterward threw away The Star publishes a fine, scholarly production from his pen, replete with classical quotations, taking tak-ing grounds against the system of degrading de-grading criminals by compelling them w worn on too pubuo streets with ball and ohain. The senior editor of the Inyo Independent Inde-pendent having gone a fishing, the junior takes oooasion to "Phoenix" the oonoern by hoisting at tho head of its columns the following tioket: For President, Horace Woodhull, of New ofU J PrM'dent. 'he Fenian, N1CVADA. Ben follliday claims 300 tores of land in Schel burro. He expects to make the shells burn. Miss Agnes Miller was thrown from a horse at Mountain oity, Cope district. dis-trict. Nevada, on the 23d instant, and instantly killed. Virginia oity is in debt eighty-five thousand dollars, and has two mUlbn seven hundred aod forty live thousand dollars ot taxable property May 5th still smolders. On Sunday last a mle of lumber placed upon the rubbish caught fire. Af'li, T " A--Curtis, superinten dent of the Ingomar LiUita Hall aod other mines, died at Piooho last Suu- ORKQOnr, ETC. !h thm '"d will be ap-pealed ap-pealed to the supreme oourt. '.!.,!? "'"'."hMt yields forty bushels bush-els to the acre in Oregon. The Willamette woclen mills, in Oregon, are running steadily on full D Jaoob tk, who killed Jesse V. . Boone in Blackamas, Oregon, and was sen to the State prison for lifo, died in that institution a week ago The water has been all pumped out of the ooal mine at Bellingham Bay, but no ooal has yet been taken out in oonsequcnoe of the presence of dangerous danger-ous gases. Washington Torritory having aD-pointed aD-pointed two pilots for tho Columbia nverbar, the contest between the Ore-gon Ore-gon and Washington Territory pilots iB Deooming quite brisk. the North Pacific railroad surveying party on the Skagit river, has beon missing twenty days. It is supposed -pw S?n D1Dderci by Indians. -t oo i trough Line is the name of a weekly paper to be published in Portland, Port-land, devoted to railroad affairs, and especially to the suoooss of tbo Portland, Port-land, DaUoetnd Salt Lake railroad |