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Show The Funehal ov William Thurmond. Thur-mond. A conespoiulcni sends us some particulars of the funeral of William Wil-liam Thurmond, tho school teacher who was killed on tho li-lth inst. by Woodard, at Lehi. The meeting house was crowded, and a forcibla address ad-dress was made by .lainos W. Taylor, followed by short addresses by Bishop hlvana and others, after which fifty cavalry- and the same number of infantry in-fantry and fifty-five carriages formed in procession and accompanied the family to the cemetery. The deceased was horn in the Stale of Kentucky Aug. ilth, 1S-H, of pious pareuts; his father died when he was eight years old; and in 1SfU, he left Kentucky for the west, arriving in Salt Jiake city in August of that year without money or friends, and worked thero until December of that year, making many friends. He then went to Cedar Valley to teach school, and in March follow tug joined the Latter-day Saints, and immediately commenced to preach the gospel, going go-ing on a mission to Kentucky in 18(39, when hia family all returned with him to Utah. He was associated with the people in almost every department of business and was an efficient school teacher. His place cannot be easily filled, nor the circumstances of his death forgotten. |