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Show TELEGRAMS. NIGHT REPORT. MOTION FOR THE PRO- ! LONGATION OF THIERS' I POWERS. Progress of the Communist Trials. i SERIOUS RIOTING U LONDONDERRY YESTERDAY. YES-TERDAY. General jeivs. Advance of Rates on the TJ. P. R. R. Jumping Into the Rapids at Niagara Falls. KILLED 15 Y A -'CAVE'' IN WASHINGTON, i A Family Suffocated in an Iowa Coal Wine. FOREIGN. Paris, 12. In the Assembly to-day M. Rivet, "left centre," moved that the title of President of the Republic be conferred on Thiers, that all the powers whieh he has heretofore exer cised as chief executive be prolonged for a peiiod of three years, that he be moreover entrusted with tho promulgation promul-gation and execution of the laws, that ho be authorized to reccivo ambassadors, ambassa-dors, that his official residence be at the place where the Assembly may sit, that be be lodged at the expense of tbo Republic, his remuneration to bo fixed at a later date, that he shall havo the right to appoint members of the council of ministers, and that ministers appointed by him shall be responsible lor their acts to the Assembly. M. Adnet, "extreme right," made a counter motion, expressing ex-pressing confidence in Thiers and continuing con-tinuing his present powers. Thiers who was present asked a vote on the urgency of both proposals, and amidst great excitement they wore declared urgent. Tho court martial holds long and exciting sessions daily, and tho trial of tho leading Communists is progressing as rapidly as possible. Fires kindled by insurgents continue to rage in the forests of Algeria. London, V2. Tho report of tho appointment ap-pointment of Lord Chief Justice Cock-burn Cock-burn as the English arbitrator under I the Treaty of Washington is confirmed. con-firmed. The Lord Chancellm- will present tho caso of Great Britain, assisted as-sisted by Lord Tenterdeu. Professor Montague Barnard and Sir Roundel! Palmer will act as counsel Ibr Great Britain before tho board. 'The New York World's correspondent, correspon-dent, who has interviewed the Emperor Em-peror of Brazil in London, writes that bis majesty has confessed to iecling- of perplexity at tho state of things in England, as respects the condition in which he found the poorer elates of people. Tho climate eeeuied one of the worst features of the country. He was making observations for the benefit ben-efit of his empire and would probably visit the United States when he finished fin-ished his European tour. Dublin, 12 At Londonderry to-day tho Orangemen had a terrible collision with the police and military authorities, in consequenoe of their attempt to celebrate, cel-ebrate, by a procession through the streets, the anniversary of tho siege of that city in 1089, which had been prohibited by government. The processionists came out to the number of several Iiud out the police quickly dispersed them. Great crowds soon gathered, the police po-lice were attacked, and the military had to be called out to quell the disturbance. dis-turbance. There were a number oi persons wounded seriously. The po-lica po-lica made many arrests. |