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Show Cm- Taxes. Tho Citv Council 1 will attend at the City Hall, on Tues- : day next, at '2 p. m., the Utli insL, to I Irar complaints, if thoro bo any, in vlation to oity taifos, t?eo qotiooj eN"whoriv A genileuiau a etratigor iu town gravely asked us on Friday night if any i Mormons paid taxed in Salt Lake City, or if any Mormon businots men paid i'n.i!Uo, ho haviug been iniormed they' did not. When wo called his attention , u the iiiiproemeuL- which had been; U! id? iu thij i-ily, and to rh.i t'aut that Aict tiuli oi the I'vjyuiauuu aud, bMMue mou liave bc .n and are Mor-: mon-, he quickly saw how glaringly abmd w,kS thu Hui-id lnifchouJ; and be.iu to understand tlie process by which sirau.vrs are crammed with yarns about the Mormous when oppor-iumtics oppor-iumtics oflcr. The aontloman in question left yesterday morning for his ii.tme in Lavcuworth, having found out several things concerning tho mode of manufacturing false statements against the people of Utah. |