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Show PACIFIC COAST SEWS. FUSST DISPATCH. CALIFORNIA. San drancisco, 8. The schooner Undme from Bridgeport reports a terrible ter-rible accident at that place. As ho was loading the slings parted, and a car oame down like lightning knocking Ihe whole structure into the sea, killin" Allen Glass, aged 17, carrying bis body ! into the ocean, from whence it was1 never recovered; and seriously injuring a sailor, name unknown. I Col. Daniel iNorcross will bo a candidate candi-date lor the adjutant generalship un-! der the incoming Republican adminis- ration ol the State, and will he backed by very strong influences. Capt Fd-ward Fd-ward J,ovc will also be a candidate for I lie same position. There arc a number num-ber ol parties looking after the major' generalship and the several subordinate subordin-ate unhtaiy appointments. The Keystone .Mining company has declared Us third dividend of two" dollars dol-lars a share. It was expected that the news ol the groat lire at I'iochc would dangerou-ly cli'eel the Meadow Valley and the llayniond and Mlv stock, bu, ine supemiloiidcnts ofbolh mines tel egraphed hero that neither was af-lecled af-lecled in the least by ihe conflagration or explosion, and both slneksadvnnced in the market lo-day. Private letters from Schcil Creek iNevada, report disejveries of extraordinary extraor-dinary richness in that vicinity, and there aro symptoms of a new mining excitement growing out of them, in San 1' raucisco. A number of parties are preparing to leavo Sau Francisco with a view of operating in them Los Angeles, 18. Tho estimated grape crop in tho vicinity of A.r,aheiui is Iwo-thirds that of last year. In this vicinity the crop will perhaps exceed last years. Ihe largest vine growers in this valley expect to crush over 1100 000 gallons. The tolal wino yield of the county is estimated at n million and a quarter gallons. A largo amount of gold dust and V ulture gold bullion have been recoiv-week recoiv-week m A"ZODa Juring ,lle past By artesian sinking water has been! found at seventy-sis feet, six miles! Irom this city. San Francisco, IS. The case of! Dr. Chas. 0 Donnell Cohen, the astrologer, as-trologer, and Isabella Knapn, indicted (or the murder of Eugene Chauvett was oallcd before Judge McKinsley today to-day tor a trial, whereupon the assistant district, attorney moved that a nolle prosqu bo entered in each case, as he was satisfied he could not hope to obtain a verdict of guilty ou the evidence evi-dence The Judge said that if such was tho ease, he was surprised that the delendants were ever indicted and on the assurance of the assistant dis- uict attorney lie would grant Ihe motion. Ihe defendants wore then set at liberty. This action created much surpriso as it was expected that at least the lormahiy of a trial wmiH he gone through. Frank Seaport, an Austrian, aged urty.hve, loll from a swill wagon on Jirannan and Fourth street this morning, morn-ing, was dragged under the horses' leet and trampled, had his leg broken and 13 supposed lo be fatally injured internally. J San Jose, IS. A Frenchman named F-anco.s fcveaheiyt&s JJagota, about lorly years old was examined to day on the charge ofeommilting a criminal assault on a little girl eight years of age, ana was held to nnswor before ihe next grand jury in the sum ofso.OOtl ' Last eveuiugamurderousassaultwas i committed ou a shoemaker named la o; ones ol murder were heard and I ale was lound lying on the sid,..wlt- DJeetllug ,rom a number of cuu and stabos on the lace and hips. He described des-cribed his-assailants as two Chinamen but it is believed they are Europeans. Hale hes in a very critical condition. iSo arrests have been made yet At a quarter to lour this afternoon here earthquake was felt - 10 V ADA. llumiliou is. -Joseph Dumas, city marshal oi Hamilton, was found dead in bed this eveuing. Heart disease was the supposed cause of death A meeting hold here last evening subscribed 511,000 for the relief ol' the Pioche sulierers. An extra stage was sent forward, loaded with medicines provisions, etc., for the sufferers. An' appeal Irom Pioche to the nei..l,l,A,-, towns is made lor aid, especially in drugs and medicines, everything having hav-ing beau destroyed and the wounded sunertng in consequence. SKCONDlusPATCrl. MSVA1JA. Virginia, N'ev I'j.-Au immense hie here to-day destroyed nearly the whole business part of the town. The loss is estimated at a million dollars |