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Show l-ilT TO DRV CAXO.V. j leurrfjjiui.ilniiro lo tliw Ilsnil-ri.) . Vour correspondent, in company with W. 1. liensonwho is well-known J throughout iho western mining region ; ; as an extensive mining operator, vidted ' I ry canon, on 'ihuraday, a,ov. 2-ld. . Ou arrival at the Kearsarge, whieli is I licre deemed to be the chief, and whose pres'ige has increased L-inee its discovery, dis-covery, v.'C hiid tho pleasure of meeting Mr. 11. 8. Jacobs, of Jacobs & Co's sami.MDg works of this city. Wo were at one.o shown around by Mr Jacobs, 1 in conjunction with his eonlidentiu : clerk, Henry lurl;ee,to the Konrsnrgc, 1 ami Iris, the latter having been bought j by Mr. Jacob.-, which has been cousoli- -t . dated witli the Kearsarge and they are now known as the Iris. The main ' entrance to the tunnel lias a large and ! i substantial hut, which is required to be iassed through to enable entrance ; to the body of tho mine. Arriving within, we examined the ore, iinding it 1 to TrOjscss immense riclincs? some I 1 assays reaching $3,01)0 to the ton. It' may be well to mention that the veins ! , of the above mines run in'.o c.vAi other, and the Irin, being tho older location, and to prevent litigation was 1 purchased for title. After concluding , j our visit to this mine, wo next procecd- cd to the Jcnuio, Azure Queen, and 1 adjacent mines, located by Mr. Mnr-; Mnr-; pliy, Jno. I'ranks, and others ol Stockton. Stock-ton. These are the li:st 'oeatioris ever . cm do- in Dry cano:i, being made ; fuuricen months ago: all of these give t indications of pos.csing superior rich- ness. and have been recently purchased i by Mr. Jacobs. ! IVeuecdiug on our tour of inspection, ; we IiCaI. came to the Alabama and ! , l';y L'iue, owned ly the Crown JtiV.:l Miuir.g and Tunnel Com- p.r.iy r-.' Omaha. Tids company is 1 represeu-ed by Colonel L. li. Gran- j g :r. whom we met there. Tho , : Aiab.or.a has a .-bait thirty-eight i : K:et il .'p, gi iug indications of possess-! possess-! i;:g tiie Mine f atures lor richness as I n-. nch-'hb ir-. T;;e Ihy Pino is o;vn-i o;vn-i co ov the above coin piny, and was re-, re-, c-.iitly juioped, hut is now in po-ev i : sion oi' its ii;.'htl'ui owners, tho com- I p::t:y menti-rii 1. This lend is within ; : t vc j ' y fe.-t f the I'ost Boy, whadi , 1, h.-.-Mi wi.r'., d ;o i iin d-i th ofs;:;:v' 1', or. 'i'he tjmaha Company claim' tli.it the l'est Ih'.v is on their giouiid, and have warned the present oeeupints of the latter claim of the fact. It is picsumed the matter will be sfel sal.i.-facioii!y to both pjt':.io. 'Joe ether iiiit-ie-ts viMtcd be viMir eoia-c-O'.eid.n', and a'.-o owned : by 'Mr. Jae.:, Jiro th.: Iv-rsia. tho MeCail, IJ.imum, L"?.z:e, nd 1'jclipse, 1 si! umr.el ie.eation-, ; On returning we perceived that an ; ueu-ual demou'tration was nbul to be i enacfed. Wo discovered that a blast ! had been placed in tiio Jennie and one in the Azure Queen. The signal gun w.- then Orel by K. II. Durkee, when :a 11 ig wa instantly run up tho stall 1 erec:ed on ''iSh-io L'iy'Tiill, in the rear ' of 1 1 1 -i Kearaivei Cibiu. timulia-; timulia-; ncoui with thi.- t!iC match was applied i and die di--:h i. :;e deuoicd tint the ael . w;i- cemjdetcd. Then burst from (lie , , throats of the hardy miners cheer upon . cheer, which was taken up by the ; ; miners of the Halsnm. Fourth of July ; and Hidden rreanre, making the hills ! re.-ound with the hea.ty n fruin. Ti,c : : stir- and ftrii es il'ate i in the breez--, I and the a p pea ran. c of the ur roue hag.- : ' enhanced tie- i n- of i'n d :v. - Mr. W. ii." lien--it :i s intro- u'ueed to llu a-scmUy, and v,. t-.ill.vl : upe-n U .-pea... Ju thicoui'-e i t' lo-re lo-re marks he aprly af tided to the matter i ' of claim joaipin, and said l.e hopi'd : that here:vf;ir tin ll.ig of our ooii'ilry ; Would b-' S'Juieb- ;;l to hold in check all tho-e. wiio '.'.viira'cd s-uch u:dawful ' a.ti.is. II; closed vriih a lining trt'joi lo .Mr. Jacob?, as the father of 'e j'i'y c:"'ti mining region, who h :s n r!;f-i j i I. i- u-itiriag energy to the d-V.-e'O I.C'I- if I.- lidt'CS. Au impromp'u meeting of the miners WLi the. eu.o:i held, and a re.-ohition was pa--cd changing the name from Sh-.-o b'.y to Jae b's Hill. The rcso-h:-.i.ia u'ianimou-iy accepted. A ' .-uiir-tu 'i:s d:.:i:er awaited us, tendered liy !;e r.i;n;r'". i A ';cr thm'iin Mr. Jacobs lr fivers 1 c u;er-ed,we wended our steps towards ! the lial-am, own-d by the Crown ; Jewel company. Tid; inin? possessed ! a Wv.h d du' tl v.'in of l nK rif and c.ir-;I..ni',e c.ir-;I..ni',e ore lice leet in width. Tho ! r .H-.rih of July wa the next object oi ' our eannnatioa, which may be clashed ; ami d; the li-st mines of th's district, i it n-w h i v : i ) g (.iciity t"'1? oi'ore on the ; dump r.-id : rcn: deal iu.-ide. The uL-i' uit -'i- i'S :- proprietor. . f.io o -: "f. r yi-it being aeeom-fi- i,wc b; 1 aai.u to iry canon i and it.- diai'tcns, much p!ea-ed witli ; the viii and Oeioir l'iti!y convinced oi' the Mtraordmary richness ol' its mines. |