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Show stir Fon 'iniiir- tf Jl , i- v:il 1-: - :nli:t ,!:.. l;i..t v.f Ti.-i:.. ' i. i:-: i., ,-.:t t'.,r D'St MoR.l.iy. Tl,i-: k.'i.-ion ilie court, ir. face uf the- pri-vi- .-,, ti (invito in d'i i "0llM ,jrL.aW :,nn;nr.e, ii' any'hi'i liom the wn.ri cojM noweviAfi mi.-I, ;i 1:l!i:.;'. j We have hd'oru iu a ciiil copy ot j -ill.: i!r,u't..-i in tlu case, Mr.cl by Mr. .J. 1j. Ilfcli, ollicial reporter of ihc i .utf, fiom which a i- w txtraelt will In: p.-rliii'Mit owl w'.il li!p l!m lJJh'ic to uvilvd :il a di-KiimiFiaiin' ju-I;.Mira relative to llie action of th: roirt. On tlx) Kill of Octuler, T.hen President Y.min? .i'5ar.':cl and pload--.4 to tl:e indict Micut, M:.jor iI-mp.tfc.Kl, in view of tiio importance of li.o can', the uuntcrou. count.- in ll;e indictment, aw tho jrroat number ot wiinc:-no that would m called, aAcd that ti he continued until tho March l.-rtn that there uiijdit he time fur careful care-ful preparuM-.!. This was opp.(d by (he prui'.-eulion, km! the i'-Mowinj? transpired : Tmf. Culiu' It is richt ilut tiierc hould he ample lime In prepare, but counsel are aware that we have been in the liabii, at the universal rnpicnt of Lhu b;ir, lo hold adjourned tonus. I havo lu-ld many mora than the regular terms by ndjuurnniniit, and ih. -I'd is othur bu-intaH prcin fir tin; prc:ii:ni; jmd it in rjuito probable, j;fiilb ini.'ji, lir.it I nn make Mich aiTitnj'eiiicnts, after di.in.-,inL' of f-.nnie morn of ihU bu-ines.-', and tuuutf how much linn it takes it is quite prob-nbfe prob-nbfe that I". em m;i!:u Mi.'h runmi-.e-ment.H as would be mutually :-nli:d;io- H)i-y ot somr. future, day; and civo you on both fiiie.- ample, time, for y reputation. reputa-tion. The jiro eeuun;; attorney v:j.a vfill-iiiq vfill-iiiq ain))le time ?hou!d bj iven every person chared with crime, yet if the i;:i.;c was to (j J over till Mandi by would n Me for the ncce-sury paper). The cun t h.iid : 1 do not now, ctMilIeiiu'ii, ru! upon tb:it fpiL'.'iion; 1 simply ;-.iy 1 think I can iu.:!:r mkiIi ;it -i-uj-'jiucnt aj'lrril's-jmyiin aj'lrril's-jmyiin of lh- !::;.: u?:- on the dvv!:rt, rj will p!e;i-e all pirlbg. Thirf M:ijor Ilempi-toari had no douli of, ho raid, p.ud thorolbrc they had not pi-cparud the ji.iper''. The court re- ! jiL-atcd aain th:U lie would eivo both i sides "aniplo time." On yilcrday vre-!c, t!.e iti-t. , tho ta.-ro was iw-'um called up. Jlfljov Henip.-tead stated that his client had (jonc Koulh tor the benefit of hid heallli, bill wh-:n the ca-o was r.'ady for Irial ho would npreir, asking, however, (hat. it be continued till Mjreli; refer-ring refer-ring also lo the absence of Mr. l(,itcdi, ono of tho eoun.-el for the d-R-nse. Ho f'urt lior fclatcd that he had the urr der.-tanuiu diitiuo'Iy that tho case would be .-et at ihc adjourned tciio, and fair time riven for pi'.punition. The court, then said : Tho defendant's counsel as.s to have this cause continued till the March term, not because tho defendant de-Mrea de-Mrea to ?o away, hut bcoan-e he ha? gone away. t will not at the present .grant Unit mitiou, nor will 1 pel down the can for any particular day. I will ! hold that under advisement. ' Wlien tho demand was made yesterday yester-day by the prosecution to liave the trial p.ct, and tho bonds Ibrfufol, Major Hempstead called the attention of tho court to the fact that the defense had sought to have the trial fixed before be-fore President Young went sou.!), but it had not been done, lie pointed out the distance his client had to travel to reach here, and Judge Snow did the eaine. Major Hempstead again aslced tho court to W the day fbr trial and give such time as might bo ueccary to ' bring the defendant here. The court then iWcd the day -;i dnr. being the "ample time" he allowed for counsel coun-sel to prepare and have their client in courf. M;ijor ilciupstead nsked for two weeks; but the court and the prosecution pros-ecution and the country couldn't wait fccen days more! Comments at piescnt are needle;:?-; a'd will pig it was cot much a trial ihatwa wanted, as the creating an effect by means which high-minded men would disdain to employ. And then tho bonds! And the cilcet of having "it said that ihtry were forfeited! Has "the L-u.-ine-iun tliedoeket," o'.ir the disposal of whie'i his honor was to make arrangements, 1 i-cu yet di.-posed of? PACIFIC COAST M-WS. ; CALIFORNIA. S.ia FianciiCO. "2o Preparations are making oiiletiy for a lilting reception ' for the Prince Alexis. A military re-cepf.on, re-cepf.on, banquet and ball will probably proba-bly be among the features. It is now :mioui:eed to the ollicers and crew of the itoam-hip t'oiumia, . the t;.i.b:p of the If. S. Pacific ! sipKidron. that the steamer will sail ; for lH-ii"h;hi. ;;':! a hoi l- crui.-c in the ' iVarn.t. Oroville, j. --'Iho planing mill of. Severili & Hamilton was destroyed by fire la-t niht. L's i6,UUiJ. Supposed incendiary. anta lio-a, lo. Lib! nig li t at half i pa-f eleven a man tried toenter a store ' at We. t Creek. The clerk nsked who w.i : there and rc-eeivinu no reply, fired 1 several shots through the door, serious- ; ly wounding a -uppo-ed robber, who w s 'ent to 'me etwniy hospital. The shooting is generally justitit-d. Stockton, i!7. Graves, a Chinese missionary his been in this idly for a few d'iys. He eddre-sed a number of his countrymen on Wa'-hin.tton street yesterday and distributed trac. OKKC40.V, Portland, IfT. The wife of Jouquiu Milhr wiil lecture here to-morrow. ' She is r;aid lo be talnled. JiiE.VlCO. San Fioncisco, 27. An arrival from ' tho city of Mexico, brings newa to the ; utjth of October. General Parra, who , led the revolution at Sinolo, surrendered surrender-ed with all his officers and will bo tried at onec. Michoacan and Oaxttca, which ; have been reported in revolution, arc ; both quiet an;! the roads arc, open from the city of Mexico to Aeapuleo. 'Ihe ' revolt in Ncuokin i- the ou'y one which ' the government lias Mill to deal with I and that was not considered u serious ! affair. I The rain fall for the season greatly ; exceeds that of hist year at this time , and is within three-tentha of nn inch of i the flood storm oflSiii'. ! Mining Stock. ; San Francisco, 27. 10 Jacket, o7, oSi, b. ?,0. 1 40 Belcher, 35o, WW, b, at), 352, I 550, 316. ' liOo Pioche, S, si, s. y;i, St, b. 30, ! 8J. a. 00. -it: 11. !c N., lis, 120, b. '., 1lu. 10 Imperial, 18. 2IJ5 Treasure. 7t, 7A, b. 3U. 1-10 Eureka Con., 21. ; 635 Independent, -H, -1, 3, b. 30, 4i, 4, b. 30. I 010 Raymond & Fly, 7-1, b. 5, 73, B. 30, 7:?, 74, b. .10. ! 055 Jackson, H, H, b. 5. I 100 Overman, 2Ji,'2;;J. J 3G.r Chollar, 33 , b. 30, 33, p. 30, 3,323, b. 30. 140 Meadow Valley, 34., 0, 3-H, i b. 30. ' 42 Gould Sc Curry, 102, 103. 25 Puckeve, 3J, K 30. 1 350 Yule 12. 125. S10 Phopnix, 3A, ?.l 50 Con. Va s. 40Kenluck, 3Vi, b. 30, MS, b. SO, 140. 120 Seg. liclelur, 23, 23. b. 30, 23 K b. 30. I 530 Mammoth, 70e. ; I.SiOO Succor, 5a?, b. 30. ! 25 Pioche, W. 2sl., 2. |