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Show THE SITUATION IN UTAH. The .situation in L'tuli tu-dny h fUr from pleasant or encouraging. The Mormons are credited with being religious re-ligious fanatics, and it' so they are confronted con-fronted by another kind of fanatics who havo little of the prvtcn.iion even! of religion to sanctify that fanaticism. Just now the Territory i.s atllictcd with a few men in ollicial position who combine com-bine a sort of religious hiotiy. the illiberality which ever atiendd it, ignorance of the r puMicariiMii they profess to admire, and the niut virulent viru-lent type of political lanaticinm. These men aim at stripping tho pcuplc, who HCttled and made this Territory what it in and who created a centre of supplies fur tiie surrounding Territories, of every riht which liberty holds dear, and which tho federal constitution guarantees to them. Kin-t, for a new and previously unheard of reason religious re-ligious belief naturalization was denied de-nied to nlieus anxious to declare an honest allegiance to the constitution of tho country; and following that came the effort to atrip native-born and naiuralizcd citizens cf the m;ht to honest and impartial trial by jury and of tho elective franchise, if possible. These fiictsexist, ami show the design of the political fanatics referred to. What do they hope to gain? And how does it a licet men who are neither religious nor political fanatics and who have property at stake? for the material interests in-terests of the Territory are seriously menaced. Suppose wo admit for tho sake of argument that there arc fanatical Mormons, Mor-mons, are there not fanatics in every religious- organization ? Mormonisia is no more a breeder of tho class than Methodism, Episcopalianism, or any other "ism;" for Mormons, as a rule, aro hard thinkers, closo renson-ors renson-ors and feel conlideut . they have satisfactory grounds for their faith; whereas a fanatic accepts his faith independent of reason, and luaintaius its superiority all the more becauso it may bo above his comprehension. compre-hension. But tho Mormons are strongly attached to their laith, and are very much in earnest. They are mostly Anglo-Saxons, a raco that can fight and die for an honest belief, but can never bo coerced into repudiating it; a raco that beheaded ono king, compelled com-pelled his son, another king, to flee, built up the colonies on this continent under circumstances too well known to bo recapitulated; and subsequently, for weary years, successfully combatted tho proudest power on earth and secured tho realization of their hearts' hope-iu hope-iu a glorious independence. Tho Mormons have proved 'u. unc-i nnd under too many u- '- ,-:iou-stanccs their d", o' ' ,u u tiiei. .aitLt. it to be df'.il v At Jirc-O't!, : only t!.,-:: .n.ic.ii iiii r :. v-'i v-'i ' '' ! ''' : b v:- . i :i .; : i'.-i'v. v' .. t ,1 i( :i with ' " '!''.. : is but a suumi ;,i .-over i ! ..inject. Nearly V, : : 'iinlann i'i :: principle of their -ith i.-. atti-icd, not by calm reason :. ''.'iptural argument, but by dis-.-.'..oeful abuse, ribaldry and profanity, sanctioned and endorsed by official smiles and blandishments, while the forces aro being marshalled to break up tho community as a religious or ganization, destroy the leaders and the people, or scatter (hem wanderers again on the earth. All this is aimed at under the cover of law, by outrageous outrage-ous and illegal judicial rulings and proceedings, by men who use then-positions then-positions to iannoy ,aod irritate, and whose hearts overflow with a fanaticism that yearns for tho destruction of o people who havo been more temperate tem-perate in the eserciso of power than any other religious body of whom tho world has record. There are two ways of bringing the present conflict of authority and unpleasant un-pleasant condition of affairs to a ter minationone right, and tho other wrong. The right way is by carrying the points of law on which serious disagreement dis-agreement exists beforo a tribunal in whom the people have confidence the supremo court of the United States. We say in all calmness, and in no little sorrow, that the people of this Territory, tako them m masse, Mormon Mor-mon or not Mormon, havo uot confidence confi-dence in tho present judiciary. They do not believo that the judiciary are cither sound lawyers or unbiassed judges; and every decisiou given by them is received with doubt and suspicion sus-picion by a majority of tho Mormons and Gentiles in the Territory, llonco tho necessity of a decision by a competent com-petent tribunal that can command and does possess the confidence of the people. But from the arbitrary course now being pursued there is an evident intention in-tention on the part of some of the officials, at least, to goad the people into desperation, so that some overt act may be committed that will give a color tor calling upon tho general government gov-ernment for an army to be sent here to chastise them. U'i are t hail's fu I the people have been o calm, temperate temper-ate and so seH-pjs-,s;j, t!u; thus far they have not given the. lirt occasion for such a demand. Hut should they be driven to madness by iu-ult heaped upon insult, injury piled upon iniurv, what would bj the result? Should blood be shed it would have another and a very different termination to what many people think. No men meet death ci'nily, so uu-fiiuchingly, uu-fiiuchingly, as they who believe it opens tor them the portals to eternal ; bliss. Does any anc man thick the Mormons would not feel and believe' that death in such a strife would only' be martyrdom, and ths passport to a; martyr's glory? And whether it would take a long o.- ;hji-: duie w exterminate extermin-ate them for no o:Ler wurd meets tac emergency the cjQoijucnees to the Territory and all iiiuresu-J m i's welure, would bo fiL-lufuI. ho desires to -e a free jeopIe hounded to de.-peratiurj? Who wb,he: ( to sec a community showing industry. I enterprise, intelligence, sobriety and virtue -tripped of every votiee ul tlioir political and religious rlthib. be-eau.-e thvy wili not change their fiiih ( at the bidding of a few fanatical men, who are o blindly bc-otted with their fully a.- iu .-:e in the futnre they dcire only the destruction of the Mormons and the confiscation of their property? Vet that this is the object, the programme pro-gramme arranged, and the end to be accomplished peaceably or by force of uims no one who has narrowly watched thcis course can for a moment ! doubt. It is nearly time that the conservative con-servative men of tho Territory independent inde-pendent of religion or paity should utter their protest against a course- of action having hueh an object in view. With mnien.-e wealth being developed on every bide, narrow-minded bigots who desire to pruvoke a conflict by any or every means, should be told to halt in their insane career. The world has traveled the path of progress pro-gress too fast and too far to sustain the semi-barbarous ideas which demand de-mand that free men should, with craven soul, lliug their faith at the feet of whilom satraps or place their consciences and purses in the keeping of men they can nut trust.! For nearly a century "the sovereignty of the people" has been an estab liahed doctrine in the United States, and the principle has gained so rapidly rapid-ly fhtough the world that it is too lute in the day to introduce the "sovereignty "sovereign-ty of lif few'' where the other has prevailed. "L"t us bav pvaee. " |