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Show riii'.RNOLncY. I'rof. Fowler's Fub'.i-catij;!5 Fub'.i-catij;!5 f-jr sjile at lawyer's ii auk store. fl. "Wasted a Girl to do pcneral Housework. House-work. Kn'iuire aL Mr. Xiios. Taylor's HUi "Ward. f.i. TflK "fiRK.VT UnKSOWS:' h OXI'.llS- itely perfumed and contains nothing in-juriuus. in-juriuus. Try it ladies. j3 . Two Hundred TEAMS wanted. Apply to DURAXT & CUTTINO. f2 L'irgo Ftock of lino and heavy boots nt tfi--H tiro's. olMj To the Public of Our City. liuv-nig liuv-nig len-t2d tho Grand National liestau-rimt, liestau-rimt, 1 will on Wednesday morning, Jitnuiiry lid, be prepared to welcome my friends and tlio public at my new placo of biiiinoss, trusting by closo attention to business, unceasing ellbrta to please, and tiio co-operation of tho very best Imlp in tho eity, to bo able to render satisfaction sat-isfaction lo all, which I guarantee to do, or no charge. First-class entertainment. Open all night. Breakfast always ready for passengers leaving per early stages. jj JJkn. F. Wuittemork. Consumption, Scrofula, F.to. II KGK.UAN'S GENUINE COD MV-EK MV-EK OIL. Our Cod Liver Oil is warranted war-ranted PUKK NEWFOUNDLAND OIL. It has stood tho test of over twenty yenr.V experience, and can be relied on in every particular. Manufactured Manu-factured by Ukueuan Jc Co., chemist and dniR'i.-l-, New York, nnd sold by all druKgUta. s"27 L;UROt stock of eloUi;rig at Sietr.il lro's. olO Gkkts Attkntion. Ed. Harris, at tho Little Cigar Stork "round tho corner," keeps tho best imported Havana Hav-ana and Domestic Cigars, Tobacco and Notions. Conio anil judfjo for yourselves. your-selves. Three doors cast ot Post Ollice. BLti . Furniture. Just rcceivcd,at Henry Din wood ey's, IXKJ CANE SEATED CHA.IKS. To bo sold very cheap for cash. j 1 7 FuFhionablo Hats at Siegol Uro's, olO Go to lh" Crvstal Pal:ee, 7t Mnir 5 street. f..r Eurniiur. bedding: Crock- t e-y, China, G las:, Silverware and household house-hold goods generally. , di7 Fine Furnishing Goods at Sicgol Oro's olO Cutting & Co's California Canned Fruits and Jollies are the best in the market. Ask your grocor for them. si) Overcoats, atcost, atSicgol Bro's. OlO QGDEN DIRECTORY. First-class JiusiiKss Houses. MERCHANTS, Wnlkcr Brolhtr, Xlon'n Co-op. .Mercantile Inattlntlou I Jonic Hnrroclin, , CWoo.lmm.Mr. ' F. Auerbacli tl IJro. 1 HOTKL. - Ogtieu House, J0L11 M.Jion, ricjiiietor. ; LIVERY STABLE, , D. U. Nclicm, Prorrietor. 1 tiin NOTICE. . 'rilti partnership horrtn'ore cxk;tir 1 between lh. .mas I'itcti and 5. A. -Mn r i. thi. d diaohcJ. riT(;n t ma;;n Sill Lako CilJ. February ii. IsTi Q ! Special Notice! ill. WALLACE I Respectfully returns bis thanks to his numerous nu-merous customers fur tbe. liberal patronage . bestowed upon aim and trusts that strict attention to business will merit a oontiou anco of their favors. ON MONDAY, FEB. 5th, I will hare moved from Eait Temple Strcot to my ONT IE "V7" STORE ! On First South Street, Noxt ioor to Mrs. Stonhouse's Millinery Jisublis hiuoQt, j Where I will havo a very choice stock of Pure Candies ! Of my own manufactuio. HaUlns, Nuts, 1 FlB, 0rnn Ltniona, Limes, And a general iLsortmcnt of ; FANCY GROCERIES, Extracts, Pomades, Hair Oil, Fernet S Soap, Etc., Etc. tfi-Do not forget my Nrw Store, Fl ml ; Sou tli bircet. j II. 31. MORGAiV, 'Commissioner for Hah Territory i iQS CALIFORNIA STREET, SAK FRAN CISCO, j NOTICE. I 'Descret Mining Company." I Tho delinquent shareholders are horoby notified to p.iy up their remaining ascps- inonts oil to Jn, Sth. 1S72. on or before Ibo ; Hub of t cbruiiry, 1ST 2, mil savo forfeiture , as per contract. . Office at Dr. W. H. IT. Sharp's. Dentist, one , door onal gf "'Doscret Kvcnina Newa 1 N. P. STKVEN.-ON. V. 1'. A 0. R. Salt Lake City, Jau. 20 ;h. ISTi. 27 GKANl) HOTEL ! On Market, New Montgomery and Second Street. 1 (SAT JF'r. Aivciaco, C AX. JOHNSON & Co., Proprietors. Ion nnfr0-068 'Z.U.UUUlRON AND STEEL , At V. II. Siassett's. Oppoall Salt Uk Ilona. llldEMA LODGE, Xo. 21. c5 -A.- JVC, A STATED COMMUNICATION of Ar-TL Ar-TL fa;.! Lo.ic. N--1. be held this Ti ii,DA v'j eveninc. at Minic liall, Eait - Temrio itreei. a .Mcrobcrj of siter I'idcri and Bojonrnine brcthrtn axe cordially invited to mend. E.H.SIiAW.'.W.M. 1 did A, S. GOULD, Ecc'y. MISCELLANEOUS. O. JF. XL. FL. February lit, 1S72. SAN FRANCIACQ AND SACRAMENTO. i"im t LJ sir ! ..8n Trnl S Ill-inn '220iu 4 5 " 7 35 " j..Oklad .. S. " 1 SO " 1 Hi " I 7 So 8an Joocl S.JO " 2 10 " 5 36 " S6 - , Ni:m..J 7.(15 " lVl'i?Tir 8 " .11 .VI - .Btockioe. .1 4.tf7 " 1 9 07 " 1045 " 1 J"jtn iKnuntDto., 2 pffi 7 l.am JttUTt p 1E1ITL j LliTS UiH SACRAMENTO. COLFAX, RtNO AND 0( DEN. LKaVK I AF.R1VK I 'J ("C pm .Strraniento. '2 i 1 jpin 5 Id " ...Ootlax... U' -.00 11 15 am1.. .IUno I 2 10 " D 1" 'Winnemocea! 4 16 pm! V2 'J) m BaltltMuBQtj l'Ji " i lli?m Llfeo S 15 m -lx) am ..Ogdon.. 42-ipiri ARK1VK I LEAVE-' Eiplanntlon. For trains runnioc "from" Pan Francisao, take tho left band columnaand read down,-w;irde, down,-w;irde, or '"EBsiwArd." For rain running "'towards" San Frin-cisco. Frin-cisco. tnkcibericht hand columns and read upwards or "Wcrtwurd." -Sundays excepted. tSnndays only. A.. K. TOWSE, t. H OOOPMAN, Qen. Bnpt 0-n. PiM'ir mil Tfekot int. SELLING OFF ! Now is the Time lo get Burjaius ! Our remaining stock of LADIES' FURS! Will bo sold regardless of cost. ALSO FANCY DRESS GOODS, LINSEYS, FLANNELS, JEANS. WOOLEN GOODS, UOODS, NUBIAS, SCARFS, HOSIERY, ETC. Together with a Bp lend id assortment of WINTER HATS ail BOMETS: ASD I MILLINERY GOODS, Of all kinds which will be sold at cost to make room for a largo stock of Spring and Summer Goods. W. B.WILKINSON'S, No. 85 East Temple Street. f Hi MUSTiSG LIS1M0T FOR MAX A-XD HEAST. Probably few articles havo over had so extensive a sale, while none have beun more universally bonclicial than tho celebrated Mbxican AIustanu Liniment. Lini-ment. Children, Adults, Horses and Domestic Animals, aro always liable to accident, and it is safe to say, that no family can pass a single season without some kind of an emollient being- necessary, neces-sary, llbecjmosa niallor of importance import-ance then to secure the best. Tho merits of the .Mexican Mustang Linimknt aro well known throughout tlio habitable world. .From the million upon million of bottles sold, no complaint com-plaint has ever reached us. It is recommended re-commended for Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Khoumatism, Swellings, Bites, Chilblains. Chil-blains. &c., upon man, and for Spavins, Founders, King-bone, Poll Evil, Scratches, "Wind-Galls, Uoofalo, ijc,, upon horse?. IMPORTANT TO OWNERS OF HORSES, "This is to certify, That th Mexican Mas-tAUR Mas-tAUR Lmiuicnt !ia.c boon extensively used in our sublcs throughout tho country (wc. have 2.6'J') horse) with the prcatost benefit in all ca.'oE ot gall:, kik.'i siiriniu, lamonci"!, stillness, still-ness, etc. Mirny of our men havo had occasion occas-ion to use it in their fjitnilic?. and all Bpcab of it in tho highest torma. One of our men pot kickoJ and b.idlr cut and broiled; its ua ual. tho Mustang Liniment was resorted to tho lameness was removed, and bo wna almost al-most well in four d:iya. We can chcorfull) recommend it as a valuable pioixualion lui man or boasL Youra respectfully, J. DUNNING. Foreman of Adams Jfc Co's. Exp's. Stablee K. V. tJliiO.V. Soma unprincipled parties have und? taken to counter!-it thu Liniment. Jh cencinn is wrapped In a Pne "steel Plate c:it:ravinE, with "0. W. Wcftbronk, Cbcir in." and "Trado Mark. SIL.XIUAX Ml.-T.VNG Ml.-T.VNG LINIMLNT." enprared across ti fac of each wr.irpor. Tho whulo bears tfc prophetora' private United States Kevenc Stamp, and oot a common stamp, as tue by drupciu. Lios ilistrncTCRiso Co., 437 &l iark Piace, N. Y. MISCELLANEOUS. ! CRUSHERJ-OR SALE. j A So. 3, Double Action, Gates' Crusher, for lc c lie op. Apply te 21UR.KIS EVAXS, jSl P. 0. Box. SI. Salt Lake City. Emerald Hill Mining Company. LOCATION of Works. Salt Lake County, Utah Territory. Notice is hereby Riven that at a meeting I of tho Board of Trustee ol S'id Cuap-iny. I held on tho eleventh day of Jamary, l.sTi, 1 an n?f csiment of twenty fiveoenu per share t.is levied upon the t'apitil Stock of said Company, payable immediately, in cold and silvcrcoin, to th.' Secretary at fie UfSce o'. the Company. Room No. M, Merchants Ex-chsnEc, Ex-chsnEc, California street, San t'ranciaco, California. Any Stock upon which said assessment shall remain unptiid on MONDAY the Nineteenth Nine-teenth day of February. lS72,shall bL-deemod delincincnt, and will be duly advertised for sale at public auctirn, and unless payment shall bo made before, will be go'd on THURSDAY, tho F urf cnth day of March. 1ST2, to pay tho delinquent assesfmenu lo-gethor lo-gethor with costs of advertising and ex-pensos ex-pensos of the sale- By order of the Bjard of Trustees. F. MADGE, Secretary. Office No, C4, Merchants Ktehange. California Califor-nia street, San Francisco California. jlti new goods! Out of theBlockade ! CLOTHING DEPARTMENT lias rooeiv-ed a FINK I.OT OK Cassi meres, ljromlcloths, Doeskins. A splendid osaorttuoDt of CARRIAGE RUGS and HORSE BLANKETS. A Krcat variety of cloth izsra-, BOOTS AND SHOES, FINE BEAVER SUITS) And UNDER CLOTHING. A lot of VERY CHEAP BL1METS A large, licfivy 1 f ( Blauktt for J ICALIi AND EXAMINE THEM. The Place to Buy YOUR GLAZED SASH, BLINDS, AND PANEL DOORS, For Quality and Prico, Imported or Home-made, IS AT WTIMER. TAYLOR & CO'S PLANING MILL, ShkIi unci Door Factor', One block west of Tabernacle; dl7 C -i ( !s CD CC 8 ! 1 1 ' ii 1 S S t M PQ I cc ti 1 i ' i O I C . t 1 ; PAGE, ISltO.iV CO. r- e Jbcpartera and Dflon ta leather and findings e 33 and 37 Sonth Canal street, 'i. CHICASQ, II oat Z. C. M. I. COLUMN. Z. C. M. I. Wholesale DRY GOODS DEP'TI Up Stairt, Emporium Buildings, A fall, firtt-l&M etook ol STAPLE DRY GOODS, JVOTIOXS, BOOTS and SHOES, AT LOW PIIICKS.. WTiolcsalo buyers and Co-opcrativo Dealers please inspect. GROCERYIHARDWARE DEPARTMENT, CONSTITUTION BUILU1NG.S, PanjhaeorB oaD hero &Qd An Immense Stock AND IN EACH BUNCH AGHEAT VAKIE: IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS AND MACHINERY ALL ON THE 1'KEillSES. Miners Supplies a Specialty CLOTHING DEFT. HOIVIE-ftSADE AND I MI' O II T K T MANITFAOTUKSD t'H O M IIOMK-.M AUK, PRENCH, , OERNAN, AMEH1CA.V FAUKICg Fine Cassimeres, and Cloths Trimmings' On hand, ibr GeuLlemeQ orJcriiif their own. m- KIIIST-GLASS FITTBK8 AND WOIIKMKIM TO VW.V, AlI OllDBttS f UUiUPTLVi Retail Departm'nt, EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, THE FINEST DISPLAY AVD 1SS0RTMEAT OF GOODS. WE CUT IN ANY LENGTHS AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE. This u tba Department for Familios. DRUG DEPT. Fancy and Staple Drugs, t'ATE.YT MEDICINES, Porfvunory, LIQUORS IS GREAT VARIETY KKOlalBU AXK AND POUTKIl, AVKIULL PA IfVT WHITE LEAD, ' OILS, COLOR GLASS, ETC. 1 Fescriptvmt from Physician vnl have tptciaL attention. H. B. CUHSO., Supt SAM FRANCISCO TRADE. TOBIN, DAVISSON & CO., IMrORTKES or AMERICAN, ENGLISH, FRENCH AND O EH ?ll AN FANCY GOODS, Small Wans, Foc-vl Cutlery, Perfumery, Yankee Xotiensy StitioiuTjj, Drtss 2YimTHUipi White Goixis, MHImery Gotxis IiositTy, Linen ITdkcfs, Genii Furnishing Goods, Etc, (or. SulliT and Sansome Sis, SAN FRANCIECO. JJ A, C. DIETZ & CO. importers or PAINTS, OILS, Varnishesand Lamps, No. m PROXT STRKET. . MARTIN & CO. Wholesale Lip Dealers, 408 Front Street, Sun Kmncltco Pn'i'rietora of MILLER'S EXTRA OLD UOl1 KDOH And sole acnts for f, F. CUTTER S EXTRA OLD B3UH30N WHISKIES Con-tanily on hanl, full assortment of all the Mantlnrd Brnndi of WhUklci, Kln Urandlti h'orelpn and Domestic Wlnti, m5 Hitterm, Contlnlm, c. THE BANK ot CALIFORNIA SAN VHA.VcisrOi D.O.MILLS, - PRKSIPKNT. W. 0. RAL6T0N. - CASUIKR. CaiitfI Paid Vp, . t,UUU,OOU. i)RAW OiRECT AND ISSUE LETTERS of Ctedit on nil t!u- jinncipal oitioa of Lh J.t31fc:UUIi,B, cV4l, CCMMiSSION MERCHANTS 304 and SOS California St., Ban Francisco, - - California. PnrticBlftr attention paid to the fllllnii of irocra for everv do-vrmt nn l merchandise. u-.'S Sal of Urea, .c, Jto. A. J. 1FF1T11, Dealer In all kludi or PIOKIjSX) t9 SMOKRD 3ALMGN AND HERRINGS, 13 Wuhlniiionlttriti. All klodi of Dried. Smoked and Pickled Don ooiutmtljonband. . ji S. h. Stunlry, Jt.lm Siirunucw, 0. C. Cl.tiuta Spruance, Stanley & Co., J-iiccMiors to H.Wol.M- r A Co. tul J. & J. PpnmiiCB Importer! and U'bolosale Deklcr In WINES AND LIQUORS, H 410 FRONT STREET. THE GREAT 6LGGD PURIFIER, i vi r i f- k. - hi TUS GREAT CALIFORNIA VEGETAHLK BLOOD PURIFIER. ninil IV TU K SI Kit K A N KVAlJA .M niintjiififi. in liio wiimlerfiil rttute o Ciilii,ruin. cr" .in )u-ih h, known (() the Indi tun nt .-in iih-nh,i,; run- lor it H Kl'M A-rii.M. A-rii.M. UUUI', M-'I K.M.UlA. nn all dm-c.i'O- in uny nny niniiL'iiiK 1 rum junm ritir if I lie blood. Sn-ii.-i- Iihc at lcnth l.rouKlit tn likht hh viri hi", n:, i of tl.it I'.ituot lirrlj h;if cimiiuiunui'.l VrllUSA N A M A , n i-rvi-n-ratioii tur the i'JvlOl AN KM CURK ul Scrofula, Salt Itlictiin, and all Kraft, live nud Cutaneoui llsaea. flivm liniiio'ltiitq nnd prrnmnent relief tn UVisIMii'alA. iiJl Vrtfl'Jil.rtS. Kin Worm riimort. Hoil. S-.Id Ilen'U. Ulcor onrf crsdicBtPF iroui tb-Blem all ir- ol mercurial dinoue. IT IS PURELY VfcGlTABlE, It t thoreforo lo.'iil nrly nuni.lle Tor uno ItmnlcB mi'l f!.)i;rrn tl(i u UL.UUD rUKL- moTIIKHH Who wifh y fin 4 a m.'lt.-inr, peculiarly iV'-J i;r7't iii:miju.s Hnd khii)'- IUiSH in tljBir children, w.i hud a ale jiid furo cure in lhitliA 6 '.MA, for everrwbora. mCUlNUTO.-t, HOhTICTTKR w AKnte, BI4V tnil B31 Market nt-H nt-H rrnclro. REDIi'iGTOfi, HOSTETTER & CO. IiuporUTJ und Joi.iiiii o KOIth.l.'S AND DUDliCSTIU DRl'tS IH (HEMIC ALS Flue lvrii( 11 Oil, Uuai, ltooti, Htt tlr, Klowrri, hpuitts, H It I lie, I'ciinailii, A.c, And II other Btplnc connected with the Wbolei&le And ReUll Drue HuninMi. ContUr.lly in receipt, hj direct linKorUtion, of Huropcnn mid Asiaiio product. Exclusive Asents for Quicksilver, Jon-t'pr' T'.itlrrr. Liak'- I'Unmiinn liiilfrw, Wolf. hfid.ini Srlmppr. Iicwoil'i 1'uliuouarj ajrnp, 1 And a the lailinr J'rorrioUrj Medicine both American and Koropean. Orders Promptly and Carefally Executed. Hon. 049 and 031 Market Street, Sotwocn first and Second. San Francisco, California. |