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Show MUNICIPAL ELECTION.; PEOPLE'S TICKET.; For Hayort 1 DANIEL II. WKI.LS. Ii'or Aliierutem l.il Ward - - - ISAAC (iliOO, -d,1 " - AUKKLIIIS MINER, ard " - NATHANIEL 11. FELT, lb " - - JKTKR I'l.lNTON, ill, "... JOHN VANL'OTT. j ii'or Councilor! LEWI.i S. HILLS, llllliKKTT. BURTON, JOHN 11. WINUEK, ALKXANDF.K MAJORS, A. C. I'iTKR, Jo.l. V. SMITH, JOHN CLARK, TIIKO. Mr KKAN, HENRY OltOW. I'D; Al.rall.lt JOHN D. T. M..'ALLLSTKH. For Trtnurtri 1'AUL A. SUIIEVTLER. h'or Itetoidori ItOHKKT CAMl'HKLL. ' SECOND DISPATCH. CALIFORNIA. San Prancisco, 3. The Call this morning published the following special, spec-ial, dated Ogden, 2. Advise the public pub-lic not to come this way as there is great complaint among all, and suffering suffer-ing among the second class passengers. There are no present prospects of rc-liof. rc-liof. Signed, Chas. A, Washburne and B, P. Potfs, governor of Montana. Some time before 10 o'clock last evening, burglars who are supposed to have bceu let in by a confederate who had been concealed inside, smashed the safe in Johnson's harness and saddle sad-dle shop on Front St., near Pine, and carried off the contents. The work was done so quietly that the bookkeepers bookkeep-ers at work in tho next store heard nothing of it. Ex-deputy sheriff Boyd and ex-police ex-police sergeant Seybold have been arrested ar-rested on complaint of the mayor, for buying and selling a deputyship in the sheriff's office, and held to bail in the sum of $1,000 each. There is much excitement in stocks on the street. Savage which sold at 80 yesterday, advanced at a bound to 115, at which price it is now selling before the board. CAUTION "VOTICE.. I ta ratltlrf to Diiorerr ind ?x&m C!.. ;n lie Pinion Ui, in P-irltj j Pari, an-1 -ball Ulert r c.j, j """"El-n-S WALKER, ;sjtL.i.Cii,, IT. p s. A,t. A LL orai for Col loft A. S. Goald n-s office, on it promptly Mtecded to. Prio. S 5 PK !oo, aeliTtrod m m.ia ran of the citr. X. P. "WOODS, j f5 Boeto Monaiiui Col ind lion Co. WELLS, FARG!TS LETTER LIST. 1 1 L;?t of Li-tter noeirevl axJ reuiainiOK on j : iiaiiJ JuriDu the week etslvu i'eb. 3, lsTi Aljv.-il V nibb.-nj "u Small L John j i iiT-.n C, D II ,11 i: C. Nvjk t'tiaa : U.-if.iEfc-taiu IluiU'art w Nuli A u I Mrs I. I! "'Ull i'rancis tinlctt IT ILitumrr John l'cn'en Mrs j.-cvoot 11 N Hua: have H M iiriihan II Hvriiibrouk Piokncll Wm S.-v.-ii Hr.-y Joh-j il 1 ?! Il.-irJj T!:-iS J'.-iUe '!':: ia , :! ittE lir.. C llu"-cy Wm lVrrv O 11 jrowTjr'teia JLinbaiua X ri kicllS J (io l. lt-.,-!i!.!er A 'urrv J-H Ifis:er;oll Ja3 list's S V " lf...n J.-ba Jdi V lijiu-f "ami 'iv ill in F It Kiiii'-itle J E Kutl'i C 'juch J Kic-adu J 11 li ter Oo 'rii,ia Vlo Kiiuiam W'ui StaaanlJ-n "a-.i t'r:ck KuS D P,-hot: l-KIC W ird If L S Kirk Mt rick Smith II F ;ri.ck.T w c w savorw.-Lii '... iu r I.chn Jacli Chas i: ( ?r..invi' LmibcrlliC FhioLls A M I Jumnsimi K Lj-DL'h J T S,-ott Mr3 W L.L.htjrook C Mary ilLihnD Jis il rctr M M Jhurch Mrd Lciln-s 1-2 Smith Jacob Jutin m iniiit Mrs S Pivci-ny Mrs K ochcr-nf: W MulicaV Sia-iu-or F ni" C H Morrill F Trji itliaa LJivuN I- Mtsllkk Fran- " m KUuion-U Dr cj T ills J F CI W Manerick Tliomns Prof "ncsli'v J W Chas F I'J I Field SC Mansur C S Williams J P f amworth J .MackieJ V White Martin i F it ii rr i Paml " Wallers Saul i "ieMUen .McU.nuuj.-h J Wamlcll ''tilt on L A Dwit-ht ( ',n-r W '-' M-ritan Ii Wall .la- i Jrti-lcy H S 2 M.-alh Jas Yuuiic J W j i-jl.lcu Mrs W Martina '1' I THEO. F. TltACV, Ayciit. I til K A 1 AUVEUT181NO. AdvertisemenLs under this heading tot exceeding five lines, fiRy cents lor lach and every iHerflon. Eieh r-d-lilion i' 'i'ie i-ctil-;- FOR SALE. 'pUK LUNCH STAND IN THE OMAHA Street. Jimuire in Iho Saloon. 1'2 THEATRE. IVlonrlay Evening, Feb. 5, 1872 BENEFIT OF E. T. STETSON "3J3 wlwn ho will njipoor In Ui o Orent Sensation of tho airo Cha?. i'ojlcr'i imiiionscly bucciissl'ul Drama of M AND NECK! Recently performed in Now York to overflowing houses, and sinco in tho prioci pill cities of tho Union, and pronounced pro-nounced by tho Press and Public tho Greatest Sensation of tho Day. It abounds with Sensational Effects, inoluding a Public Execution on the Scaffold ! Tlio Host Slnrlllug Scene Ever Presented on (he Stngc I Tbo Urand Portraitore of an Express Train about to be Shattered to Atoms In tho Qtinrry, when it is prcservod by a miracle. Thoso with numoreua other Thrtllins Situations, Sit-uations, rentier tliis tbo mitst intensely interest in-terest iDg Drama over offorod to tho public. Saturday Afternoon, Frb. 10, Grand Neck and J'ec!c Matinee. PROF. PKATT'SLECTURB. T-)llOF. O. PRATT, SEN. WILL LEC-l LEC-l turo in thoOld Tabenuiclo on IVednos-ilny IVednos-ilny oveninff, tbo 7th inst. Doors opon at hnlf-past six. Locturo to oommcDco at a quarter past seven. SUBJECT: The Bible and Book of Mormon Mor-mon Evidences Compared. TICKETS 2Mb. May ha had at tho con oral Co-0orati vo Store. Walker llro's. Caldcr Dro's. J. Dwy-er's Dwy-er's Book store, and Townscnd House. Prof. Pratt will acain Locturo on Thura- day ovoning, the Sth inst. fJ Election Notice. rilE qualified Electors ofPalt Lake Coun ty will take notice: That an Election will ho held on Monday tho 5th inst.. in tho several precincts of Salt Lake County for tho purpose of electing nineteen delegates lo a convention to be hold at tho City liall inSaltLako City on tbo nineteenth inst.. for tho purpose of framing a constitution for a State tiovernmcnt with a view to tho ad mis ion of Utah into tho Union as a Stato. Said Election to ba held, conducted, and returns niada to tho ofiico ot tho County Clcrk, in accordance with tho laws ot tho Territory of Utah in relation to elections. 1. BOCK HOLT, County Clerk. County Clork's Office, Salt Lake City. Fob. 2, 1372, ft EDDINGTOM'S A? A Two Blocks ioutU of the U. C.K.ll, Depot, and next to Win. J e till ti-ll I n g ' TKiinery. Tho yard is kept constantly supplied b: ( aeveral saw-mills wi:h A Full Assortment of Native Lumber, W. E. solicits tho patronao of bis old . friends, and by punctuality and diliKence ir , businei3 hopes to merit a share of public support. j FOR SALE -rn tho r.th Ward. on( block andahalfwe.u ot tho U. C. K. R., a small n..u;e and half lot, with fine orchard. For parncuiari enquire of ' aaxa Wil.EDDIXQTON. LUMBERYARD. All Ki:;i! of Linuljci' BOOKS, WINDOWS, BLLXD3, .MOULDINGS, SULXGLES, LATHS, CRAIN AT VHOLESALE. It. n. jokes, 1 j7 HilJ-blockeoata of U. C. Xjccot. B. W. STAYNER'S COLUMN- CITY LOTsl lurry up and File your Statements for City Lots. C. W. Stayner Attends to it At Calder Hro's every day next week. Figures Don't Lie! 1,500 Ladies andCicntlcmen would not testify that this INGENIOUS PREPARATION PREPARA-TION had preserved tho Hair from railing Off ! HAD Beautified the Hair by Making it Smooth and Glossy ! Had removed all DANDRUFF FROM THE HEAD I Baldheaded persona WOULD NOT DKCLAKE that tbo DOUBLE STRENGTH had produced from one to three inches of Hair on a Smooth and Shiny Surface ! If it were not the cisc. Lndios, as rou value your Beautiful Hair, cease to use OILS and DYES which destroy tho hair and injure tho health, but ask for tho GREAT UNKNOWN! AND Taltc no'OlIi'cr! For snlc nt Cnldcr Bro'g, Z. C. M. I. Drui; Store, And most all Druggists. Prieo for Toilet, - - $1.00. Best for Ladies' use. Double strength, - - S'i.OO. For Baldness. If You Don't Feel Well TAKE O UNTIE BOTTLE OF THE All unito io snying this is AN EXCELLENT AND VALUA. BLE MEDICINE FOB. USE IN A FAMILY. IT IS ALIKE GOOD FOR THIS CHILD OK THE PAIIENT. It curci Catarrh, Dyspepsia, it ; PUKIFIES THE BLOOD and : Builds Up the Whole System, For snlc nt Calder Bra't, and nt r(lrn Co-op. Ini'n. 1'iice, - o-:c- and jl ptr bottle. C. W. STAYNER, j Griicral Agent. Eun. the Blockade! GKEAT REDUCTION IN Till PlilCEOF LIGHT! Good Sews for those Unit like u Urill'mnt, Clcni-ui.d Mule Lislit ! Large arrival of PETROLEUM FLUID at The Pioneer Lamp Store, ONLY 2.00 FOB FIVE GALLONS. For (hose that liko COAL OIL, wo have received a Laivo Slock, oi' al (inalities, and at Reduced Prices. Tho Larpcst A.-s.'rliuent of LAMP GOODS in tho Territory. io ZED. ZEIEIESIEI! &c CO. Sulo AiroDta for " Tlie tnforli Pel volt'liiii Fluid. I 89 1st South Street, half Work West of Post Otliw. FLOUR! FLOUR! Families, linkers, Miners Ami all Olhus WANTING SHOULD BUY Wm . Jennings' XXX Flour TO BE HAD AT The Flour Warehouse on First South Street, between East and West Temple Streets, slt Xj.k:ei city. No Flour gCDuino unless the mouth of the sack is sealed by label "Wm. Jennings." j:s WALKER BROS, JOHN TAYLOR & BRO., Merchant Tailors, COMMERCIAL STREET, KEEP oonstnntly on hand r choice assortment assort-ment of FRRNCll, EXGLISIInnd A31ER1CAS Cloths, Cassimeres, VestingSjEtc, Of tho finest qualities and latest styles, wbich wo make up to order in the moat fuhionablc and approved manner. -PATBONAGB solicited- COALKOAL! Ilnvlng pnrclinsed the Spriggs Coal Mine We art prepnred to supply tlU Juilly celebrated WEBER COAL by car lond or retail. Depot at I'. C. R. R. Yanl. Ofllcet ILxcUange sad Reading Rooms. BATEMAN & BUEL. tat W. H. UlkU,AKt. Coal Oil and Naptha Depot BAY & CUjLMER, S9 fast Ttmple Street, -A-GrZEHsTTS fob FOREST CITY VARNISH AND OIL COMPANIES Gasoline 85 for Gas Machines, Do. 74 for Lamps. OCCIDENTAL BURMXG FLUID The Best and Cheapest Light Ever Gffcred to the Public. This Fluid is of much HEAVIER GRAVIT1" Ihan any other bmaia'J ever offered in the muket, approiimalinK closely to that ol the be-t 'l'iJl1 ' of COAL OIL, but yet posseting DOUBLE the ILLUMINATING It burns CLEAN WITHOUT SMOKE and do not thar the wick, w!t will not require attention of'tener than once a wecV. This Fluid needs but one trial to convinc: any rcrson oi its superior tacs. WHOLESALE BETAH1 Who want AGENTS in every settlement of tho Territory. ' |