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Show TELEGRAMS. t ... NIGHT REPORT. FOItEIO'. Tlilera' bopct. Versailles, 7. Thiers, in relying to-day to-day to the congratulations of the mu-i mu-i nicipality of Versailles on the extension ot his term of oince, exprejosed the hoDe that the future of France would he fortunate, and that simuiuneouily with the moral and material recovery of the country its present form of government would become a peaceful and glorious reality. Germany and Anstrla. Salzburp, 7. Yesterday Bismarck and Von Beast held a protracted con-versation. con-versation. The story that the portraits por-traits of Napoleon and Eugenie are to be removed from the Castle of Salzburii is authoritatively denied. Vienna, 7.-It is stated that no treaty was signed at Gasiien. A dispatch trom baizDurg says Austria and Germany Ger-many will consider the question jointly as it arises, and Russia is not mentioned men-tioned in connection with the combined com-bined attitude of the two powers, li I is added that Austria and Germany are resolved to oppose the machinations machina-tions of the Internationale. Xtni From Versailles. Versailles, 7. There are still persistant per-sistant rumors of a eooiness between the French and Italian eovernments. It is expected the Rus-ian Grand Duke will meet Thiers at Cherbourg. The pioloets have Reeved orders to close C'Un'.ry tawrns, iu ca.-e jieiition; are siirned I herein for the dissolution ol the Assembly, and to acnul ail resolutions resolu-tions of municipalities aiming at the same object. |