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Show TRAVEL. GILMER X SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES TI1IIOUUII Utah, South-east iYcvnda & fll on-tan on-tan a 9 Leaving Salt Lake City Dally, running run-ning Mouth to Tinlift. American Fork. Mount Nebo. Sevier, St. George, Utah ; and Pioohe, Nevada ; I'liilnf through Provo, Sprinfrvillo, Spanish Fork,Pay-Bon, Fork,Pay-Bon, Salt Creek, Chicken Creek, Round Valley, Fillmore, Cora Creek, Beaver, Mincrs-ville, Mincrs-ville, and All the principal tmons and mining camps in southern Utah and south-east Nevada, Alio leave Corlnne, Utah, dally, running north to Virginia City, Helena, Fort Benton, Deer Lodge, Cedar Creek mines, and passing through all the nnnninal towns and min ing oampa in Moo- tana. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Wells, Fvgo & Co. Building (on Bait Lake City Len Win u. fl. P. Kimball. SALT LAKE, And Tintic Stage and Express KINN1.HQ DA1LV ril.U iiALT I.AKK CITY, via LAKE Tf"A, TJUI1.I.K Ui'tflf, STOCifTON AXD CP. 'IK TO T J' C. Th --: 1?". TQ-'l- -witaf-riloZ; 1 .t .iii i , 1 wj tTi. 'mil uvtrj attention ia paid :c li j rjLioii .in i convenience of passoa-ors. passoa-ors. Good accommodations on the road, THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Onto at Wells, Fargo Co.'i, Salt Lake City, WINES & KIMBALL, Proprietors. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. On .ml after January al.t, 73 MIXED TRAINS WILL IFtTTISr ID -A ILY. Leaving the Utah Central R.R. Depot, Salt Lake City, at 7.10 a.m.; Draper 5.45 p.m., and Sandy Station, (nearest point to Little Cottonwood Canon,) at 6.20 p.m. Ad extra train will Ktut on Sundays Leaving Draper at 8.40 a.m., Sandy at 9.10 a.m., Salt Lake City at 4.10 p.m. FARES : Salt Lake to Bin Cottonwood Station. 50oti Little " " 50au Sandy " 11.00 ' " Draper " 1.25 Twenty-five cents additional will be charred when the fare u colieoted on the train. D. O. CALDKH, Gen. Freight and Ticket Agent. ' FER.VMORZ LIT TLB UPKRIT.'TKJJDSNT. W.T.UKVNOLPS & CO.. ZAI1RISKIE, aau x'raneUco. Suit L.iko City. WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABRISKIE & CO. HAVE fOR sale A FINE USD OF WINES AND LIQUORS, To which they call the attention of DEALERS. j Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. bOLi; AULSTS FOR "HOUSER'S" JST11A1G1IT WHISKIES. THE FINEST IB .A. 3t IN THE CITY CONNECTED WITH THE HOUSE. MAIN STREET, Twodoon south or Weill) Fargo Co'i Bonk. lhj& 1 SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. CEO. W. CLARK, IMPORTERS OF PAPER HANGINGS, WINDOW SHADES, ETC., 33J Pine Street, SAN FRANCISCO. ' ai t WTKIN, B1MON CO., Importers and Dealers In TAILiOna' GrOOJDQ C'lotli, CuiiTioros & Trim-niinyM. Trim-niinyM. l.adiLV Cloultinss, IJIillinrd CJlollit. Klc, (Wi A 031 Sacrimuntc Strict, BAX'PRAXCISOO. 13-", Uuaue 3i- ita Kiu lo l'iw:hi.Tiif r. alO KEW VORK. l'AM?. A. B. ELFELT & CO., IUP0BTKR3 ASD JOBIiEtlS OF Clothing and Furnishing Goods, lOS tVlIOSunsomc Street, HAS PBANCISCO. BI.FKI.T, LEVI 4 CO. IK Churvli St., N. Y. All LEWIS BROTHERS, CIGAR MANUFACTURERS, 213, 215 & 217 Battery St., SAN FRANCISCO, fAL. Car.'fnl and prompt at tout ion puid t 1 onli-rs entniriliHl tooiir euro. n32 HBCHT HIIO'S fo CO. BOOTS, SHOKS & LEATHER 104& 10G Sansome St., Sun .Francisco, And 6 k 12 Pearl Street, Boston. ItUCKTXOHAM .f ItECUT, Uaaufnclnrora or tlio "EITRA QUAUTT" CALIFORNIA BOOTS AND SKQES. all JACOB UN DE It II ILL fo CO., IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, Solo Agents for Ban il or son Bro's k Go's OAST STEEL ITiles, Mouse Hole Anvlli, Col Una &Co's C. S. Sledges, Picks, Axes, Jtc. 118 A ISO Battery Street, San Francises all JAMES A. fOlOER. 0. SCHOEMAHN. J. A. FOLCER & CO'S PIONKKK STEAM COFFEE AND SPICE MILLS, No. 220 Front Street, Dotweon California and Sacramon to, al3 SAN FRANCISCO. SAMUEL W. ROSEHSTOCX. MARION lEVENTRITT. S.W.R0SENST0CK&CO. Biauulacturers and Importers of BOOTS AND SHOES, S. K. Corner ofSniisoiue tfc Bimh Streets, San Francisco. Sols Agonts for tho National Guaranteed Rublior Boots; for Howard, French & Co's Ce.lclirnti.il Min-Doraaud Min-Doraaud Fanners' JJooU; for Mocker A I'L-ndlutoa'a Hand Sowed JJooU. al3 J. BAUM & CO., JmportorB and Manufactorora of MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING, 32 San.omo St., San Francisco. Ho 18 Warren St.. Sew York. 19 Harness, Saddlery, Leather. J. C.JOHNSON & CO., 104 J- 10G Front Street, SAX FRANCISCO. Jlefrr bf permission to Mr. JI. Jl Claw-soit, Claw-soit, SiiiivrluluHdi-Ht of the Z. C. M. 1. al3 JOfllV G. HODGE & Co., Importers, Mauufacturcrs WHOLESALE STATIONERS, 327, 329 and 331, Sanaomo Street, SAN FRANCISCO, 4SJohn St, MEW YOKK. With tho faoiHties wo possess we can confidently con-fidently say that wo can supply ovorythine in tho Paper and Stationery lino, of superior supe-rior qualities, at lower prices than can be obtaiaed elsewhere. SEND FUJI SAMPLES. A. L. BANCROFT & CO., BAN FRANCISCO. BOOKS, STATIONERY, PiillVTIINO, LITHOGRAPHING, And everything in this connection WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Letters of inquiry receive prompt attention. alO THE IJ1PKOVED FRENCH RANGE. Tho most complete Cooking A pparatus in use The Eureka Range, Stands unrivalled by any other Portable Kongo, Guarantee (I, to give entire satisfaction. satisfac-tion. Locke & Montague, 112 Jfc 114 Battery St., alt) Sax F hascibco. IMttier, Filler & Co., Importers and Dealers in PAIfJTS, OILS A.TD W1S1XMV JL VSS, Sole Agenta for French & Belgian Plate Glass Co's, .21 and 23 FRONT STREET, ! S&nVranclico, RICHARDS & HARRISON, Importers of ! M ALT LIQLOilS i.XD I OILMAN STORES,! 314 db U10 Battery al.,SanFrjuiclico Agents for Crosse J- Btac.kicelCs English Groceries, J. J. COLMAN'S MUSTARD, Huntley & Palmer's Reading Biscuits J. S. FRY & SON'S CHOCOLATE & COCOA, ! ARDBEG IS LAY SCOTCH WHISKEY., JOULE'S ! - TRADE MARK. MALT LIQUORS. JOULE'S STONE ALE. Tenneet'i Scotch Ale. Blood's India Pale Ale, Bam Jt Co"s Barton Ale. Brtis' Cbampasne Ale. Blood'i XXX Dub-Uc Dub-Uc Mou', Liuinnw Bublin Stout, Bjajs' London Porter. Ten-Denl'j Ten-Denl'j XXX Stout. Bridso'd London Porter. Foreign Liquors In Caiei LUMBER YARDS. T. I.ATIMEH. W. n. FO!.POM. U. TAYLOR. O. ROMNKY. LATIMER, TAYLOR & CO AXOTIIElt EXTENSION. We bave adJed to our other business a LUMBERYARD, Where we intend keeping a complete stock of TllUCKEE LUMBER, clear and common, SUGAR PINE, REDWOOD, RUSTIC, SIDING, CEILING, FLOORING, rough & dressed, SHINGLES, LATI7. FIVE CAR LOADS just arrived of WISCONSIN DOORS, SAS1I Sc BLINDS. MOULDINGS in great varicts'. Ripping, Planing and Job Work at LATIMER, TAYLOKiXO'S YARD AJSD FACTORY, One block we it of Tnlicrnncle. A largo assortment can bo found at MIDGLEY'S PAINT STORE, Three doors west of DTatu Street, opposite Walker Uro'a. LUMBERYARD. All Kinds of Lumber DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATHS, T. R. JONES, i7 Half-blook soath of U. C. Depot FREIGHTERS TO PIOCEE, AND FAMILIES, NOTIGE, i If you want to get CORN, OATS, J5ARLEV, FLOUR, and EE ED of all descriptions, before purchasing you should give J' Geo.H.Knowlden a call, who sells in CAR LOAD LOTS, BY THE TON OR RETAIL, the cheapest of any in the City. Families also can have their GRAIN, FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED, and GROCERIES delivered anywhere in the City FREE OF CnARQE. CARS OF GRAIN arriving every day and for sale in lots, on tho track or at his store, West Side of Main Street, opposite Wells, Fargo & Co's. Caslipaii for aUM of Brain. GIVE HIM A CAUL. Cr II. K. Opposite Wells, Fargo dt Co's, Main Street, Salt Luke City, a16 SEWING MACHINES For Family and Manufacturing Purposes, Embotl y all that' is new and novel in Sewing Machines. Thoy are the latefit improved anl lightest ranninjr ahnttle machines in the world. Beautiful ana com pact in model and unexcelled in material and finish. They sew everything from lace to bearer cloth in the moat perlect mannor- ETrjr varloty of Hemming, Felling, (Quilting, Cording, Homing, Piping, Tnblng, Fringing, Hem Stitching etc., cully pei formed Straight AudU. iVb Cog-iohcds. SO V1BIIAT1SG SPRINGS. Ever; Machine Warranted aj Represented Salesroom on First South Street Suit Luke City, opposite the Hew neat Market. IRA PFOUTZ, jsjlS Age at FIRE INSURANCE. H03IE IXSURAXCE CO., Columbus, Ohio. JI. A. DAI liHKRTY. JACOB PEETBT, Cash Assrts - - $nI,132.M. By reafon 01" a heavy ensh cui ital and a Urge buiines?, well diitribated. we oner to tho rnblic iedtmnit? tht is secund to none. Oar Chicago reccrd ia a guiraatee ol prompt and suitable adjuatment and par ment olloues. H. R. MANN, Agent. OfHcet Banking Home of A. W, Whit . Co. Poit Oulaa Box. No. 561. mjlO HARDWARE. 0. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All kind, of HEAVY HARDWARE, Irou aud Steel, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Agricultural Implements And mining Tools, At Lowest Rates, OPPOS1T1C SALT LAKE HOUSE nl HENDRIE BRO'S 33 MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, Munufaoturo California and Eastern STAMP MILLS. Contracts taken for the erection of STAMP MILLS AND SMELTING SMELT-ING FURNACES COMPLETE COM-PLETE in any of the Mining Districts. Wc manufacture the Vnrney &. Wheeler Puns. Patent Pressed Shoes and Dies, Patent Stem Guides, and the machinery complete for STAMP MILLS AND- REDUCTION WORKS. of which wo make a reaialty and guarantee satisfaction in all oases. Manufacture Bollhoff's Ball Pulverizer, FOR DRY CRUSHING, Will do tho work oflaStamps, Price. $1500. Manufacturers' Agents for the Sale of Stnrtcvant A. Root Blowers, Karle 0c, Cameron Steam Pumps, Hoisting, Portable and Stationary Engines, Wire HoUt in Rope, (Flat and Round,! Tunnel Rail Iron, JO, 12 and 16 lbs. to th Iron Pipe for Gas and Water, JDndRe &. Blake Ore Crushers, Mining Carsnud iron Buckets, Argllle Fire Brick, and Alining Supplies, ESTIMATES and DRAWINGS furnished FOR ALL OUR WORK. alO SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers IRON AND STEEL WEIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS AND ALL KINDS OF MINING TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, Pipo and all kinds of Fittings for Furnaces and Mills. HARDWARE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING, AGENTS FOR Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOR CASH. on nnn:po-DS ZU.UUUlROHANDSTEEl At C. II. Bassett's. Oppo.lt. Half Xik How... nil s: it (fi . a! S ! 5 19 gill f 111! o ? S h g i . J3C3 e M j3 m aaJ ari S -o.S S I j O s fe-s I - a "Pa jgC or- S S a r- Furnacemen Attention! A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. A EI JLGE5TH FOB THI UOLOsCX CITY FIRE BltlCK, Which are iaal if not superior to tbi best Encli.-h. btecial raLos given by the car load, octli JAS. A. STHOfflBEHB, 3Icrchant Tailor, East Side Commercial St., Next door south of J. 51. Day A, Co. Cloths, Ci Mine res, c on hand, ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Clothes Cleaned nml Rrpalrpd equal to new at low rates. Patronaia BMpectfolly Solicited. cac mat r 2 CD R i I M 1 R . X g g 2 P Q 5 Q, 2 s ta i i a 5 k Mi s. S ,? ph ra 3 o g , o" & Q bp o3 ! w 6 Lj o u o S .2 O &o a q W n U u Eh J 2 M W u r, 0 2 O S P u H S - O h S S W MISCELLANEOUS. JAY DAY, 1872. Fancy Straw Hats and v reams, at astonishingly low prices, just the thing for PIC-NICS AND EXOOESiOH PARTIES.! z. a. avc. i. Retail Bit &ooils Department II. B. CLAWSON, Supt. j " "5 s CO I i W , o " ft- E s f s w fam p g co Q - S I I S ? " o 5 s s ' ;I I -J S 5 m !i! w ? -a I h . -s a I s a f " 2 IS Ml ,2 ' o 4 1 1 s o I g edit ! ggH " : rfg aj -!? ss it sis a - Q 3 N4 i i i n J Pi S CO ly JO O0ED0S. HESKT H. MDBRiT. Gordon &. Murray, ISuccc-ton to ELY, DUNCAN A Co..) FORWARDING iD CommissionMerchants Warohouaes, half-a-blook south of R.R, Depot, Salt Lake City, Sandy Station, and end of Track or Utah Southern Ilallroad, Utah. Merchandise, Machinery, fcc., Forwarded For-warded with promptness and dispatch, dis-patch, at Lowest Rates, to all points in Middle and Southern Utah and Southern Nevada. MARK PACKAGES care G. & M. t-alt Lake City. SonH chiirinKllpceipti to their Pott Office Box :i, Liike City. Utah, with eachr ConstKQinent of Ouodd: Mr. BARKER, of tho lute Arm, will act a scent at Pnxho lr nil lnuiuwn In iLnt vitinity uqcI Ihri.uirb wb..m contracts tu bo maae auJ full infui LunLiou obtiuntJ. K'pici:d Attention given to the Handling Hand-ling and Trant-Shipment of Bull ii m and Ores, Ad v a nee Charges iaj jr lle ou receipt of snipping ullla by Consignees. Hithes: Price paid for WOOL AND HIDES. Graiii, Hay, Kc, for Sale. Having a larso and cotnmndiou warehouse, ware-house, we are tircpaied to recoiva and etora all kinds ofsoodi. cil7 DEPARTMENT, Z. O. L. I. lluviug limde extensive Alterations nml Improvements Improve-ments in our premises, we are now prepared to oiler every facility in enrryin? on our rapidly in- . creasing; business in the sule of t GENTLEMEN'S, YOUTHS' AND BOYS' Ready-made Clothing. II ATS OF TIIK rVJSWKST STYLES AKKIV1XQ EVERY FEW DAYS. i OUR SF-RXISTG- AHBIVALS Will comprise tho most oxtonsivo and vftricil Slock of Sails '';.,107u1c;, of every size and style, I Hanging from "Men's" of 23 years to ilioso of tho largest proportions; while tho iiuulity ounnot l'uil to establish still further the reputation which we havo already earned. L The Gents Furnishing Goods Departm't will also ni: FOUND COMPLETE, And will offer now inducements to our numerous customers. i ! OUR MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT P 51 Is in the hands of qualified Artists, who will bestow the caie and attention xi so necessary in successfully carrying on this important branch, so that Gentlemen oan rely on having 3 their tastes suited in overy particular. XI A O Wo aro daily receiving Our Spring Purchases of Piece Goods Comprising tho most fashionable styles of now goods, in French, English and American SUITINGS, - COATINGS and UASBlMETUiS, To which we invito Bpeoiol attention, m ITT ATiO Will find our stock of Cloths and m I TT ATtn lAiLUiib Tr 8 cdhkhcrtoin lAiLUHo NEWEST STYLES in WALL PAPERS and DECORATIONS Constantly arriving. TRUNKS TO SUIT ALL TASTES, Of our OTm manufacture. m29 H B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. 1. O j, o o o SSngev Sewing' Machines were Sold within the past year. Scientific American, Juno 10th, IS71. T H 1 S i IOER Manufacturing Company, A.T THE WOXjID'S FAIB Constituted by the homes orthopooplo Received the Great Award of the Highest Sales And have left all rivals far behind them, FOR HEY Sold in 1870J27 Machines ! Sewing Machine Sales for 1870. "Tho mtifrnitndo to which tho manufieturo orsewlng machines haa attained is ahown by tho "sworn" returns (to which any one can havo access) of tho manufacturer for tho year 1870 to tho owners of tho leading patents, on whioh thoy pay a royalty. According Ac-cording to these rot urns tho number of mao nines gold by each manufacturer in 1670 if as follows: The Singer - - 1S7.833 Florence . 17 6P0 Whoolor Wilson - GoldModal ... 8lf Hewo ... 75. M tna - Grovor 4 Baker - 57,402 Empire - 3ii Wood - - 3;i.U'2 Finklo k Lyon - a.20 Wilcox k Gibbs - 2S.SV0 Parham J.7ffl AmorioanButtonholei Ovorseaming 11,573 Wilson - 600 And several other oompaniea who sold a few machines, It will be seen by this table that the popularity of the Blnger mchl nei fr si ' ceeds tliat ol mAl others, their sale boing one-hair greater than even that ol tho famous "Wheeler 4 Wilson" machine. This is owing to the ct that the Singer Company have lately commonocd making, besides their old and well-establuhsd manufacturing machine, what is known u their "Sew Family Machine," vrhlck is selling at the rate of nine to one better than their old style. Their total to-tal sales for 1869 were S6.7S1 'machines against tho 127,833 of 1870, showing an Inersas of one-half In the latter year." "Mew York San." One-Half of our Gigantic Sales, NOW SKA ELY THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION Were made within the past three years. Bat tho Greatest In'reass oi onr Hales over all Other Olacliljies, Being Within the Pnmt Year. Ttol Is Xncontestlble Proof that Oar Machines Are the Best in th World. THE NEW FAMILY SINGER JSEWUVG MACHIJVB With attachments f0r all kinds of uwA, Is lait winning tnpremo favor in the hoaBohold, u ihown by the rapidly iaerauiB sales, over all other rouchines. This New Family illnchlne ii now capable of a ranso and Tariety of work raeh l wu only recently thought impossible to perform by machinery. Wo otaim and cD show that it is tho cheapoet, most beautiful, delicately arrantcd, nicely adjusted, euily operated. spoedr, and smoothly running of all the Family Sewing Machines. It is remarkable remark-able not only for the rango and variety of its sewing, but also for the rarioty and different dif-ferent kinds of toxturo which it will sew with eual facility and perfection. u';-( ailk twist, linen or cotton throad, line or coarse, making the lnterlouked-clastlc- titch, alike on both rides of tho fiibrio icwn; the only stitch whioh Is unirsriaHy approved, or is at all adapted for nrat-claae work. TbuJ. beaver oloth, or lutber may bu sewn with groat strength and uniformity of stitch, and, in a moment, thit willing and never-wearying instrument may bo adjosted for fins work on gauie or g""' mer ti.ue, or tho tucking of tarlatan, or ruffling, or almost any other work ef oj K child which delicato hQgora havo boon known to perform. Ken the earsl and thoughtless have little or no trouble on this machine. Send for Descriptive and Price Circulars, Wo rnnnaf.ictaroour own neodlo.', Filk and twists furnish linen and cotton thrfad suo" oil all ol superior nuaiitr but which can bo relied on only whoa obtained tfixoM" our Principal or Branch Unices, or Agqncios. OTHER SEWINQ MACHINES REPAIRED ON REASONABLE TERMS. We Guarantee every Machine we sell to giv3 entire satisfaction. MACHINES DELlVEHED FilKK TUHOUQHOUT THE CITY. TERMS TO SUIT ALL. iihf. la, or noL " ""i al u"y "HUoul jou '"v?.',"?,".-!,.,. r.MM, '-'1 " " ..-.t '- AU akchluci ,.crfctl ..lju.l.d btfo. Ue II . ry .t I SINGER SEWIHG BIACHLNK DEP'T, Z. C. M. I. QENEllAL AOENT3, Two doors aouth ol Kaslo Emporinm, Halt Lake City, Vtixtx- U. D. OLAWaON. .Saperintendeotl |