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Show IXKXrVGS. People in Tennessee are looking for petroleum. A joung girl has been sent to jail for sixty days in Burlington, Vt., ibr appearing ap-pearing on the streets in boy's olothiog. A church in Derby, Conn., has had nine pastors within cightoen years. It is not a Methodist church. Wagner has already received for his Tannhouser alone more than ten times as much as Mozart was paid for all his operas. Mrs. Gaines is still in Washington, preparing once more to contest her right to half tho land on which New Orleans is built. The population of Great Britain is placed at 31,000,000, that of France at 37,000,000, and of Russia as high as 70,000,000. We rather think that the most reluctant re-luctant slave to vice that we ever saw was a poor fellow who had his fingers in one. Persons calling uponCarlylc say that sometimes he abuses one side of a subject, sub-ject, sometimes tho other, but abuse somebody he must. A prominent business man in Milwaukee, Mil-waukee, Wis., has discovered that he is one of Anneke Jans' heirs, and ho wants $3,000,000. Chicago recently shipped 1,90,114 bushels of grain in three days, which is doing pretty well for a city that, was "destroyed" last October. A good old man who died up So New Hampshire, the other day, left Si, 000, the interest to be expended in warming the church he had attended. The late Robert Harper, of Albany, New York, won an election bet oi $000, in 1S6S, and now his heirs have been oompclled by law to refund $705, the interest being added. Larkin G. Meado, jr., hopes to have the statuary for the Lincoln national monument in Springfield, 111., completed com-pleted in time to have it inaugurated on the Fourth of July, 1870. The third annual report of the MaFS achusetta bureau of statistics is bitterly bit-terly denounced in the newspapers as t libel on tho State, and a loud call i: made for the abolition of the bureau. The State authorities and manager! of the South Carolina lunatic asylutr are at odds, and in the meantime th inmates are starving. One day re cently they had nothing to cat at all. Josh Billings says : "There z on thing about a hen that looks like wis dom, they don't cackle much until afte they have laid their eggs. Sum pbolki are alwus a bragging and a cacklinj what they are going to dew before band." Lexington, Ky., has nine hemp factories, fac-tories, employing on an average of about sixty hands each. The average amount of hemp consumed per week, 1 the year round, by these firms, is from twenty-five to thirty tons, necessitating tho plaHtiog by the fannerB to supply this demand of about 30,000 acres of the best land. In Boerne county, Texas, lately, a , suit was brought to recover $50 for a donkey, when the donkey himself was tendered in open court. He was made as decent and presentable as possible by a pair of linen pants slipped on his fore legs, a stove-pipe hat on his head, and a pair of spectacles on his venerable venera-ble nose. The judge and jury were convulsed, and the suit withdrawn. |