OCR Text |
Show Commercial. Salt Lake Crrr, May 15. Gold. Buying, III; selling, 114. The Matlnzz yesterday drew a crowded house, and ladies and little fjlk alike enjoyed the performance. if ARTIES (jBiyo Coal Oil, buy none but the oil manufactured by the Ll'-Kt)KA Ll'-Kt)KA K. KKOSEN K Oil Co., if you want a (rood light, free from all danger, bold everywhere. mlO. See Advertisement ofestrayenow in tho possession of Mr. Joha W. Cooley, Grantsville, Tooele, and to be sold if not claimed within ten day.3. What you want to ksow about Bathing, apply at Palace Baths, IS Comuiercial-street. myl'i Honey i?t the Comb, and FKKSEI STKAWliKKKIEiS, at Z. C. Al. I. Produce Department, one door north of Hank of UesereL nilii Newest Attraction's in Job Printing Print-ing at the Herald Oliko. Vandtkr Coal $11.50 per ton delivered, de-livered, mil. C. V. Stayner, Notary Public JJlcs City Lots at Calder & Scars. ulSJ Handsome Stock of Clothino just oponod at tho California Store. iny9 The OnoicKPT Fruits and ISkst CRUSHED SUGAR used in tho manufacture man-ufacture of P. D. Codo fc Co's Premium FruiU and Jellies. n 1 1 Vandyke Coal $11. ;'0 per ton delivered, de-livered, mil Ct'RNfl. Remember, this is your last ehnnoo U get your LVrns, Bunions and Bnd Nails cured without pain. Dr. LmdoiUfWi will only remain until Saturday Satur-day evfning;, May tho IMh, so bo sure and givo him u early cull. Charge moderate- Koom No, 41 Towusend House. Otfiee hours from 9 a. in. to t' p.m. my If You Want firt-cl.i shoeing done at$l aspan, go to Naylor Brother. All shoeing warranted. my'.1 Tru e Kkdu kl V Umton Coal1! best in the market, at $.1 per ton. al tho I I" tab Fuel Company's Coal Shod.-, noar; V. C. K. K DepoL may 2 j Books! Books! Go to Dwycr'a Snlt Lake Book Store, News Depot and Circulating Library, whero you can got the latest now books and tirst-class novels, nov-els, and all the leading newspapers, magazines, mag-azines, periodicals and first-clast stationary, station-ary, legal blanks, &c. m2 CiiTTi.vo & Co's California Canned Fruits, Jollies, Jams, etc., aro far superior supe-rior to all other brands. For sale hy all tiret-clasi grocers. my 14 Laimks Linen Suits from $1.00 up-' up-' wards at tho California Store. my'J A KTiru-iAi. Flowers in great variety vari-ety nt Uio California Store. my'.' Corn, Oats and Barley for salo in lots to suit by Gordon tfc Murray, Half Block South of li ml road Depot. Uia3 Take Notice. H. Dinwoodev has, just received one car load of very tine FURNITUKB PARLOR and BEDROOM. BED-ROOM. SETS. 67 Last Tcmplo struct. al2 Nbw Goods. Mrs. Goldman, W I Kimball Block, hat iu;t received a pice invoice of Real Point Lack Col-! Col-! lars. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Kid I Gloves, Thompson's Glove-lkling Corsets, Cor-sets, and Ladies' and Children's Suit-, which are oiiereJ for sale cheap. a--3 Dkied PiLUlT. We will pay the highe-t price f-r well dried, clean Peaches, Apricots and Plum?, at our Provision Department, First South St., west of tho Theatre. I ml2 ii. B. Clawsos, Supt. Geo. S howell is prepared to do all kinds of night work and can be found at Showcll's Stables. my 3 Bcjsixess, Visiting and Show CARDS printed in excellent style at tho H er-ald er-ald Job Otlico. f 21 Mixing and other Sto'K CKRT1FI-CATKS CKRT1FI-CATKS printed on Bond paper in latest style at tho Herald Job Office. For thk Finest Views of all points of tho GREAT WKST, go to O.K. S&vago's Art Gallery, a7 Ksst Temple street. "i". ihk Travkl:-'1 Priii... . V. j n;e ::er-".-':. . O- .t-a v.lv, :he ur.. t! r. ot :..o V. V. li. K. a". 1 i P. K. li . I .- -e;s o- e -v. e m: iL.o.e h,;-,,; ;.y .r.-U- y on I1- :;" i. A :-v. c:."'.?z a'.- First National Bank SALT JL.ICli; CITY. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Wim" Hc8sr. 0. L. Dislie, Pre i Jan. Via PrmL ATHOT (fODBt, CMhiW. Authorized Capital, . . 1500,0 01 PAID TP CAPITAL, - 8l.iOsOOO. EARM.NGS, V i an, 000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cent. Oli at :i"l'.ff IiMit'ithn in i'tah. -A. t-ienornl Hunluni; Business Transacted. i" AGENCIES IS COLORADO iN'D MONTANA. c:..u:!:ns F7.::."7Ly Arruj-D to. ' INTEREST ALD'iWFT) OS T1MR 1 DEBITS, f!4 MISCELLANEOUS, A. W. WHITE & CO, B A ST K E B S , EAST TEMPLE STREET, Sail Lake City. Dealers in GOLD DUST, COIN AND BULLION. Exchange on all Mr Principal Citi-rs of the United Stales and Europe. Partieulw attention given to Collecnon?, and proceeds reini'ied at Correct ralo of Kictimge on day of p&tuient. GEO. E. WHITNEY, Attorney. CORBEPO-DESTS: Bank of California ... San Fran rico L- a Waller .... Ncw Yi rt Cook Count t National Baak - - Chi.-a.-o ITi-k-lI Lank St. L..u:, Slate liana of Nebmka ... 0:h MAXIM GAS COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA. rpUE Public arc specially invited to cx-X cx-X amine oar method ot producing 1A5 for lighting CITIES, TOWNS AND VILLAGE?, Private Residences, Public Buildings, Fao-torivi. Fao-torivi. Churches, Q U A K T Z MILLS, etc j etc., et?., in city or country. THE MAXIM HAS fORKS are different in their construction and orcr-utien orcr-utien from anythirir heretofore offered to the public. Ihe Works ure simple, very compact in form, s&fe, reliable. autoiniUic and produces A Superior Quality of Illumiiiatiiig Gas. at a Very Moderate Cost. Tho Works can bo sees at Walker Bros' Mammoth Store, salt lake city. or nt the offio of tho Comp&Dy, No. "iS Montgomery Street. San Franciico. This Company have already lichted five Towns in California; vii.: Santa Kosa, Sanin Barbara 6an Rafael, Walsonvillo and Redwood Red-wood Ci'y, Works aro also being constructed construct-ed Tor Carson City, Nevada, Eureka, California, Cali-fornia, and U ea Ids burg. California. Wc can also refer to the followioc gentlemen gentle-men who have been Qsins our Iiomciiic Works for ovor odo year: D. 0. Mills, Pros't Bank of California: John II. Rbdis;to-n, of Htdinglon, lios-tettor lios-tettor & Co., Saa 1'raocisco; Uro. E. UowiRD. Pres't Ilorao Mu'uU Insurance In-surance Co., of California: J. Mora Mobs, Vice Prcsi-lont San Fran-cbco Fran-cbco Co.; M. J. O'Cunsos, of Conroy & O'Connor, San Francisco; Jauib Gauhls, Sup't Wosiorn Union Telc-craph, Telc-craph, ban Francisco; Rbv. C. T. Mills, Mills' Seminary, Brooklyn Brook-lyn Cal.; Jous T. Dovlk. San Franc'sco: H. A. Blosb, Lathrop.Cal ; Talampais Uutsl. San Rafael, Cnl, The Company propose to ninkc an efforl to Introduce Uilx Gas Into Snlt Lnko ( Ky at an early day. ' Those desiring further information, either from baain-s! molivos or otherwise, can obtain ob-tain the same by addressing Tun Maxih Oas Ccmfa.nt or Caluoiima, iiS Montgomery Street, San Francisco- Opfioise: President, J. 0. Eldridgo, of Ncwhall k Co., San Francisco; Vice Prcsidont, W. H.Ladd, San Francisco: Treasurer, Chris. Rois, cl Keis Bro't, Sac Francisco: Secretary, Robt, Da3 : General Manager. James II. Clark, my 13 Taylor & Cutler, MAiN STREET, KAVE STILL ON HAND A DIG STOCK OF GOODS, which must bo closod oui immodialoly. GUNPOWDER TEA, A First-ralc Arti-lc, j Japan Teas. j A First-rate Article. NOT EE BEAT. SOAP, the best in town. RAISIN'S, LARD, RICK, STARCII, YEAST POWDERS, &C, tv'C LADIES, call and see their DRE5S G00D8 and Full S ock of DKT GOODS. A Big Lftt orCODKING AND PAR-Loa PAR-Loa STO V ICS. Now is the Time for Clienp Goods 1 an (26 GEO. V. M. BOUTELLE, Civil Kndneer and I1. S. MiQpral Surveyor for I iah. Applications for the Surreys of Minos for a IT- 8. Pa'.en, and the preparation of the peewsarr digraini and pnrcrp, will rocctTC personal and iTorapt attrntirin. Purrcyj, Kaiimaton and Drawings ami ll work connected with the profession carciully and correctly perf rmed. Orriri in tho Building ooouptt-d by the EarvoTor flenernr- Office, oj.iyosite tne Towasend Uoasc. alt Lake Cit j . iten- C- C. Clenients. U- f1- t;arveyor,'eneral: lion- J. M. Moore. Poslmaficr, Salt Lake City. Dr. 0. D.Ca!i, Presidfnt Bank ofCnrinne: Hon. 0. J. Holiiner. V.S. Cnl If tor for I'lah-tien-Geo. K, Maxwell. RcgUtcr U S- L-nd Office. yl." 'Cr.J.P.P. TANMBEfiGH, Frcm Pmia, T H K Ct k i : A T O 3FL EXTERMINATOR, Late cf fan rr3rU. C-.L, Wcc'd isform the fi.-k jrcHerally that ic.nc Lino juV-rrv i:: tun ye and theL'nited CainVrnia. h.i?. by close obrervatioa acd irrcAt ex! en:t':.t--. Ciie to the cocc.u--ii.'n that thi-re arc hhtc and fh -onic On eii'ts by witius, h.v:iiaiidi. ammaJi-ul a' or other specie- o: ej.-.rvit.i. The public sen-! sen-! crally, or the prolesrion at large, are not aiva-e of the nuuit'tr of patient who arc treated by emirc-i pay? ci-tcs for this. iha". ' or su;n a cctiiplaiot. without any re.ief. I: the diie.ije ha been understood, a few dofts of Dr- V's So km::i;s Wosi Kihs;y would have immc .iatcly cured the comp'aint, and have sjved a Kreat many live). Dr. V. ha. collco:od a l:irsc vjrii'tj-of California roots and Uerbs.w iiw'b. by a.na!yiicp. close obserf-ii'.ii-n e:ii ox:ecfi". e eii erimoti;. he can cocM-icntioufly :iy that he ha-- discovered new muedie; for the succriiful cure of the following di-c.ts : -pv-i ei'-'.a. Ch-onic Affoc'.ions of the Liver anil Kuiuey.s lirst acd second rlgcs of Cons utui'iiou. nite iivellinc Pa'sy. .-jur-Lati-rrho.' i or iocil wc:ikne.-;. Nervous Dehi'-itv. Dehi'-itv. hi'i:ei"ic t i:. Uneiu.aiMii. Neura'sia, l:arrt..-i. l.ico:.ii:!ar.o of I rinc. li ravel. l"iu.ir .-i-b.'S. I'uaeu'.. Dropry.ard all those dieaioi wh o: are kii"wn uiier the name ol t;oiio:rh'en.iU-it. t'ric.ures. False l'ajfsipes. lii:l.mmatH'H ol the i'Uiddor and l'ro:raic liUiid-. i-XL-uriati. :. I'uituloi, Piles. 1'iui-plcs. 1'iui-plcs. Ulotciiej ai.dall Cutaneous Kr unions of the skin. C ikcr Tu!!iri cured with or without o;crat!o::. tn Kecer.t cneral Dis-eas Dis-eas o-. ilie Dr. t :i.-r;s a cure in iroui three to altor'theLEj.liiiirkaiHl Throat, Dr. V. possesses pos-sesses now aud itivaluai'le rcuiodies. Dr. V. would advise thoso ladies troubled with Irresuliiritios of the Uterous to try his new remedies and irct cured. Dr.Vn Denberi-h'. Ln:;illiblc Worm Syror for children. Price SL Warranted to expel the worms, or the money reiunded. Dr. J. P. P. Van Den Derh's.llair Tonic a sure euro to destroy all animalouhc of tho Uair Follicles, prevents falling out and pro-motiDK pro-motiDK the growth of tho 11a ir. Price SI. liO, warranted. By consultiiiK mid iiaderFoinc a dituple examination, ex-amination, the ai.K'tod can lt:iru if their uis-i uis-i eati i caused uy Worms or not; at all event? Dr. V..n Denbcrgh can tell mom from wliat diseasos they aro sulTeiing. Cnnfultations and cxim:n:ition. FREE of charge in ail ca.cs. Dr. Van DenbcrK guar-ana-cs, in all cases, to expel the worms, or uo charges. Card from- .Imlge Frier, of Folk. County. nit j. r. p. van ikxbi:iki : Dear fii:-l U'c plea' ure in thinking you uJ'hcly lor the resior;ition of my healta alter nineteen vcars of jrrtat fullering mentally men-tally mid bodily. 1 doctored a wreat dea'; was Billi-tL'i wrli uliiiost every imaginable pain and ilCM'inred of seeing a well day ucain. Whcu 1 c uno to sou you at tialem, you sail you would remove tho cause of nineteen yeais' suiicring in live hours. 1 i coul i hardiy Uc'itve it. but ufier taking the live tasteless powders you gave me, aOoul 'AM worms pa-'scl lrom me, nod now, lour-leon lour-leon davs a.terw.irds. I feel like another man, and am able to follow my business without pain or in.onvenienco, 1 remain. Yours respectfully, A. H. FRIER. Bethel. Polk c vnty, Oclobor 10, 1871. Reitinrknble. Klglit HuuUrca Wuiuii Kxiiclled. I think it a public benefit to mako the following fol-lowing Eiauiiicnt, tbm I havu bcon nlllictoJ for two yoirs with constant pains in tho stomach, utnl, in fact, pains all over my body; no appetite, and lo. mo cat what 1 ' would, it uiwavs rut tnc in distress. No medicine would relieve uic.atid I grow worse ; and worse, until now I am a incro skeleton. 1 Nobody could toll me what was the matter with me, until I consulted Dr. J. P. P. Van Denbergh. in rial cm, Oregon, and he told mo 1 was ailiictcd with worms, and thoy were the cause of all my misery and pnins. I took the Doctor's uicdiciuc, and lie expelled S0 worms from mo. '1 hey aro like leaches, with 1 long tails, and measure from one to one and ono hulf incties in lonth. I only tooh six lullo powders, and tney brought the worms within four bours Lirno. All thoso dieted wiibiug t see mo, can find ate at Sam Ken- . let's stable, t: til cm, Oregon. V. CRAIG- Subscribed ami sworn to before mo, this Tlh day ol September, 1ST!- J. J. MURPHY J. P. Paid worms enn bo torn at Dr. J, P. P, Van Dcnbergh's otlico. Opera House bloot, Court stroot, tiulem. A Card. I DR. J- P. P. VAN DENBEHUII : Dkib s'ik: 1 deem it my duty to make tho followitg FtateniQBt : t or the last threo jeais I have be-on Buffering with consumt gnawiug I'uin and a quivering sonsat ion in my sUunact), also pain in my chest and hoirt; ! my food wi'Uld not oicesi.Hud 1 was to nervous nerv-ous that wi ll difficulty 1 could follow my occupation, which has bocn hero in Salem lor tho past ten years as a practical dentist. In fact, ir'im tho constant pain and misery 1 had wasted nwjy to a mere skoloton. I had boon doctoring a great deal without any benefit, and bolicving there, was no help for me but to linger on until death would relieve re-lieve all my nillcring. tome of my friends thought 1 bad worms and hud bettor see Dr. Van Denbere.li. Ho laid mo nt once that wcruis wcro ilio cause of all my troubles, so he pavo me five mnill and tusiolcss powders, iind in four hours nbout 7(M) wiirnis Irom ono inch to one and ono-half inches long, eanio awuy Irom mo thai d iy, and the lo.lo wi ng night soii-e iu to came, and now 1 am happy to say I feel like another man acuin, and am gaining strength from day to day. II. SMITH, M.D. Salon), Oregon, Septcmbor id, ls71. Another Ureal Sin tighter Wo thiiik it our duty to mako tho following follow-ing st.ucuu'ii'. iu hopes it in iy do somo good to eiok cliil lrin : i.'ur child bud been sick for some liic. Tbiukirg all ttio tuno our litlie t-nc n i' tiouliod with worms, we tried in u.y Qoct ird mid a great many remedies, without uuy relief. Pome neighbors told us we Hiotili go ami try Dr. Van Dvnbcrg, the Worm Uoi-;or, in Salem. Wo did so, aii'l ho ,g,n-o us ono t.-nl-.-: his ctl cbrtcd Worm Mrup.au.1 .'He. giving tho .. liouio. tooui great a.-u.uishi.n nt aonut 6 n worms passi d nwa Ircui our dear child, and now, thank heaven, she is well ugaio. I. D, GRIZZLK. Salem, Oregon. Oct .bor ;iJ, 1H71. l,Bt0 Muiins Kspcltcd. After seion yeirs ol f iiiterinc. putu and dfbiliyi an i l1 oct'j r in j I'.r i.iai.y c.iui lai r.ts. i r.i.iv proved tl..r I di no; h e. and taking , U illerent kinds ol medicine- I r-m many cm i-j i-j ncut iibyMCitni', I gace u in d ji i r . fa in It-1 It-1 in k it was hu me :o drench my puor fctwu-I fctwu-I hch any longer, an 1 ihat I mutt waste awa) i until there u n"'htng Iclt of poor mc. But i hearing of lbo a'inii-h ing cures thai Dr. J. i P. Van DohberKb has per.orincd u. o Ft-jrt la lime, ctleeiiug euro in a lew hours, and liny lricud.H HlviMi,,; n:e t'i make 'mo inure cllort, 1 corj' li lie J Dr. Van Den herga.autl .told mo ll.t utr uii-cncs wrro ou,"j by lwi rm .nd ho wcuM ospcl ihom in ab-)Ut i five nour?. Alter taking live riualL powder 'about c:tcn hanJrrd worms pH-:ei away from me. and 1 am happy to my t'h ti i UI bettor tjan I have becu or o grrnt whii P. it- EVKS. Fub'rr-bed an- Pwora lo boluro mo, tbis ltlt day of ;ci' Lembr, liTl. J. J.ilURPDY.J. P. Qratitude compo s me to make the following follow-ing slatcu,ent, ti.i:.K.:,g it iLay d'. some gond lo my fcll' w F!:i''-rcr'. 1 have hofn filTlicted for a long nuini;er of ytars with the lolitiw- f coul 1 n-.t tul an; Thir k unleFi it would produce greit i:n in my i-tomai'b and biiw-els.al. biiw-els.al. pa.iK-mon oi tho heart, pet-ere itwelimg ar.i rhLdiustie pilj in all mj t;r.inti; aUo ncurtilKia is uy head, no rleep, Iwsys re-l.irs t.g!,t; in i i . t. I tm rt. duced to a moro hol(.;pn ihel'.ton. not ahit to walk tl'iii'. auJ i-l.c up in a -air. j tcust also fiio I bnd been dotoriog with the mi' t en, : i. cut pi,j i i ' ians of tli ; f Hta;e aln with tbc Ut'X doc;- of San YTn'r-, and ijoJ only tnom, without any roliei. til I ber.rd li.- n:'.n cures Dr. J. P. P. Yar Dnnrergh bud irf'.rmt l in and around Salem. I applied to bim for Le-p. and mail ma-il d biet bim f.- tLj r .',ratiB of mj hcalth. I ! a-, i- only uken hi. fceJicine twe rr.or.ih'. ni bi.vc cid t-J , duntf that im.e twenty-nve pound, in "'isht.and i abl to d'j ail iLJ b 'Urtwjrk ki.i i;. .;e. JAE POTTER. Linn f umy. sV -,ut thirty m.iet oa t oi thi ff'.t 'i tn. i h iir -. Daienj, Oret vn, Dcember lb, lSTL Loug StaudliiR Cough, with Extra- It Kip-ttoratlort, Cured in Fam Wctki. Thu is to efrti.y tbut hiiTibmn tr'.Qbl- w.'.i r. trL Pi..r. i rj iy C"en; ilu lar.e-. rj p". ;c ra".;. - r,. u ,j k r. o-- 1 have i.ttn cous n I L Ji,-.tj;t3 a.:r m-inth. i' tnst n-.)..y c.; . ao: in 'u.-cd. I ; n 1 v U a-iitr'ii. re Dr. J. P. '. V..E D.r.t..rth. hr. 1 th-n t - lit; to Li ft. I. L t .rt i ;r, sb-io t !(, till!.:.-. u.f,.'.ir,ar.iiLj uri.t Dow "en. Lui,i a ' J '':.;.-( ,i i k dl i.', ud , a. arj.t to a-j at-y irux t; ii.u-1 ort. , c , r . LEWI- UZLU. I Si-aJt-i. 0:ec-,n, De:mboi .s, i"L. OFFICK Si .Main street EALI LAKE CITY. EAGLE EMPORIUM. Their immense sales andstock of carpets have induced Z. C. 31. I. to open another large room 50 x 00 feet, for the exhibition ot newest styles CARPETS, 6 Brussels, a Tapestry,, 2 Three Ply, b Ex. Super, " -f 3 Super, g .-2 -5 Stair, x 5 Matti ngs, vS:c ., "f Lr Sliades, - w Cornices, n r 7 " Cords, 3 5 Tassels, x t rinses, S S2 S Fixtures, O lirocatelles, Damasks, j Swiss Lace, es Tambour Lace, E"1 JVottinhaiu Lace, Sheetings, Pillow Casings, (guilts, Comforters, J c d Feat h e r s, of various grades and prices. Persons desirous of house furnishing should first examine our stock and prices. Carpets made and laid. Upholstery, Bed and Bedding made to order with promptness and dispatch. Retail Dry Goods Department. Terms Strictly Cash. H. B. CLAWSON, Supt. FLOUR I FLOUR ! FAMILIES, BAKERS, MINERS AND ALL OT1JKRS WANTING GOOD PIjOUK, SHOULD BUY Wm. Jennings' Flour, To be lind by applying nt the ofllre me door west oftlie Flour Wnroliou.se, on First Soulb St., between East and West Temple Sib., Salt Lako City. i7 DUNFORD & SONS. Mammoth Boot. Shoe &. Hat Store. Wholesale and IJetail Departments. GROCERY DEP'T, 2. C. JVC. I. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ; Groceries, ' Hardware, ' Plows, ; Stoves, Crockery. (i lass ware, Tinware, ; 3J.ij.iers' Supplies. I " We do not throw out any Baits by Advertizing a lew ! Leading Articles at Low Prices. ALL OTJH GOODS ARE OHEA1?. DE.UJiUS IN TUK EmiJiME.NTS A.NI; MINI NO TOWNS WILL FIND IT TO TULIK 1NTKKE3T TO CALL , AND E.N'QiUlRK 1'KlCES liKFOKK PUI1C1IASING. |