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Show POLITICAL. IT KMS. The three propositions of amendments amend-ments to the Rhode Island constitution constitu-tion were submitted to the people at a special election on the '.'th and were all rejected. The first to remove the real estate qualification from foreign-born citizens received :;,.';::-( votes in favor, toil.uoT; against. Second to abolish the registry tax received :i,ii I votes iu favor and ;,H,:i against. Third to prohibit the appropriation of public money to sectarian school lacked thu requisite three-iiff hs, ukhii;!h it VM ! a majority in its favor. Newark.N. J., has elected a Kpit!.-lican Kpit!.-lican mayor and commun council, which is an indication of the November Novem-ber election. '! he Missouri JCrfntOicu.i is seriously discussing the question whether the national hemoeracy should not relive liotu the field as a distinctive parly in the next pix-sideulial election, and pre-.-ents some strong arguments iu favor of this view. Let the light be between the radical and conservative liepubli-caus, liepubli-caus, and there would be a much better bet-ter chauee of success ihau with a straight Democratic ticket. This would be a uew . departure in earnest; but it is probably the wisest thing the Democracy could do, unless thoy arc prepared to advance some new aud vital isue iu politics upon which to rally the voters of the couutry. |