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Show SELECTED. FREEDOM RUN MAD. The Sacramento Union comuent : thus upon a recent proposition of one 1 branch of the woman's rights party; ' In a free country, where every person ; has a right to let the vagaries of his mind be known, strange notions wiil be indulged in and even put in" rxiat. ' We find in the papers devoted to the woman suffrage movement some of the wildest ideas, the publicity of which is retarding that cause more than all the opposition it encounters at the hands of its enemies. The woman suffragists have been reinforced of late by an army -cf demoralizers, and though the whole force is stronger in : numbers than ever before, its morale i is such as to forebode defeat more I easily than when it was but a Spwtan band. A late number ot Wooihull & Clafiin's Weekly pronounce! m favor of eiperiments to produce a "NEW BREED OP MEN. " ' That social and domestic life wbich we see to have been inherited from the past, and which our observations teach us are in accordance with nature and therefore natural, is declared to be "sheer boobyism" and not to be tolerated. The whole orde of domestic domes-tic life is to be destroyed to Suit the whims of these "run-mad philosophers who have takenjeharge of thisiwonnu suffrage movement These philosophers decide in favor of a new profession of experts in the way of determining as to tho proper mode of producing tie best breeds of the human famiij. The new order looks to a series of experiments, similar to those adopted in stock raising, with this exception, that the cattle under the new order am expected to conduct the experi-' ments and keep a record of iacts and make their own observations. Lest we misquote or misapprehend, we clip a portion of an article to show what the moat transcndental of the new school of woman suffrage philosophers think and teach : "A woman feels drawn in love to a particular man. That proves nothing, or next to nothing, with regard to his inherent quality or his adaptation to her in respect to the best result in the pro-dution pro-dution of offspring. It is no more than the fondness of a child for particular kinds of food, which may be the worst, physiologically, for it. lleason, judgment, judg-ment, systematized knowledge, the reported re-ported experiments of others, race, blood, temperament, a thousand considerations con-siderations never, or almost never, taken into the account, have all got now to begin to be consulted. A new profession of experts in this scientific specialty must spring up. It must be understood that the woman exneri- ruentmg on the improvement of prog eny is conducting A GRAND SCIENTIFIC PROCESS, Of more consequence and value than anything in chemistry, or any of the inferior sciences; and that she is entitled entitl-ed to the aid of all who know specially on the subject. In this manner alone this natural function of woman is elevated in the respect of mankind; elevated iu the rank of estimation and effects, and one of the conditions of instituting the new breed of men will hnw boon st'cured. But the first condition for this, even, is freedom. The woman who, in the pursuit of her aim, of giving to the race better specimens of womanhood and manhood, shall breed from half a dozen different sires, must be as much respected in society as she who adheres, ad-heres, from mere habit, it may be, or from the absence of any high ambition, to one; to the dull monotony of the ordinary household. But all this involves other changes in our social habits and opinions. The true way of receiving children at birth into the community; of providing for, training and educating them ; and of utilizing their varied talents to the utmost ut-most all theso things have now to be discussed, and considered and ascertained." Lv Jamaica, West Indies, the settlers set-tlers keep their bees in boxes, supported support-ed on stones half a foot from the j ; ground. A bee-raiser found a lot of , . his boxes robbed of honey, and kept ' watch at night for the thieves. Tbey proved to be a number of huge frogs from a neighboring stream, one ol which first attacked the hive and drew all the bees upon himself, when he hopped to the river and jumped in. In the meantime the other frogs plundered plun-dered the hive. |