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Show GENERAL. DlapoKlllou of Colored U re mil 4. Washington, IS. The Supt. of the recruiting sorvice has been ordered to forward all colored recruits to New Orleans, for assignment to the 9ih cavalry. The Pennsylvania Slate Claim Agfiu's Cnae. Harrisburg, Pa., IS. The ease ol Evans, State agent, for alleged defalcations defal-cations will probably bo settled by the courts on the charges brought by the ritate Treasurer aud Auditor. iov. Geary has yielded everything into the hands of the financial officers. The amount Evans refuses to " pay is $292,000. Greelej- 011 tirant. New York, IS. The Iribune of today to-day says tho personal views of Horace Greeley on Lhe renomination of Grant are these: He favors one term on principle, and believes that another Republican candidate for President can be selected, who will encounter less opposition and win more support than General Grant, he therefore advocates ad-vocates such selection; but should his views be overruled, and Grant nominated, nomi-nated, he holds his election infinitely preferable to that of any candidate whom the Democrats may nominate. His personal viows impel him to depre-ate depre-ate a Democratic national triumph as one of the gravest of national calamities, calami-ties, and this ia his main reason for wishing tho selection of a Republican candidato for President who will be more certain of success than Graut. Irish Amalgqintttlon, The Fenian brotherhood and the Irish confederation havo unanimously ratified articles of union and consolidation. consolida-tion. Louisa Mulbach, tho Gorman authoress, au-thoress, will visit the United, pistes during the present year and give public pub-lic readings in tho principal cities. Financial, Washington, IS. The Secretary of the Treasury hs authorized the assistant Treasurer to advance the payment of the September interest, without robato, on Tuesday. Tho following circular was issued to-day: Treasury Department, Washington. All exchanges of bonds held as security secu-rity for the circulation of national banks, or other bonds of tho United States except for the new Ave per cent, bonds now being issued, will be suspended sus-pended from this date until further notice. (Signedj 11. R. Utrlhurt, Comptroller of Currency. Negro MagUtrat Gaining Notoriety. Noto-riety. . A ci itiiin English vessel at a wharl in lie mo. recently, had occasion to punish iiij-ubonliiniio sailors by confining con-fining (hem in the hold of the vessel. TheiujpriMned men. through a lawyer, obtained a writ ot hnbttis crptis from a ne.ro macistiMtc, who caused them to be hroujlit bfforo him. and after hearing released them. The matter i? made ibe subject of diplomatic enr-rcpondrr.ce enr-rcpondrr.ce between the British min .isieratul lite ttate departmenL The j captain complained to his government that the interference of a local maeis-trate maeis-trate was a breach of international law, and the matter is beit considered by the proper ollicials. The OgdanDurg Trouble. Ogdcnsbmg, N. Y., IS. Tbo ex citcment about tie Baron de Cannin g I lectures is abating. One of the rioters, j who wa? bailed out yestcrday.assaultcd one of the most respectable citizen" J to-day, then gave hlmwlf up ami wu again baaed out. The Baron delivered a lecture this afternoon at the skating 1 rink, onder protection of the mayor and police. wn.; n' noles:ed. Another Bollrr Kiploalon. Wilmington, N. ('., l. The steamer IHuc eirloded her builer near Fjyetieviile. Three negroes were kihed and three wounded. The captain cap-tain is seriously injured, ' The Sing Sing Escaped Convict. Sing Sing. IS. Another of the escaped convicts, making five, was brought in to-day. He was in company com-pany with another, who was fired at ; but escaped. Ad the escaped convicts i had plenty of money furnished them. Uoe of the recaptured this morning : told the agent that the two men who j hired the tug to release them wore ei -convicts, but refused to tell who ! they were. The Sew Loan. Washington, IS. Jay Cooka paid into the treasury to day, on behalf ol the European Syndicate $I5,iXHJ,lXX) subscription to the new loan. |