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Show WATER WORKS. Tin; imiUKipai fttilliontK" liuve nu-; iifr oun-iM'rriiiion ili: i;on-(ruotiin nl' & ri-fHTVoir, or ns.-rvnir-, aixl tin- Uyiutf .tf pi.s in (he cli-ly-l-uiU j.Hri ..I the oi. 1' w L-ui.-i have (In- -urn.- u.lvait-mn u.lvait-mn tir .il)taioiti(f an y nipp'y ol !it.ir that Salt Lik.- liH mail Hi "'- uiminii In'oJUK-i largely iiht.-xi.--I. A v.-iy -li'.n lisrahc- up City Wk Will ' u lull .intlirif-m to lotvf vui.r .icr che hiLf't Imildiug in tlii -uy, rj did hiKli'-"i iliai is liknly 10 l: uivou-J. , Ati.i id1 i-rincipal t'i-i will l- t Ii--- :uii-! il run it. n --I l In n-i.ti'Vi'ir ami tin- j I Ay ill M Ujaili- Kvili lit-- luiliiurj n.'iii will Ui Ijxht c.ui-urt J muIi ilie: IAit, im tin- coat itl'Iiiym milium m 1 tliii-.. mrtiuii.1 "film rily wlit it-tii-.;.i wnulil Lo most lie.itriu-tivi-, umi wlitw wni.-r lor tuiuriehold pu iipjce i- in ri'ttiid ikiimnil, woul'l riot ! um- li il anything nnJor lit,uitt. A pip''- my iw..-uly SikIio iliawcicr wonlil Lriiiif Hiirtirii'iil wuli'r I'm in tlu) uanuu la in1-!! pruhMil rriiiirfun-iiU; i uq1 llii-i rarrteil down Kal 'IViuple! trdot uh Ikr us i'd Kouili tt t. with tjrun'li pipiit ouit and wr.ti, uUhik I ft uik! Jd Soul h t runts, a Mock each way, 1 would apparently meot till present ri'iiuirnuittritrt. With llro-pliin, or hydimiti, placed at (he propui' poitit.-i, mill a sntlioienoy of hoso, a 11m LretiL-iiiK LretiL-iiiK out on any oftlio six cwiirul Mocks would not he the Herious matt or that it might a at present should it conflagration conflag-ration ocour. Tlie mpplyiiig of Lara, .huIodub, buai-ncwi buai-ncwi lioudos and families, with water at a moderate cost, is an item of importance im-portance in connection with thin mat-tor; mat-tor; but dome propor rau&n.i should bo adopted to avoid waste of water in a piano where it HouietiwuH bei'omeH so valuable an it does hero with a dry season anil a limited deposit ol miow in the mountain. There is a general duniru oipieased to (tee thin uioamn'O pushed forward with vigor, for the dread of extensive destruction ol' property by tire, should one unfortunately ocour, is wide spread. With a supply of water having a pressure pres-sure upwards ray of three hundred feet, with a few hydrants, mid lio?o, a tire engine would not be much needed for tbo com re of the city; and without such a supply of water an engine oould not accomplish much in extinguishing extin-guishing a conflagration. |