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Show Commercial. Salt Lake City, May 18. Gold. Baying, 111; selling, III Mr. D. W. PARKHt.asT and wife, took their departure for San Francisco Francis-co yesterday. Ed. Harbis' "Liltte Church round ; the corner," emporium of best cigars- ; and tobacco, ia removed one door enst j during the erection of bis new build- I ing. ily l'J-tf. ! A Reward of Sou is offered for the recovery of a lost pocket book. See advertisement. - C'lTT Lots. C W. Stayner, Notary Public, attends to them, at Ualder'a. Only a few days left. My l'J-lt H. S. Jacobs & Co. have a fine large boiler, of excellent construction, at Lake Point, designed for their reduction re-duction works at Stockton. Removal, I have justopened at No. 40 Mnin street, three- doora north of the Bunk of Deseret, a new and well selected stock of Furniture, Crockery, China, Glass and Silverware. iiy l'J-tf. C. H. ii iRR ATT. Tfie "Great Usknwn" is d-inga good work in hair. For salo as usual. My l'J-H Cork, Oats and barley for sale in lots to suit by Gordon & Murray, ilitlf Block tiouth of Knilroad Deput. uta'4 For Sat.k. A House, boaring Orchard Or-chard and Lot, w oil fenced; Tenth ward. .Enquire at tliis office-. my 18 Trices KeduckdII Hinton Coal, hrsl in tlio market, at $9 per ton, at the Utah Kuel Company's Coal 5 hods, near U. C. li. It. Depot. muy2 . Books! Books! Go to Dwycr's Salt Jiiiko Book Store, News Depot and Circulating Library, where you can get the latest now books and llrst-cluss novel, nov-el, and all theleading newspapers, mag-ftT.ioos, mag-ftT.ioos, periodicals and lirst-clast stationary, station-ary, legal blanks, &.c. ml2 Lkavb orders for VANDYKE COAL at Kahn Bros' Store and C. 11. Barratt's -10 Main-street. mylS Still it Comks. Henry Dinwoodey ib receiving every wook new styles of Furniture, which ho is determined to sell cheap, and dolivar it freo of charge toany part of tho city. my 18 ().'K Hundred men of those who have given in their namos lo work on tho American Fork Canyon ltnilrond are wanted llioro Tuesday the 21t of May. mil A. Benson. Et Hundreds arbeidero at' dom dor liar Indot dem inkrivo for nt arbeidopan American KorK Canyon, Jornbano mane vnro paa lMudscn TirEdag morifen, ten 2lda May. mlG A. Bkkson. The Prohlbm Solvkd In tho man-itifaoUiro man-itifaoUiro bv steam power of the VltE-MLL'Al VltE-MLL'Al l-'KUlTS AND JELLIES of 1. D. Cudk & Co., San Francisco. De-lli De-lli eious and Unique. ala If-You Want first-class shoeing dono nt$1 a span, go to Nay lor Brothers. All flliocing warranted. my9 Cvttino&Co's California Canned FruiUi, Joliios, Jams, etc., ar far supp-, supp-, rior to all other brands. For sale by- all first-el ws grocers. myU What you want to know i about Bathing, apply at Palace Bath, b ConunerciaUitrect. my Id J Uoszy rs- the Comb, and FKESfl STRAWBERRIES, at Z. C. M. L Produce Departmeat, one door north of j Bank of DtaereL mlO New Goods. ilrs. Goldman, 101 Kimball Block, has just received a rice invoice of Keal Point Lack Collars, Col-lars, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Kid Gloves, Thompson's Glove-liuing Corsets, Cor-sets, and Liidies' and Children's duits, which are otlurcd for salo cheap. a2o Handsome Stock of Clothing jus1 opened at tho California Store, my 9 For the Finest V rmvs of all points of the GREAT WEST, go to O.K. Savage's Art Gallery, a'27 East Tcmplo street 0. AV. Stay"'-"R, Noiary Public flies City Lots at Calder & ci'rs- Artificial Flowers in great variety vari-ety at the California Store. my9 Vasovks Coal $11.00 per ton delivered, de-livered, mil. I TO THE TRAVKI.iyO PUBLIC You i aro herol-y m tiLod that at Ocden city, the ii;n. Lu-n ol iLj L'. 1. K. K. and C. 1 V. R. K., I'-.ereii or,.-,.'.;, cor.irVrtablc hotel, well known ty tourists and cora-: cora-: merci&l men. where comfort and clcacli-1 clcacli-1 nea and ail of the refill file of the ea-wn ea-wn cn bo tvun J. A free c&rriace al-' al-' ways at :be dept lo convey gueLi to ; the Ogdcn lioii--e, 1 Gso. Shotvkll is prepared to do all kinds of nic;ht work and nn be found at tihowell's Stat le;. bit3 Business, A'isiting and Show CARDS printed in excellent atyle at the Herald Her-ald Job Office. f 21 Ladies Linkn Suits from $4.00 upwards up-wards at the California Store. my9 Dried .Fruit. We will pay the hi ghost price for well dried, claan Peaches, Apricots and Plums, at our Produco Department, 1st door north of Bank of DescroL m!2 H. B. Clawbok, SupL First National Bank OF UTAH, SALT LAKE CIXY. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL. AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Wabbik HcfBKT. C. L. DBi.ia. President. Vioe PreL AKTH05T QODBl, Cuhiai. Authorized CitpltaJ, - - f 000,009 PAID UP CAPITAL, - $130,000. KABSISHS, ... 1130,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cent. Oldest Banking Institution in Utah. A. Ooncrnl Dnnlting Business Trnniiacted. AO EN C IKS IN COLORADO AND MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. INTEREST ALLOWRT) ON T1MH TF.P0P1TS. 06 I & A. 1-i T IiAKH THEATRE CHAXfiK OF TIME i Doors Open t T. Commence at & o'tlock. MO'DAY EVE., May iO. PARTICULAR NOTICE ! 'l'HK Hunacenmnt w.th pleasure irfom: 1 ;&c i nf the Thr;re that tiey Virf to tb cntrtl dffire of the Pdblic. and fleeted a re-eag&semcnt tjr SIX I G H T S with the rrolw nd cccmrluhed irti'ti. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. BATES. Will rcf'-n-.H. the (nis pTtc of L;:e At :-f Wi:r.it Pia-ei fi F t-iiii'.e t-iiii'.e 'iAir-iiEg-ii.iej, eiiiUed Pure Gold. ) JLU'iLK EM' LY. Charcoal Agency, TRUCKiE, CAl, T7B have, at present, sufficient labor to provide CharooiU In larjte manti-tie;, manti-tie;, jf orders are receive! and arrant omenta made by the 15th of June next, Ordore, coompanlod via satisfactory irnarantecs, will receive immediate aiten iOQ. myll Bliton, Wallace A. Co. Jk Argenla Lodgr, No. 3, A. F. fn A. M. Staled communication Vftf of thin L"dVo held on tho fust and third Tuc-dav nt ch month, at Manonic Uall. Kaat Temple Street. Members of rster lodKs and .ursine bnthren in sool $Unmn ar cordully invited. in-vited. E. B. ZABRI6KTE. W. M. C. A GOULD. Secretary rro tern. W.T.REYXniJiS A CO., F, K 7.AT1RISKIB, y San Francisco. Bull Lake Luy. WHOLESALE LIQUORHOUSE. ZABRISKIE & CO. HAVB FOR SALE A FINE LINE OP WINES AND LIQUORS, To which they call tho attention of DEALERS. Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. SOLE AOESTS FOE "HOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WHISKIES. THE FINEST IB .A. IR, IN THE CITY CONNECTED wml THE D0lE. MAIN STREET, Two rtnon too tit of Willi, FarRo A.Co'i Bonk, Euji Dr. J. P. P. YANEEMBGH, From Pru.iia, T HE GilEAT EXTERMINATOR, Lkle o: Baa Fraucico, Cal., Wpq!"s inform the sick generally Inst ab'.iut forty yi-urs' enen.-ive it'Licc ot reed-icine reed-icine and riirsery in Europe and tne Cnui-d MairS, of wiik-a twenty-one have been in California, hi., by cio.-e observation ard great experiments, come to the conclusion tnat ibi-re are more acute tad fb-otic jis e.L-es by wjtuii, hy.iiadid;. anitnal.-ul ! or OLht-r specie o: entroiea. The public (en-crally, (en-crally, or the prolejMon at larpe, are not aware of the number of paticnu who are treated by eininctt pnyi:ciins for ihn, iht or suci a eotapiaint. wuhont any renef. If the disease ha been understood, a few dor. of Dr. V 5 SoVKKMi.N Work Rsmkpy would ha e ir.nue iiately cured the cvmplain', -ind : have saved a great manv livei. Dr. Y. has jcollt-ied a large variety of California root and herb. which, by analysing, close obscre-ation obscre-ation at; 1 ci' en.-ivc espenu;eui, he can ! eoc'cientious ly s-:iy that he ha discovered i new remedies for tho successful euro of the I followiUK aieaecs : 4-ry;repsia. Ch'onic AffecMons of the ' Liver acd Kidney, tirst and second ftiees el Con.-Lniwnon. Wane Swelling Pay. Mt r-1 r-1 n:ilurrW'a or kc,il wedkcvj.Ncr oui Dcbi.-iiiy, Dcbi.-iiiy, ilpilep ic ins. Khc'.:i:ttifiii. Neuralgia, I Dmrrbo' i, lncoLtitun.ee ef I rine lirtivel. ! Fluor Alb'-.-, L) labile. Drops t.iud all Iho.-e ! Qiii-.-L.-e wh ch are kiioa ul.uct the nnie of . Vencral. such a- tfyi hills, in a'l its form, liono-rhea.lea, S:riciures. False rige., 1 1: driiutii.it if n 01" the liL.dder and l'roiiraic itilaiid.-. t.coriati"US. J'ustulcs, Files, Fun-iplcs, Fun-iplcs, Dlotchoj nt;d oil Cutiiiieoiis Eruptions of tho rjhin. Ci-.'icr Tumors cured with or without operation. In Kecei t Venera! Dis-, Dis-, ewses. iho Dr. etiects a cure in Irotn three I" j lr or iti'elFyes'"K.LrHiid Threat. Dr. V. pos-! pos-! scries new and invaluable remedies. Dr. V. would advi-e tho-o ladiej troabled with lrrenu lan ties of the liieroue to try hts Dr.V .u Deubemn'.- luiailible Worm Syrup ! for children. I'rico ifl. W arrant ed to 01 pel the worms, or the uini, ey reluiiili J. Dr. J. 1. 1 Vim Denbon-h's Hair Tonio a uro cure to dcit oy all animalcula1 of tbe UairKollicu-S. prevoiits failing out and pro-muii: pro-muii: c ' he growth t?f the liair. l'rice $1.60. warranted. liy coL.uh ing and undergoing tifimplc examination, ex-amination, the mile ted can 1- uru if their uic ease i- causul fy Worms or not; at nil events Dr. V.-ii Deo burgh can toll them Irom what diseases they are sutleiing. i Consultation nnd examinations FRfc:Eof 'chargo ill ml ea.cp. Dr. Detiberg guar- I uutei., in all ciia, lo expel tho worms, or Card from Judge Frier, of Polk Count DR. J. T 1. VAN liKMIKllQ : Dear ciir,: I ii-o ploa-urc in thanking you i u' liely 'or tho res oration of my heal th niter niii tr-en yours ol trreat suttcrmg mentally men-tally iuhI bodily. 1 doeturedagre.it deal; was Bllii -tei wuh almost every imuginnble pain and despaired of seeing a well day again. When I crime, to tee you at S ileui. jnu sjiI you would remove the cause of nineteen years' sutl'erinK in five hours. 1 eo ul i hardly oeiicve it. Put nfter taking tho livo tasteless powders you gnvo aic, aoool WO worms p.iii:d Irom me. and now. lour-teeo lour-teeo days a terwards, I f- el like another man, and am nblu to follow my buMDNS without pain or in.oL vcniouco. I remain. Yuura respectfully, A. II. FRIER, Bethel, l'olkeounty, October ID, 1&71, Remarkable. KlgHt Iluiidred Woi-ma Kxpellcd. I think it a public benefit to make tho fol-' lowing statement, that 1 have beori nil lo'od for two ye.rs with conrlant pnins in the stomach, and, in fact, paim all over my' body; no irppctito, nud let uio cat what I would, it alwavs put tno in dbtrcss. No modieino would relieve tno.and I grow worse and worse, until nnr 1 am a mcro skeleton. Nobody could tU me what wa iho matter with me. until I consulted Dr. J. P. F. Van Denbcrgh. in Stlein, Oregon, and he told mo I wits alUictcd with worms, and thoy were the cause of ail my inisory and pains. I took tho Dootor's mcdiciue, and ho expelled SOU worms from luu. Thoy are like leaches, with long tails, and moasuro from ot-o lo one and ono half incucs in length. I only took sis liulo powders, and tncy brought the worm . within four hours time. All those sftiictod wiihiug to fice mo, cuo find me at Sain Kon-let's Kon-let's stublo, talem, Oregon, V. ORAIQ. Subscribed and sworn to boforo me, this Tlh day ot September. IsTl. J. J. MURPHY. J. P. Said worms enn bo seen at Dr. J. P. P. Van DeDbcrgh's ofiico, Upora Uouee bio ok, Court ttroet, iialeai. A Card. DR. J. P- P. VAN DENHEROU :'. Dear Pin: 1 derm it my duty to make tho following ttntcmotU: For tho lst three years I have been euficriug with cut) stun I gnawing pain and a quivering scnsal ion in my e limine ti, also pain in my chestand hort; my food would nut 'ligest.aod 1 was eo nervous nerv-ous that wuh diHieulty I oould follow my occupation, which has bocn here in Salem for tQo pas', ten years as a practical dentist-Intact, dentist-Intact, irm the constant pain and misery I had wasted away to a mere skeleton. I had been doctoring a great de.il without any buuelit, and be loving thore was no help lor mo hut to linger oil until death would ro-lievo ro-lievo all my suilcring. Some of my friondi thought 1 had worms and bad better see Dr-Van Dr-Van Dcubcrfc-h- He told me at once that worms were tho cauo of all my troubles, so ho gave mo five small and lasieloss powders, and in fuur hours about TOM worms Irom onu iocli lo one and ono half i DC bos long, came away from mo tlml d ay, and iho lo. lo wi ng night sou. e ni'iro e.iiiie, and now I am hnpi y to say 1 feel like nnothcr man again, and am KaininB strength from day to day. il, SMITH. M.D. Salem, Orrpon, Sepleiubor 2.id, lbTl. Anotlter Great Slaugbter I Wo thick it our duly to make the following follow-ing statement, iu hopes it m,iy do some good to chilortu : Our child had been iok l'ir some uu.e. Tbiukii:B nil the time our litl.e tno war tmuuleJ with worms, wo tried miLj- uoL'Ljri a :i J a great many reiuouie. without jiiy rclitl. tumu ncigubors told us wo ioul I go aud try Dr. Van Dcnbeig, the Worm Doctor, in Salem. Wo did so, and ho gave us one bmtlu ol his celebrated Wunn Syrup, and alter giving iho nn-uu ino, to our grtat B.-loiiii-hiiient auoul 8.U Worms pasi d awa Irom our dear child, and now, thank heaven, fahe is well again. I. D. GRIZXLB. Salem, Oregon. Oct-bor 61, 1671. 1,500 Wo;;n KxiKUed, After sccon yoirs of sulT-rinr, psiu anrl dcbiliiyi :mtl due to: ing lor tn my com plain is. now pioved thru 1 did not li-no, utid taking ditlercul kind,-ot meJi.'iiie Irui: uibcj' cm;-ncn; cm;-ncn; pbyucun-, 1 ;ivc u p in desp ,ir, th i nk - ach any longer, nnd that I m in watte awaj until there was No-Jung left of poor me. IJul hearing of the nU Mii'bir.i euros that Dr. J, P. Van Denbcrgh has perlormed in 80 tu,rl a time. e:iuetiiig curoi in a lew hours, and U17 friends udvi,iiiB me tr. ma ke on o mor' eii'irt. I consulted Dr. Van Deniicrgn.and tir told we that my nn-enes w.tc cuscd by w nns, nnd hew uld epel them in nb'tut 6vo hour.-. Alior taking live nmi pnwdnrs, about lilteen iiumnd woruiis passed away from mo. and 1 am happy In phi lhl I am bettor taau 1 have be-.rn or a i;rei wmlo. 1. li. tVLd. ?ub:crlbrd and fworn to before tne, thU 18th day ofSeptcu.ber. 1 s7 1 , J. J.MLRl'HY.J.P. Gratitude cicipc p me to make the following follow-ing r tat e merit, t ii in k mg it may do stioie gond to my lell'iw su:lererj. 1 have ntn B(i!i"ted for a long number of yars with the lolluw lDg cmplaitit- ; I coulj not eat anything nnl" il would produre grcl ptn in my Hnifb and Imw-els. Imw-els. al"as p;.l itati'-n ol the heart, e ere sieLing and rl.--iuntlc pain in all iuy joint'; alro neuiiilgifi in my ttoad , no leep, nlwaj-s retle at iimln, in u I wwre-du.-cl fuce bclplosi efeeuton, not able to walk al..n. and gie up in nr-.iir. I mDt also stte 1 hud been d'Tt'.nrig with the mn-t cnur.OBt ,y.iin,i)i oftbif Stair alio with (he 1.1-i.t doctors of San hr-ti'-ii'.. and tii.rj ar.li kfn.w., wntjimt an relief till I henrd tbe grel eurr-f Dr. J. P P. Van H'-nPe.gh h.'il P'r;';r:nd io and around f,leiD. 1 app ifi U. Luu for be. p. arid may i .4 ble-s t.in for Die r-.-torati-n of u.j-ho..i:h. u.j-ho..i:h. 1 hai e or.lr tneti bis a.ed riBt in ' 1 ri " h -. hl d hnvr tin,.- J iju, ii M tb at tune, twtr.ty f.'.'e pout i. in weiiht. and am able M do all iuy housework and m r. JAK POTTER. L;r.r. couc;y, a -.ui thirty ll.io. et of the baiem. Oreion. December 2'., 1(-71 Ln SlanritnK CourIi, with F.ittM Ive (pectoral ton, Cared In Four Weeks. This is lo cert 1 1 r that I have been trnublad ''.'ll.iM;':i i.. all I'r,!, Tnlti- Vi'-1 Vi'-1 p. torai.r,. t i t :, k 1 L -. . couth-,it.g. couth-,it.g. m-r.-b a'-r t; tr.: i.-i..Jl 4 .Kb .ii 'Li hoi.--. r.ttrjt,'. fn 1 i c:,-i. j col bt --red. T eB I wa a i . ii-j i. ..ee Dr. J . Y. P. Tan irr,h--t m.d i,.n :!;,ftnkf hn k 1 1 . h.rr-i :, ,; at,-.u; )ou. :"-l.'l 1' t.' W It,' f IL-f I -.,.-1 a: J f.-r-T-..!-.: p-uni, il i am ab.e lo do auy t.od v; Carrf f'.Tt.. ' . t LEW Ir- HELD. r-alem, Oreg'.L. Dern.bei i i 71. OFFICE si Mnin street, SALT LAKE CITY. EAGLE EMPORIUM. Their immense sales andstoekof carpets have induced Z. C. 31. I. to open anotherIar;e room 50 x (0 feet, for the exhibition ot newest styles C A li P E T S , ii Brussels, 5 Tapestry, f Three Ply, .jT Ex. Super, . -B B Super, S Stair, 31attinsps, &c, ? i Shades, - 12 Cornices, -i Cords, 3 -H Tassels, 3 -r Fringes, 32 3 Fixtures, O Brocatelles, 7 Damasks, K 4- Swiss Lace, a Tambour Lace, Xottingham Lace, Sheetings, Pillow Casings, Quilts, Comforters, Bed F e a t h e r s, of various grades and prices. Persons desirous of house furnishing should first examine our stock and prices. Carpets made and laid. Upholstery, Bed and Bedding made to order with promptness and dispatch. Retail Dry Goods Department. Terms Strictly Cash. II. B. CLAWSON, Supt. FLOUR! FLOUE! FAMILIES, BAKEKS, MINERS AND ALE OTHERS WANTING SHOULD BUY Wm. Jennings' Flour, To le hud by iipplyin m n. 0nicr line ilnor wi-xl 0MI10 Flour Warehouse, uu ... uu, inn j .ttM, anu n l m j euipli! ,IS., OnJl Jj3kO City. n7 DUNFORD&SONS. Mammoth Boot, Shoe & Hat Store. Wholesale and Retail Departments.' TIME TABLE. A.P. HOTALING & CO." r . . H'JI.K A'JI.Vrn f-.H HIK BURLLNGTON ROUTE. j- h. cutter OLD BOURBON WHI8KY, TO THt UST, NORTH AND SOUTHbkST. avi. ii..,hti:imip o. 1. vtKK wi,k, A N ii l luimnii, I'" J",k. , ri.nrl.r.. - - . .1 BTATio.v-8. ;;'r;'.;.' ; mjL j. H- cutter U.T.OMAHA - 4:lnr.mJ 5m n. OLD HOI l(IHI. IWJIHkY. AiriraBCHUHIITO!) S.v. .! nt.m. C. 1'. H'HIItMAN k CO., M.udoU - - II- fc.. 3;.v,... Loui.rille, lliUitlfr.. ChicMo(aU.lU) Uip.a.i 7:15 ..io. TI,. Tr..l ..! , m. r. ti-l - .ri . . . :r :!":!;:::; " Ind'pliB'I.B.AW. fr.aJii.n. ' Jot.-ia. h'.X ,' J'n.Vj'' 'i'.'.iV.'', '' l'i'l - cincionu - . n,,,.. ;,.. ;':;,',('."'!'. ,,;;,''a.,',''.1;', t . , I Inn im'I ii, oh lirr, llh i 1,1, .,, In Lot.D.PJrt4 .',.',., ...,. . . ,.,..,,,,. .,.".. - c:,.hu.' 'lar.. n,.S-.-jr, 1,'.'.';.' " -tv . , .,, A. Ill, I Al.ll A r.l., i,,l. A..nl. "Fxtsx??,. p,, .ltbll.. L:.,.:v'r:'b,","co-"""'";" T i th '" R ,",t' Hijckt,l . m'.p.",.1. ..i...i tvk.u REMOVAL. A.I. TOI-ZM.IK. . I. PKKKINS. ,.,, t . ft.iiT T..t A,BL .o'l hi.r 't- bu ftaurd hi. h.rb.rin, r t.l,!n lim.ut li',Hj .j Syi, hUMt lo tb. tlml i, ,,), , lt, tlJ Lllor To Whom it may Concern. tlZ!lTL:lZll,ZM 2.tbe ol-It- roi-J, (it-.j f t,-.-, . mfU' .". kp". "'". " J ...I ft', feWVKVi NOTICE. 1 lur .izxiz;:7 --u - x''rvZ'' l "",n- |