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Show " "notaries public. CH AS. W. HTAYNKH, NOTARY PUBLIC, Duly inalifiod and commit ion cd by the Governor. Office at Caldtr Bro's. Salt Lake City, nig . JOHN McKWAN, NOTARY PUBLIC, Will draw or .vki.owled-e all kinds of luU-uaecu in writing. I'rompl uteoUoO paid to business. OiEco at residence, Provo Cnj, Utah Co,' TJ. T. mS W. P- APPLEBY, United States Commissioner, Notary Public & Conveyancer, COMMISSIONER FUR CiUrornia, Iowa, Mi-bism. Nevada. K'ir.sas. Wise n;in. Nebraska, TiMin.iyl vanla. New Jersey, Mia'ouri, Illinoij, Maniac a, Indiana, Aljj;ictiuc;w, and otho" Elates and Territories. All kinds1 of legal ind business innruuionts a:-ur-aiely drawn, and acknowlc femema t.ikn Mininif and other companiei iLCn'o-amJ , under the laws of Utah. uolJ j Wm. M. (Jilicjiie. Jaa. W. 'lainburn STMNBURN & GILLESPIE, Notaries Public, C0MMISSJ.0NKK9 Ob1 DKL.DS, ISearchera of liecordw, SD OOWVBTAITOBiia, Office On right of entrance to Stock Board, Keld'a Building, W aln St. The legality of the Notarial acta of the above-named firm is unfiucation-iMi-. as thoy act under appointments ma le by lie UeRii-lative UeRii-lative Assembly of the Territory of Ulan, dated February 16. l"i72. and commissiocs of the Governor of the Territory, issued subsequently, subse-quently, and have complied with both the Territorial laws by films' tbo required bonds. A- , in tho Territorial Auditor's oflico and with the Probate Judno of Salt Lakeooun.y. fJ7 A. S. GOULD & SON, CONVEYAN C ERS, W Mini nf Deedi, Agreements and Bonds for Deeds, Mortgages. Powors of Attorney. L oases. Contracts and othor instruinontaoi writing drawn wiia, acouraoy and dispatch. n-Mining Companies Incorporated Incorpora-ted nudar the Lftwi of Utab. C. A. COULD, NOTia.ri"3r PUBIjIO and COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS for New York, Masaaohusctts, Pennsylva-ma,Ohio, Pennsylva-ma,Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, I Wyoming, Montana, Nevada, California, and other 8tata and Territories. Ter-ritories. Etut Temple St, near Wells, Fargo & Co., Salt Lake City. mil WU. CLATTOIf, S. J. JoSiBSOS. Notary Public. Notary Publio and Coaveyanoor. CLAYTON & JONASSOH 1)AY strict attention to tho collection ol mono in all parts of tho world. Thoy also draw or acknowledso M kinds onnatrumenu in writing. Special attention fiven to tho drawing of and Tenuuwatory Docu- menta. Loans negotiate.). MioM. mm and Roal KsUto of all kinds bought, sold or leased. Incorporation and ParlneraUlp Pniiera of every description dra wn in trUt accordance with tho laws of Utah- Wm. Clayton. Commimonor pf Deeds for tho States of Now York.Ponnyl vanu, Ohio Connecticut, Missouri. Iowa i.jonsm and " California. ,,' OKKICIC Fourth door south of Gudl'a Corner. n29 MISCELLANEC-US. I mm FREIGHT CO. c Head (iaartcru, St. Lout, Mo. Z DUHAXT&CUTTLNG, FORWAUniNG :i asD ; COMMISSION 3IERCU1XTS i; AGENTS 111 BALTUKK UITV.ITAII. W'" B n rr.rartd t eonlr.;l mooU from .11 put" of IM linnhavin. niado.l'ocial arranK.raunw ' ' KroiSht from fiU York. Uo.iod. U.ll.uiorc. , Salt Lake Ctu. ",' (, ar. olT.ri.n tr in.lucem.iiW for Ihe ihipmont of Oro .ad lluUion to all bul.m poio'. ff11 OriC. Winofl:-l'lr.l block " " .oath or U.pot, S.lt t.k. ctty. Ill" Dt'RAST CUTTIXO- alS 1 IT O H- Bees! Bees! Beesl , Dunk wheat and Alsaoo clover at CEO. CODDARD'S. , Farmer I Ftrmori I ! Red Clover, i. Rod Top, Timothy, Allalt. Lucerne. Ac. at CEO. CODDARD'S. ri'C Owners and Driver of Teams 1 Corn. Oats. Barley. Choiu.od Foed, Ac-, at r' CEO. CODDARD'S. Ownrm rf Cowl, Chickens. H- liitn and li pa I U;an. Shorti. Corn Meal. j Wheat, Jto., t 6p CEO. CODDARD'S. It it really worth while for Ilmi.f tn nd other siok t market, .ut to call in ac.i cxamnio the tmmon-e variety ol usc-j. usc-j. r' ful articles there is for iulo at CEO. CODDARD'S. I Ul' And If yon are thirty he will eive you a 1 drink of tin celebrated cider, nd i! hnnerv. he will Mil you wmcrtw Flour, t heee. Vi! B.won. At?., and it" tired he will .send tbeai '...i borne (or you free of charpe. Where Is ' CEO. CODDARD'S Mew Sf ore! tr lt' shfiit half wit Vctwern Kimball A Lawrence's corner and tke Meat Market. ff, jc STALLION BISMAECK Al'ILL Stand far the Se-iv t te Fi:n f V nt.T..A.Youni.al tWKNTV-VlVt . DOLLARS, in advance. So drawback. 5 BILL RING U1LLIU ;,:('' At the faaie r!-c. t f IV S DULLAliS, e advDc. Apiij to. ... ni u. o.riss. MEDICAL. W. F.ANDERSON, M.D. H. I. RICHARDS, M.D. Sureous and Physicians, Offices, for the present, at their reeteetiT residences In the Uih and 11th War da. 0. C. QRMSBT, M.D. PHYSICIAN. STJKGEON AHD DBUGGU5T, BlilGUAM CITY, UTAH. HOTELS, ETC. TO WNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. T11E LEAD1X6 HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMES TO WNSEND PROPRIETOR. This Uon5e is centrally and pleasantly lo-catod. lo-catod. we!! furnished, and has accommodations accommoda-tions for 150 auei'.s. THE PHGPIUETOR is now preparing to build larje additions to his Hotel, which when nnbhod, will render it tho Most Complete Establishment In the ROCKY MOITXTAIX REGION ! mil AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. ONE BLOCK. EAST OF THEATRE, SALT LAKE CITY. TcrmiSS.OO per day. Board without with-out room. tlA.OO per week. Batha free to guest . J. C.LITTLK, ian24 Proprietor. TAYLOR'S HOTEL, "West Side Illalu Street, BOOilS with or without BOARD. ADDITIONAL IMPROVEMENTS, LARGE F1XOXT ROOM Added for the uso of Oucsts. HOT AND COI.D UATHS. TAYLOR & CUTLER, myll Proprietors. Washington House V."I.ira gfoTitlx Street, SALT t.AIK CIX Y . Board and LotlglnK, par W.ala T 00 D.y no.rd " 0 French Spring Bed. 3 00 . B.da, p.r HlgUt - - 80 M..u . - - - r i 1 : Hew Cofflniercial MM Rooms, 45, Commorciftl St., Salt Lako City, r C. W. TAPPAN, Proprietor. 'OPEN ALT, NIGHT. ' Snrlnsr Dtili, 33, and 00 rts. per r MkUH 1.50 to 83.00 per WU. j Slncle Room, HO and 75c. per Sight) J SJ.U0toSl.&0 nr Week. Double Rooms, 81.00 to 81.50 per Right, 15 UTAH HOTEL, Maiu Street, OGDEN. The OJti'y first-class House in the Ci(y. Omnibus W and from all trains. EUDEY & WILLIAMS, JJ7 IVnpr HOWLAND & ASP1NWALL, 54 South Street, HEW YORK. EDMUND WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Lake City. Will advance liberally on con.lgn-UAent. con.lgn-UAent. of Ore and Bullion. Bullion purchased at lilghe.t market ratra. MILL INERT ! 0 TUB LADIKS OF SALT LAKK C1TV AND VICIMTYI MRS. WILKINSON tenpectfully announces to her friends and aui-iis th.t tio has greatly calanted her lusincis for the priiinutl summer Tru.le And is now prepared to deal extoniively Millinery and Fancy Goods EXCLUSIVELY. Jn han'l an.l ecin.tantlv arrlvina a ,plcndid asiottmeaillio lateal .tiles ol LADIKS1 AND CUILDRKS'S Slraw and (actus Hats, Lace and Bice l-ranies, Neapolitan, Cactus and (hip Braid?, ic. Also, FaD'V Millinery of tho IU06t tashi'Miablo kinds. Kibbons, Kiowen, Laoes, Silk?, lalino?, Crape, r.irasol.'', Glove?, Fans, Ktc WILL ARRIVE FOR CONFERENCE .V .arte .vMortment of Fancy Drr a Ootid , Staple. Knllnn, tbltuoi,., Hair Roll Ln-lle1 taineii Milt, anil a -trnt1d vartrlv of l.adlei' and ChlLiI ren'e I nilir. wear. C all and ee. ,o. Sj, MAIS' STREET. LEGAL. CHARLES G. LOEBER, ATTORN EY-AT-L AW. OfficSoom No. 6. over Fint National Bank. Bait Lake Cltf. myl2 W. P. APPLEBY, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW jin d Rtgister in BaiOcntptcy, Ofllce: No, Slain St. mjlQ GEO. Ij. WOODS, AT TOR fi EY-AT - LAW, Office in Secretary BLacK'a Bnildlnr, SALT LA KB CITY. alO "VV. It. KEITHLY, Attohnet and Cotoselob-at-Law, Taylor A Cutler'i Baildinir. Boom No. 10, Oprita Silt Lake Uoue, Suit LWto City, Utah. ml) ' r. L. TT1LLIAM3. LB ORASD TOPNO WILLIAMS & YOUNG, ATTORNE YS-AT-LAW, Office, half-a-block sonth of Tneatre. Salt La lie City. jl2 GEORGE C. BATES. ATTORNEY -AT-LA K'. C. MYRON UAWLEYt Attorney -at-Law. Clcr'i of tho Snprcme Court and Territorial Librarian. J. XV. HASKI.'. OiBct) in KiLubaH's blocfe, ngar U.S. M ar-jU ar-jU Ebal's office. W. W. WOODS, ATTOKNEY - AT-LAW, No. 33, MAIN STREET. Salt Lake Clly, Utah Tr. ie21 JOHN J3. MIXjNER, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Provo City, Utali. Collections made ia the let audndJndi-oial audndJndi-oial District. Special atLention given to Mining cajc. Offioe at resilience, Outre at, Provo City. Warner Bull. F- M. Smith. EARLL & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ALT LASS CITT. First Sonth Street. Knorai 11 and 12, No ICS. Kimball BlocLt. DANIEL S. DANA, ATTORN E Y-A T-L A W, Salt Lake City, Utah. Office wejt side of Eaat Temple Street. Especial attention given W Mining litigation. liti-gation. Wm. HAY DON, (Late Judge ofita Uistrict Oonrt, Norada, ATTO R N EY-AT-LAW, Room No. 9. Baat Temple Street, over First National Bank. nl - TC. M. BARNUM, ATTORNE Y-AT-LAW, Office, Kimball Block. S. L. City. Special attention sivon to Title. IWotla-tiona, IWotla-tiona, Sale or Litigations in Mi nun Claims and Heal Estate. Collections made or business done in any part of the United States by Association of reliable Attorney. "7 0. H. Hempstead, M. Kirk pa trick HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Attorneys-ni-Law, Main Street, oppesite Wells, lfarg.0 Co:. SALT LA at! CITY 1 2. BNOW. HOQB. SXOW A. HOGEj Aattorneya and Coiuuoiora at Law Bait Lake. City, Utah. Ofllce at 8now' corner, lt Km Street, Jn6 iONATHAN C. ROYLE, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, Salt Lake City, Utah. Office Over First National Bank. Rost-donoo Rost-donoo on 3d East fltroot, botweou 3outh and let oonth atrccU. TH08. F1ICH. OKO. 1. WBITKRY. FITCH & WHITNEY, ATTOIiN Ia: YS-A 'IT-Lj A W, fJ) 36 First South Strcc, tS. A. MANN, ATTORNEY - AT-LAW, No. 30 First South Slreot, f9 Salt Lake City, Utah. . OOOPBK, ATTORNEY AND COUNdELLOl Ofiice Kxcliange and Reading ltooiu, uit-alalra. jJt) B 1 LT LATH CITT. AMERICAN BUHEAU JILLG IXF0RM1TI0N For Utala. WlrRnniied by mininn and busintws men of Utah for tho parposo ofobtainiuu oud ais-seminatinj ais-seminatinj Reliable Information in regard to Mines And UltiluB property throuahout the Torritory. WARRES T1USEY. PrcsHcnL TUOS. P. AK1.KS ice Prosidont. TUKO. F.TKACY. lVe.uror. K. M. BAKN Uil, Actuary and aoo y. Principal OlBre In Kimball Block, oppoalte Towiucml Uouae, 1 Salt Lake City. ReBlatry of IHInea anu mining ..-formation ..-formation eat nbllfincd, a sym.;si.ot which will be publi-hed in the Bulletin of the Bureau, and distributed i at htoek Ronrtin and Bufinrj? Centres throunhnut . BTATKa AND IN BUKOPE Examluatlona of and neporta upon nines rlnced npon tho market, will be made under special charite of the bxecu-tive bxecu-tive Committee Tho P. Akers, F.imnnd WilVo, John T. Lynch. R P. Lonnsbery. J. M. Qafkcil. This Bureau especially elicit Specimeni of Ore and Mineral Productions from al narts if the Territory, "hi'-h will --e labelexl and di;rlJi Cabinet by reroctiT Mininc btstrict. Blank Forma for d"'crJttion of mine deis;ned for reitry. tarnished on application. applica-tion. m- Miners and Cpit.ilis arc invited to make the Rcoms of toe Bureau th'ir headquarter head-quarter for negotiation or buine en-asemenu. en-asemenu. A Motary Public alwaya at thaOfnce tsBND FOR CIRCl"L.APS. E. M. BARM'I) Actuary and Secretary. P. 0. Box 77. s Liquid Bluing Cheapest in marset: quality and rati faction KU.iraatecd or money refunded. Cftla Paid for Grain and conntry Fcr Sale 500,000 Iba coarte Salt, TiWe and Ualry. Shin tie, tunber and General Herchaadi-Whole.-ale Jobber. J. V. .KLL, Idaho Store, one b.oc. oaia Theatre. fv , BULLS. pluUT. HEAD0F V RH AM rxhi-.t". ' a'n.i' t'Tf.tj: the O-i' Va ri ' -- if- 7-zf -.t m first -clajf S. T.-JLS60-X. OH WARD I ' THE medical revolution whih com-ineuecd com-ineuecd years ago with the gradual di.-use of blood-letting, salivation, druitic purgatives, and powerful opiates, opi-ates, goes bravely aud gloriou.-iy on. Livery day the sick grow wiser. They are no longer willing to open their mouths, shut their eyes, and take whatever what-ever the doctors arc pleased to prercribe, without inquiry. Thoy want to know the nature of the medicines they are desired to swallow, and demand to have the mysterious Latin lingo of the prcfession translated into plain Kng-ish. Kng-ish. The Invalid World understands at last that VIGOR is the great antagonist an-tagonist of disease. The ft.eb,e decline to be utterly prostrated by depleting ' pills and potions, and turning from such mendicaments with loathing, 1 judiciously place their trust in a remedy reme-dy which combines with the properties ' of an Alterative those of a pure ai.d wholesome Tonic and Restorative. It 1 is now about twelve years since this 1 grand desideratum was introduced ' under tho name of 1 PLANTATION BITTERS, ' and from that time to the present its ' progress has been without a parallel in ' tho history of proprietary medicines. With the spirit of the sugar cane tho ; most nutricioUB of ail stituulauts for i its basis, and medicated aulely with the juices and extracts of rare vegetable specifics, such as Calisaya Bark, the 3 best known Tonic that tho world pro- 1 duces, and which makes it by all odds ' tbe most unobjectionable invigoraut, B corrective and general alterative that has ever been placed by science within 1 the reach of the sick, the suffering, and the despondent. Hence it has ovorleaped all competition, and Plantation Plan-tation outers is to-day the most popular popu-lar Tonic on either side of tho Atlantic mexicis Miim mm FOR 2IAJi J-XD BEAUT. Probably few articles have over had 0 extensive a sale, while none have been more universally beneficial than tlio celebrated Mexican .Mustang Lini-uknt. Lini-uknt. Children, Adults, Horses and Domestic Anima s, are always liable to accident, and it is safe to say, that no family can pass a single sonson without I some kind of an emollient bt'ing necessary. neces-sary. It becomes a manor ol importance import-ance ihtin to ettuure tho bust, Tho merits of tlie AIkxican SI ustano Liniment are wcil known throughout tbo habii-iblo world. .From the million upon million of bottles sold, no complaint com-plaint bus ever reached U3. It is rc com mended for CuU, Bruues, Sprains, Hliouiiialim, Swellings, iiao Chilblains, Chil-blains, ic, upon man, and for bpavina .Founders, liing-bono, Toll Jivil Scratches, "Wind-Galls, Hoofale, tic, upon horses, IMPORTANT TO OWNERS Or HORSES, "Tliis is to certify. That the Mexican Mas-Uvob Mas-Uvob Liniuiont liivs Deon extensively used in our sublcs throun'iwul too country (wo have 2,5") hor?o5) witli mo htc:Hoji bunolit in all cafes ol kaIIs. kicks, eiraiii3, lameness, slitf-ncu. slitf-ncu. oto. Many of our men huve li;id ooca.c-ioa ooca.c-ioa to ufo it in their families. unJ all speak of it in tho hiirficjt torm-. One- of our men koI kickei anil badly cut and bruised; as usual, us-ual, mo Mujtans Liniment was resorted to; tho lameness was romo eJ. and ho w;is almost al-most well in four days. "'o can cheerfully rooommond it as a vaiuiblo preparation for man or bowL oure respectfully, J. 1M.NNISA. Foreman of Adann k Co'a. Esp's. buibloe N. Y. "We take great pleasuro in recommondini the Mexican Slujtaug Liniment rw un indis peniibloaod valuable wtielo. and tho bo, wo hava ever used for Sprains, Soro o Uills on nornes. Some of our men have alu ued it for severe burn- and sore.-, a? well a rheumatic- pains, and all say it acu hi. mlz- J, H. II B WITT. Foreman. Por American Express Co.. 10 Wall Mrcet Uarden's Express Co , 74 Urosiww; Mullen Wofls. Fargo A Co-14 Wall SirecL Ovcrtbree hundred livory stables t: the city of New York alone aro usinj tbe Mkiicas Mustano Limmkvt, i; all of which it give unusual satufac .ion. CAUTION Pome unrrincipl'd parties hnve undo taken to counterfeit tbis Liniment. In genuine 1 wrapped in 6n "bicel Plate enslaving, wilh "U. S . IV ..-thro.-k, t hen and "Trade Mark. MEXICAN Ml ; TANG LIS IM KNT." cnitraved acro?s th laoeof each wrapper. Tbe wh.ilc bears th proprietors' private Lnitcd States Kevent Pump, and not a common stamp, u use by drueriiU. Lto Ma.xcrCTf"iito Co.. 437 S", Park N. T. DRESSMAKING. HRI. DAVIS respectfully notifies her lady friends and patrrns that sho has removed re-moved from Mri. Wilkinson's to her own reidfDC. WEST SECOND STREET, East side, half a block south of Court Ilouse, ltb Ward. Mra. Davli has hml a Irnsj and varied experience in DIS.KSSM A K.I K, in London, Lon-don, at .Miss McLellan s. Sew Bnd Street, also in Pbiln ieUMa ar, l W.hinton. 1. 0.. and is fully ci abie to execute all order? entrusted to her care. myl-i ASSIGNEE'S SUE, 111 tlie innrrmf Court for tlie District Dis-trict Of I lU. In the leaver t,f 1 Stubby A, Ki:twood,In Eaakrui'tcj. I TTi nud-rsiirned h-fy rire T'-f that 1 7'-' "'rii'-'e" La.eti''v.'('-the La.eti''v.'('-the .":h d7 '' M .y. A D.l-":ii '.vu.tk a. tc, Lhe luiiowi.-.g leii;riOod rel ecia:e. u K:eb:y ,iv arr- of l.inl r-. St'.t Lake en.Lty, at tee nl '-f ;ae MUD;a:n. a. , . r-. - - -x: h o! . .l L it e C:: j. uz, tie Jj.ii.i.liL'U'e ini b .it itLi therein. r.i ' r, ;r'e';b ik? c; -Vr'- D I -V-"'":k"t CA.'ja'rJag'Ulr.'efCa.:-Lr.i I aV-:--. si";' ;l tecue- ii lc"Lai; I . - si's, rr. c at:- iT-.-b-ra-cel-t. J".-:.. lar... A.- L " r. t.--k-ir. i'rov .tj. e-niaia-1 ::r r-.. c r-.T Lm, t.:ii i.c:e tai . -c .Lerca. D.B. ni.YW. Salt Lake City, May ('b. i;i ( t Ladies and Gentlemen, Kieh or poor, desirous of procuring a Perfect Fit in Boots or Shoe, will find at TO Alain street a largo and choice assortment to select from. If we cannot suit you from our ready- i made stock, .we will make to order any style and quality desired, and insure in-sure satisfaction. Our facilities for manufacturing are unsurpassed in Tim city. REPAIRING Done neatly, promptly and cheaply. Boot and Shoemakers We invite your attention to our complete com-plete stock of Leather and Findings, consisting, in part, of the best brands of French and American Calf Skins, Morvccos, Kids, Linings, Toppings, L'pper Leather, Boot Trees, Las-U, 1'egs, Nails and everything clso necessary nec-essary to a lull ouint for manufacturing manufactu-ring by hand or machinery. Our . goods having been carefully selected for tho trade, by Mr. Croiupton, they can be relied on, and our prices are as low as any goods of like quality can be sold here. Orders by mail receive careful and prompt attention. Observe tbo address ad-dress yj Main street. Saddlers Will hnd it to tl.eit iniorest to examine exam-ine tho quality and prices of our stock of Eastern und Western Harness, Tug, Bridle, Dash, Collar, Winker, Fair and Lace Leathers, Saddlo Trees and Halters. Wc make a specialty of Horse Collars, in which wo cannot (ail to give satisfaction. Besides a large variety of California manufactured manufac-tured Collars, our assortment includes Hay ward' a celebrated copper-riveted Horse Collars. Notico 90 Main Etreet. Wo have lately received, and are constantly con-stantly receiving, large supplies of ail tbo above clashes of goods, and wo endeavor to procuro, manufacture and Bell only such articles as will maintain our character for reliability. HIDES BOUGHT. Z, C. M. I. BOOT AND SHOE DfcPARTMtNT, AT 1 HE SIGN Or BIG BOOT, 99 MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. m!5 n. B. Clawi-on, Sup't. GEO. V. M. BOUTELLE, Civil Eimiieer and l. S. Mineral Survcjor for Utah. Applications for the Surreys of Mines for a U- S. I'altni and tho preparation of the neceary linnratin and pipers, will receive personal and pn mft at. on, ion. Suni'i'i', Km iuiiite and Drawings and al! work eunnecto 1 with tho profession carulully and corn ctly perf ruied. Urnrt in tho B lilding occupied by the Survesor Uctieriil's UUice. opiiosilo lue lownsond Uou:o. Salt Lake City- BKFF RK7ICES : rten- C. C Clements, U- P- Surveyor fi enoral: UuD. J. M. iUojro, Postmaster, f-alL Lake City. Dr 0 1) C.i's Presi.Icnt Bank ofCorinno; Hon. 0. J liol ister. U.S. Collector for Utah: ticn. liac. K. .Maxwell. Hcgielor U. M. Land Uilioj. mylo GHICASO TRADE. Ames, Sherman & Co., J01H1KH8 OF Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, UMURKLLAS AND PAIlASOi.5, Nos. nml fiS Wabash Avenue, Chicaoo UK't. t1. AMK-1. tit.ii.C.SIIKitMAS, 1 T. S J Kit M a N. my'a i wmi mm wm I'lRK ami IllRGMlt TltOOF : S5lEI 3 ! a X a The Beat t?fe in the Wcrld. r- HERRING &. CO., 4G Slate street, and corner 14th street and Indiana Avcone, C II I C j. G O . M. D. WELLS l CO., Manufacturers of and Wholeasvl Deal en U Roots and Shoes, 018 Wibiih Ars, Chleasjo. M. D. WMU. H. J. Mafarland. rL Benedict. "M S. P. Mclnlyra. 8LICHTLY 8CORCHED I YAK SCEAACK, STEVENSON 4 REID, WIIOLENALE druggists' (LaU of . W and H Lk- iret Cor. Uaarftora ftrect.) HAVE REMOVED On account of the xnic.njie heat, the Baptist Church Building t4T, l-ttt . HS1 Wibtib Ar; Wh'-re we hav- a larp- '.f Druti, Ct.'-ri.K Oi.'. a:,d G. -wans, Dn-esrisu' r-un-Gn, rV-r.t li jmh-JKi t.:r.., Kx. CALL AS;j (UKt.K VS. (We ',L,y paj Wj cn'j on tbt itollal.) ,L ,i, i , mm i tf i""" GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. JAMES GALLACHER & SONS, Bet rer-ectfn11y to iDfcrm their friends ana the puohc jtnorallj that tfcej iiave lea- THE TMO'EBAKEr.Y,' Mala St., next rtoor in Walker ttro i Xcm Hotel, Breai. Cracker ani Bifcuit of the inojt jaalr.T. WUOLS-ALK ASD RL rAll-Cakes. rAll-Cakes. C-ii Lun.-h and Re'retinient". Ipo Ctib and "Aberne'.hj Supper. Pic-Nic and Si.-ur.uMi i aMie'snp-pliej aMie'snp-pliej with overy thine in the line on the ,rt-ji ,rt-ji notice an i the a.ofi moder..t uruis. OhSAMl.STKi-i.-A KKS. 2i SnERiEsFriiovisio Tlie I.arsest ami lit';- As-sorted As-sorted Stock lu Ton u. mm jr El T B- A S nre tiiiequalleil in qmililj in Vtali. We ciin nml will sell olieni) n:id will not iJ iimlci-sold iimlci-sold by any one. CALL AND EXAMINE. C. W. DAVIS m , Pure Bread! Pare Cauflyl T-HEESTATRof RICUA RD QOLIiillTT.Y 1 beg to inform tho Publio, tlil thoy still carry on tQe business of Bakers and Confectioners, At tbo old stand of Tlio 4fcCILiOX3117," EAST TEMPLE STREET. Adjoinlnfr tho Co-operative Grocery Depirl-inent. Depirl-inent. wboro cn bo found evcrytbint .in their linol basuies,and thoy hope, b y strict attertlm to the wanm of their customers, to oontinuo Uieir patronage and support. Pure Homr-mmlc Caitdlei a apcclaliy. ORDERS FILLED WITH DISPATCH. a'8 DANIEL GRENIG Bos Just Received and for Sale A ChoicoLotof Such as Tea, Coff.to, Surut, Spicw, Golden tiilvor Drips, Su.ir.ir Lotif Dnpi, Ilams, li aeon and Drind llocf, Best few York Factory Chetsse, Snaps, Yeast Powder, Dried and Canned Fruits. WOOD and WILLOW-WARE, Primo LiveGocso Feathers, Orgs and Canary Birdp, etc., etc THE Is In full hlnt, and tht nin-tt Oread, etc., is turjed out Irchh every Jay. DBsr BRANDS OF JT LiOUR Alwujs on hand. All kin (I a of GRAIN bong lit and anlri Uiro mo a cill at my Now Brick Hioro, EAST 81DK K A ST TEMPI. K ST. DANIEL CRENIC. mil II. WALLACE, First South Street. A oholo. loUof CLAMS, LIMA BKA.NH, GUKKN COKN, T0MAT0K3, SALMON Bessitalcd C'oroanut, Crnckcd Cocoas AND Family Chocolate, Huntley & l'almcr ENGLISH BISCUITS, ALSO THE CKLKIJKATKD ALI1EIIT KISCUITS. BATHS, BATHS! Warm Spring JtnthH ! PrlriU aa Plaasi. IMIx l- PrtT-t. Hsiil.. I'. !' .i,d lwM:nw-l lwM:nw-l firtiM Pl (!. f f 1--' mi SmUMHa an - A HUOI.U. r W.J. HOOPER A CO. I T, fOIIKRriAt ITHKKT. sa3 imw iaaa.w ii'iwi 1 whi'i"p BANKERS. A. W. WHITE & CO, BANKERS, ! EAST TKJlt'LK STIIKKT, H Lake Ctly. Dej.r in GOLD DUST. COIN AND BULLION. r--h.::cf en .i.'. .". r.-i--iiuii (tiS vie ("..... S::- ..; :.-,.;,-. PstnouUr aiten i-n civpa to C,Meet:ot!S, ot boit;i;e on Jy of payment. GKO. K. Y1UTN KY, Attnu-y. t OUKK&l'OX LKN TSi Rik M C.iii.rai. - - - San rri-.-i-i ' l,-- X . .... I ,'..-L Nalioca: IUA - - CI. . ' U..-1. : i;.ii m. i. in. I Si;o lUi.k, n: N.lTii-!. . - . iVmW BANKS DESERET, Salt Lake City, Utah. This Bank bar oritiniied a SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, aud ill receive deposits of one dollar ad ucw.rd-. on wlii.'h Interest will le allowed at the rate ef eislit per cent per annum. Co iu pour lodsomi-annuaUy. f2 t.. 8. HILLS, Caaltler. SALT l,Iv.E CITY NATIONAL BANK S;iU LuUc City, l iali Tr. Authorized Capital - $500,000. HenJ. 11. PttHell, I'rctUln.t. Ilut(l A litte, t'aaliler. UkUfariaO A kiRti-ATKirs. Attorneys. Th! B.mV will Ir.mu-t V.l kinds of leullt-male leullt-male linnkinv Lu-irnv-. and DUALS IX f.411.11 AM) Ml.TKK lil'l.I.IOM AN IS OKl.H. Hold and Currjti.-y Kvi'hansre Jtawn and Tel.-ur.iph Trim 1.T-- hi ..do tn Nvw York. Shu Kmu.'i-eo ai.d pnnrip.il Atlantic and I'lio i',.-cmi-.-, ai .ul.il'.f m niiy pari oi" tbe I nitud Slates aud C.ua ia. Dnpostts and tonor.il tm-inoss solicited from l-.a.-iern mid K . -r t h-n 11 nil,- and Hankers. Hank-ers. Firms and in.livi. Inula ; Cbe--lv Account kept iu iMd or Currency. Exclaim ce on prini'ipal ;ities of Kurope and tbe Cuiiadas furnislied in sum- to suit, at the lo wwt ratoa, aud lolowrapu Irauileri on London. Loans made on Bullion, Public Seeurlti4, Bonds, Loi-al Slock. Morchaudise, or othor 5 ood Collator!. Approved tuinftis paper iscouDied lor depoMtors. Certificates of Pfpo-ii Iimied, payable in Gold or Currency O.i call, or at ad si tiotlird time, available in any part ol tbo Called States and Territories. Advances made on shipments of Bullion or Ores to Kim York, au t raiicuoo and Kurope. CORRESPONDENTS I Hirivv.ihir t Natinnal Purk Rank. SAN FRANCI-CO -Callf-rui.. Tr.nl Co. LONDUS Jay C oko, McCulluch AC-' WELLS, FARGO 8t CO., K A' rii ESS h'OHH'AM) i: R .V, Bankers and Dcnlcraiii Lxcliaue Drafts on Kur pe. i uf"i'in Collections promi'Uy attend. -I to. K .at Temple Mini, Nnlt Lake lllf, Dili Thru. F. Ihhtv, A.enl. Firsl Nalional Sank of Utah, BALI' LAKB CITY. tire A'ifCiiii A'lrrtlUftnrnt on Third Bank of Deseret, Kin'iT-or to HOOPER, ELOHEDGE & Co., Corner Kal T pt- and Tint rVyiith tHrtwta, PAI.T LA K V, (II V. UTAH. PA1I II' t' A I'll A 1., - lOU.lHIO. HJtMSHAM Y'H'MI. l''--i leiiU 1 n s r;.'vr- i,i:. Vi,..-l'i,.. H'M. H IKi!'l It. v . ;i,. DlrMtori. .11 HIS Sil A lil'. Fl-KA Mi '!. Li n I-K. L. H. H 1 1 1.. d - ..:, l'i -,t i,. UOI.I) Dl'-T, '1II1, RICMARUK, l.AM WAItHAKTM, COL-J.K.-K Ht Uil', o. Colii-ctiyQS mail; aud promptly ro- LiilHd. for tic;, exchange for sale. CALIFORKSA TRADE. j, m. roHv, r. ictmno. COHEN & SPERLING, ,,,( ,1, ,. !. I V, l. Ill' I 11. T O II A O O 0 , At.D Wa'tUi.'L'llMlHS Dt C'kb. T40 tV :i i t Moin y I . rr. Clay, nn in a x i i. ii Iviain & Winchester, 214 & 210 Battory Street, SAN FRANCISCO. HAItXKSS, S A MILKS, - A N I) - Ti E -A. T II E K. . lie;tirt HmU nwt ! rl-r on ll Pnriar Cmant. Si-tial attrn-i'-B a.ven lo ..rdrrs fi-rn IM.b. |