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Show TRAVEL. GILMER i SALISBURY'S1;. DAILY ' STAGE LINES TllllOLOII Utah, Mouth - cast Aevada & Montana, Mon-tana, Leaving Hlt Lake Ciry Dally, run-Ull( run-Ull( south to Tintio, American Fork, Mount Nebo, Ifioviur, St. Cluorifo, Utah ; and l'iocliu, iNuvaiia ; piidug through I'rovo, Hrintrville, Spanish Fork, Pay-son, Pay-son, Salt Creek, Chiekeo Creek, Round Valley, Filluiure.Coru Creek, Beaver, Milium-ville, Milium-ville, and All thf, principal tmon and mining atmps in southern Utah aiul touth-ca&t Nevada. Alio leave Cor I nne, Utah, dally, running uurlh lo Virginia City, Helena, Fort Benton, lJcor Lodge, Cedar Creek mines, and putlog through all the principal towon and mining min-ing cam pa in Montana, Mon-tana, PH1NC1PAI OFVfCK, Wells, rgo & Co. Building Jan Ss.lt Lake City UTAH CENTRAL llAIMtOAl). PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. Ui and ifttr Holiday, July 17, 1B71 lally Trains Leave Salt Lake City at 5 ra. naif 2:15 p.m. ArriTo at Otfden 7 . in. and t: 15 p. m. Leave Ogdon at d a. tn. and 5:30 p. in. Arrive at Halt Lake City 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m In addition to the above Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leaving Salt Lake City at 6.30 p.m., and Ouden at 5 a.m. Passengers will please Purchase their Tickets at tlie OOlcce. Fifty Cents additional will ho charted whet the faro Uoulleoted on tho train. For sll information ooncorninr freight or piudaEO. apply to D. U. CALUtCH, General Freight and Tio&at kg' JOHH SHART, SUP K.K I NT EN DENT Len Wines. II. P. Kimball. SALT LAKE, oiBiim And Tintic Stage and Express KI N M.I Q DAlLlf FRO! SAlil LAKE CITY, via LAKE TOWN, TOOKLB CITY, STOCKTON AND OP II IK. TO TINTIC. The route has been restoeked with tnlou-did tnlou-did Concord Coaches, fine Stok. oaiefnl and attentive Drivers, and every attention ispaic lo the oomfort ant oonveaionce of puaos kars. Good accommodations on the road, THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time, Offlea at Wells, Fargo M. Co.'s. Salt Lake City. WINES & KIMBALL, Proprietors. utmTsouthern RAILROAD. Ou ami after Jauuary 41st, MIXED TRALXS XJ3NT D AIL T. Leaving the I'tah Central K.U. IVpot, tait Lako Ciiy. at 7.i'n.ni.; Dnipei 5. -to p.m.. and e-an-iy tvati.'n, (uoarost point to Lit fie (.Vtion-vcrd C--oa.) a: 6-L) p.ai. An eitr. tr-i-.a Kuu on muinys Lcivins l'raper at a.m., i?du-iv at y.ln a.ui., SaIi Lake Cuy at 4.K' p.m. Sal: Ltko to Eic CottairooJ S'.toa. '-j Little " " I: Cta " S.icir " f !.') D.-arer " lo Iwecty-fivs -cts .1 l:::--aj be thaised iien iae tare id collected oa the trLa. D. O. LALUKtt, Uea. Freight aid Ticket AeaL. FKRAflOHZ LITTLE SUPSREfTBSDS-VT, j SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. f IKON AND X Ik. ILL, WXXIIU HOPE, FLAT AJU KOLSO, j "ur li'ji''ini( "mm uiininit jhnP-s and inr I i nee, ferry r-w!, ij-y f-ia. 1 -r u.ta uuilins-tiuwor, uuilins-tiuwor, eio u Manufactured auy Un-jlh'jr Size. !, Wire Hope I murh rhraper, lighter J mil in ore ilurnljle tlittit any u titer klitd of Hope. Hallidie's KihIIps H ire Rope H ay, i (V'ire Tramway). F'r ilie r a. i i I snd e"inomial transportation ! Uri;. :ri'l oilier tn ifcridh over ui"iiii(;nn-oii.i ui"iiii(;nn-oii.i .md diiifuit ri-AUii. i.ie-jurud by U. ti- I'nttsiit Orii rulle.v. For trunimit'.injf power an 1 bv which the ropa id umojure-1 and cjiitiut slip. 8E.VD FOR C1RCLLAUS. Agency of Lho PACIFIC Wire & W. R. Manufacturing Co. (OF CALIFORNIA.) All kinds and sines of Wire, constantly on hand and manufactured to ordur, A. S. HALLIDIE. fil'J Front Bu.San Francisco, nlu Cttliinrnia. Michael KaNB. T. N. Wand. WAND, KANE & CO., ;(8ucc(iiori to Hunter, W and . Co.) Importers and Wholesalo Dealers in IIES AXD LIQUORS. Proprietors of Hunter's California Wlioat "7"iilli.oy. Also Airents fur Joseph S, Finch's colobratod Pennsylvania RYE WHISKEY OOT and OOO Fronts t., near J nek son, SAN FRANCISCO. J. EVE11DIXU A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS 48 Clay 8t. San Francisco DKALKRS IN OREGON PRODUCE. Are conatantly In rccolpt or OreRou Hunii, Bacon, Lard, Salmon. Ac. Starch, of onr own and Kuatorn man nlac tore (Jwaya on hand, LOCKE & MOmCUE, IMFORTEE3 OPj STOVES AND METALS, MANUFACTURERS OP A5D DEALERS IN House Furnishing Hardware Tinner's Tools and Machines; AGENTS FOR Agricultural Steam Boilers, 11U and 114 Battery Street, Iu7 SAN FKANCISOO. CHErJESY, SOUTHER & CO.. Importers and Jobbors of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC BRANDIES, VINES, AND LIQUOKS, 311 Clay Street, San Francisco. Jjl9 WILSSERDlfJQ & KSLLGS3, Importers and Jobbors of Wine3 and Liquors, 214 & 210 FKONT STEBET. 8AN FRANCISCO. LAZARD FRERES, Importers and Jobbers of Foroitrn and Do-niostic Do-niostic Fancy and Staplo DEY GOODS. Deyot of Goods Manufactured at ihs Mission and Pacific Mills, Consolidated. 5 45 Jt Market St., Son Fra njlS Paris : 2S Rue Do L'Eohiqu i-.!iaK.sp-ioo.M-sIi! J. BAUM & CO., Importers and Manufacturers of HEN'S & BOY'S GLOTHiNG San so me St., San Francisco 45 Murray tt., Mew York. MURPHY.GRANT&GO. Importora of American and European Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, CALIFORSIA, Call the attention of the Trade to thoir largi and complato stock of FALLS AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Which thoy arc now receiving direct from huropean Manmacmrers, comtrisins in part-French part-French Dlcrlnoa, Wool Satlnes, Wool Plalil , Frecclt and German, Krlah nd French Poplins, Km press Cloths, Te-mlse, black and colored, I Velveteens, Alpacas, black and colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, ALSO GLOVES, Kid. Back. Berlin (Ladles'. Miaos Gents') Gents' Underwear t And all kindj o( : i Gents' Furnishing Goods. Hosiery, o-mr-'e: in all .Is brasttrs -I lilte Uoodi, ll-mtkerthlrf. i I ttulU"". ind o.-!.-rc j Dmkn,l-i:: oai is ' ttd. I TwtU, H-i-k. P a:-Tr-t; , apkllu .ml Uoyllc. Jl Ktv., Kie.t kLte. !J.0. G. HODGE & CO., I31POKTERS Wholesale Stationers. Stationery. Blank Bock. School Bocki, Plsylne Crd, Wrap, plug Pper, Ticincs, rocket Cutlery, &, t-c, On tha r.-:!: Coat.wiica they tc Kihtr fcrti.-M or Carres : r-.- it At will e'er icwrsu f.-.- bason acjLer wM1 f Um Bocly M.'utsiis. 327, 329 & 331 SAXSOjIE STKEET, Bll durrsicaco; iRGCCRlES & PROVISIONS, Special Notice! 1 II. WALLACE1 Re r ecifully returns bis thanks to his nu- Qe-i.Lia cujt.-uifrs lur the liocrl patrunaice itdtowed ui"in bi:n an 1 trusts that itriei 1 .ueiitinn lo b-j-iti-r-s will merit a continu ,nce ui their tavurs. ON MONDAY, FEB. 5th, will havo moved fren EjU Temple Street tu wy ISTE"W STORE On First Huuth Stnet, Next door to IVirs. Stcobouje's Millinery Lt.kbluhmet, Where I will bare a very choice stock of. Pure Candies Of my own manufacture. Halslns, IV tits, Fie, Oraiies, lciiioits, Limes, Aud a general assortment of FANCY GROCERIES, Extracts, Pomades, Hair Oil, Fauci Soap, Fie, Ftc. ! 7-Uo not forge t mj-Nnv Store, Firm SsoiitU Mrcct. Wo hae JUST RECEIVED A lot of TEAS Gunpowder Tea, Japan Tea, Black Tea, English Breakfast Tea, ! Which wo will soil WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at Ycry Low Figures. TAYLOR & CUTLER, i.rai Temple Street.' aug26 Grain, Flour& Feed DEPOT, Main Street, S3. JO. City. A full supply of " States Corn, States and Valley Oats, Ground Wheat, Ground BarIcy,Corii Meal, yellow and white,) Cracked Corn, Middlings, Shorts, Bran, Graham, Buckwheat and Rye Flour, Utah Barley, Seed Wheat, Norway Oats, Beans, Potatoes, Etc. Agent for Allen's XX and XXX Family Flour and Hess' North Cottonwood XXX and XX XV, CEO. H. KNOWLDEN'S, West aide Main atreet, S. L. City. P.S. Special inducements to wholesale buyers, or in small lota. ocb" DANIEL GRENIG, At hia old stand, East side East Temple St., AViaho3 to inform his numerous friends and putrons that ha has a Full Assortment of MERCHANDISE Usually kept at his Store and Bakery, Aod sells them AS REASONABLE AS ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. PRODUCE Of all kind.. Huught and Sold. FIRST-CLASS WEDDING CAKES Made to order. GLOBE BAKERY, East Temple Street, first door north of Co-opcrattve Grocery Department. GOLIGHTLY& HARRIS Keep constantly on hand GOOD FRESH BREAD JBtius, Cakes, Pie, Crackers, tic. Fin. Tirietj of CONFECTIONERY, Wholesale and Retail. Groceries, Flour, ull Feed, &c. Mme De MEUDON DAMCOURT, Teacher of Music and Pianist S peaks English, German and French. Address through P.O. Snlt Lake City UP GLORIOUS NEWS For the Ladies ! ' MRS. C0LEBR00K Is now SELLING OFF At her New Store, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF HATS BONNETS 3 .a. ar d as ol- s To make room for Spring fashions. - ; d!5 TRIUMPH AndeSj Amazon, , FIRE LSI'R1CE CO.'S, CINCINNATI. Capital nearly $3,000,000 Reliable Underwriting, , Perfect Indemnity, i We ask Fail- Bates and Promise to Pay Just Losses. ; Risks taken throughout Utah II . It. MANN, Agent, SALT LAKE CITY: Office Taylor's Buildinc. Room No. 2, op- n posito Salt Lake IIouso. j P.O. Bos 551. n SILVER AND PLATED WARE J Wo havo JUST RECEIVED An elegant assgrtment of Choice Silver and Plated Ware, Combining the USEFUL, O ri AJI Es X.A.L. AL-o the balance el' our XMAS NOVELTIES All cf which wc offer at a Small Advance ou Cost. P i Sri? See Show It inJoic, RETAIL DRY GOODS DEFT z. c. nun. i. H. B. CUTTSC3, SapL MISCELLANEOUS. Mfll; Arc in receipt of the new editions m' tho Standard Authors j' t:ich cimiploto in one royal octavo vol., ) bound in tho most approved style, and 1 at the UnpcBienteil Low Price OF Cloth exiru - -A)0 Library Sheep - 2.7o We havo, to ifloct from, tho finest and largest sUvk of SCHOOL REWARDS Kvcr brought into tho country, cm-! bracinjf tho publications o( h. Prung & j Co., T. Nt'Uon & Sons, American Tract j Society, i&e. OurSt'U-li of MUSICAL GOODS Is coniilete, and consist.-, in part, of PIANOS Of tho latest improved styles ; OBGAITS Of the best makers ; w h: b ci at jar s From Italy, France and Germany. Guitars, Eanjos, Flutes, Accordeons, Concertinas, Harmonicans, Received and expected daily, a largo and Eldoadid stock of MASON Sl HAMLIN'S CELliEKATED ORGANS Embracing Ten Different Styles, which ice offer at Manufacturers' Trices . Delivered in this city. lEHOIE $125. Fito OctftTOj Doublo Kcod, Five Stops, (Viola, Diapason, ileloda. Flute, Tremulant,) with two sets vibrators throughout, ono of four feet pitch and one of eight feet ; from prepared metal and riveted with iron, and not merely stamped out of brass. Tremulant and Knco Swell ; self-adjusting reed valves; improved bellows. Solid black walnut case throughout, paneled front and sides, with carved mouldings and ornaments, orna-ments, carvod antes. WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT FOR FIVE YEARS, and Only $125. '? Wc respectfully solicit the public pub-lic to call and examine our goods For the Holidays. BIUSEU51 HENA6EBIE. .Orpccite iheentraneo lo ths Taberaa-;;4. JOUN W. VOL(,, - A(lini"siiu, ,1) f ib. CUiiilieu, 10 Open from 9 eunu to 6 p.;;u NntlTt Jllnern!, Fetrifet tlcna, Con-cretlon Con-cretlon soitt Cr j-tilittiiouA. Home Products. Satire and Foreign Cu-riojUks, Cu-riojUks, Ac. Com pouc d KI ectro- M ag no tic A p p a -ratua, kc Frof. J. 1 BAHJOOT, JHa.n.sjr. Schools 3d Pamilies by private sj-raaje sj-raaje cu:a admitted at rtjdaicd raiez. CHICAGO TRADE. iLICHTLY SCORCHED I i VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS (Lato of SO. 92 and 91 Like street. Cor. Dearborn street,) HAVE REMOVED On account of the intense hetit. To the Baptist Church Building, 8-17, Sl'JiSjlWiibisliAve., Whoro wc havo a largo stock of Drtifrs, Chomicals, TainU, Oils; Glass and Gla.-swaro, Druggists' tsun-dries, tsun-dries, l'atoiit liuinbiiK, Kie., Ktc. CALL AND CHEEK I'S. (Wo only pny 100 cents on tho Dollar.) JuyJu CHASE, HANFORQ k CO,, 470 South Canal St., CHICAGO, lleadquarters for Oils, FaintS; Glass, &c, Maaufacturorfl of tho oolobxatod WILSON OH, TANJCj L. M. BATES & CO., 451 433 Broadway, NEW YOUK, III fort TIES AND JQDDEKS 15 Fancy Dry Goods, HOSIE11Y, WHITE GOODS, WOOLENS, SHAWLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, &c. J. II. BULGER. ju14 M. D. WELLS & CO., Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealora in Boots and Shoes, 018 Wall ash Ave, Chlcngo. M. D. Wolls. II. J. Mncfarland, R. Benedict. w2j S. P. Molntyre. NEW YGRX TRADE. ROBERTS, READ & CO. Manufacturers and Jobbora of ft E3L r.m SPai j 371 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. JaylO FELIX CAMPBELL 79 John St, New York, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Wrought, Cast lud Galvanized Aud every variety of fittings for the same. ml C. A. Longstroet. John Sedgwick. tOuCSTSiEET & SEDGWiCK Manufacturers of and Wholesale Doalors in KEN'S & SOYS' CLOTHING. 400 A, 40B Broadway, Haw York. HENDERSON.JUSTICE& Co Succoesors to Griffon, llcndoraon A Co., IWPOBTKS3 AND JOBBERS OP FANCY GOODS, MTMS, FURNISHING GOODS, ETC.. 408 4t 500 BROADWAY, ' Opposite St. Nicholas Hotel. New York. BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Manufacturers nnd Wholesalo Deal ois in BOOTS AND SHOES, 13 A and 130 Grand S(., New York, Corner Crosby, ono block east of Broadway HALL'S A VEGETABLE SICILIAN II A 1 11 ' REN EWER. Every year increases tho popularity ! of this valuable Hair Preparation; i which is duo to merit alone. We can J assure our old patrons that it is kept L fully up to its high standard ; and it J is the only reliable and perfected prep- , aration lor restoring G rav or Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it J soft, lustrous, aiid silken. The scalp, r by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic properties, prevents the hair LVoui falling out, as it stimu-. stimu-. lates and nourishes the hair-glands, t JJy its uc, tho hair grows thicker and ' stronger. In baldness, it restores the ! capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except ia extreme old age. It is the most L economical Hair Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applicalions and - gives the hair a splendid, glossy ap- pcarance. A. A. llnyes, M.D., State ; Aaycr of MxssaehusetLs, says, "The ; I coustituent-s are pure, and carefully j selected for excellent -pialiiy ; and I consider it die IJist I'rex'aration fur its intended purposes." Hold by ,dl Dru-j.nsts ana dtaler, in ' PHICK ONE DObLAH. j Buckingham's Dye roil i hi; vuisivi;iis. A.i our iicnewer in many ea-ts re-, re-, ipiirus tuo Jong a time, and too much naic, tu re-toiu gidy lt laj-jd Whi-k-er, we have prepared this dye in on 1 in partition; which will quickly and etieetually accompii.-h tht - result. It , is ea.-iiy applied, and pro-luces a color ; which wul neither rub nor wash off. ' Sold by all DruUu. Price Fifty i Ctnt. I Manufactured hy R. P. Hall 4. Co.. .thua, 3. H. j FOR SALE AT Z. C. M. L DRUG DEPARTMENT. I 0-6 J a. -S: o , o o o iinger Sewlns illaehines wire 8ol( within Hie past year. Scientific American, Juno 10th, THE SI KCER 3Iaminiclurins Company, A.T THE WOHilD'S FAIR Constituted by the homes of thoicodo Received the Great Award of the Highest Sales And havo left alt rivals far behind them, VOR THEY Sold in 18702833 Machines! Sewing Machine Sales for 1870. "Tlitf uiuKnitudo to whioh tho uianufacturo of sowing machines baa altninod is slown I tho "oin" returns (to whk-h any one can havo iuvhs.h) of tho uiiinul'iiet'urcrs 'i r the yoar ls70 to tho owners ot tho loading iialonld, on which they pay a ruynlti J cordiuK to those roturns tho number of uiaoaiuei sold by oaoh uianuidoluror in isTn as follows: The Singer - - 17, H'J'J Florence - i.,--. Wheeler X Wiliou - tti.ns Clld Medal - - lUwo - T."i.l;-i j-y.tna - - . , . ' ' Urover Si Bakor - ',.'.2 Liuidro - J Wucd - iinklo Jt Lyon - - Vt, Wilcox A- Gibbj .VM l'arhum - , Aiuorieanljultonholc A Ovorocaiuinft 1-1 7d Wilson - 'I,', And several oihor companies who sold a fciv maohinos. It will bo soon by this tablo that tho popularity of tho S Uigur machine! far ci. oeeiln that of nil o(.hern, their ealo being one-Uulf gt'cnler than oven that o tho famous "WhoolorA Wilson" machine. This is owins to the fuet that tho Miigr Company havo lately oomuionaod makinK. besides their old and woll-otabluhul man u fact uring machine, what is known as thoir "New Vnmlly Machine," wlii( t) la selling nt the rnle of ulna to one licllcrHiuu their old atylc. Their to tal sales for lSo'J were 80,781 .naohlnos against tho of 1870, howlng nu lucre, of one-half In tho latter year." "How York Sun." One-Half of our Gigantic Sales, NOW NKAXI.Y THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION Miaclimes Sold, AND AJX. A A' -M.C J 'X Jl O Mj v m mzm Were mnile within the past tliree yenrs. IJut tho Greatest hi' rfkie of our Sales over nil Oilier Maclilncu, llelnff Wlililn (he Pniit Vet. Tlili Is Xncontestlhle Proof that Our Maohinos Arc the Uest in the World. THE NEW FAMILY SINGER SEWING MACHLVE With attachments for all kiwis of work, la iudt rtinniuff hupromo favor in tho household, as ihown by the rai idly incroaiinr sales, over all othor machines. Ihis new Fnnilly Machine 1b now capable of a range and varic-y ( f w. rk such m was only recently thought impossible to perform by machinery. Wo claim nnd can show that it is tho cheapest, most beautiful, delb'iitely arranged, nicely adju.-tcd, easily operated. speedy, and smoothly running of all the Family Sowing Machines. It iamniark. able not only for tho ran bo and variety of iu sowing, but also for tho rnrioiy and Jif-foront Jif-foront kinds of texture which it will sew with otjual facility and porftvtii.n, usitii silk twist, linen or cotton Inroad, lino or co irsc, waking the IntcrlucKiTiUclasilc-stltch, IntcrlucKiTiUclasilc-stltch, aliko on both sides oftho lubric sewn; tho uiily stitch which is univoMall aiiprovod, or ia at all adapted for lli-ol-elims work. Thus, boavor oloth, or Ualhor may bo sewn with great strength nnd uniformity of stitch, and, in a moment, ihii willing and novor-wenryiug instrument may bo adjusted for lino work on gauio or go'ti-mor go'ti-mor tissue or tho tucking of tarlatan, or milling, or almost any other work oven bj 1 a child which delicate nngors bavo been known to pur form. Kven the cureUti and thoughtless have little or no trouble ou this niacin ue. Send for Descriptive and IVice CirciKars. ! Womanufaoturoour own naodlos, silk and twist; furnish linon and cotton thread and oil all of superior quality but which can bo relied oa only whon obtaiucdj through our Principal or Brunch Offices, or Agencies. . OTHER SEWINQ MACHINES REPAIRED ON REASONABLE TESMS. We Guarantee every Machine we sell to give entire satisfaction. ( MACHINES DELIVERED FREE THROUGHOUT THE CITY. TERMS TO SUIT ALL. Wo extend a cordial invitation to all to como and hoo tho Machine?, whether they wish to buy or not. See all others, but do not buy wlthoul you cinmiui t lie Singer. ' Vifitors always politely attended by compotont nttondants. Instruction fres. All machines perfectly adjusted before delivery at I SINGER SEWING MACHINE DEP'T, Z, C. M. I, , GENERAL AGENTS, Two doors south of Eagle Emporium, Walt 1-alte Citj-, Utu.li. 7 n. n r.T.AWsov s,i,..r;nin,ion, NAY LOR' Havo ou hand the Largest and Most Complete Stock hi the City OP WAGON TIMEEE AND IRON OF ALL SIZES, Wltioli they offer A. T VEK.Y L O "W" J? H ICES. FIRST EAST STREET, HALF-A-BLOCK SOUTH OF TIIEATRK m2S JAME3 HAODE. Juii. J. D. 1IAQUE. QiiORUl! JIAQUJ JBigj G-un Store ! HAGUE BEOTHERS, LATE JAMES HAGUE, Importora and Doalors lax GUNS, gi PISTOLS, Elc. W Q Etc. Saddles, XTa,xness AND WHIPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. REPAIRS NEA1LY EXECUTED. a2 East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, ;Z. C. M. !. BOOT ItfID SHOE DciHirtmont, at tlio Hitrn ol TTjEXKS "SIGr boot Everj' style and qaaliLy of Boots and Shoes MAJii TO ORDER, eatisfac tinn guaranteed. LWATS ON HAND A LAJLGE AND CBOICB STOCK OF H03IE-3IADE i,, BOOTS AND SHOES A FULL ASSORTMENT OP Shoe Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds ot Leather |