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Show . I MEDICAL. Uosuell Tibliit?, M.D. F.IL Simmon", JI.D ' DRS. TIBBITS & SIMMONS, Piiysicians and Surgeons, Office "ornir of Min RDd Sfond South SLreet. orer Uuticrtielil's fclorc. Surgery ii, all Its brauclies solicited aiU W.F.AN3ERS0N, M.O. H J. RICHARDS, M.D. Surgeons and Iliysiciaus, Office", for th present, at tho'.r respective rL'gidonces in the 13h andlTth Wards. DR. GROVES, Oflice Xnti Snuth St., Salt Lake City. 'J bree doors W est of Kevere House, half .a block Et ol the Klei-hant ritore. OKFICK HoCKS FKUM 9 A.M. TO 5P.M. ml IT. X. BENEDICT, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. Office at Kesidence, rear of Seventies Hall. 0. C. ORMSBY, M.D. PHrSICIAN, SURGEON AND DRUGGIST, oU BRICHAM CITY, VTA.U. LEGAL S. T Mot'urdy. C. II. Morcin Mcl'l lll)V .S. MOKliAN, All 'nii'.is 't' .iiK'i tH-FioK Four doors eust of Ukrald Otlico. .l SALT LAKE CITY. VEUXOX 11. VAIGUVX, ATTORNKY AT LAW, OilU-c For ih present, t retiilcncr. iml .south Siitt. n-7 THOMAS FITCH, A T T 0 R N K Y A T L A Y , Olllce First SoutU Street. Fourth door e -t of llo per. Ktdredjfe J; C's S aruur Karl , t SI. JStuith. A T T 0 11 N K Y S AT LA W , Salt Lake City. E'!t Templo Strpct. one uoor south of iiO Godbo'a Store. J AS. C. . S 11 A X X, Attorney -at-Law, SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. OQico Four doors south of Salt Lako ilouse. Attorn o ' u t L u v, Office First South St., Fourth door east of Hooper, Eldredge & 9ii Co.'s Bank. ! 2. 11. lieuipstead, M. Kirkpatrick HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Attoiueys-al-Lav, Main Stroet, opposite Wells, Fargo Jc Co.. SALT LAKE CITY. C. II. Uempstead. U.S Att'y for Utah. T-2 Z. SNOW. E. D. H00E. S.OW & IIOGE, attorneys and Counseiors at Law Mt lake City, Utah. jOfBco at Snow's corner, 1st East St, NOTARIES PUBLIC. I A. S. GOULD, NOTARY FUiaijIO I and COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS for New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Pennsylva-nia, Ohio, Illinois, Nebraska, Wyoming, Wy-oming, Montana, Nevada, California, and other States and Territories. Minine Deeris. Agreements and Bonde lor Deed. Mortgag. s 1'uwers ol ntti'n ey Ln;e.. Comr.-cu and other ins'rumenis of writing drawn with acuraoy aud uispalch Mining (omp&nlci lncorpora. ted under the 1.uav of Ctali. East Temple St, near Wells, Fargo & Co., Salt Lake City. mil HOTELS. TOWN'SEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND, PROPRIETOR. This House .3 centrally and pleaeantl located, lo-cated, well furnished, and has accommodations accommoda-tions for 150 guests. THE PROPRIETOR is now preparing to build large additions to his Hotsl, whieh, when finished, will reader it the Most Complete Establishment in the ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION ! OQUIRRH HOUSE, Corner Main and LocustBtreets, TOOELE CITY, UTAH. i Good Accommodation for Families. j afj5 E. S. FOOTE, Proprietor. BANKERS. . FIRST liTIOIAl B&IK DP DTAH. (Successors to Hnssey, Daliler . Co.) i Waeben IlnsbEY, C. L. Dahler, I .frequent. Vice Jfrest. AMdoXY Godbe, Cashier. Salt Luke City, Utah ; Also connecting ofBces at Ogden andCorinne, Utah, and Virgiuia and Helena, Montana. Dealers in ! Gold Dust, Coin and Currency, Draw Exchange on New York, Chicago, I it- Louis. Uuiiiha, Denver, ban irancisco, i a&d all parts of Europe. Collections jerouiptJy Attended To. mil WELLS, FARGO & GO,, i. Express Forwarders, Bankers, and " DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Drafts on Europe, and all tlie principal prin-cipal cities of the United States. EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS m Promptly attended to. East Temple St., Salt Lake City. T1IE0. F. TRACY. Agent. mil W. II. Iloooper, 11. S. Kldredge, L. S. Dills Hooper, Eldretlge & Co., BANKERS. East Temple St. , Salt Lake Cut, Dealers In Gold Dust, Coin, Exchange, Land Warrants, Etc. Collections made and promptly remitted. CORRESPOSDESTS I Ripgs 4 Co., New York ; Bntt of California, San Pmncipco; Kiret National Bank, Chicago ; Exchange Ex-change Baufc, St. Louis; Kimt National Bank, Omaha; J. 8. Morgan 4 Co Lonilon. jn5 Thos. B. Jones, A. W. White BANKING HOUSE A. W. WHITE & CO., EAST TEMPLE STREET, aSO Salt Lake City. TO PRE-EMPTORS. We are now prepared to furni6h Agricultural Land Script For the location of Government Land at S1S0 per quarter section. HOOPER, ELDKEDGE CO. Bolt Lako City, Nov. Kin. dl SEWING MACHINES. REAaTTrHSli 'l-' II K SWI MACHINE In all the beautiful varieties SIDED 18 SEEN JT EVERYBODY Contemplating the purchaso of a Machine for family or other use. At our newly -fit ted up Salesroom, Second Door Soutli of the Engle Emporium, Em-porium, betwttn ilte Drug mini Clothing Clo-thing Departments of Z. C. M. 1., will be found a Full Assortment of tliee Admirable Sewing Machines At Prices to Suit Everybody. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE NEEDS KO PUFFING to commend It to the public, as the following JEr 8k r &i how: In 18.S0 these uow celebrated Machine. were first offered to the public and in tut four years succeeding 4.0u0 were s"ld. To lay over that number are weekly nirn-d mU' from the factory, and yet this immense sup ply is noi equal to the demand. At the end o the year lioT, upward of 200. OK) Machine-were Machine-were sold, and in ihe iheo full-iwine years, from V8 to. "Jo, thenumber had been increased to upward of 500,000 MACHINES SOLD, One third of which were disposed of within the preceding twelve months. From the forepoine it will be sen that during dur-ing the lust three years, the sales have oeeij upward of fifty per c- nt inure thaa during the whole of ihe seventeen previous years. THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT, after a score of years thorough trial Is that the aeaJ ss SEWING MAOHIilE is adapted to all kinds of work, sewin? as readily tne thicke-t and most stuboorn material ma-terial a; the finedt and most delicate taoncs: with a stitch, that for eveness, perfection and durability is unequalled. Accompanying each Machine are printed instructions, se plaiu and eisy of comprehension comprehen-sion that, although we ret-ommend customers custom-ers to take at least one lesson truin the Operator, Op-erator, it is seldom d-ne purcnastrs seeing at a glance the simplicity of the Machim and completeness ol the construotion. Some of the ADVANTAGE S CF THE SINGER MACHINES ARE Simplicity of construction therefore less liability to get out uf repair. Short, straigh needle less liable to bend, break or skip the stitch. The shuttle is carried; friction, wear and the necessity of greasing the race are thue avoided. Readiness with which the most inexperienced inexper-ienced can adjust the tension of tne thread. Freedom from wear. Alter twenty years constant service these machines have never been known to wear out. They are noiseless, rapid and easy in all their movements. All otir machines are adjusted and nut in thorough running order, by competent band, bfore delivery. Purchaser!1 tuerefure have no trouble, but can successfully operate with them at once. THE NEW BUTT0H-M3LE MACHINE S arethoroughly practical and will perform all that we claim for them. Tlie Improved MANUFACTURING MACHINES for heavy work, are too well known to need omment. We alo keep in stock the New Medium Noiseless MANUFACTURES MACHINES Our stock of the Singer Sewing Machines is very expensive, mbracinp every variety of finish, from the plain Machine, mounted on black walnut table, oiled, to the elaborately elabor-ately pearled Machine, wit'i cabinet caseand folding cover in mottled black walnut, rose, wood, or mahogany biifhly poli.-hcd. Every Machine is furnished with thesrue complete furniture, including the new heui-mer heui-mer (sewing all widths) and feller and braider. brai-der. We guarantee our Machines to do Hemming, all widths; Felling; Hemstitching; Hem-stitching; Braiding; Magic Kuflllng; Embroidering (no chain stitch; Gathering and Sewing on at same time, with or without a band, on the edge or tu the center;Cordlng;Tuck-llg; center;Cordlng;Tuck-llg; Q.ulltlng; Trimming; Binding all widths aud kinds, etc., etc., etc. Kemember the Mammoth Sign, Sin . Sill HACMIE5 Two dooil touth'of the Eagle E m-porlum. m-porlum. W DELIVER MACHINES Without Additional Charge TO ALJL. PARTS OF THIS CITY All kinds of SewiDg Machines thoroughly Repaired on Reasonable Rea-sonable Terms. ol H. B. CLAWSON.Supt C0NFECTI3NERY, Just Received, H. WALLACE'S, A choice lot of HAM A.VD EGGS IX CANS, CO.vnEXSED MILK, ENGLISH F.CKLE9, OYSTERS, FIGS, DATES, LATER. RAISINS, MAPLE SUGAR, ORANGES AND LEMONS, ALS1 CUTTING'S CELEBRATED PIE FltniS AXD JELLIES. c20 WATCHMAKERS. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKERS. I EUASON & HAUERBACH, Next Door East of the Herald, Are workmen who not only repair Watches and Clocks, but will make Watches to order in any desired style, or any part of ihem, from a pivot or pinion to an entire Watch. Work Executed ou Moderate Terms W03D W3RKINS. Thomas Latimer, W. II. Felsom, George il. layior, George Romney CHANGE OF FIRM. The Planing Slill, Sash and Door Factory Fac-tory of FOT.SOM, ROMHSYCbCo, Will hereafter de business! under the Urm name of LATIMER, TAYLOR & CO, O A CU Of all sizes on h aud and made to DfntQ Raised panel, moulded, safh OUllW dors, large store ooors, any thickness, size or kind, lur-msned lur-msned to order. i,UJ 1 With stops, beads and sash, FRAMES complete Cpj.Mf Q Panel frames, plain doorand I EirtiH 4.0 window frames. BLINDS Stationary and rolling slatt. MtMI! niMftS From 1 to 12 inches for m.ULUUlUO doors, bi.-e. architraves archi-traves and cornice, ri pf R!UP Tongued and grooved and , I O ill 11 U square-edge on hand and worked to order. 1 I Planed out of winde, to a I 111 UL It thickness, and ripped to any desired tiize. Planer and Circular Saws Running all the time. MINING DISTRICTS Supplied on short notice. Give us a call, or address by letter to Box 366 LATIMER, TAYLOR A. CO., 129 Que Block west of Tabernacle ICE! ICE! ICE! SALT LAKE ICE COMPASY, Establi&lied Jan, 1, I860, Ice delivered daily in all part; f the city, id any quantity, at rates to sai 'he times J. Ii. CLAVVSO.X, AGEM. DEPOT AT Clavison's Ice Cream Saloon, HELf.lBOLD. HELMBOLD'S HELM HOLD'S HELM HOLD'S IlELM HOLD'S II ELM HOLD'S UELMUOLD'S HELM HOLD'S II ELM HOLD'S rrT orape pill grape (ill gravkTill grape pill grape pill grape pill graph pill grape pill helmbold's helmbold's ii elm hold's helm hold's helmbold's helmbold's helm hold's extract sarsaparilla. extracrsarsaparilla. extract braparilla. extract sarsaparill a. extract sahsaparilla. extract sarsaparill a. extract sarsaparill a. F.XIRACT SARSAPARILL A. APRIL, MAY, and JUNE, PURIFY TUB BLOOD and BEAUTIFY THE COMPLEXION BY C.MXG HELMBOLD'S CATAWBA GRAPE JCICE PILLS A D HELMBOLD'S HIGHLY CCXOEXTKATED FLUID EXTRACT SAESAPAHILLA. In theSpring and SumtnormoDths the system sys-tem unle.-goea a chan-o. This is the time to u good blO( id-renewing, parifyintr, and inv gorating m ediiinel. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT: SAItSA- PAKILLA AND HELMBOLD'S FLTJID EXTRACT OR APE JUICE PILLS ARE THE BEST AMD MOST ItELIA BLE. One bottle of Helinbjld's Fluid Ext raot. Sar&aparilla equaU in strength one gali'on of tho sirup or decoction as made by draa'-gists; draa'-gists; and a wine-gta-s added to a pint of water equals the celebrated Liibon Diet Driak a delighlful aot healthful beverage. The Grape-Juice 1 ill is composed of Fluid Extract of Catawba Grape Juice and FLUID EXTRACT RHUBARB. Useful iu all diseases requiring a cathartio remedy, and far superior to all other purgatives, purga-tives, such as salts, magnesia, etc. HELMBOLD'S GKAPE JUICE PILL is not a patented pill, put up as those ordinarily ordi-narily vended, but THE RESULT OF TEM YEARS' EXPERIMENTING EXPER-IMENTING and GREAT CARE IN PREPARATION. SAFE FOR AND TAKEN BY CHILDREN. NO NAUSEA; NO GRIPLNG PAINS, BUT MILD, PLEASANT, and SAFE IN OPERATION, TWO BOTTLES OF Til E FLUID EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA AND ONE BOTTLE OF THE GRAPE-JUICE PILLS ARE WORTH THEIR WEIGHT IN GOLD to those suffering from BAD BLOOD, POOR tJOMPLEXION. HEADACHE, NERVOUSNESS, WAKEFULN E-S AT NIGHT. COSTIVEN tS:S. AND IRREGULARITIES and to those suffering from BROKEN and DELICATE CONSTITUTES IT WILL GIVENEW BLOOD, NEW VIGOR, AND NEW LIFE. THE CATAWB V GRAPE PILLS are done nr. with great oare and in handsome bottles, and will surpass all those vende 1 in wooden boxes, and carelessly prepared by inexperienced men, comparing with the English and French style of manufacturing. All of H. T. HEl.vIBOLD'3 PREPARATIONS ARE PHARMACEUTICAL, NOT A SINGLE ONE BEING PATENTED BUT ALL ON THEIR OWN MERITS, To diEpel any impression or prejudice chat might exist in the mids of many against my Preparations, from the publicity given through advertising, nnd that I am and have been a druggist for a period of twenty years and more, conclusively to prove this. See letter: From the largest Manufacturing Chemists in the World. Not. i, ISil. I am acquainted wiih Mr. il. T. HELM-BOLD. HELM-BOLD. He occupied the Drug-store opposite my residence, and whs uccesBful in conducing conduc-ing the business, where others hai not been equally so be!ore him. I have been favorably favora-bly impressed with bis character and enterprise. enter-prise. WILLIAM WEIOHTMAN, Firm of Powers k Weightman. Mannfact'g Chemists, 9,h and Brown Bts., Phil'a. FBEPAHED BY U. T. HELMBOLD. Practical and Analytical Chemist, Crystal Palace Pharmacy, 59 Broadway, N. Y.: and No. 1C4 S'.uth 10th St., Phil'a. EELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BCCHU HASGUNED A WORLD-WIDE FAME. TRAVEL BULLION CITY;' STA Gr I IilNH. OTAGE3 le.'ire NcpM every Thurflav f',r ! O ltuLLluN C1I Y ut,.l tut. ai: ILK MINES. Otiice eplii Houfj. ! a U. GOLDSBR'JL'GU, Agent. , Len W id es. II. P. Kimball. ! SALT LAKE,! PS3IS And Tintic Stage and Express LINE, Rl'SXIXO DA1LV FROM SALT LAKE CITY, -la LAKE TOWS, TliOELE CITf, STOCKTOS a:d ophir to tistic. The route I been rti-s'ocV-ed with splen; .Hit Onnrort Oac'ne-. S .eSftC-t, caie t,l oi a a t-ntive Dri ve. an 1 every att, niton is paid to the coinlort ojnvenience ot passengers. passen-gers. Good accommoda.lions on tlid road. .THROUGH BT DAYLIGHT. Chaap Fars and Qjislt Tims Omce at Wells, Forgo . Co.'s, Salt Lake City. I AVIXE3 & KIMBALL, all PtoprieUre. I UTAH CENTEAlJ RAILROAD, j i PIONEER L1HS.CF UTAH. On and after Thursday, Dec. 1, 1S70. ! Leave Salt Lake City at 5 a-m and 2:i5 p.ir. j Arrive at Ogden 7 a. in. and 4:45 p. in. 1 Leave Ugueu at 8 a. m. ana o.oU p. in. Arrive at bait Lake City iU a.ai. and 7:30 p.m Fare from Salt Lake City to W,ood's Cross S .70 CentreviUe $ far mingion Kysville l.'jt Cgd n - Fare from Ogden to Kay-STalk S1-30 Farm:ns:oii Uemreviil-e -.tti uua s Crss 40 Sail Lake City --ol In .addition to the abov e AN ACSOWHODATiJiH TfSAif? ViU rua DAILY, SUNDAYS -EXCEPTED Leaving Ogden at 5 m- aad Salt Laks Cit5' atl:i 'IP-w-. On which full fare will ths Purchaser of a ticket to return oi.' 'a- auie aay anu train free. Passengera wlU plei.'0 prcha" their Tickets at tlie Oflicea. Fifty Cents additional will be c barged wheit the fare is collec.ed on the train. For all information concerning ire'gnt oi paiAago, apply to D. O. CALDER, Ticket and Freight A g' Salt Lake City. FERAJIOKZ JLITTLE," SUPERINTENDENT. CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILR'D. Pasa'ger i.x,prte II qv txr,rr!W 1 Sundays Train 1) Tram Snn-'U excepted Daily 1871. Daily excel, to 4 00 pm 8 0Uam Shu Krau'co 6 46 pm VI ipjn 4 42" 8 4i ..Oakland 5 1-2" 1158" , 7 30 u ..San Jose.. 5 4i " 7 58 u 12 15 pm SUicktun. . 1 -3 " S 36 9 36 " i IU " .Sacrniiitjuto. i 116 am 7uut.ni 4 10 " ..Alaryst-ille.. 9 10 " 3 9 UU ' . . .8euia. . 4 20 " q 2"2Upm .6cnuuenU). 11 4o;im 6 25 " ...Oltux. ) A6 " -3 116am .Reuu... 1 "0 " 9 10 ' Wimiennico 4 06 " -J: 12 00 m Uattltf.Muuni 1 i6 pni O 4 40 " ...Blko 46 urn d 10 " ..Ugden.. 5 15 -tu A. N. TOWN K, P. H. GOODM AN, 0i, ti'ipt, C. f . A. R Gen. Paaa'gr aud Ticket Agt. FOJHL LIVERPOOL a Q'JIE.:STGV3 IN EI AN L INE Of Royal Mall teninerB, Sailing from .New York Every Saturday AND Altei'iisite Tuesday. Cnbln PaiK.ge, to LtTet 'l-I'i) $75.00 Steerage " " " (cur.) 30.00 Panagc from Liverpool to Ntwlork C.Mn, - - fOnM) 879.00 Steerage, - - (Cu-iLcy) 31.00 Ronnd Trip Tickets issued at very low rate JOIIX G.DALE, ift, 15 Broadway, New York, Or WILLIAM CALDKR. Avcnt, o27 Salt Lak City. Utah. BATHS, BATHS! Warm Spring J3atlis ! Pri-rato and Plunge. Tbeae celebrated bathi. are open to the pnMie at all ftajotis. Their n icinn.1 pr;rti rc -o wjflelj knowD that ft u needles to uumifrat lhm. Bei'lftx thf PrivaT Bathn, thp larce and liardnom-ly liardnom-ly (uriiistiwl Plunge Hatlii fur ili apd Ueotlemen are bow uvn. H AitAOljU. 17 SAH FRANCISCO TRADE. M. KELLER, roprietorof tlie Kiintt fMiti and a Anpffle Vine yards. Di'ictl lor HkjboIb of his NATIVE WINES AND BRANDIES M. KELLER A, CO., Corner of lattery and Washington Streets, San Francisco, - - - California A ngellca Wine, Kldorado Wine, While Mmlelra " Port tt Wliic lilltrrs. Sherry Orape Uraiidy. All our Wine and Brandy pianintw-d strictly pure, and oTer tbre wira oid. -Salt lAke City Corjonit ion. Zion's Co-:rraive Mercantile lUftnuii"H. G-Hf Cj., ?tt L-tkeCily, U. II. I'eery, snd !r-il 4 Co., o.iN, kp our wine, for U1C11AUU GOOOIII.ND, t.-jj Aent, Ii Lake City. 5. P. Ilolden. Jas. Moorhead. S, P. HOLDE'N & CO.. JJrUliI!'-3 OF FOREIGiN UKY GOODS, Linens, Dress Goods, Hosiery, 41 o. 28 & 30 SAXSOME ST. London : 27 Lcadenhall St.. E.C. oo EINSTEIN Bh'OS. & CO., Importers and 3Ianufacturera of BOOTS AND SHOES Of EV:R STYLE AND KIND. 113, 113, aud 117 Pine Street, SAN FRANCISCO. Oitr Ilume made Goods are unequaltd by any. ; Samples at Mr. Goodliind's Office, oo SALT LAKE CITY. WEIL & CO. IKPOBTKR3 Of Cigars and Tobacco Proprieiors of the i HAVANA CLMAH MAM'FACTOR'X 223 and 425 Kroni fet,, 30thwetit curlier i runt S baramento Stfl., o5 iuli i im ii win iiii rtnMTW j j,' VKKSJIXW & CO., COAIIalk'OH MERCHANTS 4a Clay St., "' t'rxuclsco, DEALEItS IS oEOO PltODlCE. in, coiulolly in receipt Uretoo Uataa, Bcon, LnrJ, tuiu""- tc Starch, of our uJ t,"18 "nanM-'tctar, aiuHVs uii huuJ. fj5?sv insure P- PA. DEPOT OK THE SANTA CRUZ TANNERY MiNCFACTUKEBS OF Oak Pole JLeiitliei-. ilS BATTERY ST., SAN FRANCISCO 119 DAViSSOU COii IMPORTERS OF AMERICAN-, JESCLISH, FRENCH AXD GEK.UAN FANCY GOODS, Small Wares, Pocl;ct Cutler;, Perfumery, Yankee Notions, Stat ionery, Dress Trimmings, White Goods, JJillinery Gooils, Hosiery, Linen W dlcchfs, Gents Furnishing Goods, Etc Cor. SuUtr and Sausome Sis., SAN FRANCISCO. A. J. GKIFFITII, Dealer in sXj all kindaof FICKTjfclX) Ck3 &MOK.BX SALMON AND KERING5, 143 Washington sircet. All kinds of Un-jd, tiuiokel aud I'ickled Fish consLautl) ou hand. j4 J . c. JS K st n i l. ij v CO, COMMISSION MERCHANTS 04 nntl '206 Cullfontla if., nn Kr-uclito, - - California. Particular attention paid to the tilling of ,rJens lor every description ot merchandiee, B23 Stile of Ores, Ac, Alc. CASTLk" BROTHERS, as a WHOLESALE GR0CE11S, aia and 215 Front Si reel. u6 CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO., Importers and Jobbers of fOKKlG.V AM) DO.MKST1C BRANDIES, WINES, AM) LIQUORS, 311 Clay street, .n Francisco jyltf A. G. DIETZ & CO. IMPORTERS OF PAINTS, OILS, Varnishesand Lamps, Xo. 221 FRONT STREET. Met Facrnnieiito Ic ulifo.ua, ban Francisco )n7 A. C. Tit?omb, (Jco. II. Williiimr. imm & viLLU3is, ilanulacturcrs. Importcrsaud Whoiesulo Lfe.iicr iu WATCHES, IJIAMONDS, Every Dcscrijilioii of Jewelry, SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE Also Acents for the ccleijratci IIovAu d, Elgin and. A mrrican Watches, 210 Montgomery, S.fC. cor. Pine, L'p Stairs, San Krancl.ro, Cal. All or'iers from tho Territories promptly r,H..I. J So.(ev, tvs,ss tt. l'jl and 106 FRONT STREET, SA.I'ItAt:iSCO, CAL. Offer the finest and most complete stoclc on Ihe Pacific coast. liefer to II. B. CLAWSON. Sun'tof a4 J. BAUM, ep.- M. SHR1ER, J, BAUM &. CO., Importers and Manufacturers of MEK'S El BOY'S CLOTHING Sftiunme (-, Sn Francisco. 43 Aim ray tot., Mew York. fft |