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Show WOMAN'S RIGHTS. Tho Woman Sulfao Convention that met at ia'i 1". anei-eo y btcrJay, ; sliow.t a .Tiat f.iil,n oil' when cuiu-parvd cuiu-parvd wiili la-t year. Tho ab lation i evidently not pio.-perm on the I'aeitic Coa.-t. Can it hj that its adwvates are killing it? With the iieee.-iry auielior-1 ation demau'led in tiio coiulition of women, thero is .-o uuteh that is cs j trawKant, ab-urd in 1 al-ilur.ely immoral im-moral advance 1 by tuo of the strong-, est agitator of the imiiii sullr ute j uioveuiont, ih it it islut:e w inder well regulated minds sluufd bo turned from it. That tho eonditt mi of wotuon needt i many and important reforms is a too painful faet. That they sh'uld receive the p.niio wages for tho s.un3 work. when eiual y well done, us men ro- -coivo, siimple j i-tiee demands. That they should have ui any avenues of labor opened to them which are now almost exclusively blocked up by men, : uo thoughtful, intelligent person would ga:n.-ay. And that a majority of American wotneu eou'd uo tho bailor mors wi.-e'y, more purely and to better ' advantage than it is now exercised by a largo class of naturalized aheus and. newley enfranchised colored men, is so : plaiu that it cannot bo sjcc-'s?fu!Iy controverted. But whea tho advovates of woman suffrages aJwineo views of free-'ovis u, claim the utmost laxity in regard to throwing off the marital bonds, ta.k of atEnities S-'u'.-untons as opposed to legalired marriage, and similar doe-1 triues tending to unsettle tho social structure, and creating a disregard f t eoleuiD cotnau:s, they produeo a painful pain-ful impression. While ideas eonecrn-ing eonecrn-ing woman's superiority t man, and attempts to s;ir up a war of the sexes, is so absurd that people well disposed towards the mam o,ue.-uon at is-ue are driven away from their organizations and aj-wiations. We atv in favor of the amelioration of woman's pro-kM-t e-nd:tion; woulu like to see her pe.l'cd dewn from the flimsy pir.nso'e oa wu'ci she is p'aeeu by man's vtii:y an i seno.is desires, and elevated from the tv.ho ia which he too often p'ung-es her. bet the ad-Toeates ad-Toeates of the,; prep eed aaieuoratiou will accomplish more, much more for the, cause tticy caaipion. by evnuiiiug themselves to a. fen! a id practical le-alides, le-alides, aai iuv.;:.- :..e ;r.ia le.eeries. as unsafe as they are naw:e: to t iee who expect to ina-e.g-raie the millc::; una by the gospel ct toree, ar.d ma-ie all mankiul happy sni p-eae-efe.'. by the strong band or. coercive pev-r. |