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Show MEDICAL J. M. & F. L). BBXEBICT, SURGEONS and., physicians, Office at ReaiJence. Ninth Ward, three blocks eact anU two touth oi Theatre. Bl . ... Rosnell TibbitJ, M.D. F.II: Simmon?, M.D DRS. TIBBITS & SIMMONS, Physicians and Surgeons, . . Office -ferner of Min nd Second South btreet. orer Buttoriila'B Store. Surgery In all its broucUe. solicited aai W.F. ANDERSON, M.D. H J. RICHARDS, M.D. Surgeons aud Physicians, Office", for the present, at ihelr respeotive redidencea in the 13th and 17th Wards. DR. GROVES, Office Xni Sonth St., Salt Lake rity. - v,io,",? doorI wst of Kevere House, half a block i,HH o! the Elephant Store. OFf let Huc8 raun 9 a.m. to 5p.m. ml 0. C. ORMSBY, M.D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND DRUGGIST, . oil BR1GIIAM CIT, UTAH, j LEGAL. S. T MoCurdy. C. )'.. More in ! flUCl KDV Js, MOliliAX, ! All 'yiirys iit j.uw, Ovvics-Four door. ent of lKBAi.n Offloo. SALT LAKB CITV. ! VERXOX II. VAl'CUVX, v A T T 0 11 N 15 V A T LAW,' OftU- For (he piasant, t reldcm, utl bouth Street. " a-7 FITCH & MANN, Attorueys-at-L.a', Office. First South St.. Fourth door e:t of lloper. Kldredee A (Vs Bu , La. e C.ty. a'.o Warner Karl', F. M. Smith. KAULL & SMITH, A T I O It N 13 Y S AT L A W , alt Lake City. l'st Temple Street, one uoor eouth of 1 Ooiioe i Store. J AS, ii . S I1 11 A T T, Attorney-at-La-w. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. ' Office Four doors south of Salt Lako House. : 11. Hempstead, M. Kirkpatrick HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATR1CK, Aloiuejs-a-baw, Main Street, rppome Wells. Fi rgo Jt Co., SALT LAKE CITY. C. II. Uempslead, U.S rttt'y for Utah. ' C-- Z. SNOW. K. D. HOOK. SXOAV & IIOGE, Lttorney s and Counaelor at law t-alt Lake City, Utah. " Office at Snow's corner. 1st East Pt. NOTARIES PU3LIC. -A. S. GOULD, ; NOTARY PUBLIC i and COMMISSIONER OP DEEDS for New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Pennsylva-nia, Ohio, Illinois, Nebraska, Wyoming, Wy-oming, ' Montana, , Nevala, California, and other States and Territories. Ter-ritories. Minine Deeaa. Agreements and Bonds lor Deed. Mortgatl.s i-'oers ot tt.-ri ey Leases Contr cts and other ins'rutnen'S of writing drawn w.th accuracy aod uiapalch. Mining I ompanle. Incorporated Incorpora-ted unaer the Lrws of Ptan. East Temple St.', near If'e'Zs, Fargo cfc Co.j Salt Lake City. mil HOTELS, TOWNSBND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND, 1 PROPRIETOR. This House is centrally and pleasantl located, lo-cated, well I'urnished, ani had accommodations accommoda-tions fur 150 finests. . t . . o THE PROPRIETOR is now preparing to build large additions to his Hotel, whiah, when finished, willreader it the Most Complete Establishment in the ROCKY MOUXTAIN REGIOX ! mil ' NATIONAL HOTEL, East of the Pjt Office ani west of the Tuoire. MEALS PIPTY E-VTS. LOUlI.M FIFTY CETS. Twenty-one meal tickets ooiy $S. m9 OQUIRRH HOUSE, Corner .Main and LocuEt streets, TOOELE CITY, TJTAH. GootZ Aecomtdation for Families. a6 E. S. FOO TE, Proprietor. BANKERS. V. 11. Iloooper, 11. S. Eldredge, L. 8. Hill. Hooper, Eldrecige & Co., BANKERS. East Tejitle St., Salt Lake Cut, Dealer, in Gold Dust, Coin, Exchange, Land Warrants, Etc. " Collection, made aDd promptly remitted. CORBESPOSDKSTS I Bipjrs 4 Co., New York ; Bank of California, San Fraucisco; l-'lrot NmiiouI linnk, Chicago; Ex-ctmiiu Ex-ctmiiu BntHt, St. Loin.; first National Bank, Ouiali. ; J. S. Mortrau A Co., Loudou. Ju& PIflST HiTIQIAL BAIK OF UTAH, (Successors to Hussey, Daliler & Co.) Wabrbs JTus&ey, C. L. Dahler, troai-iCDt. . Vice I'reet. aktuost Qodbs, Cashier. Salt Luke City, Utah ; Also connecting offices at Ogden andCorinne, Utub, and Viiiuiaand Heiena, Moniana. , Dealers in Gold Dust, Coin and Currency, Draw Exchange on New York, Chicago, st- Louia, Uinaha, Dearer, ban tranciaco, aad all parts of Europe. Collections Promptly Attended To mil WELLS, FARGO &, CO., Express Forwarders, Bankers, and i DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Drafts on Europe, and all the principal prin-cipal cities of the United States. " - EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Promptly attended to. East Temple St., Salt Lake City. mU TBE0. E. TRACY, Agent. Ihos. B. Jones, A. W. White BANKING HOUSE or A. W. WHITE & CO., TEMPLE STREET, Bait Lake City. SEWING MACHINES. REWTlilS! V T il K SEWINGEIE In all the beautiful varieties ii si SEU a mmm i j Corifcomplaliiiff tho purchase of a AiiicUine tor fmiiily or othor uso. At oar newly-tilted np Salesroom, Second Door South of the Kalc Km-portum, Km-portum, between ilie Urug anel Clo-tbtug Clo-tbtug Depart menft of Z. C. H. 1., will be found a Full Attortment of lliese Admirable Sewing Machines At Prices to Suit Everybody. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE NEEDS NO PUFFING to commend It to tbe public, as the following jk a 33 howi In 18.0 these now celebrated Machine were 6r?l oflered lo the public and in tin four years fueceeding 4.ftHJ were sold. To Hay over that numher are weekly tnro-d "Ui from tbe factory, an'i yet this immense supply sup-ply is no equal to the demand. At the eui ! o the year ISoT. upward of 2iX) 0n0 Machine? ' were sold, and in the then fnllowinif year, from VS to 7g, the number had been increased , co upward of ouu.uuu MACHINES SOLD, One third of which were disposed of wit til n the preceding twelve ni until. J From the fnretroins it will be seen that during dur-ing the l.3t threeyears, the sales have oeen upward of fifty p. r cnt more than during the whole of ihe fcerentcea previous yearo, THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT, after a score of years thorough, trial 1m that the SEWINGHAGHINE' is adapted to all kinds of work, Be win? as readily tne thicke.-t and tno.-u stubborn mate ma-te rial a the finect and axoei delicate fannc-: with a fltitcb. that for eveness, perfection and durability if unequalled. AccooipMn ing each Machine are printed instructions, so plain and euy of com prehension prehen-sion that, although we reoommenJ cumolu-er.-t to take at tentft, ooe leflno irm tbe Up-erator. Up-erator. it is seldom dne purer lasers seeing at a glance tue simplicity of the Mac hint and completeness ol the construction, tioiue oi the ... CP THE SINGER MACHINES ' - AHE ' "- Simplicity of construction therefore less liability to get out of repair. Short, straigh needle lees liable to bend, break or skip the stitch. The shuttle ib carried: friction, wear and the necessity of greasing the race are thut avoided. . Readiness with which the most" inexperienced inexper-ienced can adjust the tension of toe thread. Freedom from wear. A'ter twenty years constant service three machines have never been known to wear out. They are noiseless, rapid and easy in all their movement. All our machine are adjusted and put in thorough running orde'.by competent hand-, before delivery. PurchHer? tnerefnre have no trouble, but can successfully operate with them at onoe. THE MLW BJiTTOIH-aSLE MACHINE S arethoroutrhly prnctioal and will perform all that we claim for them. Tlie Improved ' MAftUFACTURIMS MACHINES for heavy work, are too well known to need ouiiuent. - We al.-o keep in stock the New Medium Noiseless ' M AXU FAC TU ,? I N 3 M ACH I N ES Our stork of the Sineer Se ing Machines is very esietiPive, mbracing every variety of finish, from the plain Mucoiue. mounted 0B black walnut table, oiled, to the elaborately elabor-ately pearled Machine, witu cabinet case and fdding cover in mottled black walnut, rose, Wi".d. or untb"gany highly polished.- Every Machine is furnished with thesame complete furniture, including the new hem-mer hem-mer (dewing all widths) and ieller and braider., brai-der., AVe guarantee onr Maclilnea to do Hemming, all widths; Felling) Hemstitching Hem-stitching Braldlngf Alaglo Hntning) Embroidering (no chain stitch j Gathering and dewing on at same time, with or without a band, on the edge or In the center; Cordlug)Tuck-ulltlngf Cordlug)Tuck-ulltlngf Trimming; Binding all widths and kinds, etc., etc., etc WE DELIVER MACHINES Without Additional Charge TO AL. 1. PARTS OF THIS CITY ISiU All kinds of Sewing .Machines thoroughly Repaired on Ka-- Ka-- - ' sonable Terms. Kemember the iiatnmoth Sign, SIIGH Mil' MACHINES Two dooi-l south of the Eagle Emporium. Em-porium. - olS H. B. CLA.WS0X,Supt MARSHAL'S SALE.! i JmSTJAXT to an Excuion to me direc- ! Ud y tne Tuird Li-iricc Court of the xcrriturv oi Liau, I i-hall expose at public .-.U at the atab e- of rT: bole dc Jicrrill, .First : South fctreet. n thj diy i.d o-iu.iLy ui eau ! Lt kt-. X-inidyu Utah, on Wednesday, 1? iii of May, 1S3 1, at lo o cioc a in., : tao following described property, to wit: i I Two "on?ord Coachc3, v sett of Concord Stage H .mess, an two American HorB. Terms, cash at Sife. M.T.PATRICK, ! U. 6. Marshal. : Por D. R. FiaiiAjr, Deputjr. my IS MTJS EUMl i .AND - MENAGERIE, i One Block West of Pres't Young's. THE MrSBlIB DEPARTMENT IS NOW OPEN. TheAlena gerie not heing compltted,n Children tcill he admitted unless accompanied ac-companied by responsible Guardians. JOS. 1.. BARFOOT, , my!3 Manager. CONFECTIONERY. " Just Ileceived, H. WALLACE'S, A c'joics lot of HAM A.VD EGGS I1V CASS, COJiJiENSED 191LE, ENGLISH FiCKLES, OYSTERS, MGS, DATES, LAYER KAISINS, BIAPLE SUGAR, ORANGES AND LEMONS, -" ' ALSO CUTTING'S " CELEBRATED PIE FRUITS A.D JELLIES. C20 WATCHMAKERS. PRACTICAL VATCHMAKLR2. e mm . 4 - ' - EL1AS0M . IS HAUERBACK, 'eit Door Eait of the Herald, Are workmen -who not only repair Watches and Clocks, but will make Watehes to order in any desired style, or any part of them, iroin a pivot or pinion to an en lire Watch. Work Kiecuted on Moderate Terms WQD3 W33KINS. - Thomas Latimer, W. II. Folsom, lieortfe H. iayior, tieorge Kouaney CIIAAGE of firm. The Planing Mill, Sash, and Door Factory Fac-tory of FOLSOM, ROMITET Co. Will hereafter de "business,' under the firm name of LATIMER, TinOR & CO. CfiOU Of all eisea on hand ond mad to OAOfl order. nnn DO Raised panel, moulded, sash UuUiiW dora, large store oo.'re, any thicuneae, tiie or kind, lur-nUned lur-nUned to order. WINDOW With Btops, .beads and laeh, FRAMES complete- CD AM ?TQ Panel frames, plain door and rnnlflteO window frames. . BLINDS Stationary and rolling elatts MOULDINGS T?ZZ?S&. traves and cornice, Fl flHRINR TnT1(i nd erooTed and IhW U III it u square-edge on hand and ' worked to order. I Planed out of winde, to a LU 111 J til tmcKJieer-, and ripped to any - desired size. Planer and Circular Saws -littaain all the time. - - - - MIMXG -DISTRICTS Supplied on ihort BOtice. Qiv us acall, orddress by l.tter to Box S66 LATUHF.R, TAYLOR CO., 29 OneBlock wotof labernacle HELKCCLD. IIELJ1BOLUM UKI.MBOLDS I1ELM BOLD'fi IlEI.MBOLD'S HELM HOLD'S UELMBOLD'S II ELM HOLD'S IIELMBOLD'8 TT. 6KAPE PILL 6RAPK PILL CRAPE PILL CRAPE PILL GRAPE PILL GBAPE PILL 6RAPK PILL SHAPE PILL UELMBOLD'S IIELMBOLD'8 IIELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'B IIELMBOLD'S IIELVBOLD'S HELMBOLD-S EXTRACT SARS APARILLA. EXTRACTS A RSAPARILL A. EXTRACT SR-iAPARILL A. EXTRACT SARS APARILLA. EXIRACT SARSAPARILLA. EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. KXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. APRIL. MAY. and ' ' JUNE, PURIFY THE BLOOD ud BEAUTIFY TIIE COMPLEXION BT UbIKG HELiIBOLD'5 CATAWBA GRAPE-JUICE PILLS AM HELMEOLD'S HIGHLY CCNCENTBATED FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPAIULI.A. :s In theSpring and Snmaiermonths the 878-tem 878-tem undergoes a change. j This is the time to no good blood-renewing, purifying, and invigorating medioinei. HELilBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA SARSA-PARILLA AS HELMBOLD'B FLUID EXTRACT GRAPE JUICE PILLS . ARE THE BEST AND MOST RELIABLE. One bottle of Helmbjid's Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla equals in strength one gallon ofthesimpor decoction as made by druggists; drug-gists; and a wine-gia-s added to a pint- of water eqaals the eolebratcd Liibon Diet Drink a delighlful ani healthful beTerage. The Grape -Juice Pill is eomaosed of Fluid Extract of Catawba Grape Juice and " FLUID EXTRACT RHUBARB. Useful in all diseases requiring a cathartic remedy, and far superior to all other pnrga-tiTes, pnrga-tiTes, sneh as saUst magnesia, ete. HELJiBOLD'5 GRAPE-JUICE PILL is not a patented pill, put np as those ordinarily ordi-narily Tended, but THE RESULT OF TEN YEARS' .EXPERIMENTING .EXPER-IMENTING and GREAT CARE IN PREPARATION. SAFE FOR AND TAB. EN BY CHILDREN. NO NAUSEA; NO GRIPING PAINS. BUT MILD, PLEASANT, and SAFE IN OPERATION, TWO BOTTLES OF THE FLUID EXTRACT OF SARSAPAB.ILLA AND ONE BOTTLE OF THE GRAPE-JUICE PILLS ARE WORTH THEIR WEIGHT IN GOLD to those Buffering from BAD BLOOD, POOR U0M.PLEXI0N, , nEADACHE, NERVOUSNESS, WAKEFULNESS AT NIGHT, COSTIVEN EiS. AND IR REGULARITIES and to those suffering from BROKEN and DELICATE CONSTITUTES IT WILL GIVE NEiY BLOOD, NEW TIGOR, AND NEW LIFE.. THE CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS are doDQ up with great care and in handsome bottles, and will surpass alt those Tended in wooden boxes, and carelessly prepared b inexperienced men, oomparing with the English and French style of manufacturing. All of H. T. HELMBOLD'B PREPARATIONS ARE PHARMACEUTICAL. NOT A SINGLE ONE BEING PATENTED BUT ALL ON THEIR OWN MERITS, To dispel any impression or prejudice that might exist in the mii.ds of many against my Preparations, from the publicity giren through adTertising, and that I am and hare boen a druggist for a period of twenty years and more, conclusively to prove this. Fee letter: From tho larg&Ft M -inufacturing Chemists In thrwoild. Not. 4, 1851. I am acquainted wi'h Mr. IL T. HELM-BOLD. HELM-BOLD. HocccnpiedtbeDrng-8toreoppoeit my residence, and whs successful in conducting conduct-ing the business, whero others had not been equally so before him. I have been favorably favora-bly impressed with his character and enterprise. enter-prise. WILLIAM WEIGHIMAN, ; Firm of Power, & Wcightman, Manufact'g Chembts, :h and Brown sts., Phil's. riEPiBlD by H. I. HELMBOLD. Practical and Analytical Chemist, Crystal Palaeo Pharmacy, 561 Broadway, N. Y.: and Xo. 101 Sonth 10th St., PhU'a. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCnU HAS GAINED A WORLD-WIDE FAME. TRAVEL. 13ULLIOjSTCITY BTAQK XjXKTM. OTAOES leare NenM every Thorsilav. for i MILLION CU'Y and the Si.VIi.lt MINES. Office-. ephi llou. a H. GOLDSBi'.uUGU. Agent. Len Wines. H. P. Kimball. SALT LAKE, FIHSi And Tintic Stage and Express LIKTE, RUNNING DA1LF PROM SALT LAKE CITY, -via LAKE TOWN, TOOELE CITY, STOCKTON AND OPH1R TO TINTIC. The route has been rp-s'oced with splendid splen-did Ooncor l C'.iehe-, fi ,e Stoc. caie ul ar d a' tntive Drivers, and every nut nlion is paid to the oomlort and C-jnvenienoe ot pas.eii-gers. pas.eii-gers. Good accommodations on the road. THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Office at Wells, Fargo. fc Co.'s, Salt Lake Oily. WINES & KIMBALL, aH P(Opriet'rp. UTAH CENTRAL RAILROAD. PIONEER L!M OF UTAH, On and after Thursday, Dec. 1, 180. Daily Trams Leave Salt Lake City at5a-m and 2:45 p.ir. Arrive at Ogden 7 a. m. and 4: id p. m. Leve 'Jg ien at 8 a. m. and 5:0 p. m. Arrive at Salt Lake City IU a.m. and 7:30 p.m Fare from SaJt Lake City to Wood's Cross 8 .70 Centreville J .90 Farmiugton $1.5 Kajsrille l.t-t Ogden - 2.ov Fare from Ogden to Kaysville $1.30 Parmington ..v..$1.6o Cantreville ....... -.Ob Wood's Cruse . z 2b Salt Lako City 2.5J In addition to the abov e AN ACCOMMSDATIO!. TaA! Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leaving Ogdem at 5 a. m. and Salt Lake City at ii-id p. in., On whioh fall fare will entitle the purchaser oi a ticket to return on the same day and train free. Pasiengers "will please Pnrcliasc I their Tlclcets at the Oihces. FLfcy Cents additional will be charged wken the tare is colieoied on tUe '.rain. For all information concerning freight oi passage, apply to D. O. CALDEH, Ticket and Freight Ag' Bait Lake City. FEUAM02SZ LITTLF,, 6UPEE1N i'faN DNT. yon. - IN MAN L INE Of Royal Strnmer, Sailing from .tw York Everv Saturday AND Alternate Tuesday. Cabin Pafi.ge, to Ltvenxoi. Tgold) $75.00 Steerage " " " (cur.) 30.00 PftBiage from Liverpool to New York CDlIn, ... (fSol.I) 875.00 Steerage, - - (Cir-r.ncy) Sl.Oli Kound Trip Tickets issued at very low rate JOHN O.DALE, Ag.ot, 15 Ijroadway, New York. Or WILLIAM CALDER, Agent, I o27 Salt Laae City. UUh. S ! ! BATHS, BATHS! ! -. . i - ' I Warm Spring Baths ! Private and Flange. Ttaew celebrated bathf are open to the pnbllc at all iiom. Their 'dictnal propTtin w o wiaelj knov. u Uiat tt ii DtilHt to enurort Lb em. Besides the PHt B:h, the lance and handsomely handsome-ly famished Plunge Battta for lvH8 and Jenilemea art now opa. ii. AiiAOliJJ all SAN FBANCJSCO TRACE. , A. C. Titcomb, Geo. II. Williumf. Trail) & U'lLLMIS, Manufacturers, Importers and Wholtuale Liealera in WAT CHE?, DIAMONDS, Every Description of Jewelry, SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE Also Agents for tbe celebrated Hoicard, Elginand American Watches, 240 Monlgomery, H.K. cor. Pine, dp Stairs, Ban FraneUco, Cal. All or-lcr? from the Territories promptly 8 : N-.l. (4 TliC0.,V. 1. C. OWSO"1 ScCO., 1W and 105 FRONT STREET, EAX FRAJCI5CO, CAL. Offer the finest ond most complete s'och on tliz En. cijic coast. Refer to II. B. CLAWSOX. Sup'tof a4 J, H AUM & CO., Importerc and Manufacturers of MHUS & BGY'3 CU3T;i:HG Snnsome t., San Frnnclco. 45 )u ry M., Nrw York. fQ OBalaTaHHaHllaaHaWHMiMaai 3kl. KELLEE, iropriotorofthe Ri-inp 8nn aud ly Ancele Vine yarda. Ifot tor the sale of bia iATiVE WISES AKBSSANDiES ?l. KELLKR A CO.,; Corner of "attery and WtMhifigton Street, Sn Francluco, - Cultfornle. Antfltca Wine, t:ilii-Hto Wine, Wlittc - .Mndrtra Irl AVtne Klltrr. "lierry GrHt Hrandy Ail onr Wine an t Brandy pnnutt-el itricil pare, aii-1 uTer tiirtT jar .ld. i-SaIt Lake Citr CorporatJon. 7.:on'n Cn-o-ratfTe It-rcnntiie in-timtiou, G-.-d't- 4 Cw SiviUtK'iO, . U. I'eerv, nn1 G.-d' k Co., T oor" i -in. for sale. RICHARD OMODHl.M), I oii Aeon, ali Lake City. P. Uotdeo. " Jus. Muorhead. S. P. HGLDEN & Cc. FOREIGN DiiY GOODS, tinens, Dress Coods. Hosiery, &o. ' 28 & TO SAXOSIE ST. London : 27 Lcailenhall St.. E.C o5 tlN3T!N mi, Sc CO., Importers aud Manufacturers of SGGTdA&D SHOES OF EV.RY iTYLt AhO KINO, 113, 113, aud 117 Pine Street, SAN FKANCISCO. Our Home-made Goods are unequalcd by any. Samples at 5Ir. Goodhiud's Office, o5 6.1 LT LAKE CITV. WEIL & CO.. I11P0ETBH3 OF Cigars and Tobacco Proprietor!) of tho HAVANA CiiiAK MANUFACTORY , aai, aa and from St., Southwest corner i'roat i Eiacrauiento Stf.. J. EVZliiiilHii .V CO., COMKHSSIOH filEHCHANTS 4 Vla.y tsi.t San Franctico, DEALERS IX OUKGO.N PKODl'CK, ire couatautly id receipt of Ureyjn Uituis, Uacon, Lart, Sahnnii, Ac Stareu, of our owu nuii Ka-t-rn manufacture ftlv. nys ou lmt:J. GRAY, JONES, Si CO. DtPOT OF THE SANTA CRUZ TANNERY. MASci-ACTOKas or Oak olo l-utlier-. il8 BATTERY ST., SAN FRANCISCO DAVISSOM ; St CO., IMPOItTKRS 07 AMERICAN, EN. 1.111, FRENCH A.D ttllMAJ FANCY GOODS, Small Wares, Puckel Cutlery, Perfumery, Yankee Xmions, Sti loittru, Dress Trimmings, While Gnods, Mtlliurry Good', Eoxiery, Li.'-n U'dkchfr, Gents' Furnishing Goo Is, Etc. Cor. Suttt-r anil Sausome Sts., JM 6A FRANC. iCO. A. J. i II I FFIT1I, D-li-r Id " alndnof SALMON AID HEARINGS, li43 Wftrjlilnton blrcrt. All kin-l ot line'i, fttuoteJ aud ficbled rh coostautly on hand. J4 J. M K !1 nil. ij & CO, GGMM13310N MERCHANTS 204 mid 30G Cnlifornla t., ?an Kriiitl.io, - - California. Particular attention pai'l to the fl IMnir of ordtTB lor evorj (Jhcritiuo ol lucTohauUise, d2J bnJc of Orei, .c., A-c. ESTADLItSl T-C J x 1830. CASTLE Bl.aTHEP.3, WHOLESALE GROCERS, 313 and 31ft KrontHtrcct. n6 CHENERY, SOUTHER Sl CO., Importcni and Jobbers of FORK ICS A.VD DOMESTIC . . BRANDIES, WINES, AND LIQUORS, 311 Clay Street, ban Franclaco. A. C. DIETZ & CO. IMPORTERS OP PAINTS, OILS, Varnishes and Lamps, No. 2C4 FRONT STREET. Bet. Sacramento t California, San FraneUco |