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Show Law vs. A Lawyer. Yesterday morning's Herald contained the peculiar pe-culiar doctrine said to have been enunciated enun-ciated by B. X. Ba.-kin, in the City Hall, on edne.-day. that any person might resist an officer attempting to arrest him. even to bloodshed, unless! there was a leal process is-ued for the arrc.-t. For tho benefit of any who might be foolish enough to act ou this i ' legal council'' and thereby get them- selves, into trouble, while probably mak-1 ing work and lees for an aspiring police lawyer, we subjoin an extract from the city ordinance on the subject, passed March '.'th, IsoO, and to be found on ijaire 22 of the ordinances of Salt Lake City. "Any policeman may arrest and bring offenders before the Mayor, or any alderman, v.itli or without process." This is the law, let a lawyer say what he pleases ; and offenders against the law are amendable amen-dable to it, and if they attempt ila violation vio-lation they will find that the Tapid mouthings of anybody will not exonerate exoner-ate them. |