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Show NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TRUNKS, VALISES,&C.,&G. Miiuufacuiretl by 54Kie a On bftnd in variety at the Clothing- Department. Also, EGG BOXES, APPLE BOXES, And General Pncking Cases, Made to order at th e Trunk factory at the luve?t price?- fl. B. CLAWSON, SUPT. TO PRE-EMPTORS. We are now prepared to furni.-h Agricultural Land Script For the location of Government Land at $10 per quarter feetion. HOOPER, E L. DREDGE &. CO. Salt Lake City, Nov. 3", S7m. Cfl-DPEMTlvl FqvEtyIqRKS. Jordan Street, 1 7 1 li Ward, llalf-a-block we: of the Tabernacle, SALT LAKE CITY, Having the latent improved Machinery for working in Iron, Wood & Brass, Can manufacture all kindi of Machinists' Tools, Turning Lathe, Fan Blowers, Gear Cutting and Bolt Screwing Machines, Cheese Vats, Cotton, Woolen and GrUt Machinery, Etc., Etc., Etc. OUR FOUNDRY Has, at present, been ihe Most Successful in thl Tti-itory, And we can turn out "adting-a from the thinness thin-ness of a Stove Plate up to .native ones for Smelting; and Cruhiiip Work, at Low Figure.. Vo have an i A No. I Model Maker, And orders in that lino Kuarantccd to he satisfactory . All kinds of Old Iron Bought. LUMIiKU AVANTKI). A fuw more Shares ol' tho Capital Stock can be had on application to WILLIAM FKI.I.KR. Eporoiarv. MINES BOUGHT AjVD SOLI). W. P. OFFLJiV,! Atrcnt for the s:ile nr purr-hrfc of ,iniii interest -i, ntlrin for rx h i lit ion to pur-cha.'cr.t pur-cha.'cr.t or wi:I1t. A. LUt of t he Vnrloim MIik m yet il In-covered In-covered In I lull, With n vera (re Af-nnyp. nnd price per IiiitvIp d or tiiouaaud tcut. tipecimoiiit on e.liihition. Can be conferred with at the i-fi'-'-o of Mcs.-r? KHIKPATHICK &, MAN., AttorncvH nt-Liivr, I'lrxt iSuih ."H., HALT IAKK CJTV. Now ppcimenfl nmy lm left either at thn Office ot Ale-trs. J-.uM Jc Wih..1w,ipI, r.r at tho office of M curx. K irk put rick iV Miinn, FOR SALE! j A few hundred "Feet"' in tho "Tin tic" nnd "Lafuyotte" Lodwa, Tintic Minim? District. Enquire of JOK sin.mons, Uuinba IIouio Bubcniunt. 3,000 Empt y Kol IcH for fln Ic very eh on p, -C. H. BASPETT. 0. F. IlOPI'MAS. BUSSETTa HOFFMAN HARDWARE STORE All in1 i,l HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron iim3 ,J'-I, Stoves and Tin Ware II LAC ICS Ml I'll TOOLS, A grl' ii 1 1 ii rn I I m plr inr il I M Alifl .MlnlllH TiHil. At I.owi-M Hull'. OI'l-OSITK. HALT I, A It K, JlOI'hlv. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE FLORENCE XOISELESS FAMILY SEWING MACHINE IS THE Standard Machine of the World ! The Special Committee appointed to examine and report on Sewing Machines at the A'orth Carolina State Pair, held at Raleigh last Meek, awarded a Gold Medal to f e Florence Sewing Machine for the ease and quiet news of it s movement m, perfect ion and large variety of work:, and its valuable new features, making ma-king it the most valuable Sewing Machine for family use. Parties contemplating the purchase pur-chase of Sewing Machines are requested re-quested to read t lie following from the Sew York "Trihnne" of Oct. 19th, 170 : SEVTIXG MACHIXKS. "Ve havo recently had occasion to mako ?ome inquiries into the progress of improvement improve-ment in the mechanism of sewing machines, nnd were not a little surprised to learn that the central idea in the first iiivenlion the shuttle still holds its places, though many attempts have been made to supercede it. The shuttle, in combination with the needle, is still the means used to form the stitch, in the leading machines, nnd we find that the pmwth of trade is chiefly with the shuttle uiir.g machines. The improvements that are taking firm hold in practical use are, therefore, necessarily necessa-rily in connection with the shuttle, either in the detail of the shuttle itself, or in other parts of the machine connected with it, to cause the whole to operate more perfectly and uniformly, and to simplify its use. Mny important gaina in this direction, m:tde since the first great invention, are undoubtedly un-doubtedly embodied in the "Florence" ma-chide: ma-chide: and wo recounnend our readers to carefully in-pect the "Florence" before making ma-king a choice. The points peculiar to this machine are: An unusual amount of money is spent in mating the "Florence," thereby eeuring the be.-t material isteol, for instance, where othcr.a use c;ist-ir'.n , and the ' nest fiireh of important parts (the shuttle, fr example, beinir rigidlv rejected if it varies from the standard 1- i"th of an inch!) It is con strutted on thcsitnplen scientific principles, entirely dispensing with the eg-, and cam-, and link- wnich so often cct perver.-cly out of order and sorely perplex c- ery one but the practiced luachinin by their unaccountable unaccount-able freak. The "Florence" is m) csily managed, and its u?e is so readily learned, that nn ordinary jrrl f ten h.i.- icn;e and mu-clo enough t' run it pc rfeotly. The lockstitch, lock-stitch, a.- made by the "Florence" is very re ular an 1 perfect, very strong and elastic, and is drawn into the fabric evenly, gradually, grad-ually, exaci ly, without jerking, and without eau-ine the .-cam to pucker, or straining the thread -o as lo endanger i.s breaking; consequently, con-sequently, vei y tine threads and ligtit t abricfi can be u-ed. Uesidcs tin-, the "Florence" 'in all but the cheapest styl als makes thnc additiunal stiicho-i a double hick, a single knot ami a di,ublo knot whi h arc rr-.n.'er i-nd more elastic than any other stitch, and which are made by no other machine. ma-chine. Ihe "Florence" i- the only machine that h i- a revcrtiblo feed, whereby the direction di-rection of tho sewing can be instantly changed without slopping the work, t h in cnab ing the operator to quilt or embroider with unusual facility, to sec- backwards and easily trenglhi-Q a enra whurover dc-ired. and, uniilly. by a fuw repented ditches, to tauten end- in tho quickest and etronge-t way. It ia the only machine that had a folf- , S'lju-tiiig ,-huttle-thread tension, which works so per fcjtly that the operator can run acro-j the : cavi. -I Pr;un nnd tew tho fineil linen and the ttiickc.-t broadcloth in immediate imme-diate -ncct -Mon wuhont bre tking the thread . and w iihour channing thi needle, stitch or ten.-ion. The "r birence" draws the thread into the cloth wii h anequRled precision and certaintv, hy mean-' of an ingenious automatic auto-matic "take-up" wheel, which di-poses of tho slack thread left utter the i-titoh with nn accurate prninptne...- that prevent a I nnrl-ing nnrl-ing or dropping of sMitehe. nd nllow the operator tj -ew b.i. kward, or to run otfthe cloth and on again, with perfect impunity. It ha- an improved claMe heiiimer. exclusively exclu-sively it- own. which - managed with oa-e, and wiij mako a hem of nny width on any material It not on iy makus a pur feet gat her :mdrwit ( If H n ono oporatiou. but it hem.-', and bin,!.-, and fell, nnd quilts, nnd cord-", and tut-ks, :md gathers, and brid without ba-tinz. Such special provision i made aga n-t Injiiriou wear that the "Flor-clieo" "Flor-clieo" i- claimed nod guiirantfed by thcCoin-p.iny thcCoin-p.iny to lii-it twice- hi l-ng without ropnir us any oi h it .-hut t lo machine in tho market, without the duhto-t diillculty. Kvory part ot the " J lorem o" ir- portectly mill perillH-nently perillH-nently adiii-ted, nnd it ha- so lew joints and point. ol trict.on. that it runs with the utmost ut-most e:ip. Tho noedlo is net and threade.l, and the tt it h is longrheno.i. -horh md, or rcver-ed with the u(-ni'.-t e:i-e. In u-ing the "Ft- rencft" neither the wok nor liiv ;:prrut jr'n dres is liable to I'o Muled. Tim "Morenoo" with nil these c nun- to -up, rioritv, sells at the, me pric a other lir.-l-chisi machines. Thcso advantage-; 1 Jjibeniliiy in in:inn)a"liirc; .iDiphei y of con-triPM ion: Famlity of management ; rietv o Stih lies; Kever.nblo Iced; f-clf-)ifljiiitirw t-n-tou; Autoitialic take up; I in prove.i hemincr: i'ro.iiinn aaain-t wear; V rlei.t nn. I p rinnncnt n !J iii men t ; Faty regit ation of nuodlu and sti h; 1 ( lea nl i n ei- nn i ch ea t nr-m; I j The beauty nnd high tlnif h of the machine; j Make llie "Flor o," moderately Mek- iu, a mill-hint' which to be valued, needs but I to h- tried. No lan.ily can atVord to be without o fow-inc fow-inc machine, and we hope that boforo long i one nmy be lound wherever "The Tribune i" welcome, TO THE LADIES Of Snlt I.nkeClty. ntnl tlnnilKli-' tlnnilKli-' (Mil the Tri rllmltx of I I n It, ' 11 ii ho. l out n n a mid V out I ii Kt Wo extend n cordial invit atinn to cull nl. our ollico, iiiui t'xumino tho Flnronco Family Sewing Machine, viiothi;r le-. le-. hiK'iiiiK inmit'diutn purchase or not j it j U our fudncH iwnl pletc-uro to solicit I Hum exiwuirmtion ami comparison. Wo have on c liibition, jn order llio more on-iily tn explain poinls uf iliUcicnce, in i which w ii claim unperiority, Ihn inn-' inn-' chines of various innkein, including the 'UrnverA: Jlnker, Singer and Wheeler , cv Wilson. Ju nmking such compuri-f"n, compuri-f"n, no unfair lulvanltigo will lm taken rival machines, but on tho contrary they will he :"jt by a e.ompoLent ma-HiinisL ma-HiinisL in the, jusi. n' n;;:ning order, l "ijni of ( hem renuii o as good an engineer engi-neer us it lucoiiiotivp. CHAS. S. HAMMER, Orni'i-nl AuciH. SAI.T l.AWK OITY, UTAH. A NEW SUPPLY of tbe rMrbraled ST lTDEUAK EU WAGONS ZZAB JUST ARRIVED. Embracing heavy and light FARM AND KAfiYON WAGONS 'I be favorite 3Z A Z.L O N D and other LIGHT SPRING WAGONS, Very desirable for Family use. The Stinlebaker Wagon- are manufactured out of tho very beat materials by the most competent mechaaic'n in the country, and are WARRANTED FIRST CLASS. FOR SALK AT CHEAP RATES. JOHXT. CAINE, Agent, Salt Lake Herald Office. Z. C. Rl. I. HOME MANUFACTURE! We have bougatout thestock and machinery of the "BIG BOOT" ESTABLISIIJIKX r, And can now supply a first cla?.. article of '031E 3IADE BOOTS AND SHOES Warranted 8 n perl er to Imported Goodn. THE N.1L,1-KOOH If arrantrcl for the spfyial com fort aud convenience con-venience of Ladies who wish to Purchase or be Pitted to Order. SHOE FlaMHmCS In full stock for trade use- Also, LE A T XX XI ! LKATIlF.lt, I.KA1HKK, Of all kln.ls on ban.l. Be litre and notice the 81fii ;of the " BIO BOOT." H. B. CLAWSON Sunc GIANTPOWDER Proof of lis Superiority for HlaHllug Purpose. Unl.HKN t-'H A R.T Ml INti iNtMIMVT, fcilror Cuy, Idaho. Uot. IS, l7o. J ilrs. Ilamlmnnn. Nci'pon A Co , Accnt iant I'under C., San Ftiincisco. Cal.: Dk r Sirs: In reply to ynur lute (a or. I (tivi you the followins r pull if my norkinfc' here: The csl nl drittinu, whirl. co( under un-der th" old pylem ol iiiininir In re, per font, with the jnimle hnnti ,.y.uiii of w..rkinr nnd Liiant I'owtler I havo re.iuretl to a cos! of V- per IikiI, sml wlien undrr the old tyn-tm tyn-tm hut one fmit per day was driven, iny men are riHily miik nm oi.o anl a hull tort. I ndcr the old AjMoni u iniinii io fert qunrp cost S-vt pr foul, 5HU10 if now ropiing me $-1 7.-S por loot with Hip -.nmo ditVoronoe iu time rs hnwn in drifliuji. L nder the old fyst em, our mine rould never bi nindo to yield peerdiii(i -loi) t,,us per month; with liiant l'iwdr and inclo hand drilli;nr. 1 am now furni.-hitift uunthlv l.un) tonf at a red'ired rust f Ht leat :- i per cnt Ipjh pr Ion than under tho old nvsiom. In conrluM-m will ,iao that tho noiiilihor-ind noiiilihor-ind jiiino.-', Ida Khnoro and Oro Kino, influenced influ-enced hy re.Milifl in tho t.oldoii Ctiariol lunio. hnvo adopted siinjlo hand drilliru nnd Uhtut Towdir, lo the utter exclusion of dotihle hand work, larire drill.- mid cnuiiiii'ii hla.-liiif pnwdor. In eorroh,. ration ot results in tiol-diui tiol-diui t hariot niiuo, I rclcr you to the President Presi-dent and hard of TruMpe. rc.-'ident in vour City. Yourn. re-"j.r-ttultv. JOIl. t CASNRLS, Superinipndoiit U M. Co, mm tm m m2 a r tii k Grocery Depai'tment, ZION'S CO-OPERATIVE MERCANTILE INSTITU N. II. H. CT.V.SOX, Supt. H. W Ai. LACE, MANlirACTlMlKIl (IK PURE CANDIES SURPRISE BOXES AMI l"OI.COI . V BAOB KoMa stipplii',1 wild Olt A ivt: kh, l.l-:?t.s, MIT. P( KM'K.ICM, S.UOli ..1 TOX.t ir.s, ' IKII.Oc.V A KAt SAt.lCN, c, CQNFE01I0NERY, PIES, PA3IRT, l'"-ll( II-.VmIi lll-OIKl. THK SALT LAK SALT LAKK SALT LAKK SALT LAKK SALT LAKK SALT LAKK SKMI-WKKKLY HERALD SKMI-WKKKLY HKRALU -SEMI-WKKKLY HKRAIiD SEMI-WEEKLY HERAI.D SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD ' SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD is THE LARGEST THE LARGEST THE LARGEST THE LARGEST THE LARGEST THE LARGEST THE LARGEST THE LARGEST THE BEST AN'D CHEAPEST BEST AND CHEAPEST BEST AND CHEAPEST BEST AND CHEAPEST BEST AND CHEAPEST BEST AND CHEAPEST BEST AND CHEAPEST BEST AND CHEAPEST FAMILY PAPER FAMILY PAPER FAMILY PAPER FAMILY PAPER FAMILY PAPER FAMILY PAPER FAMILY PAPER PUBLISHED IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS ROCKY MOUNTAINS ROCKY MOUNTAINS ROCKY MOUNTAINS EMBRACING TALES AND POETRY, TALES AND POETRY, TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS, TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS, LATEST WAR NEWS, LATEST AVAR NEWS, EDITORIALS AND LOCALS EDITORIALS AND LOCALS ON ALL TOPICS OF INTEREST AND A GREAT VARIETY OF SELECTED MATTER, SELECTED MATTER, MAKING THE MOST DESIRABLE THE MOST DESIRABLE FAMILY JOURNAL FAMILY JOURNAL AND AUTHENTIC RECORD AUTHENTIC RECORD OF CURRENT HISTORY. CURRENT HISTORY. CLUB RATES : 1 copy, one year S 4 00 1 copy, fix months 2 tM) 1 copy, three months 1 00 10 copies, one year 36 00 10 copies, six monihs 18 00 10 oopic, three months. 9 00 PRACTICAL WATCHMAKERS. ELIASON & HAUERBACH, Tiext Door Knt of Ihe IIer.ld, Arc workmen who not only repair Watches and Clock, but will make Watches to order in nny desired style, or any part of itaem, from a pivot or pinion to an entire Watch. Work Executed ou Moderate Terms. THEODORE LUBBE, Manufacturer of LADIES' -FANCY FURS Kt4t Tfinj'le Street At Florence Sewinc Machine Sale-room, Opposite Salt Lake House, II us on hand nnd fr sale a tine a.ortment of HOME-MADE LADIES' FURS Jnu'h ns I'tnh mid AUiUn Mink, Krmlitr, t It I itr H1 1 1 n m, li iiaotn n lit rrrl, Antrnknn, 1'rvtUnu l.Riult, I k i n nc r, li. r t mnr r, 11 iiHMlnit nnd Krpnrh (oiiry, Vlnlt nnd Katrril M nkr t , fcr.,tc. Which I oKer at ev eedliihly low price-). All rohIs warranted a reirccined or money returned. 1 -ouli ot " Kurs of any description made to order in n iTirktnanIike manner IN VZ XV K DK AI.KHK .lOIIA L()W& SOAS 0(JlKi STATIOS, Kn-p V.'r nilo 1,'ii.llm ni-n-M iipors nj l'i'nilic.il. (i.im nil .nrl ol Ihr vximl rr, MlMl.n'o", f u'.mntnin .'imiotv n.l "' ;.ilc:ni on Ihe eri-.K imnwonli-tinl.lill imnwonli-tinl.lill rnllw.v. l'lu(..nm-l 01 I. .i,n in on. .smtH'tier.v, lTiiii. Ciimlic. Ao., TI1K SALT I.AKK UAII.V IlKUAl.l) Cn nhmrs lm kn.l nl .Urs. l.nv't jlnml. ' And UIIOLSTIJIUij All kinds of IMPORTED FURNITURE Oontantlr on hand at thegaiMrooo EAST TEMPLE gT Every description of HOME-MADE FURNITURE At tho Factory and Saleroom, I at South Street, Salt Lai, CUj COFFINS, PLAIN and ORNAMENTai, Always in Stock. SOUTHEEK MAIL&E) Carxj-ing the TT. 8. Kail, Aud "Wells, Fargo Jt Co, Expreit, The nndereigned is now runaine a line of Stage; to PROVO & FILLMORE, On and after Kev. loth, 1970, stages will run on alternate days for Meadow Valley, Star District and St. Ceorge. Connections made with stage for Tlntle and Sevier Mines, Sanwte and Arizona. Good Meal? and accommodation? all i(jC( the line. Time to ck. George and Meadow Valley Mines, 3 days, 10 honrs. HUGH WHITE, Prop. f;mceat Wells, Fargo k C. C. P. SMITH., General AgenL WELL X)IG-G-IN"G, WILLIAM F. CALTON, EXPKRItXCED WELL-DIGGER, . f lock west and two south of 11th ffird school-house, will dig Wells t order on ue shortest notice and in satisfactory Ftyle. Produce Departm't, z. c. M. I. EsTSixes WEST ESD EMP0KIUH BUILDINGS, oppofila Mtat Market. "Ve are constantly Buying" and Selline Hides, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Onions, Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, ASD ALL. KINDS OF PRODI CE, For which the Highest Market Pri will be paid. II. B. CLAWSOS, Sup't. BATHS, BATHS! Warm Spring- Baths ! Private and Plunge. Ttaee celebrated bthf are epw to tbe public v Ntfoni. Thir n?diemnJ jrpprti are to knowQ Uuu it u oedlM l MUBMnit Lfctzt. BwiriM the Private BAths, the larc and ajm.iwcf-It ajm.iwcf-It furnished Plunge Bat lift for L!: i Gentlemen are now ojtii. H. AR.VOLD. More of the Wir'. IX PKACK PKKPAKK FOR WAR' (lot pirduni. Pistols. Rullt. S.'t. Fisb-ing Fisb-ing Taoklc. n.l everythinc ne?essry tfr dofeno or for sport. Also, Sn.itlcs. Hridlo.1. Whips. Sra". for raoing or riding, from JAKES IIAtSlK, Sign of the Big Gun. K:ut Tmrlsiri. WM. H. H. SHARP, Resident Dentist, SAI.T I.AKK CIT1. TFT Til Vrom our le a full I T I H ''l'l. rilina.Si;'-Ao I LL I II hv.uupo. l'.,,r u,l Viil.-r'" Uul-Upr, IVi'ni lo lver ta1! sol. ai"1 i'laolion gurulorl in all csos. Terlh Flllr.l Willi JoM ml""'" vnlilr. I'rlll KiliKt'lnl ltlii fs'1" OKfirii..r'irl .lor ! of Vfrl |