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Show . v J MtDICAL E P Voli rM-Aui-i s Fuwlkk., M.D. ' 'Surg, U.a.J VOLLUM & FOWLEK, PHYSICIANS KUKGEOXS. Offi-se over Brown 4 Sou's 8ltirt!. Eait Tempi Tem-pi Street, bait Lake City. IT. 1). UENKUlO r' SURGEON AND PHYMCIAN. Office at Residence, rear of Sercaties Hall. V. F. ANDERSO.V, M. D., SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, Oltlco at Itesidence, la the Thirteenth Ward. DR. 0. C. ORMSBY, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND DRUGGIST, IIRIUIIAM CITY, UTAH. Dr. HIGGINS DAVIS 10 R about thirty yearn Medical Practitioner Practi-tioner in England, tenders bis professional profes-sional aid to all who may require the same, tie hae had much experience in every branch of hia profession, and utters advico on very reasonable turms to tbe poor ihabi-tanu ihabi-tanu of this oity, every morning from 8 until 10. Midwifery from jo upwards. Office No. 1 Morris' ierraoo. 13th Ward. LEGAL M. Eirkpatrick. S.A.Mann KIRKPATRICK & MANN, Vttoriioys-it-Lttv, Omen First South St., $ourtfi Aor east ef Hoep.r, Ktdredgo fc Co.'s fiank. .7,. SNOW. E. P. HOGE. SXOW fc. IIOUK, Attorney, and Counselors at Law Salt Lake City, Utub. 'Iffioo at Snow's eorner, 1st East 8t, ' " HOTELS. Salt Lake House, f. r.irrLK, ruoi'RiKTon. 1. open for the reception of iriio-it. OOdn ACCOM MOOA T IONS BANKERS. FIRST NATlOIYAIi IIAK Ol XJTVII. 8U Luke City, I'lali Tor. Wm, IL Hooper, II. S. EMreJ.cc. llouprr, Khtudo C'o., BANKERS. Eakt Temple St., Salt Eakk City, GolJ Dust, Coin, Exeliun.ce, Land Warrants, Ele. tolleetions made anJ promptly remitted- CORRESPONDENTS: ItiRga t Co., New York, Bank of California, San Francisco, First National Bank, C hieairo, .Kxclian.ee Bank, St. Iahuo, If'irst National Bank, Omaha. J. S. Morgan & Co., London. J.C. J1I.KHII.L :, COMMISSION MERCHANTS iOi and 200 Califoruln St., Sail Francisco, - - California. Partiaular attention to the fillinf sf .orders for every ipuun ot BicrcbanUic, ale of Orri, Ac, &c, n CALIFORNIA TR4DE. RHIISra, EOSTETTER & CI., IiBportera and Jebberi of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRUGS & CHEMICALS fine EHntIal O.Ik, Gums, Roots, fcjrtf.t FiouerM, 8ponget bicJiiH, Pomaden, i-c, And all other Staples connected with the Wholesale and Retail Irug .business. Constantly in receiDt, by direct Importation, of .European and Asiatic products. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver. Hot-tetter's Bitters, Irake' Plantation Bitter?, Woll'3 -cheidain .-ennapps, Newell's Pulmonary Syrup, And all the leading Proprietary Medicines boih American and .European. Orders Promptly a"nd Carefully Executed. Son. 52'J and 531 Marktt Street, Between first and Second, SAN FRANCISCO, CAI.IFORNIA. EINSTEIN BROS, & CO., Importers and Manufacturers of BOOTS AND SHOES 113, 113, and 117 Pine Street, SAN FRANCISCO. "We would especially call the attention of tho Trade to our CALIFORNIA MADE GOODS! Which in point of style, fit and durability are equal to the bet custom made goods. Leather and Saddlery Warehouse. MAIN & WINCHESTER, '214 & 216 BATTERY STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, Offer to the trade of Salt Lake and viciuitj- LEATHER, or all Kinds, HAIt.V ESS, CAL.1FORMA Dni.ES, COLLARS, WHIPS, And a general assortment of 8ADDl.tFY G0QDli T N,W Y0RI( PRICES. Sen or Catalogues and Prices. WHITTIER, DULLER & CO. SCCCBBSOBS TO Cameron,Whittier,t Co. and FuIlerJt TIeather . IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, SOLE AGENTS FOR FRENCH AND BELGIAN PLATE GLASS CD'S 21 & 23 FRONT STREET, Cor. Pine Street, SAN FRANCISCO. C. ACOLPHE LOW & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL Importors of TEAS, COFFEES SpioeN, and all EAST INDIA PRODUCE Of which they keep utocks fonstantly on hand for eale to the J O 13 I1IIV Gr T 1. A 33 OES ALSO AGENTS FOR Lr Vludado X Harmony's, of Cant x, SIIERKIESi Cai tlett WHITE LEAD COMPANY, of New York, AND PRAT T'S NON.EXPLOSIVE ASTKAL O Jj . Jatuos OtU. W. A. Macondrny. F- W. Macondrny. MACONDRAY & Co., mum k commissioi nein Han i s IMPORTESS OF H NA N0 JAPAN TEAS And all doripuor.. of EAST I X" 1) 1 A 1' K 0 D V C E, SAN KKA NF1SCO, - . C A It, A. .1. (SltlFFITlI, Jr.U.-r iu yMj5 all kiml- of SALMON AD HtRRINGi, I "43 AVs.iliimon Strct-t. tui. SAN FRANCISCO. All knii ri MkH a tul 1'K-klc'i i vi-h CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO., Inip.irter9 n) Jot'li- of evorv Ta.r:tv of WINES AND LIQUORS, 311 Clay Strrt. Sun Krniiclsco, - - California. W;LME5DiN3 Sc KLILUGj, Importers and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors, 2H i 216 FRONT STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. J. & J. SPRUANCE, tuiHrIt r &n Whole! Piir in WINES AM LIQUORS, II.'. Front SI reel, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. EASTERN TRADE. BENEDICT, HALL & CO., BOOTS AND SHOES, No.. 279 and S1 Broadway, - - NEW YORK. PAGE, CO., Importors and Dealers in LEATHER AND FINDINGS, 5 0 Lake Street, Bg'I- CHICAGO, ILL d. it. smlckjl:!:, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 517 Olive Street, ST. LOCIS, Sends Clothine all over tbe We-t find pivea entire 8atistetion. A No. 1 etublii-nmeiit. TIic X.ilioiialcrics TEXTTOOKS. A if The Rfaiif-r-, i--- ptraph:, S-inie-i ait. Githud 1 ck.kp t tat fe : li.i t u ! 'pie, tui Maiu'lar-I uiJi'.Ttuii y in I'tith. Mil lt: t..i:.--r- are tnvun.nl j- re-.- i Ti t he If-t t-lw . t PARKER StWAU3f4'S SERIES C'-.n-i-iif.r .f A Prlinrr. and K-ralcrn Ftv muni- ra. Spelling Unok, in I v o rtdfii. D1VI4' MATH E VAT 1 28, Tt f V t i-.nnl ?:iclr.i. only romi l;c, rr-n-si-i.-M Kill iinJ'Tiii m- ii -i in pv-ry lfrauc!i, eaj-1-r. mp it-xi r".k.p t-T ew.h (truai- m Arlthmrilc, AljE"ra, tu" tlr. I Mralm, nrvetns, P rupee 1 1 re, Ktc. MjNTEITH'S G03'APHY. A trrnt i 1 :n tLrw t.-'".lL- 1. Firt Lrinn. Manual. 3. .lr-al.y.M W;:h :n;Tit.I:- .-. v-i;C, r, A et f W all .nap.. CLARK'S DIAGRAM GRAMMAR 7 v )..-C-) r t v A: ,-; u.r-. First Lrn.oni In Knf lUh Grammar. The urratl Englth Oram mar. STEELE'S NATURAL SCIENCES A Y -i-.n -..;i W".-, 'K"' C--.." r. km.-l : rc . .r.rr..: .z.t: c : -' r". - ,Lp Natural Philosophy. A-lronomj, WCRMAN'S GERMAN SERIES Grammars, in i w o i-nrlfi; A Header, ai.-: trh rv: . r. ik, k J..r Cf-r.TZ.rt frA';c- rl,-rA.' tMJV A' BAR.K CU., lil il 1:8 W-:oi l;rat. lort. HELMBOLD'S PRFPARATMS -Higlilj- Concentrated" CO-HPOC.ND FLl'ID EXTRACT BUCHU, K positive ard ?pp-in? remedy fordieaes of the B adder, K dney-. Gravel and JJrp;i ai Swe-li-?. This medi ine inerea.e? ;he power? of di-fie-:i'sa, md e i c i i es fhe ab"rbcQL? i r. to bt-aitriy ar'tiu-n. b which ibe m:ier of ljiI-car' ljiI-car' ou- depu.-iU'in . aud all ui.natursl en-!a en-!a rciuent are reduced. &s well a? pain and intiamin -:ion, and is g ud iur men, womea aod cai.dren. H HELMBOLD'S K-V i R ACT Bl C Hl For weakness ari- in? from excesses, habits cf dissipation, early inai-cre:ion, a'tcuaea with the following symptoms : Indisposition to Exertion. Loss of T'wer. jitiicuity of BreaiuiLg, L of M euit-ry, Horri-r ot Uisease. Wakeiuiiios. Dimness oi Vision, l'..iu in tue Hack, Flus&.ng of thw Bidy, lut llanos, Erup ions of tiir Fnce, eak X rve. Itryness of toe Skin, Trem b.iiig, Fa lid Countenance. Lassitude, uf the .uuscutr fc-ysieui. These sympt'ms, if allowed to go on, (wiiich tiii- medicine invananly reiULivcs soon iollw rauity, Ei-ilcptic Fits, Ac, in one uf TtiieQ tae patient may ex p. re, ho can say they are cot I equently followed fol-lowed oy those "direful di;eases," liibaiiity and Cousumptlo.i! Many are aware ot tut cause of their so ft'er-inp, ft'er-inp, but '.i-ne will c nf s-. Tlie reco ds of the iu.-ano asylums iid the m l:tnchoiy deaths by cn.-ump io.i bcr ample itue.-s tt) the trutn ui tlie asteriiuii. Tbe Uoiistitui ion, once H.iccted by orgai.ic weakness, jeiimre the aid of medicine to strengthen anJ invieorate :he ?ste.u. which Ui,L vilioLD' KXiK C uF BL'CilL" in vanab F doe.;. A trial will convince, t'xe Oi'isc sceptical. In many aflVe lions i -culiar to Friinales.t tie EXTRACT BUtllU is uneguaiei by any other reu.euy, am' lor ah cuinplaiuts i..ciaeu t io tbe sex, or in the DECLlMfi OK CIIA.NGE OP LIFE, L StE ol'MI'ToMS ABOVE, No Familv should be witliont it. T:tke no Balsam, Mercury, or unpleasant medicine fur unpleasant aud dangerous diseases. dis-eases. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BITCH C IMPROVED "rOSC V. ",SH Cures Secret Diseases in i:'! i cs at liitlo expense, htile or no . i uiet, no incun enience, and uu cspu..iro. M Use HelmbolcTs Extract Buchu For all a flee ions anu diseases of tlies.- organs ! whether exisi lug lit Male or Female, lroin whatever cause on maiiuK, ana no maitei h w long siandiog. iMst-a es ol thtse organs rtqaire the aid o. a diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU IS THE GREAT DIURETIC. And it is certain to have the desired f fleet in all diseases for which it ie reemmeuded. BLOOD! B L O D ! BLOODI -t ELiMliOL.D' Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, For purifying the Bluod, removing ".11 chronic chro-nic constitutional dis..-es arising lr.m un impure suite oi the Blood, and tue only re.iable and efettu.il known rcuicdy for me cure oi tScroiula. .-caid lleaJ, alt Klieuuj. 1' .ins and wtliings of llie B n-.s, L Kn-ra-tio"s ol tne i hroai and Legs, Biothe-, l-'iin-ples on the Face. Tetier, Erysipents, ani ah ee-iiy Eruptions ot fh SKin, And Be ant ifyingj t lie Complexion. Two taljlespouuslui nftho Etra t f .ar-sapanha .ar-sapanha adicd to a p nl ui water is tan .i to t'i Lisbon Uiet Lnuk, and one tjoitioim ie fully cjual to a g illou of i he jyrup if ."?ar a -parill, or the deuociion Bjs u.-ua. ly made. O HELMBOLD'S ROSE WASH, Au txcell-nt Ln.iun fur diseases ari ing tro.u li.iuits of dis-.p.itiun, u-eii iu connec iin wiih tne extracts Bachu and r-art.ipa-r ila, in puch diseases a.- rec uiuitnu-U. K idcuce- "I i he ojusL rerponai hie and rt . mole c ua. acter will accom ian y me m ed ici n -. Ai.-o explicit direcii.'us lur u.-e, with m -. , rkds of ril lsan,s living nitm-ss and upwards of JJ.'AiJ un.-oiicilei cert tic tc-t and recommeudat'iry letters, many ot tn h are horn be liquet source-, nicmdaig t-ui i n e n t Physicians, Vv i ergy men , 6t ilu-uie.., Vc 1 1. e Priori tor kai never rcsur tod to i heir pu h . i -o.iiiuii in in uc-Tspaj ers ; h" dova not d- tn. roiu t..e fact ItlaL hist articled rank ur laudani 1'reji.ii .itiori- . -ttid Uo not need to b proppe I up by certifl-;a es. h .-it-)o f Mfjicme. like l!ie Doric Column. -Ii Mild s hui nujpe, pure, iu nj tj.-, hTlUg F-Ct ! 111 ua-i- i ..Ou. i ;r,u i,jr i,s pain.., aud xrutu al"r.' ior i's Co ( iiiti. L My Ex'rat arspan.la is a liiool Puri-fi'. Puri-fi'. ; uij i.cr'l li-.-tiU n a Dmreli'', ku-l Ml .ict rji-n in all --e-. Bo : n arc pr p , re J on purely .;'-irn t i f; priu'- pie- m Vrtuu anda i .,:-w .... t I .-e-.-M l- (,i e.c.er tfiit en u.-.l- A r - 1 and e--. nn u-nv Icm w l nc cm pari-on pari-on "f . ti- ir prupe -tie- wi: n m-.-e net f.jri n io t h f -1 1 w : n t . r k s . . e L) s p o-a i r v "f : h e F i ' a t . 1 I'-i.ievnr y. ' vai u ,i nic nK .n I tn-1 Srn'- '' -.f I'fi' -i" J e- reina-K nm rv th c!"hr : -d )r. Pht ir. i'ml-i.. ee re:r.-rK- n: -i W Or mk-m M - I the K i -re oj'.-y In-'i"" i ' an i pu n.-s. J n u;t traa-if;ii n- -i ;Li- K.j k- j'-en p J I'.m I . e 4 j 1.1urf Til K-virw. p.j jv,,. j H iv ii". 'j'- J k ' v . f. -, irt.i-,w oi r.'...n. j L . i rif urf '.r.-. i r:. -, ; t.e l-.e r-r.-iari work- n, Me i.cie. 1 . l ' y n ' '-.,-.-.' f r yu- f-rr-. A lir' ie;: r- jt ;r. f -r :j.t icz.. ;u JtD't, t i ' H. T. HELMBO LD. !.: ." r a l ; 1 1. r t 1 . j , rl'lmhnld' Drnj and f brmlril irthou-r, .!, Brod), JS , . j ... -n HHmbold- Mrdltal Ipof. !0, ' Snnih iroih rst , r'hlladriphla. Ii Beware of Connt-erleit ! AiU KOrt 11 LL.MBOLU'S ! I taKK no oiiihr; : I CALIFORNIA TRADE. BRITTAN, H0LBR0OK & CO ImpC'tters and Dealers in Stoves &, Ranges, SHtET IRON &TI PLATF, Copper, Zlue, Sheet Lead, Wire. pryps. Ij rtcl t x cl Iron IPijo. TIXM-.Rs" liODDN, To .'-Is and M a.'hire-y and vien-ral l:oue furnishing hhdwf, Embracicp Plain, Jsrar.ncd, Plar.;shed ai:d :amped Wsre, N'ob.lll 4 1 13 California and .os. 17 19 Davis Mrft th, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL 5. P. Holdea. J:vs Morhcad. S. P. HOLDEN & Cl Impor'prs of FOREIGN DRY GOODS, l inens, Dress Goods. Hosiery, i c. i IS & SO SANSOM K ST.. j SAX FRANCISCO, j London; 7 Leadenhall t., E.O ToBlfi , DIXON &, DAVISSOM, Importers of ENGLISH, FRENCH &- GERMAN Fauci Goods, Millinery GuOilt, Yankee Morions, H kite G.-viU, lck't CutUrv, IJnsicru. Perfumery, Litui H'aL'clis. ll;tviii rffiilcnt PartiMT in Kwrope. aii.l Lein; indirect cnniraiiniCHiioii wnti the iimiuitactuivrK, we are eualk-d to eifcute all order,-, ami Sell nt n.8 Low Rnte ns New Vorlt Importers. ys'e inTite the attention i-f BUYERS FOR UTAH TERRITORY To our Stofk. which ie the larot and most varied ou tue Pacific Coast. TOBIN, DIXON vt PAV1SSON, S- 1 1 Fran iM.o, Cat. E.aS'TABXjI"SMT.JX3 1050. CASTLE BROTHER?, WHOLESALK GROCERS, 213 and HIS Front 81 reef , San Fram-Uco, - - Cm 1 i fom In. MURPHY.6RANT & CO. i-V4 FliA.CIfv'0 CALIFORNIA, Call attention tn tli'-ir lur;i. Mini Wt-11 a.--.rtrd ofx-W ot Dress Goods Coiiipri-ing FRENCH PLAID P0?L!NS, Kniju-l'Ssi Clol Tamisc Cloihs, In All Color., FRENCH AND ENGLISH MER1N0ES. HTC. ETC. ETC AIro, full liu. nl II 0 S 1 K K V, White Goods, Linens, TABLI DAMASKS, NAPKi: All of hirh th nfl.O t tf l-.Wt-t It.nr k. I m m. : jo i. r. k i Propriofnriflt Kiirlf h ,u .nn y A-'l"' U Vino. Tar'W ii-"t I r II ulr i,i I NATIVE WINE8 aND BRaNDlES M. KKLIKR tV t it., CrriT '.f i miif-y rii'I W i-fi i r, - rt .J i -w. i Han Frn( Uro, - - ( nltrni iiln, Anrllra W Inf, V Mornilo lur, V lille ' l drii n rl A I., IIMtt r-, hitrry i (,rap l.fnI. K . uux .1,- 1 :.-;.. ) .j... rr. , ' --' t t '-.-.'i. t, z ..j. . c, V,- nr.- j,. I .!.. (, i ., . . - , , .. j. , I .:,f I - ItH II AKI) l.'Mipiii , i "'-i WEIL &. CO. ! .urM'in- r J Cigars and Tobacco HAVANA f'-AK V A ' V r" y. til, AZ'.t and 4 4.', Front Pi., j'. u L t '-rfj r ,".rf t A nr. , r : , 1 .i. i i;ai)iM, a ( o , i COMMISSION M:R3HA.US 'it lay Kt , vn Kranrl.ro, j EA. EKH IN OHh(.(l. I'HOLH t t.. i L-d a.::.; Itarah. mr .w, t-:.n. u..i.i.u,iu;t j awr et Wa UTAH CENTRAL RASLIJOAI). r-' .4.4"'- . , , , - - PUfLH LWi OF UTAH. On nml nlt.r Tliumtlny. Dt r. 1, 1 S70, Lp.n i S:ilt Ciiy ai ,S h . m nn i 'J;l.-i p,p' Amve at 0-d.-i 7 a . :.n.l 1 1.'. p. m. .,- n i s i m. rin. i .w Arr ve at S..h 1... ke ily 0 a. n and 7:,V a.m. Kixie from Snll Lake Ctly to , IV t'n, .... Ci-irr.-vilK. l'"-inni g.oti K.i.ville 1. .S t-i' n :..p Fa re from Odi ii to K iiysville !ji S't hmrniilon t ' A I'm n uJc . hi W ood i.'Ss .. : -:s .ilt l,:tkc City ,M I n a.ldili. n to the ahov c AN ACCilMM DTLN TR IM Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS KXCKITKD. Leaving 0Kd. n nt 5 ;i in.HiidSnli LakoCit ft 4:Ht p. in., Cn irliifli lull f,u,' will un ile ih- pn ,-,.(, r of .i tn-krl l.. i turn on ill r.nm- d.i d im.n Ire , und il' ulup l.y a r - n k lit." w ' h the eond .'lur -a ;i'i p. ml ou me lin to take mi or lei ot p ,ihku'. PnnsfiiSfi lll plrnae Pnrrba. Hull- Tlrkfl at I he O flirt H. Fifty Cents HiUiiiMnai will he .-harp,.,! wh,.i the I re f --oil .'ltd "n the i ai ri. Y'U- all informal l-.n e.iri.-i'niinp freight or J';ih Htfe, apply io I). O. CALDEK, t and Freight AB'l. Salt 1 ako City. J(K A. VolA fxiii. LlViSPCSL & Q JLEruTcwy. v -, '" . IN MAN LINE Of Kojul Mall vientnrra, HnliluK front !(u t)rh Every Saturday, AMI A If rnsi tv Tn j . ( iiin l'to.(.-, io i.uinmi. tv,. , ;n OA hi en n j(f I- ui., J II. Off l'H(If fr did LI i pool I o 1 m Inik ' iitn. - - . (.., i.i, $7 A on Menace, - - (liirr.i,,, yOff Hounl Trip 'Jrln-t i-Mitd ul ty l.w ui. JOII H. IM I. K, A .- ii J . Jin, .oa,.. ,Nrn r WJIJ.IA.M ' Al,i' ('.. Ar nt, halt Lafc.- ( II)-. ff.h. PUSE1R SHOSTrCUTtEAST. CHICAGO & NOFiTHiYEST'N a f mil T mm' i'"" L"i RAILWAY I hlo.r'f ! U nl H nnir from i.i in n Ii I t m tt Ii 'I I ti Kail. I 'I I P - .,, ,, .,,y 1 " --t. P- - i. I .r . - iu .Im- ' . n-. - ' I 'l ' -1 1 1 f I 1 1 11 1 , A i. a i ( ( ifi,.! , I In i' ui I'nllinan IKn, M,,(l(r,K t lt4 t fi r'-i,-iy i,;-u t,,,,l f-.r tni (nuipany. ' " ; 1 I iil.i tt, W. A I.- A ' I ..... !,. r,..t . ,..i, ,,. ,,. J- i t,d U- t '. ,J. Li u., M,oi Ir.l J,.,t. .,fUr. hp rt , ( (imrnrl and Kn ff I j . l" ' ' ' ' k' --l. i., ., . . t i,. - -i i... '.t :k-T , j .t it!,- - a- a I.I. i.i: ri. 'jr..' r H.u; 1 ri r'! ' n.j "w'-'-i' i't'J i'.. lf-i::.i.appl) tv HiKRY ROIithi, Ti' I.)., p. r fr i u. ?:anm. ,p .,, ... r . k i a,-. ' ' t ) L LL ' LA i-. ...nf ' ITi J. I'liiWMi UiftrHl Aptkl, V- |