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Show M- York Nrtt,, New Vork, 20. Attorney Ueiicral Akeruian ha.s cstab ished his head quarters at the Astor House, where he will remain uutil alter the election, u pronounce upon ad. questions of li.w ihat may arise. He is instituted to see that all the rights of the citizeus are respected, anil that the authority of the United States government is maintaiaed in all its integrity. He was in consultation with Senator Conk-ling Conk-ling yesterday, and the Senator subsequently subse-quently remarked that the determination was to enforce the act of Congress at all hazards. No doubtful or questionable question-able power will be assumed by the officers, but they will enforce such processes pro-cesses and provisions as they arc assured as-sured they will be sustained iu executing. execu-ting. The preparations lor the purpose are being perfected every day, and there wi'l be no lack of au'liuiity to back up the officers, 'i he eichth L'. S. infantry will arrive in New Vork harbor to-night, from Charleston. This rci-ment rci-ment is about out) strong, and will be reinf ir :ed by 'O reeruits, wl;u await its arrival. It ii!l hnd quarters on one of the islands in East river, and when the emergency is over will proceed to the Canadian frontier, and go into winter quarters. Other forces" of considerable con-siderable stiength will find it convenient conveni-ent t" concentrate in the vicinity of New York during the next two weeks, and though few licplo wi'l eve;' iic-theni, iic-theni, the fact that l.iey aro on hand will be consoling to one pa;;y, and will exercise a whoiesoine constrain: upon the evil do. :rs of the other. Ihc I .S. officers charged with the duty of executing execu-ting the laws of Congres', f..r the preservation pres-ervation of the pur.ty of the ballot, mean business this time. Indiana Nw. I Indianapolis, led.. Oct. 20. The Circuit Court of this County to-day appointed Gen. E. A. Morris. President Presi-dent of the Indianapolis and St. Louis 11. R., Receiver for the Indianapolis. Cincinnati and Lafayette it. .. on thj c.5aij.;aiot of tcvirai Mock-Lolders. The road is considered solvent, but the defer of 75.0O0, for the construction construc-tion of a branch, beir.g p&s.d, whi:h the road was vmab to meet, the CXJ directors preferred the appointment of a Receiver to permitting it to go into bankruptcy. The official coun. of the State has been received. The Democratic majority ma-jority on the State ticket is 2,455. Th Capitol RcmOTlng Conrfntlon. Cincinnati. Oct 26 The capitol convention re-asserrb!ed at 10 a. m. A resolution was reported in favor of the removal of the capitol to the Mississippi Mis-sissippi valley, to some point as near as possible to the centre of population, territory, production and transportation, transporta-tion, with reference to the future as well as the present demands of the nation ; al-n one to oppose any further appropriation for new buildings in the D. strict of Columbia It was agreed to demoralize Congress next session, in favor of the passage of a j nrjt resolution, authorizing the appoint ment of csmmis-iontrs to examine into in-to the question of the removal and relocation re-location of the capitol, and report at an early day. |