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Show LOOK OUT FOR THE STUDEBAKER ID ARfiiVE IH A FEW DAYS. MM I.N T. ( AINK, AkciM, Sail Lake Hernia Olliee. j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS PIANO RAFFL.E. Only 300 C hm ci, at One Dollar Each. A seven and a half octave PiRn', cost $42. Kxmino thg instrument and buy your tickets lor the Raffle at IRS. COLE BROOK'S. POH liVRFGQl & Q'JEEMSTCWN. INMAN LINE , Of Royal Mail tean.ert Sailing from $itv YorJt Every Saturday, AND Alternate Tuesday. Cabin Passage, to LiTerpuol, fKol'H 875.00 Sicci-Rge ' " - (cm-.) 30.00 Passage from Liverpool f o New York Cabin. ... fGoMl 1S.OO Steerage, - - (Curreucv) 31.00 Round Trip Ticku-ts iujd at very low rao.-s. JOHN" G. DALE, Ap-nt, 15 Bro idwuy. New York, Or WILLIAM CALDt-.R, AKent. salt Laku City, I'toli. NOTICE! TO WHOM IT MAY (OXCERX. This is to wan. ttll person? not to purchase 1 of one 6. C. Kieharila any internet in tba I Bingham Canou GulcU Digging, In Ct;ih Territory, ho Larinit n right or title whatever therein, and do authority whatever to Fell or conrey the fuilb or any interest therein. Any pretended title held by him wa obtained by i'mud, and will be eoDteatcd by me. j.;n. TAYLOR. Salt L.nke City, Oct. 17". Merchants' and Jline Owners' EXCHANGE, CLUB AND NEWSROOM A preliminary Lueetinir tor the j.urir?e of adopting resolutions, And e'ectinif i Provisional Provis-ional Committee, wiih a view tn etablihin the above n;imftti imtitutiou. will be held oa F. id:iy evening neit, at half pt seven o'clock at the office of Gould Jt Woodward, near r-ali Lake IIoue. Tho? in fivor of the tncveua'-ai are re spectfully reoucn'-d to nt'ed. BKXTHAM FA HI A.N. l'AG12, IJKO.vV CO., LEATHER AND FINDINGS, "0 La kr i rrri, CHJC4E0. ILL CottoiiH ood Mines. PcrmiM wi.o .l.ji-Q ,elnx tl,fir lluy up Loiti.iino'id ( a nun. th'iukl jm rchx-i. a lirpt ila Chiciiu'j uja li, Hay Press, Which I Imte l"'.r ule CIIKAP. II. P. KNOAVLT, iinclecnth Wur-I, Or L. ft. HILLi. Uu.cr. Eldredte ,1 iiHUk. TELEGRAPHIC! Hetentter the DESERET TELEGRAPH CO., Will .Luri. hut TWKNT1 O'JUNTf-i On mt'oiM o Tu irurJ or Im, bclwven SALT LAKH CITY AND OODKN, And TWO CKNTHior ech uddilionitl w.ird. A. MILTON IllDSKH, Hu,,t. RIlilBTIH iSmil & CO., Importer and Jobbers of fORKION AM) Doll F.NTKJ DRUGS k CHEMICALS Fine KHNcntlnl OIU, tJum,, Hoot-, HrrtU, M.nverx, Nj'oiiHr, Skin. I'omntlrN, A,c., Anvll "'ineclM whh the Wni.Ior.uU. hikI Kciaii Dm, b,iiUl., Coii-hn.H.v inr.M.oiU0. direct Ii.p..rUti ; "' l'Uto.in nnd Axititu' i.r.Mlui if. Kxrlu.Hivu .V'.iuiH ji.r QuickKlvi-i-. I.'.rfU tter'i HiMri i. IHke' 1'1'MIUU Iltu 1r, V-U' .-yliiihur. .S-hi.api..-, Nowvll'n l'lilinoiiiiry Synip, And i he Itadinif I'rnprMnry M ictncn bold Aniurinin nnd JOiimiKiiin, U-loc" fiMinii,) Cirtiiully i:.Vfiih J. Ptttm. rU u.ij .Uprufrl mvet, lifiwn I irnl nii'I Snnnml, WAN l'HANt:l.si!0, CALH'Olt , 1A, THE SALT LAKK SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKH SALT LAKK SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD THE LARGEST THE LARGEST THE LARGEST ! THK LARGEST THK LARGEST THE LARGEST THE LARGEST THE LARGEST IBfr- BEST AND CHEAPEST BEST AND CHEAPEST BEST AND CHEAPEST BEST AND CHEAPEST BEST AND CHEAPEST BEST AND CHEAPEST BEST AND CHEAPEST BEST AND CHEAPEST FAMILY PAPER FAMILY PAFER FAMILY PAPER FAMILY PAPER FAMILY PAPER FAMILY PAPER FAMILY PAPER rUBLIHUEU IN TUK ROCKY MOUNTAINS ROCKY MOUNTAINS ROCKY MOUNTAINS ROCKY MOUNTAINS ROCKY MOUNTAINS ROCKY MOUNTAINS ROCKY MOUNTAINS TWE NTY-FO UR CO LU M N S TW ENTY-FOUR COLUM NS T W E NT Y-FO U R CO LU M N S TWENTY-FOUR COLUMNS OP THE CHOICEST READING CHOICEST READING CHOICEST READING CHOICEST READING CHOICEST READING CHOICEST READING KUHR.VINU TALES AND POETRY, TALES AND POETRY, TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS, TELEGRAPHIC REPORT'S, LATEST WAR NEWS, LATEST WAR NEWS, EDITORIALS AND LOCALS EDITORIAL AND LOCALS ON ALL TOPICS OF INTEREST AND A ORKAT TAftimT OK SELECTED MATTER, SELECTED MATTER, MAKINO TUK MOST DESIRABLE THE MOST DESIRABLE FAMILY JOURNAL FAMILY JOURNAL Asr AUTHENTIC RECORD AUTHENTIC RECORD OK CURRENT HISTORY. CURRENT Hlr'i'ORY. PRICE ONLY PRICE ONLY PRICE ONLY PRICE ONLY FOUR DOLLARS FOUR DOLLARS FOUR DOLLARS FOUR DOLLARS FOUR DOLLARS PER YEAR, TWO DOLLARS TWO DOLLARS TWO DOLLARS TWO DOLLARS TWO DOLLARS TWO DOLLARS FOR SIX MONTHS, ONE DOLLAR ONK DOLLAR ONH DOLLAH ONE DOLLAR. KOR THREE MONTHS. CLUB RATEN : I "hv, mie Tcnr 4 ml 1 t't'py, il UiCJIlllm J M) I wpy, t hi ect uiontli" 1 ik I 10 copier, one yrnr 00 10 uopin, nix nionlLx IS 00 10 eopiu, tlu. uiauk. Wi TRUCKEE AND SALT LAKE LumberYarc Oh. Block .tb I U, C. PASSENGER DEPOT. Lumber! Of all wijthb nnd lengths. Utah Common $32. 00 per M Truckee " rough-... 40.00 " Truck ee 2d cler, " S0.00 " Truckee 1st " " 60.00 " TRUCKEE . SHINGLES t.00 per M. LATH S, A No. 1, clour fiupur pine (jxli inch) Four feet lengths, f T.QiJ per M. SIERRA VALLEY Suc.r Pine, Clear Seasoned MOULDINGS Tougued X. Ctiruoved FLOORING, CEILING. SIDING, ! COUNTER TOPS EXTRA WIDE. Rustic and Moulded Battens, &., Atr., A.C., DOORS, DOORS,! it., v, a. n. a n.. With nd n-ithout Kodwuud rnolr. Sasli Doors, (Single mid Double) PRIMEOjQLAZED&UNBlAZED. All mf.ei! eiiiiKtandy on hand. Eiti .'ines nmilo protnutly to order. D. W. PARKHURST, Proprietor WANT ED! Barley, Flour, Butter & Eqqs, Iu Uigv .UMuriiiw.x. PEOPLE'S VERDICT t Over Half a Million Sold and in USe 4,000 Made and Sold Per Week. SIN G E 11 s t NEW IMPROVED SILEM T Family Sewing Machines ARE THE REST IN THE WORLD, Because all of them are iu ccnttaut use, while a verv large proportion oft, makes are not used, owing to their being partially or utterly iinprMctia", THE SINGER HEY FAMILY F.lACHINi Hai beeu brought to )ei-f'ection, regardlesii of time, labor or expend, s-now s-now incomparably the be it .-wing machine ir existence. It ig Simple, Compact, Durable, Beautiful, Quiet, Light -Uunrdr,x. capable of perlorming a range and variety of work never oefore attts-.-. upon a single machine; uing either .Silk, Twist, Linen or Cotton threaiV tewing with equal facility the very finest and coatsest tuatenaL, or anti;'" between the two eitremt..i. in the mo.t beautiful and substantial manner. " The New Improved Attachments for Hemming, (any width) Br:-Emdroidering, Br:-Emdroidering, Magic Kuffliog. Gathering, Uattiering and tewing on at the a-' time), fc-ell-Sewing, Cording, Tucking, Qailtine, I'elliug, Trimming.IlindiLr.t" are novel and practicable, and have been invent-d and adjusted epeciiT-tnis epeciiT-tnis machine. Foldinjr Tops and Cabinet Cases. New designs of the unique, useful and popular Folding Tops and Cii Cases, peculiar to the Singer Machine, in every variety of wood, fit; : Black Walnut, Mahogany, Kosewood, tfatinwood, and f.om the plainest wi most elaborate pattern and finish. The Machines themselves are piatn or t r-oruameuu-d with pearl and gold to eorresjond with their tabje: or caii In the Singer the work is fed or passed through the Machine in tlc ua direction, nameiy, from the operator, permitting her to sit in a natural t healthy position. In many other Machines the work passes from right to or the reverse, compelling tlie operator to sit in a Lad and titiiealliy pw-and pw-and thus causing weakness of the back, etc The Singer uses a SUOKT STRAIGHT NEEDLE, which is not ik-to ik-to break or miss the stitch. Many other machines use a lon crooked which it liable to break aud to uiis the ctitch. In the Singer Machine the Shuuie is CAKR1I, thus avoiding nei: l wear. It requires NO OIL, and d.es Lot soil the thread or goods, i.' ;-machines ;-machines drive their shuttles, in a race, thus cau-ing great wear, and roj-.irl-oil, sijiiiug the thread and goods. On tLe Singer, the Tension on both the upper and lower threals is '.-lutely '.-lutely und-r the ready coritrol of the operator, thus rendering tie nai alwa9 available for god stwiug. which u not the case with anv other. U-so-cailcd cheap machines are reaily worthless, anJ so are nianr ct'irirK: peculiarities aud supposed advantages. ' i The Sl.M.KK L, the OLDEST PRACTICAL SEWING MACHINE, lieiLj about tw.-niy year, in the market. Having l-ctu constir,-improved constir,-improved by the etiiplnyuient of the iuot skmed ic;enuitv of the a;e mi a- hunti-d capital, it is now diTestcd of all unacce-sarv" parts and pees4 All tho err Kitc-t Inventions and Improvements. It is the ony Mi-h;-soid on Honest Cistms. as all if. rarts are I'ra.-tioal and will Uo'aU tiats claimeJ l..r them. Some other Machines are Greatly Complicate! to i Lseless and Silly things, and thus are rendered Liasie to Constant Dcs ment. The Siuger Seidom or Never gives trouble, but is readUv iniciLj managed by thoe icAo utterly fail on other Machine. SINGER'S NEW MANUFACTURING MACHINES; Claim the same advantage over others of their class s- t!,e new Fami!v Mi I chines. These old and wcll-tned Si.-w.iig Machines are oppU'axblc to a:l'ki.: ! ct heaty and light v:orfacturing in Clo'hf. Levti.-.r. and run iu uioi pcilivt anj reliable manner without trouble to the opvraior. m,",10".1 ."' l,rvious adverti.-K.mtnt, the lcu.sui Ivr t ie SlNGii MACHINE is so Great that we haie l en j nab'.e to retain tien c Machine to (jaLi:. ALL SOLD, Lai A LAK'jE NCMBEK AKh" NO UN 1HK U Al" from New 1" ork, una WILL ARRIVE IN A FJEW DATS! They will consist of tho Hiu'creut Varieties made bv the Siiuvr ManulVr. ring t.'o;upany, and we shall isx-li at Eastern I'noes, with addition of Frc:: only, lo aoiviumodHie parlies who cannot pay a.l down, we wiu se.i on EASY MONTHLY INSTALMENTS So that all mtiy possess one of these .ir..js. dor the convenience of our Pa Irons we have eug.igod the services ol a fta'. nian who has had twenty years experience and is one'of the uiot skiiit'til eirt"-in eirt"-in the world iu n-painug and adju.-tius Sowmj Machines He wi;l rut Machine in comi.lele aud practical running order before it leaves the lu: tion and will also impart to piirch.isets ait needful iii.-truction. so that th.r at once commence work. No resort to no trickery whatever to s.!l S.-win; M.uhiiicv t .i; their Ureal Merits to ivcawncn I them. Vi'c can dj this, as the de-."-tor them is so great that although the Singer Company make more t-'-: all other lirst-class coiupanies couibiued. thev cannot neanv till their e-ii and are cjinpcllcd to still extend their Gigantic Works. Having been so fortunate- as to secure the GENERAL CENTRAL AGENCY I'or this Territory, we cxteti4 a cordial invitation M all to tvmc and see il- iMacliine.s, whether t hoy wish to buy or not. .SVr all others, htii" hu;i without tiiii c.eaininc the Sin:ier.' XV v. Cauarautoe lavci-j .Machine lVo Soil To give Entire Satisfaction. THE SINGER BUTTON-HOLE MACHINE Is tho only rraetieal one in the Woild, 1 i Otlior Sewing Miiohincs R.pvirj,l on Hjaso:i.ble TtTiiii MA.CII 1 N KS KOK SALE V I' T11K - RETAIL DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT ZION'S CO-OPERATIVE MERCANTILE INSTITUTION. II. R. I,AVS, Siipl- |