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Show INKLINGS. WHim Ross Wallace, the poet is renorted dying in New York, with delirium tremens. Dr. A. L. Acee, the tnnn who has bo long been trying to cultivate tea in Georgia, died a few days ago. Fechter and Davenport are to be presented to a New York audience in Home of Shakspeare's pUys, the two arti-ta to alternate in the principal parts of tbe sime play. Gen. ul. Jeff. Thompson, noted during tho rebellion, hits been sur-veyiag sur-veyiag the obstructions to navigation in the Red ILivrr, Louisiana, by order of tho Government A lady is oof studying divinity at Harvard and pursuing the same course with the male studrnts, though l.er came waa not admitted to the catalogue. Harry Leslie, a professional rope-walker, rope-walker, well known in Eastern cities, and who, like Blondin, performed the celebrated feat of walking ovr Niagara Nia-gara on a slack wire, while performing perform-ing in Washington, recently, fell a distance of thirty fact, receiving fatal injuries. John Abbott, of Koniska, Wisconsin, Wiscon-sin, is sixty-six yeard old, and tias a wife of twenty-two, who presented him with twins a boy and girl last week. He had tweuty-to children by a former w.fe, and these make the even two doz-n. A man named Elijah Slonse'l, of Monsou, Mass , recent y cught ttie small pox, and, ignorant of the fac, spread tbe disease in bis family. Hia wne, mother, and two children died from the effects within two weeks, audhe, loltaone, tue o!eocc;apautf his once happy home, became drs-pondeut, drs-pondeut, and was driven to suicide. A Western paper complains that ths only success of an oculist recently in its locality was in enabling the flats who consulted him to cut their eye teeth. Talbottom, Gi. Young American, states that an old negro woman in that town knocked her husband over witn a chair reetntly, for reluing to contribute to a fund for completing a Lew church. Have tho public been hoaxed? A relative of the late George Peabody informs m that bis body was buried at Westminster Abbey, and that toe great fuss in this country was over a substitute corpse. Boston Herald. The project of Professor Agassiz for making a complete collection ot the skeletons of all the domestic animals ani-mals for the Harvard museum is warmly commended in Germany. Carl Vogt, however, claims to have been the orig nator of tue idea. A Vrf y pronounced fLh story comis from Barry county, Michigan, where, we are "told" a monster resemi hi g a snake is residing in Harwood Lake. It is represented as being about tweu-ty tweu-ty feet long and from live to seven inches in diameter. It has been seen a number of times, once, last summer, sum-mer, by a Swede, who supposed it to be the devil. The other day hia snakeship was seen again by a boy, who was fishing at the tim6 and had quite a string ot fish lying on the bank. The boy says the snake cinie out of the water, and with one gulp swallowed fish, string and all, and then came for him, and he, not particularly partic-ularly wishing for such an associate, made trucks for a more congenial companion. "It ia eaid" that the teeth of this serpent are three or four iuches long. |