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Show OFFICIAL milECTOllY. Uuitol States Offlcor? for Utah. OoTonior-T. Wi1nn ShufiVr. 111. ",-ivUrv !f. A. Mhiiu, N.vsida. Mrh.il M. K. P;itri.-k, Nebraska, r rornv C. 1 lb-mi stead, Ctil. mm ln-lwn Aff.iir- J- K. TWteHutie, Miiui. furvev.ir-tienral 0. C. CU-menls, InJ. K-ciV'-r of I'uhlic Moneys J. B. Overton. Pa. Register of Laud Office tieurge K. Maxwell, (V Apcwor John P. Tacpirt, III. u' ?! Cnll.t-tor 0. J. Mi'lli.-HT, Cal. Cb'?f Justice C. C. Wilson, 111. jtifK.'iate Justices 0. 1. Sirickhuul, Mid., and C. M. lUwlt-y, 111. Territorial Officers. rl-;ate to CongrcsWm; If. Hooper. tttorm-v-General Zenil.-baUrl Snow. larohal J. D. T. McAllister. Auditor Win. Claytm. Treasurer James Ju"k. Superintendent of Common Schools Robert L. C3ipbcll. City Officers. , Mayor. Daulel II. Wells. Aldermen. 1st Municipal Ward, L-anc Groo. . j 2nd " " fcfamuel V Richards.. I 3rd " " A. II. Raleigh. ; 4th " " Jeter Clinton, j bth " " A. C. Fyper. j Councilors. R T Burton, Theodore McKean, Thomas Jen-kin-, Hcher P. Kimball. Henry Gmwr, John Clark, Thomas McLelland, John K. binder, Lewis Si Kill.- ' 'k ' j Recorder Role rt Campbell. ' i Treasurer Paul A. Schettier. ;-Mn?hal John D. T: McAUUreri..-. - . . Auditor of Public Accounts Robert Campbell; AH3ejior and Collector John R. Winder. Supervisor of Streets I-aac Groo. Surveyor Jesse W. Fox. Board of School Inspector? Professor J. R; Park. Kol-ert L. Campbell, Henry I. Doremns. j Staler of Weights and Measured Nathan Davis. Captain of Police Andrew Burt. I Water Master Isaac Groo. ; . . j Iusoctor of Uuihiing-r A. H. Raleigh. ' " Wood and Lumber fcl. Dinwoodey. " " Liquors Robert Campbell. " ' Provisions Jese C. Little. Qnnmntine Physician Jeter Clinton. Chief Engineer 1'ire Department John D. T. McAllister. Biard of Examining Physicians Doctors W. T. Aiierion. J. S. Ormsby, Jeter Clinton. , City Market Master Andrew Burt. " Sexton Joseph K. Taylor. " Stork Inspector II. J. Kaust. Siiperintendent Insane Asylum and Hospital ThecKloro McKean. Physician Ineano Aylum and Hospital Jeter Clinton. FENCE, VIEWERS. . 1st Municipal Ward Levi Riter. Jnd " ' Samuel Turnbow. 3rd " " Gideon H. C. Gibbs. 4th " " Milieu Atwood. 5th " " W. C. A. Smoot. |