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Show , . -IT The Soda laul Messrs. . xj. Pcrkins'and T. McDonald returned to this city on Friday night, from their Wyoming trip to locate the claim of the bi carbonate of soda, to which' reference was ma le on the Erst page of yesterday morning's Herald. The claim is at the place we designated, within a short distance say four miles of Independence Indepen-dence Piock, It is about sixty miles from the line of the U. P. R. It., and the crude soda will likely be transported transport-ed by steam-vagons to the railroad. The expense of transporting it to a market wiU be the greatest item to be deducted from the price realized in its sale, as there will be no difficulty in getting it. Like coarse salt ou Pome parts of the shores of Salt Lake, it has only to be loaded up, with a little trouble in cutting it like ice. It will be a valuable article-of commerce in this valley, as large quantities' will be in demand for fluxing and other purposes. We think Messrs. Perkins & Whit-iuey Whit-iuey have secured a good thing in locating lo-cating this claim, for there is a large body of soda at the place, glistening in the sun-light like sheets of ice, and waiting for the utilizing hand of man to bring it into market and make it valuable. |