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Show lll'SlNKSS OV THE SaMI'LINU Wohks, Following is tho usual weekly report of tho business done by iho Crushing and Sampling Works of Messrs. S. W. 1 lowland Si Co., for llio week just cUed : Salt Lake City, May 13, Us71. luli'lon Hniihl. Wo have crushed and sampled during dur-ing llio week, llio following amounts of oro, all of which has been carefully assayed, as-sayed, and iho most of it shipped west, as tho present ralo of freight east bus been so high that miners could not afford af-ford to send their ore in that direction. However, Mr Mead, of tho Omaha Smelting and lu lining woiks, has bought and shipped soiuo three car loads of bullion and oro within the week : Received : Six hundred and eighty-seven eighty-seven sacks, -1 1 , 7 t)S lbs, from tho lcs eret mining company of Tim ic. Tbi-oro Tbi-oro assayed over $500 per ton. Thirty-five sacks, 5,315 lbs, of Sunbeam Sun-beam .No. 2, from Mr. Pick's mine, al.-o from Tintio. Two hundred and eleven sacks, 100,-555 100,-555 lbs, from Mr. Young's mine, in Tintio. Seventy-one sacks, 4,333 lbs, from F. R Sickles' mine, in Fast Canon. Ono hundred aud fil'ty-ono sacks, 7,140 lbs; from Mr. Philips' mine, lo cation not stated. Thirty sacks, 1,5S0 lbs, from Mr. Bell, East Canon. Two hundred and forty Facks, 10,002 lbs, from the Sunnysido mine, care of J. P.. Meader. Thirty-eight sacks, 3,149 lbs, Cloride Point, East Canon, also for Mr. Meader. Two hundred and ten sacks, IS, 175 lbs, Last Chance mine, cousigncd to Messrs. Wallace & Gnffuh. Thirty-two sacks, 2,615 lbs, from G. W. Rose and liarstow, Tintic. Eight hundred and twenty-seven sacks, 73,487 lbs, copper, from the Mammotb mine, worked by Mr. Armstrong, Arm-strong, Tintic District. Two hundred and seventy-two sacks, 30,059 lbs, from the Sunbeam mine, also in 'J in tic, owned by Mr. L. I. Whitney & Co., and bought for us by Mr. Armstrong. Two hundred and twelve sacks, 15,350 lbs, from the Vallejo mine, consigned con-signed to Wallace & Griffith. Eighty-three sacks, 5,284 lbs, Webster Web-ster ore, sent to Mr. Gardner. Thirty-four sacks, 3,451 lbs, Xorth Star, Cottonwood, Mr. Bruncr, And 101 sacks, S.201 lbs, Silver Shield mine, for Mr. C. II, Swaine, Truckee, care of Mr. Meader. We have also received some bullion from the furnace of Mr. Thomas Whitney, Whit-ney, which we have no account of weight as yet. We have shipped to our firm in San I Francisco some live cars of ore; and j several have been shipped to Reno i and Truckee, for which Mr. William ! Gardner received the receipts. j Yours truly, I S. W. Howland &Co., ' Per L. B. Thurman. j |