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Show LEGAL Warner Earll, F. M. Smith. EAItLL &, SMITH, i ATTORNEYS AT LAW.j Salt Lake City. I Karit Temple Street, one door south of i aJj Godbe'a Slurc. JAS. (J . SPRATT, Attoruey-at-Law, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Office Four doors south of Salt Lake House. Attorney -ut-La -w, Office First South St., Fourth door east of Hooper, Eldredge & IS Co.'s Bauk. j 3. H. Hempstead, i. Kirkpatrick HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Attoineys-at-JLaw, Main Street, opposite Wells, Fargo & Co., SALT LAKE CITY. C. H. Hempstead, U. S. Att'y for Utah. 122 Z- SNOW. E. D. BOGE. SNOW & HOGE, Attorneys and Counselors at Law Salt Lake City, Utah. Offioe at Snow's corner, 1st East St MEDICAL Uo.Mioll Tibl.itJ, M.l. K.U; Siiumon., M.D DRS. TIBBITS &, SIMMONS, 1 Vii$t ntns and Sinycons, OiVu'o -lnnf of Mnin nnl Second South StrtH't, ovor HutlorliUl'a Store. Surgery in nil ii brmiclica Uoltctl H ;v W. F. ANlTHSGN. M.D. H.J. RICHARDS, M.D, Sui-tu'oiis and lliy wU ians, OtVioo. for tho present, ut their rpspectivo rosidtMioe in tho KUh niivl 17th W nrvis. DR. GROVES, OllUe South St., Suit l.nko City. 1 hreo doors W est ot' Kovore House, half .a block Hast ot the tilophi.nt Store. OVKK'K HOUKS F KitM i. A.M. TO P M. UU IP. X- 15 10 N l'i 1 I O T, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. OiTu-o at Kesulonce, rear of Soventies Hall. 0. C. OK MS BY, M.D. FUYS1C1AN, SUKGKOS AND DRUGGIST, oil UR1G1IA31 CITY, UTAH. HOTELS. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING 1I0TEL OF UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND, PROPRIETOR. This House is centrally and pleasantl located, lo-cated, well furnished, and has accommodations accommoda-tions for 150 guosts. o THE PROPRIETOR is now preparing to build large additions to his Hotal, whieh, when finished, will render it the Most Complete Establishment in the ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION ! mil illETEEE HOUSE, European X " 1 i . PEICE3 GEADED TO SUIT ALL. OUR RED COACH Free at the Depot for patrons. WH1TTEMORE &, DOUGHERTY. tt4 BANKERS. WELLS, FARGO & CO Express Forwarders, Bankers, and DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. I Drafts on Europe, and all the principal prin-cipal cities of the C'nited States. EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Promptly attended to. East Temple St., Salt Lake City. THE0. F. TRACY, Agent, mil 1OTISMMIK If UTAH, i (Successors to Hussey, DalUer dfc Co.) Washes Hussey, C. L. Bahleb, President. "Vice Prest. Anthony Godbe, Cashier. Salt Lake City, Utali 5 Also connecting offices at Ogden andCorinne, Utah, and Virginiaand Helena, Montana. j Dealers in I Gold Diist, Coin and Currency j Draw Exchange on New York, Chicago, St-Louis, Omaha, Denver, San ifrancisco, and all parts of Europe. ! Collections Promptly Attended To. I mU W. H. Hoooper, H. S. Eldredge, L. S. Hilla Hooper, Elcli'eclge & Co., BANKERS. East Tipple St., Salt Lake City, Dealers in Gold Dust, Coin, Exchange, Land Warranta, Etc Collections made and promptly remitted. CORRESPONDENTS : Rigga A Co., New York ; Bank of California, San FraDcisco; First National Bauk, Chicago; Ex-i Ex-i change Bank, St. Louis ; Firat National Bank, I Omaha ; J. S. Morgan k Co.. London. jn5 NOTARIES PUBLIC. A. S. COULD, ITOTlRV PUBTjIC and COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS for New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylva-j Pennsylva-j nia, Ohio, Illinois, Nebraska, Wy-i Wy-i oming, Montana, Nevada, I California, and other j States and Ter ritories. I 43- Minim Deeds, Agreements and Bonds j for Deeds, Mortgages. Powers of Attorney. Leases. Contracts and other instruments of writing drawn with accuracy and dispatch. a - Mlniug Companies Incorporated Incorpora-ted under the Laws of Utah. I East Temple St., near Wells, Fargo & Co., Salt Lake Citu. I jnll WATCHMAKERS.-PRACTICAL WATCHMAKERS.-PRACTICAL WATCHMAKERS. ELIASON & HAUERBACH, Next Door Eait of the Herald, I I Are workmen who not only ropair Watchea and Clocks but will make Watches to order in any desired style, or any part of them, j from a pivot or pinion to an entire Watch, I Work Executed on Moderate Termi CITY LIQUOR STORE, Keep constantly on hand, Wholesale and Retail, Choice Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest Rates. GROESBECK'S BUILDINGS) ni.7 East Templo Street SEWING MACHINES. REId Tills! T 11 K SEWIIACI In all the beautiful varieties SH0E3 EE SEEN BI EVERYB3DY ContemplaLing tho purchase of a Machine for family or other use. At our newly-fltted up Salesroom, Second Door South of the Kngle Emporium, Em-porium, between the Drug nml Clo-t Clo-t 111 Departments of Z. C. .11. I., will ; be found a Full Assortment of tlicse j Admirable Sewing Machines At Prices to Suit Everybody. THE 'SINGER SEWING- MACHINE NEEDS W PUFFING to commend It to the public, as the following J5r XZ3 "32 how: In 1850 these now celebrated Machines were first oOcrcd to the public and in the four years succeeding 4.0"0 were sold. Today To-day over that number are weekly turned t-ut from the factory, ani yet this immense supply sup-ply is nor equal to the demand. At tho end ot the year lSn7, upward of iiO.OH) Machines were soid. and in the then fallowing year;?, from 'cS to '7(t, the number had been increased to upward of 500,000 MACHINES SOLD, One third of which were disposed of wit hln tlie preceding, twelve months. From the foreening itwill be 3een that dur-inc dur-inc the Vast three years, the sales have oeen upward of fifty per cnt more than during the whole of the seventeen previous years, THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT, after a score of years thorough trial is that the JSC Xfc girCJSbS. SEWIHG E9AGHINE ia adapted to all kinds of work, sewing as readily the thickest and most stubborn material ma-terial as the finest and most delicate fabrics; with a stitch, that for evenesg, perfection and durability is unequalled. Accompanying each Machine are printed instructions, so plain and easy of comprehension comprehen-sion that, although we recommend customers custom-ers to take at least one lesson Irom the Op erator, it is seldom done purchasers seeing at a glance the simplicity of the Machine and completeness of the construction. Some of the ADVANTAGE S OF THE SINGER MACHINES ARE Simplicity of construction therefore less liability to get out of repair. Short, straight needle less liable to bend, break or skip the stitch. The shuttle is carried; friction, wear and the necessity of greasing the race are thus avoided. Readiness with which the most inexperienced inexper-ienced can adjust the tension of the thread. Freedom from wear. After twenty years constant service these machines have never been known to wear out. The; are noiseless, rapid and easy in all their movements. All our machines are adjusted aDd put in thorough running order, by corapetenthandp, before delivery. Purchasers therefore have no trouble, but can successfully operate with them at once. THE NEW BUTTON-HOLE MAOHI N E S are thoroughly practical and will perform all that we claim for them. The Improved MANUFACTURING MACHINES for heavy work, are too well known to need comment. We also keep in stock the New Medium Noiseless MANUFACTURING MACHINES Our stock of the Singer Sewing Machines is very extensive, nibracing every variety of finish, from the plain Machine, mounted on black walnut table, oiled, to the elaborately elabor-ately poarled Machine, witn cabinet case and folding o-iver in mottled black walnut, rose, wood, or manogany nignly polished. Every Machine is furnished with the same complete furniture, including the new hem-mer hem-mer (sewing all widths) and feller and braider. brai-der. We guarantee our Machines to do Hemming, all widths; Felling; Hemstitching; Hem-stitching; Braiding) Magic Ruffling; Embroidering (no chain stttchjj Gathering and Sewing on at same tlme,with or without a band, on the edge or inthe center; Cordlng;Tuck-igi Cordlng;Tuck-igi Qulltlngj Trimming Binding all widths and kinds, etc., etc., etc. Kemember the Mammoth Sign, SiSGER SMI MACHINES Two doors sontbjof the Eagle Em- WE DELIVER "MACHINES Without Additional Charge TO ILL PARTS OF THIS CITT WS- All kinds of Sewing Machines thoroughly Repaired on Reasonable Rea-sonable Terms. I ol H. B, CLAWSON.Supt NOTICE TO Persons Cutting: Timber on Government Lauds. VOTICE is hereby given to all person3 who j-1 bave been trespassing upon Government Govern-ment Lands in Utah, by cutting timber of any kind without au;hority. aad in no case has authority been given except in cases ot" houifcsteada and pre-emptions covered by D. a., where the p irtiei are authorized by law to :ut timber for their own ue ut'On their farms, and lor no other purpose, that they are remiro i without deUy to appear belore the Register and Receiver, aDd make payment thfirtfor, in accordance with instructions in-structions of Uorumis.Muner to Register and Receiver, dated Nov. 4, 1870. heretofore published pub-lished in the "6alt i.ake liera'd." Those failing to comply with this notice will be proceeded against in accordance with 1 law, as per circular uatcd Uec. 24, 1S55. aod the said instruction of Nov. 4, 1870. And those continuing to cut said timber without autnoiiiy will be prosecuted criminally. GEO. R. MAXWELL, Register G. B. OVEKTO.V, Receiver. al3 7BB GBrsrnC BENJAMIN UXKET. J01IX ALEXANDER, ALEX-ANDER, and all whom it may concern, con-cern, take notice that I will, on the 8th d:iy of May next, appear at the U.S. Land Othce in this the city of Salt Lake, Territory Ter-ritory of Utah, to contest the right of the above-named BeDjamin Hiskey, John Alexander, and all other persons, to the following fol-lowing land, to wit: N.W. quarter of Section 9, Township 1, SR, 1 W, containing l'O acres, ay HENRY RUDY. CONFECTIONERS. H. WALLACE, Has a chiici stock of the BEST CASDIES, ORANGES, KITS, FIGS, RAISIJiS, POP-CORN BALLS, PICKLES, SURPRISE BOXES, TOBACCO, CIGARS. Bread, C.-ackers and Pies fresh every day. C20 WOOD WOHKiNS, Thomas Latimer, W. H. Folsom, George II. Taylor, George Romney CHANGE OF FIRM. The Planing Mill, Sash and Door Factory Fac-tory of I"OIjSOM, nOMISETitiCo, Will hereafter de business under the nrm name of LATIMER, TAILOR & CO, Oft PU Of all sizes on hand and made to Onoil order. nnnOO Raised panel, moulded, sash UuUUv doors, largo store iloors, any thickness, size or kind, Ilur- nished to order. W1ND0V With stop?t beadg and sasht FRAMES compltiLe' CPAMPQ Panel frainea, plain doorand rnHivikO window frames. BLINDS Stationary and rolling elattei MOULDINGS FSS1tob?eh.h" travea and cornice. CI fifiRJn Ton8Tted and groove and r Lu U ill It U square-edge on hand and worked to order. I 1IWRS-R PIane(i oat of inde, to a LU III Okl I thickness, and ripped to any desired size. Planer and Circular Saws Running all the time. MINING DISTRICTS Supplied on short notice. Give us a call, or address by letter to Box 366 LAT1JIER, TAYLOR & CO., 29 One Block west of IabernacJo HELM30LD, APRIL, MAY, snd JUNE. PURIFY. THE BLOOD and BEAUTIFY TUB COMPLEXION DY USINO HEL.MUOLD'S CATAWDA GRAPE-JUICE PI r,LS AMD HELMBOLD'S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. In theSpring and Summormonths tho system sys-tem undergoes a change. This ia the time to use good blood-renew- ing.'purifying, and invigorating.medioines. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA SARSA-PARILLA ma HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT GRAPE JUICE PILLS ARE THE BEST AND MOST RELIABLE One bottle of Helmbold's Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla equals in strength one gallon of the sirup or decoction 'as made by druggists; drug-gists; and a wine-glas added to a pint of water equals the colebrated Lisbon iet Drink a delightful and healthful beverage. The'Grape-Juice'Pill isicomposed of Fluid Extract of Catawba Grape Juice and FLUID EXTRACT KHUBARB. Useful in all diseases requiring a cathartic remedy, and ar superior to all other purga-tiTei, purga-tiTei, such as salts, magnesia, etc. HELMBOLD'S GRAPE-JUICE PILL is not a patented pill, put up as those ordinarily ordi-narily vended, but THE RESULT OF TEN YEARS' EXPERIMENTING EXPER-IMENTING and ' GREAT CARE IN PREPARATION. SAFE FOR AND TAKEN BY CHILDREN. NO NAUSEA ; NO GRIPING PAINS, BUT MILD, PLEASANT, and SAFE IN OPERATION, TWO BOTTLES OF THE FLUID EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA AND ONE BOTTLE OF THE GRAPE-JUICE PILLS ARE WORTH THEIR WEIGHT IN GOLD to those suffering from BAD BLOOD, POOR COMPLEXION, HEADACHE, NERVOUSNESS, WAKEFULNESS AT NIGHT. COSTIVENESS, AND IRREGULARITIES and to those suffering from BROKEN and DELICATE CONSTITUT'NS IT WILL GIVE NE iV BLOOD, NEW VIGOR, AND NEW LIFE. THE CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS are done up with great care and in handsome bottles, and will surpass all those Tended in wooden boxes, and carelessly prepared by inexperienced men, comparing with the English and French style of manufacturing. All of H. T. HELMBOLD'S PREPARATIONS ARE PHARMACEUTICAL, NOT A SINGLE ONE BEING PATENTED BUT ALL ON THEIR OWN MERITS, r-BEPABED BT H. T. HELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Crystal Palace Pharmacy, 604 Broadway, N. T. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU HAS GAINED A 'WORXD-WIDE FAME. GR30ESIES. JUST ARRIVED Another Lot of that Choice GUNPOWDER Some of the old kind ! Which has been so scarce lately ! Lover, of Good Tea are requeued to try It before imrchaning ele-ivliere ele-ivliere . A FULL STOCK OF GrROGEEIES WHICH WK GUARANTEE TO SELL AS CHEAP A S ANY no USE IN UTAH CALL AND SEE! Gr. W. Bavis, AT THE OLD STAND. dS SPRING GOODS. s? w fl is h & TL J o o 3 a fsi r-i - a i Q i s BUILDERS. SHELDON a CO., Architects and Builders, FIRST EAST STREET, One and a-lialf blocks south of the Tlieatre. al5 R, R, MELROSE & CO,, Carpeniers and Builders, Frame Buildings delivered and put up in any of the Mining Camps adjacent to Salt Lake City. Shops in Commercial Street. m21 M H w eg i n SSZ EH O O M i HARDWARE. " ALL KINDS OF ASSAYER'STOOLS At CAI,L.AIIA'S. ao 0. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All kinds of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron and Ktetl, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Agricultural Implements And Mining Tools, At Lowest Rates. OPPOSITE SALT LAKE HOUSE - BATHS, BATHS! Warm Spring Baths ! Private and Plunge. These celebrated batbs are open to the public at all seasons. Their rredicinal properties are so wiselj known that it is needless to enumerate them. Besidee the Prixate Baths, the large and handsomely handsome-ly tarnished Plunge B&tlis tor Ladiea and Gentlemen axe now open. lit AliOJ-). BI7 SAN FRANCISCO TRACE. j. i:vi:jsirixi a co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS 48 Clay St., Sun FmncUco, DEAIKHS IS OKKGOA' PRODUCE. Are coufltactly in receipt of Ore0" Haina, Hacon, LuT'l, cjiIhioii, Ac, Starcli, of our mwa an-l Kan tern manufacture a! wh b on lint J. GRAY, JONES, a G3. IKPOT OT T1IK SANTA CRUZ TANNERY isufacti;kke3 or OnU .olc It-nl her. 418 BATTERY ST., SAX FRANCISCO fl'J T O aS I a a & CO., IMPORTERS OF AMERICA, EXCLISII, FKEXCH AND GEHJlaX FANCY GOODS, Small Wares, Poclxt Cutlery, Perfumery, Yankee Notions, Stationery, Dress Trimmings, White Goods, HiUinery Goods, Hosiery, Linen Wdkchfi, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc Con Sulttr and Sansome Sts., SAN FRANCISCO. J29 A. J. GRIFFITH, Dealer In ETT all kinds of PICKL.ED eft) feMOIiEr) SALFflCN AMD HERRINGS, 123 "VVasiitngton Street. All kinds of Dried, gmoked atd Pickled Fih Conatautlyon hand. j4 COMMISSION MERCHANTS 204 and 206 California St.. San. Fraiictsco, - - California. Particular attention paid to the fining of orders for every description ol merchandise, n'23 Sale of Ores, A.C., ttc H S JT 1850. CASTLE BROTHERS, IMPOR.TSH.S WHOLESALE GROCERS, 313 and 315 Front Street. u6 CHETffillY, SOUTHER & CO,, Importers and Jobbers of FOUE1GX AAD DO-HESTIO BRANDIES, WINES, AND LIQUORS, 3X1 Clay Street, San Francisco. jyl9 A, C, DIETZ & CO., IMPORTERS OP FIsTS, OILS, Vamishesand Lamps, So. 224 FR0XT STREET. Bet. Sacramento & California, San Francisco A. C. Titcomb, Geo. II. Williams. TITC03ID . & WILLIAMS, Manufacturers, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Every Description of Jewelry, SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE Also Agents for the celebrated Howard, El gin and American WatcJies, 840 Montgomery, S.E. cor. Pine, Up Stairs, Sau Francisco, Cal. All orders from th. Territories promptly filled. a 104 and 106 FRONT STREET, SAX FRASiCISCO, CAL. Offer the finest and most complete stock on the Pacific coast. Refer to H. B. CLAWSON. Sun'tof a4 J, BAUM & CO., Importers and Manufacturers of iviES'Sk SOY'S CLOTniNS 222 Sansnme St., Snn Francisco. 43 Murray bt., Kew York. f9 M. KELLER, Proprietorof the Risinir Stin and Ixw Aneelea Vineyards. Vine-yards. Dtixtt fur tiiewiie of his NATIVE VlNtS Aii3 ERAN3IES M. KELLER CO., Comer of Battery and Waaliiiiytou Streets, San FrancUco, - - - California. Angelica XV Ine, P M or n ilo V1 ne, White Madeira Port ' Vlu Kitten, Sherry tirapc ltranty. All oar Wines nnl Brandy Kim rati tevd strictly pure, and over t lint years old. "3alt Lake City Corporation, Zion's Co-ojieratiTt Mercantile Iustitnti":i, dUn& C-., .'.lilLikt-Citv, D. 11. Peerv, and ft O.., Oc-J'-n. k-p our winea forsaie. ItlCHAKD GOODIU.XD, A ;tiitp fait Lake City. 3. P. Holdcn. Jas. Moorhead. S, P. KCLDEN & GO., JXrOKTEKS Ot FOREIGN DUY GOODS, Linen9, Dress Good3, Hosiery, &o. 28 & 30 SAXSOilK ST. London ; 27 Lcadenhall St.. E.C. o5 EINSTEIN B33S. & CO., Importers and Manufacturers of BOOTS AND SHOES OF EVERY STYLE AND KIND. 113, 11S, and 117 Pine Street, SAX FPlANCISCO. Our Home-made Goods are vnequahd ly any, Samples at ?Ir. Goodliind's Office, o5 S.LT LAKE CITY. WEIL & CO., IMPORTERS 07 Cigars and Tobacco Proprietors of the HAVANA CItiAK AiA'UFACT0R"S 221, 223 and 225 Front St., Southwest corner front & Sacramento Sts,, 1 06 |