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Show TEIEGRAHS. R?; (irTed pp'vinlly for Hie Salt Lakk TJemald by Western Uniou 'lek.-rraph. LISHTOQ FLASHES. Judge Barnard, of New York, has refused the injunction to prevent the registration ot si .millions of Erie bonds. The Sunday school convention has resolved against sectarian appropriation appropria-tion of public funds by congress, and the exclusion of the bible Irom public schools. The steamer Merrimac is detained at quarantine in New York, although' the brought a clear bill of health. More Chinamen have gone to Massachusetts Massa-chusetts to work at shoeniaking. The Atlantic and Pacific railroad bill was discussed in the senate and laid aside. The bill to reduce internal taxes was debated and several amendments afrrct-d to. The House has passed the bill for the construction of the bridge over the Missouri, spans to be 300 ieet wide. A bill to reduce the number of internal in-ternal revenue employes was made the special order for next Wednesday. It repudiates informers and spies. Van' Horn has introduced a bill for a narrow guage mountain railroad from a point on the Union hacific railroad near Echo c ty to the mouth of Cottonwood Cotton-wood canon, which was refe red. Congress had a warm time over a a debate on the veto of a bill for the renewal; of lloliin White's postal patent. Farnsworth accused Butler of fraud, and Beniepiied wi h insinuations insinua-tions of Farnsworth's striking like a coward and assassin. Seventeen deaths have occurred from the late railroad accident in England Eng-land Two excursion trains collided near Newcastle, England, on Wednesday. Nobody was killed; several were wounded. More development have been made in the Paris conspiracy- The crops thioughout the United S;ates promise well Fruit distillers can give bonds for double the amount of the tax on the capacity of their stills in thirty days, but the bond will not be less than S.iOO, and they will be taxed $500 a year. The mason' in Cuba, recently arrested, arres-ted, t ave oecti released on bail. I he Go ernor of St. Thomas has issued a O; ocamation against placing the island under the protection of Penmaik. The Windward Islands have had several sheens of earthquake. A tidal wave at Guadaloupe covered cov-ered a large extent of country, and w hen receding dragged vessels lar out to sea. Starr, the Fenian, is indicted for a breach of the neutrality laws, and will he tried im Monday. Lessens, the Suez canal engineer got a banquet in Liverpool last night. Queen Victoria eats a state break-fist break-fist this morning on the lawn of Wind-tor Wind-tor Park. Moses Bailey's carpet works at Win-I Win-I throp, Me , was burned jn Wednes- day; loss $'JO,000. j Mi rrih of Vermont, grew ironical in ! the senate on Wed e.-day, and recommended recom-mended the p ssage of a bill authorizing authoriz-ing railroads to be built anywhere by anybody, and granting for the purpose ail the lands not already taken up. The senate laughed and tejected the proposition. Many French vessels have gone to to the Black sea for grain. A flei t of Spanish friga'es and corvettes cor-vettes 1 ft Cadiz on Tuesday, destination destina-tion unknown. The legislature of Connecticut refuses re-fuses to strike the "white" from the s;a;e constitution. |