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Show THE Salt Lake House, F. LITTLE, Proprietor, Is Open for the Reception of Guests GOOD ACCOMMODATION. TO ADVERTISERS. Tiie Salt Lake Herald Has a good and rapidly extenrtiiip subscription list; is bold at all the uewti stauds and by curriers . and is circulated od the Utah Ceutral, Union Pacific and Central Pacific Car.i; offering excellent facilities to adm-timr desirous de-sirous of bringing their businoai beter the pnblic. GRIZZLIES ! GRIZZLIES! GRIZZLIES! XT one having homes or cattle with broken -:- limbs or killed by accident, can find ready aale for them, if they arc cleanly dieted, at the. Salt Lake Menagerie. Townsencl House, JAMES TOWXSKXD, Proprietor 3, FIIIST CLASS AOCOUilODATICWS EOR TRAVii.RRt. JCE, ICE, ICE! SALT LAKE ICE COMPANY, Established Jan. 1, I860. Ice deliTPi-ed daily in nil parto of the city, in any quantity and at rates to suit the timoa. A constant supply guaranteed. J. R. CLAAVSOX, - - Agent. Depot mt Clawson's Ice Cream Saloon, First South St., where there i always a nopply ot Ice Cream, Strawberries, Summer Drinkn. Cakes, and Candies of the best quality at the lowest rates. TIIIRKIIili &DARL FASHION" ABLE Merchant Tailors, Constantly replenish with the choicest choi-cest Cassimere Testings, &o. ADDRESS: Main Street, Ogden City. AND 1st SoutJi St. Salt Lake City. C II A XI F A G N 33 OX DHAUGIIT (it the Salt Lake Billiard Room. OGDEN HOUSE, Main Street, Ogden, Utah. rTIIS farorito IIouo. harinc bron recently rono-I rono-I vated. a d J'urnifdiod throughout with patent Spring lied, the proprietor I'eeU cnnihlent in being able to givo entire nti!;.cti..n to Lay Bnardfiri, Families and the traveling community, at a reasonable rea-sonable price. The table is supnlicd Iroin both the alitornia and homo market?. A hack will run to and from the track to carry passengers to the hue free of charge. Attached to the house lis a tine bar and soda fountain. JOHN MAHON. LOOK I-IEUE ! Choice Poultry, Rabbits, For nit at d imported to n-"rter. A few choice Kgga for s&l. Scwingr Machines BosgM, lold. eicharifc and cleanup. Half a bloek vast of (ha post oflice. JAME? TUOHJON. ' "S33a. MS AD! HEAD! , lltf, Zion's Co-operative L-'- MERCANTILE -INSTITITK V to d j"'isn ELDUEDGE & CLAWSOX JLJUILDIIVGS lv :f "' Groceries, Hardware Liontc AT RETAIL! kK 'licui'-om 'licui'-om the This I'cpaitnicnt is supplicdwith an immense Stock of i Staple & Fancy. Groceries, Hard"wa!?& V,,i"li";'' loot', Agricultural Jmpkments, Quemxwnre. GJnssicare, Tinv. Stovts, Reapers, Mowers, JJorsc and Hulky Jiakra, j 'l"1 ...... f;, the And Other Machinery . iii'si Our assortment includes a large variety of artieles not generally f nl 'L'n stores, hence we are induced to offer them at retail to meet a public -Jcu1'1' J which has been heretofore unfilled. We shall continue to supply the 'by e ' trade at our u-ual low prices, and an inspection of our stock canw. satisfy the closest wholesale or retail buyer that it will be to their ink-' r"1N'' make their purchases at the '' .Grocery Department, Z. C. M.I." jFI?riie' imlers -: " II. J3. CLAWSO. S'.'enl di: . , ;,.,r,!lv DINWOOBEY'S" UPHOLSTERY ' AND " ' FURNITURE KANUFACT'Y, 1st South Street, Salt Lake City. SAliE ROOMS, " , EAST TE3IPLE STIIEET, A Large Assortment of IIOME-IaADE and IMPOP.TZD . FUEXITURE . Constantly on hand. COFFINS, PLAIX and ORXA3IEXTAE Always in Stock. XATIOXA ffi FLAifeph I Jt'st 'foultrv FOR LIBERTY POLE jft I Disc Ugol HOUSES OF BUSIE8 ; its exi I quint' j the m Military Flags,' mit I . An 1 lnss a Ti'gimental and ("ompany Co! Vnct Intaiitry, Cavulry arrJ Artiiie' hinu'lr-li Bunting and other 1111; Si made to oidtr I y : that : i (ar f 1 MVS 1 The Pioneer Flag 31a';! mAi S ;J'! !'ws James Mlk- i p! drin' Salesman at I Cvcr j Crei Zion's Co-operativfi Mercantile!: CJSt tution. 1 ij . , iti LUMBER FOE THE IMIOIj: Utih Lunihur bftter and cheaper than any imported. i : sor S WIILIIAMgl . D0;;s Are prepared to furnish the inhabitants of Salt Lake City and vie" t0 with a fir.-t class article of Lumber, cheaper than ever before offered to the pa; nif ' Having a large supply of every kind on band, and our mill running in :, e best grove of timber in Utah, we will furnish Lumber, at the following rates. C. C. E.K.- Depol: ,j W All kinds of Plank, Scantling, Joist, Flooring, Beams, Rafters, Inch Ia j -'. and Sheeting, at $37 50 per tliou.-and. iir . Me First class Flooring, Finishing Lumber and Picketing, at $ 12 50 per thouss- -, Parties requiring a bill for building will do well to give us a call, as wef 8' furnish a general bill of lumber cheaper than any other house iu the line, j ALL KISDS OF PAY 1 'AKEN AT MARKET RATE- f Eggs, Butte'r, Flour, or other productions of the farm. Also, Stock of t u kind, Sbeep. Cows, Work Cattle, Wagons, etc. Store pay j s at cash rates, or even cash itself not refused. i SIIIXUB-IX CIIEAFElt TSSA ETEB, ' On good security we will also give time on part payment for large orders, j We shall open a lumber yard in Sait Lake City in a few days. j All communications to be addressed for the present to j , .losliua Willi:iiuv& , L , " Weber Station, U-P. R- I FOURTH OF JULY ! FAAglLS! Ae have just received a fine lot of French Fa ra sols, purchased direct,' plain, fancy, brocade and headed, in all tho various pleasing shades. j AIJ.O, A few of those choice, large sized Perfumed Han -lied Parasols. A lot Gingham and Cotton ditto, at low figures. I Zion's Co-operative Mereantile I itit,i Retail Dry Goods Department, Eagle Emporium. |