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Show Latest News B Y7ELEGR Aril LASTS JGUT. USTDlJsJU FIG TIT AT GREEN RIVER!! The "rplon" stores Captured. Tlie Breali in the 1" rcnel cable! Christians turning Jews in Austria! Expetced riot In Chicago! Proposed palace Hotel in Chicago! GENERAL. IXDIAS HGIIT. (By Deseret Tt'lcgrnpli.) Lopan, TJtih, C. Three Indians frora Bear Lake last n-ght rep rt. tb .t a fiyht bad taken place np; r Green, river between pome whites and Sno-shot Sno-shot es cooibintd against the Chey ennes. CHICAGO NEWS. (Ry W. U. Trlcsraiil..) Chicago, 5. Potter Pdmer nn nou. c.j8 tint he will co-nm- Dee on July 1st to erect an irnm-nse ho'el lieaiiLg bis name, on thy corner o' State rnd Monro" streets, eight s o lies high, to (Ontain seven hundr d and fifty rooms. It will cost with 'hw ground two millions and a baif, and wiil surpass in style aud elegance any hotel vet bui t, either in this couu'ry or Eur pe. The Miction Central and Michigan Michi-gan South., rn ra. 1 oads, with their respective connection-, announce a reduction o: fi st'cl su fa-e from here to New York to twenty dollars. THE FRENCH CABLE. New York, G. The steamship Robert Lowe, built by the Fr nch cable ca-ble compmy expressly for t tie ski vice of that emerprise, b-aves Kugland to morrow to pick up Rnd iveuir the . lm broken b- tweou Daxbury und St. Pierre. Tue precise a.yt i.t which this lii.e h s given way vns ascer-a ascer-a ned iudcpeudeutly at Duxlmry and S .Pie re,' the operators agreeing in the locati n within lbs space of I ss th.;m a mi'e. After repairing the fiiw in the F-ench line, the Lowe vill proceed and take up and restore the broken i English cable of LSd4, off the northeast north-east coast of America. The fcun states tliat F.sh will soon be succeeded in the state department by Senator Morrill, of Maine. WASHINGTON NKWS. Washington, 6 T.'ie premature promulgation of Bank.' majority re port in favor of neutrally b-twe.cn the Spanish authorities an the Cuban insurgents in-surgents seems to hare gotteu up a counter movement to sustain the administration ad-ministration in the cnirse heretofore pursued. It is announced that a mi nority report will soot be presented by Judge Orth, in whici the position of the adm nistration :n the matter will be sustained and its iction vindicated. A communication 'rom Vienna states that since the pub cation in Austria of the laws on r.igious liberty, a strange movement has arisen iti the population of that ity. In the course uf less than 'wo y :irs about 6S0 per-sons per-sons have abjured Christianity tor the Jewish faith, and these persons are on i the increase. I FROM nilCACX Chicago, f). The Times Washington Washing-ton special has a table prepared at the treasury department, giving a lUt of states which secured less than their proportion of national bank circulation under the existina laws, together wilh the balance to which each is entitled. Accoidine to the statement und.r ti e old law California wasentitled to three millions; Utah to a hundred and two thousand, and Washington territory to eighty-two thousand. The list says the states are entitled to aa additional twenty live millions bank circulation. Bv the house bill to be considered this week, California's proportion, based on the last census, would be five hundred and sixteen thousand, Oregon's Ore-gon's nearly sixty-four thousand. Utah's forty thousand and Washington Washing-ton territory's fourteen thousand. The municipal election to-day is the absorbing sensation. Extraordinary Extraor-dinary precautions are taken against a riot, and the police force is increased. A battalion of marines will be held in reserve during the day. |