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Show rici.vr.DnuxTORY. riiM si:-''" ,,li'"'"'5 for ,:i"h- , rrT. Wil-n SI.-.ff.T. 111. ,' vs. A. M "" NfViuln. io.-C H. Honl C,.l. , i fr,--l K Touni'lK'lto, Minn. . :;; ;"n'. c. cu-....-...-.. v,lr of Fnlil" M...,..vS I. I!. Overtoil. P. ,!cr of Land Olli.-c lioorgo K. Maxwell, 4wor-J"lin I'. T;rart. 111. rolliTliir 0. J. IMlistor. Oil. Ill,ij,-..C C. ViHon. 111. iu-..'-.-0. StrU-klanJ, Mich, and Uwley, 111. - Territorial Of)l'T. Ueto ConirrP-".1I;"''",rer- ,al ,1 D. T- "li'AlhMer. m:.u. Clayton. arer Jainew Jaek. inlendeut of Common Schools Robert L. 1L City Officers. MiTOE. . II. Wells. ALPXltMlX. 1 . nicipal Ward, Iaa- Oroo. . " Samuel W. RicharJl. - J .j " " A. II. Raleigh. " " Jeter Cl.litun. T ' ' A. C. 1'J per. COUNCILORS. ilnrton, Triondnre MrKean, Thomas Jen-. Jen-. I- er P. Kimball, Henry Grow, John Clark, , -m. ; McLclktU'i, John R. Winder, Lewis S. K 'er Robert Campbell. Ti - -er l'atil A. S.-bettler. Mar-! il John D. T. McAllister. ,,.)..,.r of Public Acioiints Robert Campbell. . r.iir ami Coliortor John R. 'iVin.Ier. - -i?or of Streets Isaac Groo, - -ur .lease W. Fox. I . i of School Inspectors Professor J. R. , V .Lert L. Campbell. Henry I. DoremiH. J( of Weiirhis and Mcasu: ej Nathan Davis, i - n of Police Andrew Hurt, v ,. - Master I-aae Oroo. ..- tor of Bmhl.n;." A. II. Raloijth. " V,'.od and Lumber II. Dinwoodey. " Liquors Robert Camp!ell. : " Provisions Jesse C. Little. 0 ,- Aitine Physician Jeter Clinton. ; Engineer Fire Department John D. T. ' i'l'ter. i Examining Physicians Doctors tt. F. I -j. J. ri. Ormsby, Jet'.r I'lipton. '. a -ket Master Andrew Burt. - xtou .Joseph E. Taylor. ' -:"ck Inspector II. J. Faust. J; a .ntendent Insane Asylum and Hospital T t I- ? McKean. I'M: urn Insane Asylum and Hospital Jeter r:i- L PEXCZ VIEWERS. r '. nicipal V'aru Levi R'ter. V " " Samuel Turnbcw. , . " CidMii II. C. Uil.ua. 'u " " Milieu Atwood. ' " " W. C. A. anioot. T. & W. TAYLOH, '' 'I S t- of East Temple Street, Salt Lake- City, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, A. iii a General Assortment of Merchandise. MARSHALL, & CARTER, Uonteys and Counselors at Law, sa:.t lake city, utah. i' L.M.r. -The - : y t t:d ; o C y lemist, Assayer, etc. - JpIawfson'B Restaurant and Ice lasonth l!rnt, a few doors west of l f W A 3f T E I. tl Advertiiements uml'-r this head, occupying noi more llian lour hoes, FIFTY" CENTS each insertion. in-sertion. "W'a.nfe:l Several thousand sensible sensi-ble people to buy groceries and provisions provis-ions cheap, at STUBBS ' KlRKWOOD S. Vautetl A coil portable Tfouse to rent, within a coup'e of blocks of Main street. Address "C. P.," Herald Her-ald office. "Wanted Any person with several voting piss to sell can find a purchaser by inquiring at the Herald olEee. For Rent A House in ths 20th ward, on South Temple street, two blocks east of Dcswet Neics office. Canvassers Wanted Several energetic canvassers can find employment employ-ment by ca.ling at the Herald ofi.ee. WATCH SALE i WATTTTES, PATENT LEVER 3I0VEMEXTS, FC7LL JEWELED, HUNTING CASE, STERLINO SILVER, Beautifully engraved, and in every respect first-class Timers; to be sold at Five Dollars ! each, being less than three fourths the cost of Manufacture. Tliee AVa robes nrf r.si. ..; J'i'-e!-rs t f.o. 515'itT S18 ; the actual cost to manufacture heine Kiiriit dullars each. This xtock of Vatji1e3 vrts purchased v.t Bankrupt Bank-rupt t-iiiia in Lor.dtir:, aad are now orlereri at sucli extremely low fiuures that vll may possess a correct Timekeeper Time-keeper at a merely nominal sum. Evety AVatch warranted for two years. Parties ordering them sent by mail must enclose :i0 cents etra to pre-pay postage. Blor.c-y enclosed in a well sealed letter may be sent at our risk. This is no "gift enterprise," therefore there-fore have no circulars, but a regular sale of Watches at a very low discount. Address all letters to COWARD HALE & CO., 110 Bridge street, Brooklyn, N. Y. mhtlii muilm If you want G OODS Cheaper than ever sold before in this City, call at the Sign of the A Full Stock of Groynes and a ATariety of ether Goods. FASCI0NABLK I TIercliiint Tailors, Constantly replenish with the choicest Ciissiraeres, Vesting?, ic. .ir ADDRESS : V Main Strt, Ogdon Cit, lit South Sirt-t. !ilt LV Citr. THE SALT U : Publislied every morning, except Monday, Mon-day, at OJd Constitution Buildings, East Temple sr., Salt Lake City. TERMS : 1 Year, $S 00 6 Months, 4 00 3 2 00 1 " 75 1 week, . 25 Invariably in Advance. VM. C. C UK BAR, Business Manager. GREAT COMBINATION. OF Antiquities AND NOVELTIES AT THK AND MENAGERIE. Half a Block A"est of Prest. B. Young's residence. TEE FINEST COLLECTION or mm ANIMALS & BIRDS, HOME PRODUCTIONS, HOME MANUFACTURES, INDIAN RELICS, FOREIGN CURIOSITIES AND COINS EVER EXHIBITED in the Rocky loiautaifiis 5 TOGETHER with the Happy Family, Whuh consists of two varictie of MONKEYS, DIXIE QUAILS, BLUE CRESTED JAYS, PAROQUET, DOA'ES, DOG AND CAT, AND A NATIVE SAGE RABBIT, ALL LIVING TOGETHER IN TEE GREATEST FELICITY IMAGINABLE! TEE RAZOR 111 A 7 SHVAED IS A II IT ?tI CAN ALSO EE SEEN EERE Open every day, except ex-cept Sunday, from 9 a. in. to ( p. m. Admission 5() cts. Children, 10 " Feeding Time, 3 p. m. Families and Schools ITalf ' the Iual Price. H. HOOriE, H. . SLDUDGI, L. 8. HILLS. HOOPER, ELDREDGE&CC, i BARKER East Txmtlji St., Salt Laeji Crrr, DEALERS IN GOLD DUST, COIN, EXCHANGE, LAND WARRANTS, ETC. COLLECTIONS MADJS AND PROMPTLY REMITTED. CORRB8PONBINT RIGG8 CO., NXW TORK., BANK OT CAL., 8 AN fRANCHKW, FIRST NAT'L BANK, CHICAGO, EXCHANGS BANK, T. LOUIS, 1'IRSTNAT'l BANK, OMAHA. Dr. W. H. Groves, SURGEON AND MECHANICAL DENTIST. TEETH FILLED mm GOLD AND WARRANTED NOT TO ACHE FOR TEN OR TWELVE YEARS. TEETH INSERTED ON THE DIFFERENT PRECIOUS METALS, FROM A SINGLE TOOTH TO A FULL SET, PRICES RANGING FROM $40 TO $2C0 PER FULL SET. SATISFACTION WARRANTED IN ALL CASP3. OFFICE: On Ud South Ftroet, 3 door west of Revere House, Salt I At Citj |