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Show Gi:i:iiAL. partial Rp' oT he T'" tth. Washington, 13. The bill rv-. m" passed by Conere-s, pr:.vil;ilt- It partial renexi ot ihe f-t ovh. vr1! n ui the ease of porsout eioc'cd to ,.t.oe who were engage. in tho) Ml.i ni 1 a: not UObr Cjtlsf.tUti.'Ual .li-q lal 5 lion-, has bo. n in ban 1- of :.e I're-ident eight U-ci-lattvc oay-i c n-st.pieniiy n-st.pieniiy t.vui orrow tic b..l . ! Is come law. Tbore have b - runi' rs in crcii at: ",. 4 , ; i,e r ial if :;;'.:)-ti.,0 :;;'.:)-ti.,0 of the Pre-sid. i.t, an i wi.il., Has b. en ure-i to s.ga u. v-ry n r L'tic" remon-'an- b.'ive r :r a; manv S 'U'hern in- n ' r-. 1 ;.e . r -latem-M 1- to th- t .- ,. lias o..; !-.,n . w.. t.. a , aa. r ;...; v ' 1 , slt-a ih' lre.-, i r ,'. I t-J' --' the 1" i ." 1 " :y ' ' i. 1 :-s ;i :.. -' e-t oath u'. 1' r en-. : : T 1, 1 thor.cb-. box- v.-r. ::. :- .. :--u-n- 1 an 1-itio" ' , News was recr-'d hue bet 1 t 'htt it wl-. i-i in,;- ' '.-' 4 .. i R-.-e to r.e U .' -"' - I :ii!vl.'0 te -fk" ', I' -I 1- !- ' !- - 1 iw. cn the I j .s. : t.- . , : I ld,e Du.e ol I',. re , r :. e i' I of A-e-.e :.- ..: t, ; a- y : . . I :-:;:.! d m t - l r, It I -he c ;..n. s-t r, . . r. : : 1 so.ss-lon a t ! ) ) -: f .' ; - r' ' v- ... r t r. ' ' ' e .. -an-.s H.-i 1" '' ! B mari ar.i L -i I--'- -j arr.ie tn re at.ul ti e t I rilx John 1U ta JA tt s-.-t Poeltss Drad. I N,w r:-rk. :3 Alice Cry. the wfh known pe:ess. died :n this c::v MisT aVia iVihlndnV Strike Endtd. -ttTr tne rr:.-; cf era. in :h:- :l:y wa t;.n. f in&llc isl. The Seere-aT- of the Trea-u-y cx--e-s ;ne new .ran. and :s ;n rece:L: e-tiss-s o: b Qitt-d States securities wiii 1 ' ajerceacne-i an enhancvd vaiae. Tne ; H -,-,.fr nnnc.ai artie.e this rmominc says that the a: pain:n.e:.t o: a h:. h , et.'cisst'D ry tn:s g. vtrnn.et.: :o so:-; he the A -il mi i e.a:nis and the e.;her : u;st:?ns a: issne be'.ween t:io twe ; a- ' tiers. Las had 3n er.c: giv.t c at: im- ' tr.-vrd toe of Ce.nriat nr- in f oa-K-lal ; c.rcl -s: atii that there is abx.d..uce o; ! -an-iiee t'atid-. and the pr-'spe.-rs f Loa:w-.. re-ceov:ne snbsrietions u ;hc u---w jeaa an i carrying out his prrt-"innae prrt-"innae e.f Idndini: the hve twenties i nave given a powerful stini has ;o in- j ves;me-nts in r;ivemti:en: and o:h.-r ti:; class secu;a::es. Tne imn-cssi a j is gluing irrjund hat anairs wi.l im- I prove Lu;h here and in Earripe. and 1 that capitalists are more d:sposcd to make invcsimenis. I Tlw CubftU Claims Washington. 13. Gen. Sicke's telegraphs tele-graphs the s'a:e department that the! negotiations for a mixed commission to ' cousiderihe daims fir inju-ies to per- ! sons and property during the insurrec- I tion in Cuba have been c included, and that a messenger is on his way to this city with the eorre-pondeuee. Arizona Deftaie Fund. San Francisco, 13. A bill has been intridu.-ei into the Ariz ma lceisiaturo to issue Territorial bonds for $ 'o.i. D-e.i. to raise a fund for defending the settlements set-tlements from Indians. Arizona News, The Governor of Sonora has declined, on technical grounds, to surrender the Mexican murderers who escaped from Arizona, on the requisition from Gov. Saflord. ' The Apaches stole a hundred and ten cattle within five miles of Tucson, and attacked the hay cutters on the Pima reservation last week. Old Post OilU-iul read. New Vork, 13. Assistant Postmaster Postmas-ter Taylor dropped dead at bis residence resi-dence last evening. Deceased was seventy-one years old, and bad be'en connected wnb tlie post office t'or fifty years. San Fraaclsco 'en s. Pan Francisco, 13. The premium of jo, 000, lor the best plan for the new City Hall, is awarded to Augustus L.-ver, of Fuller & Lrver, New York, architects. Tho s!catn-hip Wlltim Taber has just arrived from the lower coast, with a large number of passengers, but has anchored iu the stream not coming to the wharf, and sent for the harbor p. lice. On the trip up the coast Wells, Fargo et Cos express agent was robbed, and the police are wanted to arrest the robbers. A detachment have gone aboard. |