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Show LOCAL NEN'S. Car. Tk it. -There is a messace at the Docret Telegraph office for J. 3 Mu-t inland cooking , wsh-, wsh-, and ironin?. Applvat Mr. U h.t-!rZ. h.t-!rZ. n the -Ninth Ward. adv 16 - - -- v'tiBA Fa XT a will cleanse, purify, ! out of the system, through ration of tbo be-wels, skin and allimpunues of the olood, also 1 " ".'."th broken down system, and ''""it back to its natural health aeain. 'rF T V:ebv.U DrusrgUu. KBDriiso-v KBDriiso-v Hostettkr & Co. agents, .No. oJ I'I Market street.San i'raneisco. adv verr.K got np for parties on rea?on-'Jle rea?on-'Jle notice, at J. R. Clawson's. advjl3 Koes stylish pair of Psnt3 go and see II h,rl Groesbeck's Buildings, Second IJK0BD3 ON Hand. Messrs. Harlan, Har-lan, Ivory k Co. have received a copy of the Records of the Big Cottonwood .Mining District, and abstracts from the original records of the Mountain Lake District, which are ready for inspection. inspec-tion. See their advertisement. Hr.nr.KAN's Gkxuixc Cod Livf.r (III.. For Uon3uuiition, Scrofula, liar (.'i(l Livi-r Oil is warranted pure S K II WU.NULAN D OIL. It has stood cio tost of over' twenty years' eiper-ii-Ncr, and can be relied on in every par-'. par-'. 1 ular. anufuetured by Ukghmax 4 (Jo, Chemists and Druggists, .New York, and sold by all Druggists. l'lmsiiAS Cauitulatud, but Carl 11. -Willisana still continues to sell his iitut slock of jewolry, watehes, clocks '"1 oiliur articles at his sploudid etore in .Uhui street. adv "llmr Smokk" Go and see that wniiiiiuUl (Junr at Ed. Harris', three J'r cast of 1'ost Ollieo, and get one of In, "Salt Lako Mcatuics;" they are deli cieua. Host of chewing tobaccos, pipes, rarely canes, collars, knives, and other luie'y notions, C'iiriirs cheap at wholo-lr. wholo-lr. bo mire you go and see him. adv . ,' chi.S "i j"1 vor' reasonable terms, h"'ulr"i "'""t - of vorv rich mil , ' ;r"'- " ('V " nnlic, " "Lsfavett,.," Anthony W ayno" J E;iroka'. -1.VS l.nt.o ilmmj. District. Shaft boon sunk m ail of these ela ins - "roro thn purchase c,ln inform hi I and know what he if buying ''r particulars in. ju:r,-of' ,, , . , 11 Simmons, 1vi '., rosui"u'' opposite City Uall. Information Wanted Of Herman Her-man Gehrenback, of Alteuburg, Ger- 1 r c.i. t i. -,:. T..l ujau, u.:4iu Ul IU CdlL JjilAC Vyliy .July 5th, 1806, where he had arrived from Prescott and Mohave, Arizona, passing pass-ing through St. George June 22ud of the same year. On July 5th, 1896, he wrote his parents that he would soon return to Germany, since which time they have not heard from him; and they are auxious to know something pf his whereabouts.. Western papers please copy. . . Paris has Sukkkndlued, but Go-lightly Go-lightly and Harris will never surrender their claim tojnuing the iiuet bread, crackers, cakes, pics and pastry, and manufacturing the choicest and purest candies. For a good meal go to J. K. Claw-son's. Claw-son's. advjlu Pink Fkf.su Honet in the comb, delicious and cheap, at II. Wallace's. adv About Selling Pitoi'Eitir. Territorial Ter-ritorial Marshal McAllister, in this morning's Herald, cautions the public against buying property sold by the U. S. Marshal under decree of the 3rd District Court, holding that said Marshal Mar-shal is not the proper officer of Court. See advertisement. If tou want a No. 1 Suit, go to M. Earl, Socond South St. adv For a good oyster stew go to John li. Clawson's. advj!3 Everything in candies and confectioneries confection-eries for tho holidays, at Wallaco's. adv STOCKTON, OPHIR AND East Canon. jKlirinw, ii . "-tr-gMWM FOVR-IIORVE COACHES EVERY DA V Elimt AXP TO SALT LA HE CI TV. To ir.ee! :he growirc travel we will put nn DOUBLE LINE OF STAGES Kvcry a'TrniMe day: runninR the reRtilar stigt; on jI i-. ,riTe SnM l ake lion, Lake City ( mid P longer I lot rl, Ojiliir C It y, Kveiy Morntiii, t 7 o'clock. JUDD & CO ifi I S B a a s o o - r- z ' n ! i L - y - - - - o - id rA I ' i z ? 1 11 w Q ?i COAL ! COAL! ".:. ,;:,.'.. "Z : " '" Ok.OKa.av (HK(H. .READ THIS! i . r. ' '-' . -.- '--a SIIMCER SEWING MACHINE1 i At nr new 1 -fitted up Salesroom. 1 Second Door South of the Kagle Kin- 1 port u in, brlMtta khe Htuj audClo-thlnf audClo-thlnf Orpartruentk of 2 C. M. I., will be found a Full Aorimeni oftlutr Admirable Sewing Machines At Trices to S tilt F.veryb.slv. THE SINGER SF.WIN'C. MAClllNi: XZEPS ri'FFLXG to commend It to the public, a the follow lug show t In lVI these bow colob-sre i !at,hiiio. were tirsl o;loreJ n the iuilu- nei m ihv four 'e.irs sufoi-e.iinf; 4 were ."Kl. d av over that n am iht are w ei-h . y turn J u I fruin the Ltctory, Hii.i yi'i ihis imir.i'Tt-t- u--pij is not t-iju.-U to the vieLHMii.i. At ihe oiul o ihe year WC, upward of 2 tVi M in, .-were .-were d. and in ihe i h t'n t - 1 1 1 1, i.- rs, from ' S io'T'i, the Dumbor h.ivl Ih'cii in --rvii.-cd to uj ward ol' 500,000 MACHINES SOLD. One third of htch w ere lUurl I of 1 1 ti i ii i he jit t t i ,1 i uj; t,tle uiuiiitiB. From the fiTeoimr it will bo stii that tiui-inr tiui-inr ihe I ts: i h ree year?:, me s,i 1 1- h,i . e .u-t-n upwuni ol'fihy p.-r c nt mirt- t Lin -i duiui; the wbt'le ot .he eeveutoca iri-Mmi; yo,ir,-, THE FEGFLE'3 VERDICT, after a coi c of y.ari thorough trial l t hut I tie jv.vv a ts. a - ; n pruti'in s, juiiif btilt.la Lii.ijtii i-iit iadtipted tit nil kii'iif of rk. ffwini tit re.idily tne thirke-l and um-t . i u u . .t i n nm-terial nm-terial n tlie tim-M -Mid nm.-l lii-n -lie a ri-; With k init.-li, that t. r rvi-Lt.v, tl livi . it aud dur..lility it u m-tj u 1 1 1 o i. AiTinr pan v ing facli At n-h l lire rillll--! iti.-itrut'tioi, .- plain and e iy f ('itipi i-u. n-riHiD n-riHiD ihai, l:h -un Ku rt-n;ii in i-iid i'U-hhii- t to take at n i.-t rue k'-.-.-u rr. m i lie aratnr.ii is ct'Limii i n - pur'.' n,-Tt mtiiiii at i k nee tne c i in i -1 irii y ni me M a.- d i n-aiid n-aiid ct'Uipleteties ul the cuu.-trucLi' u. t-yie ul ihe OF Til E SiKGER MACHINES AHE Simplicity of onri't ruct i..n 1 hcrt'f-tre Inf liability to tfet out repair. Hhort. pafaiph" n r e! 1 Ichf liable to Lienfi. brehk or f kip tbe stitru. Theshu'tle i cirrip-l' fri n( nv,r mul th" nf---e fiiy ol (.-rt'ii.-.r-g ttie rwe nrf iliiir avoided. Kemiirips with wl'i-'h the lu'-'t i(i"i.r-ienct-d can atj .m the iciim- n -l li-e lliiNd. Frpfd'nn fr-.ni vrr. A "r w"ttv vir entity nt .i-rvirp ih-n- in Ii i no- baieoeicr bet-u Known to wear uui. 1 hy mip ti"i jelptp, rapid and ey in u tbeir Hi' i vein en ic. All "r mm'liii.p. m'p m I'U'if I h d j t in t 'i n nk' f. rn n ii i n ! i i - , t iu. in , ,.-t e 1. 1 . m -, btl'Hr .. iii-ij. I ' ii r-fh., t ,- r.t k v . tji. tr" u o 1 1-. Ii ul can r u '' .--1 u 1 1 opei a i e 1 1 ti ill' iu at ij .fe. THE NEW B'JTTON-HblE 1 . CJ I J X : H re th'.r-'UP' lv p- .-t-J (, rltj wt t . tm nil XhdX ei.vi.ai ; r t ii h. ' MiN'JFACTURIsa M ZWVUW 1 f"T h s. v y rk . Hrp t., i, , ), wn m r,.( J 1 rmi,, tin. 'v t ai - e. p -i, k t i,e .- M, .!. .b;.w,,,, MAMJF C I UHING falASKI KE3 .(, t., k -f t - t-,T .1 i- V.. r, 'I I' -r 1 - n V, . r ',.... i . l ( t . - . I S' r. . . - - r. . . t ,. . , , i rr '. v : ' k ' '. 1 . ' ' - 'I ., " . i - - : ' '. t .., , '' I I"',tl. all tl T M ft f It I tl I li , hi in I II I I u I'll li: I I I I t r I I " lit - hint; It r t ! I ii K i !Uili HnfTl.t.fc; I m in ol-li i l n f no i I I ii i I t l t Ii - I I li ft li 'I v a M I t. i, tt bi ri 1 I I nt vi'li t 'I b-iiil m linat'l ..,.11.. ' nr tvr if Ki'n' !. (i I" u w. ' -. i, , i ii i I I I - : I i I in in I n K ; It i l . .. a ' ft i 1 VI I 'I I l It I M 'I at . 1 - .. . t . . 1 . . i tf a i. r. i n i . i r 7 ii i . i i w. '. . . ' . 7 to -I,-... ...ii-ii - f li.. ( , K.,. I" ' e '" 1 , i . j ' '' 'j.-, .- .i ir. i.H.-f. j. y.y.vrt. ' F. A. IIOFF.MAX A: Ct. REAL ESTATE ! MINING BROKERS OlJicc laodlw' t?n'K tii ii, o n th Pot Oxticc RiL ESTATE B3J2HT AVD SOLD. LOUS XEGOTIAT Kll A NO Money Advanced, All Bu-Unrj-s in t hr . S. I.iutl lrh( I i r niir .! lo. Ab:-..' f .-r. ! ..:. v.-v V.V ..... ; . 1-A :rr-.. of W' ,-r ;r. P -tv t o!s l'u--;-:.M a;!!;, hn-. Ac-: -v K. A. li. '1 .M AN A 0.1. V.MiiMreri. Ir..;.;e: t.'.e Kt... !v,i.r Apev-y. r. a.. liv'Krv. a a .v. i aS : o res kl d awf'L:itir?i wiv.lf.i t.1 rtrr.t. laviatre a; F. A. liv'Vi'N. A N A '.V 2n nnn roUAr d U.UUlJiSOJIANJ STEHL At t?;vv,t( A. llatiVtUMu's. ti))Ovtte -alt Laki llniKr. 2. O. 1VE. X. Clothing Cepartni't FRESH ARRIVALS a Of Niw C.Hd" in Kail WINTER SUITS ! s)vr:i:( vr.s CAP C , T A u ?Jl A ii Military ( lolhiim, r. AIfu A lull are e.l GENT'S FURN'ISHSNa C'JCHS (ioii!', l.:pin' hinl It " BOOTS 6c SHOES (1,. nis' V uui in.' in. : ! : HATS niKl i ASS. THT.NKS 111 ti'l tll' 11 1 1 j HlKtlltll'H, "am bii-1 ('aiu'. r Sa hs, Carj)ets.MaUing.F loor Cloths Wall Tap'T am! lcrorAlius, AlHiynon hHiid nod I' r tlf ljr iliw Hi.f. llal.' 1 1 h "I frrm h Mil rKH.Ii ft I , tr . k I , llta i r i , Mllll mt y ( lil Im, ll.iui M ! I w r.t". At. S'JirS M',3r. TO QVX:; ! T.-l. a.,', ri .- Ii i k. - - -1 y " . ., ' I I . i no -.. n I ii I ' I it.i ...i.-. I i ' .i.l H Maan-I I' ',ii."i..-. i 1 1 1 i i ' v Tni'i'i11"10 ii'lLiirhYTRj. .Riiiivj- l i ' I I 1 i I 1 i r.i ; H I; i WW- m j Trees! Trees ! ! i Fruit Trcos, ShaiJc Trcos. i L'rnzrn' nteil Trcr, I ' I lift . ' I l ft, I'l-Kla. ft. 1 . , I X , ('.), . f I 1 V It- . I " 1 'a t f ' i- - i I I m t - : : , . i i 1 1 m wai: i) Co-OpCI-,l.livC S tCii (; Dry f.oods. I re cents. Hartiware, ii. . i. l I' . A f.l a, a. a.., I. . w 1. 1 .! I IbUI, I, . M I i,, 11 i.ll a.... a ).,. a,. b.rt. ,,,, |