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Show LAST NIGHT'S FLASHES. Thiers is at St. Peter-burg. Mez'eres was to be bombarded yesterday. yes-terday. The bu.-ine-s part of E linburg. Indiana, In-diana, was burned on Tuesd.iv. Victor Emanuel is expected to i-it Home soon alLer ll.e plcbi-c:tum is taken. The Pope i- rather p.- a-.d at having changed his II reign isi v.'tiar.o 1' .r Italian troop.-. It i- cs'imate.l that Il).n.;i French have been taken piisin.'rs .-iuee lie I'Ciriiining of the war. A Pi u--i:in circii'ar .- iy- iuterccur-e to arid f'p'in Paris lias me suboidi-riate suboidi-riate to military event.-. Gla !-'one -ays the recognition f the French P'-publie mu-t iti-tant'y f illow a popular viue .-u-taitiing tl a pre-crit government. The Crown Prince of Pru--ia, it is said, do es not cxp"ct mii' h fighting at Pari-, and no cll'ort will be made to take it by bombardment or a ault. When the Italians entered Koine the people crowded around them al-nio-t frantic with joy, even ki--ed the let's of . gensral's lior-c, shouted ' li imr live our liberators," and cried out "1 lon't leave us any more n the hands ol' lhat brute, the Pope, his p:ic-ts and brigands !" T he German -trainer lh rimuui, which -ailed from New Vork on Tuesday, Tues-day, was seen by the Si Hlin hotly pur-sii. pur-sii. d by a I' rei'eli li h-atc, both under lull steam, and grave tears arc! entertained enter-tained fir h'T safety. T here are four French w ir -hip- in the neihhorliood of New Vork. |