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Show TELEGRAMS. Reported specially fur the Salt Lake Hep.ald by Moslem L'niou TeiegrapU. LIGHTNING FLASHES. Earl Pei by is married at last Paris freemasons w'll wear mourning three months for Birbes The postal telegraph measure is to be considered next December. The senate refused to concur in the house amendments to tho funding bill. There were a number of shooting affairs and one a-s;t:-siiiutiou in San FrancUco on the 4th. The cabinets at Paris, Berlin and Madrid will not consent to Houenzol-le Houenzol-le n accepting the Spanish crown. Farmers are selling meat tor two cents a poun i in Paris, but the butchers butch-ers keep up the (nice. The carlist jmta, in Madrid has imposed silence on its partizaus of the press. Seventy yachts accompanied the Cambria and Dauntless out if Cork harbor when they started on their ocean race. A temporary sand fell on Tuesday at the Carlisle, Englaud, races Several Sev-eral men and boys were badly in' jured- North San Juan, California, was destroyed by fire on the 4th; one Chinaman wys killed. Ben Holladay has bought the Astoria As-toria railroad franchise, which gives him the control of the entire railroad syst' Ori Drnn I enton has introducer! a senate hill to incorporate fie Tehauntepeo railway rail-way iiiu oijip canal company with a capital ot thirty five millions. New York capitalists are largely interested. inter-ested. The conference report on the right of way over public lands in lalifi-rnia to ditch and canal owners, was agreed to by the house. The house Pacific railroad committee commit-tee has agreed to strike out the four branch roads adopted by the senate to the thirty-second parallel. The pas sage ol the bill will be urged this session. ses-sion. The National hotel stables and Wood & Walbridge's livery s'ahles, Rochester, .N. Y., are burned; loss 522.000 The Union elevator at Oswego was burned on Monday uisht. with 40,000 bushels of wheat; loss's 127,000 James Murphy, a Baltimore police "man, was killed by rowdies on the kh. He had arrested one ot theai. Thomas E. Burdit, a St. Johnsville, N. school teacher, was wantonly murdered on Monday night by Charles Eacker who was arrested. Concessional democrats and others will start a new democratic paper at Wa.siniigton, Sep'ember 1st, With a large capital. Janie- C. Harvey is reported one of the editors. Some senators wanted the session of congress extended ten days beyond the 15th, but the house wuuld not con sent. Two heavy failures, one in the cot ton business and the other in the India shipping and pioduce trade, are reported re-ported in Liverpool. Firm names not given. The English admiralty have not yet expressed an opinion on the respective merits of the ironclads Monarch and Captain. A lace and kid elove store in Philadelphia Phila-delphia was robbeo on Monday of from ek'ht to ten thousand dollars worth of goods. Ti e senate has adopted the house bill for the transportation of goods in bond, adding Charleston, Mobile and Savannah to the ports having the privilege. priv-ilege. There was a fight at Jackson. Miss., on Tuesday, between blacks and whites, in consequence of a nigger abu ing a whi'e boy. Two whites were wounded and three colored were killed The Gold liill fire burned the principal prin-cipal buildings on both sides of Main s'reet. the materials of 'he People's Tribune, destroyed the DuUu jpics office and slightly damaged the Chinese Chi-nese quarter Sam B annan has sued Leland Stan ford and the Central Pacific lailroad company, claiming to have subscribed and paid tor U'HJ hares with' nt i av iny received consideration for them, lie charges the director with havim; manipulated the stock tor private aif personal ends, and implicates VVells, Fare.0 ilt Co. He a;ks a receiver for the toad, and has engaged Ben. F. Liutler as one of his counsel. j LAST H!GHiTS FLASHES. j ! President Grat.t has gone to New i York. I The Americans at Havana celebra- I ted the 4th, north and south men I j meeting on convivii! terms for the first i time there since the war. I The German war veisel Motor has been fi'-ed into by a fort at. Laguera, j in the West Indies. ; The lit'le stent!, er City of Ragna J was seen at sea June 25th, by the Hel- vetia. i A motion in the ena'e to strike out tlie iucJtue tax was i ejected by a tie vote. The house committee will report adversely to the sections of the Kansas Kan-sas Pacific lailroad bill, fixing the gauge at five feet and providing tor the various branches. "Lady ''home" beat several fast horses on Fashion course Monday and Tuesdav. Her best time was 2:23. La Pays, the French imperialist pi per, says editorially that Franco must possess the Rhenish frontier. Chicago had twenty alarms of fire on Monday night ; loss trifling. Keokuk was nearly burned down on Monday; the fire being caused by firecrackers. fire-crackers. A case of fire-crackers exploding in Pittsburg, Pa., destroyed $20,000 of property. Jerome B. Johnson, a p'ominent democratic politician, was instantly killed at Cincinnati on Monday by a log fa'ling on him Louisville bad a large number of accidents on Monday or Tuesday, but non from fireworks. A Nether'ar'ds exoloring expedition left San Franc sco yesterday for Oregon, Ore-gon, Washington Territory and Alaska, and expects to be goi.e five years. Tt is believed that Secretary Fish will succeed Motley as minister to England. The qunran-ine troubles in New York are ended. The reported gloomy condition of the cops in Minnesota is pronounced a fabrication. The coming question of paramount importance is the Chinese question. Fires all over the country characterized character-ized the 4"h. |