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Show LIGHTNING FLASHES. Verdun has capitulated to the Prussians. Prus-sians. The enezuela insurrection progresses. pro-gresses. An attack by the French in force is hourly expected from Paris. A general battle was fought near Orleans ou Tuesday. Particulars yet wanting. Several persons were shot in a a election elec-tion riot at Wilmington, Delaware, on Tuesday. Two of the armies of Paris tire intended in-tended for service outside the walls of the city. The army of the Loire is said to be well-drilled and under excellent discipline. A German, named Rudolph Deyer, believed to be insane, claims to be the murderer of Nathan. Civil war has broken out at Perpig-nan, Perpig-nan, France, the "Reds" against the government party. The mayor of Perpieuan was stoned to death by the "Reds," and frightful scenes were enacted. Continued acts of great barbarity commited by the Prussians, are reported re-ported from France. Oakey Hall, for Mayor of New York, runs largely behind Hoffman for Governor, in the New York vote. Great distress and discontent are reported re-ported to prevail in Germany, owing to the prolongation of the war. Two-negroes were killed and several whites and negroes wounded in a row at Baton Rouge on Monday night. Another revolution has broken out in ilexieo,in Guerrero, where the government gov-ernment troops have been badlv defeated de-feated ; and in Michoacaa and Tehaun-tepec. Tehaun-tepec. Two negroes were 6hot and four white men wounded at an election riot on Tuesday, in Newton, Cauada Co., New Jersey. The animals at the Jardinc des Plants, Paris, have been sold to the butchers. The buffaloes brought a high price. The hotel of Thiers was surrounded by a mob of "Reds," crying "Down with Thiers ! Down with the traitor ! Down with the dupe !" General Barral, who commanded the French artillery at Strasburg, has been arrested at Grenoble, charged with treason against the Republic. The Journal dcsDcboits de V Homme, published at Montpellier, sets a jjrice on the heads of Bazaine and Napoleon, Napo-leon, and has opened a subscription to pay lor their assassination. " A Prussian defeat is reported by the outposts of the army of the Loire, they losing two officers and fifty men killed, and leaving seventy prisoners in the hands or the French. The German governor of Lorraine announces that the families of all male c.tizens absent from their homes, after a certain date, will be fined fifty franc a day during such absence. A New York World correspondent says tens of thousands are mouruii g in Germany, and popular indignation cannot be much longer restrained. Prussia may do Franco much injury yet, but cannot conquer her. The chairman of the special committee com-mittee on the subject, in his report to the Italian senate, recommends that Rome be not made the capital of Italy until alter the death of the present Pope. ' i General Daurelles, of the French I army of the Loire, has idiot a hundred hun-dred and thirteen men in a month, and his officers and men threaten to kill him in the first battle. |