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Show Lake Side! Look out for The Hcliool Train To leave at 8:50 a.m.; return re-turn 6:20 p.m. Every Saturday! EVERY SATURDAY- If you want to Bathe, Go to Lake Side! If ycu want to Boat, - Go to Lake Side! Ifyouwanta dance in the grove, Go to Lake Side! If jou want to hear the u.u.-ic f ee, Go to Lake side! If you want to sv;:!;, Go to Lake Sidel t If you want a rig'ut good dinner, Take it with you when you Go to Lake Side! Mountains of Caks, Caud'es and things, and Oceans of Lemonade. Bithing Dre-ses, perambulators and nil the modern conveniences to rent cheap At Lake Side! Bggee wagon in attendance to haul bundles, Inbies and o'her bag-4 bag-4 gage, free, to the grove, when you go To Lake Side! Half a mile to t'e grove; three-. three-. fourths of a mile to te Lake, From Lake Side! Scholars from :3 to 15 yenro. To cents. All over 15 years, ronr.1 trip, ?1.00. All under i years, fre ; ZIOjM S CO OPERATIVE MERCANTiLE j TO CITY ASD COUNTRY CO-OPERATIVE .S.TOBES And tSae Trade generally. Wholesale Bry oods.- : EAGLE EMPORIUM, (Up Staiis.) In this Department will always be found the 'choicest brands of American and English Prints. Lawns, Ore-tndies, Percales and Dress Goods, Ginghams, Cnamhays, Brilliantes, &c , Sheetit'gs, bleached and brown, of the most approved makes Hosiery. Notions, &c. &c. Also, a heavy stock 0:' Boots, Shoes, Hats and Leather, home made and imported. Shoe Findings complete. Retail BBY GOODS Department. Eagle Emporium, (Ground Floor.) r. . ., .... This Department' is constantly receiving, by express and regular freight, such additions to its already large and varied stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Notions, Trimmings, Ribbons, &c , foreign and domestic, as to have to make this branch a public necessity. Much of our stock is purchased exclusively for this room, and is offered at prices uniformly low. We would call the especial attention of the Ladies to our varied and seasonable sea-sonable varieties of Shawls, Saeques. Perfumed Handle Parasols, Skeleton Corsets, Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Laces, Flowers, &c. We have just received a fine addition of Carpets, Crumb Cloths, Mats, Matting, Window and Table Damasks, Nottingham Lace Curtains. Our especial feature The Ladies and Misses Shoes, which. cannot be excelled for variety and price. To arrive in a few days Window Cornices, new and unique. ' C IL T i l l S. " Tliree doors Soutli of Eagle Emporium, SPRING CLEANING AND FURNISHING. This Department has a 'fine assortment of CARPETS, OILCLOTHS, DOOR MATS, AND WALL PAPKR, including Low, Medium and High grades, with Borders to match. A first-class paper-hanger always on hand. Just introduced a great, variety of Home made Trunks, to which public attention is invited. Also just arrived, a lull stock of Gent's, Eoj"'s, and Youth's iimmer Clothing, From fine French Cassimere to Linen, at low prices. Drugs and Medicines. (BASSETT& ROBERT'S OLD STAND) A full line of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oi's, Col rs, Perfumery, and Toilet Requisites. . . . A choice assortment of Foreign arid Domestic Wines, Whiskies, Brandies, &c. Competent Prescription Clerks in attendance night and day. These Establishments offer at the very lowest figures, the largest and most varied assortment of goods of ail kinds in the Great Basin. H. B. CLAWS ON, Smrt. MACHINERY! All kinds of Machine Work, Turning, Turning, Boring. Screw Cutting Cut-ting and Fitting. Brass Castings, &e. WM. J. SILVER, 10th ward, 0 blocks north of the Tab-' Tab-' ernaele. mm SPRING BATHS ! These Celebrated Baths are Open to the Public at All Seasons THEIR MEDICINAL PROPERTIES Are so Widely Known that it is needless need-less to enumerate them. H. ARNOLD. the Salt Lake House, F. 1TTLF., Proprietor, Is Open for the ISeeeptioEa of Guests GOOD ACCOMMODATION. Towsasend House, JAMES TOWNSEND, Proprietor iyL FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATION'S E0R aRAVJBLERS. - . . I U V I If G IIOUS E. A First Class Hotel. European PlaD. Location unsurpassed, being near Union Square, Wallack's Theatre, and A. T. Stewart's new (up. town) store. Broadway & Twelfth Sts. jVew York, G.P.HA ItLOW, Piop'r. ST. CLAIR HOTEL, Cor. Third and Market Streets, ST. LOUIS, MO. TERMS $2 PER DAY. HOUSE FURNISHED WITH THE BEST . SPRING BEDS. House centrally located. Busa for all trains. General R. R. and Steamboat ticket office in th house. J. CHESLEY, Propr. D. 0. CALDER, W. CALDER, GEORGE C ALDER Cnlcler Brothers, Salt Lake City, Booksellers, Stationers, And Dealers in MUSICAL MERCHANDISE and 1'ANCr GOODS. Miscellaneous Books, for Public. Private and Sunday School Libraries; School Books, Maps, Globe?, Charts, and all other articles used in Schools. A complete assortment of Biauk Books, "Writing Piq-er, Pocket -Cutlery, and Stationary. Albmm, Pocket Books, Knjrraving and Cromoa. . A full stock of Musical Instruments and Musical Merchandise. . ... General Agents for all of the lest piano and organ j manufacturers, and for the publishers of subscription books. A Large Assortment of SUNDAY SCHOOL PRIZES Just Received. Dyspepsia met and Conquered. Pain has its uses. It indicate the seat of disease ami its nature. na-ture. If the locality, prugre.is and intensity of a pisorder were not imuiucMed by the torture it occasions, oc-casions, the victim would be surprised by death before he was conscious of danger. The indescribable indescrib-able tortures which accompany Dyspepsia, preclude pre-clude all doubt as to the character of the malady. Combat the onemy promptly with Tarrant's Ejfervescent Ski-tzer Aperient. This pleasant specific meets the disease at all points in the Tfeakouei sto ach, the torpid liver, the constipated consti-pated bowels, t he shattered nerves ami by ro-btohiiga ro-btohiiga 11 th:-a- rgunsc o their natural conditions affect ciiiJ uio S7L Bx ALL DRUGGISTS. Farmer's Wives ! . How to Make Good Strong Vinegar! IN ONE DAY, From Cider, Sorslimn, Molasses, Mo-lasses, sujrar, AVine or th Julee of any Fruit- Directions Di-rections simple and easy. Cost not one-half that of lie old process of allowing Cider to sour in barrels. Anyone can make. it;full directions sent on receipt of Fifty cents. Address: W II. ltisliop, St. Louis, Mo: PIONEER STEAM WOOD WORKING COMPj W. II. Folsom, Tuns. LATHt, Geo. Romney, G. II. Taui? FOL'SOffl, EOlIEY & Cp (Sou'.h Temple Street, one block west of the Tabernacle,) ')V Having added to their already extensive stock of Machinery, are now prst-1'," to furnish all articles in their line, a first class article, at greatly reduced ',. 't-from 't-from the best lumber produced in our own mountain home. 'tar' We have a complete-set of iash and Door Machinery, by which r. fill large or small orders with great dispatch. ' k' AfM AMP' DO'OK . . . . i "We publish a list of sizes of Poors and Windows which are always k- 'ivif hand. Lip or cheek rail sash and all kinds and sizes of doors made to ords- Sash Sizes. Door Sizes. ! Au,! 8x10 vrindows, 2 ft 4 in x 3 ft 91 in 2 ft 0 in by 10x12 " 2 10 x4 6 2 . . " ; 6 'v 10x14 . " 2 10-1 x 5 2 2 10 ' " .' 6 ;' )0xl6 : "; ,2 luj xo.10- Sleet " ... . . . " - 1 Rolling and Stationary Slat Blinds made to order to fill all kinds of ,-.'Tr ings. Door and Window Frames, plain and panneled. Having one of F. (f splendid No 1 moulding machines we can furnish every variety of Moult WOOD TUIiXIsG. We have a No! 1 Turning Lathe, and have eDgaged Fred- Fid'er, 1t best turner in the Territory, and will furnish turning of all descriptions,;. ding wheel heads, chairs, bedsteads, and all kinds of wood turning at low r.' JJ - :- w LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY. R Our machinery is the very best that could be purchased in the East, :f gistinsf of a No. 1 Planer and Matcher, for surfacing lumber and tonguin; Tr grooving flooring ; a Daniels Planer, for planing lumber out of wind; alt: J ing Machine; a heavy power Mortising. Maching ; machines" for rabbi., a! plowing, making sash, doors, blinds and mouldings. . . . j f As a great variety of work can be done on these machines, it giver." " great advantage in contracting and building. ?rl W. II. FOLSOM attends to the building department, and beb J experienced architect, and having on hand all t be latest architectural woti.' ' prepared to make plans, specifications, details, and contract for buildings of kinds. i : C The old firm of LATIMER & TAYLOR have charge of toe department and in connection with the above machinery run a set of cfc An saws, and are prepared to rip boards, plank, pickets, fence rails, strips. iStc.: c All who intend to beautify, improve and build up7 and want cheap l good work, call on . . . .'' . .' .-. . Tl p. o. Box 366. ITolsom, Komney & Co, c' THE SALT LAKE A Jew Morning Newspaper, Published, oTery morning except Monday. Office: OLD CONSTITUTION' Building, East Temple Street. It contains the latest 7 clcgrapliic Dispatches, Neics by Mail, Editorials on Currern Tipics, Spicy Locals, Intertsting Correspondence, Agricultural Information, Horticultural Items, Selected Readings, Eortign, Domestic, Commercial, Rmluvy, and Alining , Intelligence, Being a complete Compendium of Current History. TERMS: 1 Year, : :::::' JS.PO 6 Month, : : : : : : 4.00 3 Monthi, : : : : . A00 1 Month, : : : : : 76 1 Week, :::::: a II. McEwas, S. M. Sib: i UTAH ' JOB PRINTING 0FF!C:B. 1st SoutJi Stee, West of Meat " ' I We take pleasure in announcing tt-'i P'ltrnns th"t tee are prepared tuprvn) ly fill all orders fur HAND-BILLS, . CONCERT BILLS, PROGRAMMES, " . : CIRCULARS,. BALL TICKET!. BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, BLANK CHECKS, NOTES OF DEP0SH. PROMISSORY NOTES, . . DUE BILLS, RECEIPTS, . : l ORDER BOOKS, WAYBILL5! BILLS OF FARE, SCHEDULES, . CERTIFICATES, TRANSFERS, DEEDS, BOND5- And every variety of Jt Ii" A aV K WOItK) Business, Visiting and Wedding C A. I v D S! Orden from th country w eolitcd, T9crt9 prompt ftttcutioa. |