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Show A Stolen Wu: -e Child. We clip (he following frvm last evening's Vitrei Vi-trei Xeics, and sincerely hope the child referred to may be recovered The efforts made to recover the grandchild of General Snow, and the belief still entertained by ': r parents in Cache county that the little one was stoii n by Ind'aus, and not drowned as some imagined, are well known: Cedar City, U. T.. Not. ii7th, lSTa Editor Drserel Ktucn. On my way home in O'tober, I learned at Mom, that a band of I'tes had been there a few days previous having in their po session a white girl, with blue eyes, head shaved, anil about lour years o! !: that the souaw claiming her said she had bought her of the Snakes for one pony and would sell her for two. Her eyes and age answer well to my granddaughter, grand-daughter, who was stolen from Cache county, and sold to the Snakes. This is to request Indian interpreters and all others throughout our settlements wherever these Indians may come, and the agent-at Uintah, to wateh for and purchase that girl, and I will pay all charges, whether shejprove to be my granddaughter or not. Kbastus Snow. |