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Show FOKEIGX. OA DLL NEWS. Cocstantinople, 6. Yes'erriay afternoon, about one o'elo.-k, a fire brose out, which fpre.ul i h alarming alarm-ing rapidity through the rich-. si quarter cf the ci . T.ie wind was biottirg ;t tha tiie and ;he lire quuky spread. T-te (fi'.rtg of the firerneu an 1 citizer.s to stop ts prog- : ress were of co avail, ad in a ft-T ! hours the residences of tire Euglish, j American and lVr'ugr se smbussioors uui consulates, tbo Naoaii tita'r?, 1 I many ehu cl)"" nn ) mrfqae' nnd thon-; thon-; sajd-of Li 8 aid 'hi: riches Stole.-I Stole.-I nn (1 sh ps i i t' c ci y mri r du?' d tu I sh"s. Ttie lo s of life by the falling wai s aj fearful. It is ettimited thm ; it has', thirty peop'e were tiled or 1 a j ond by this cause al me. The loss 1 i- iLea'cn'a' ie. The tire a", tiii-i hour i still ba iling fur ou ly, and the ex-- ex-- ci em n of the people btggars des I c in1 ion. I Paris, 0. M. Prcvost Paradat is uppotnied minister cf 'France to the Uui'ed States, and will Jeave for W it-hington ab ut the end of Jure. Ta-re were 73 deith- fr m smallpox small-pox m the city of Paris list we'ik. The illn-es of the tmp r r is re pored; h-? is said ti be .-uffering from a severe attack of rht-umutism. |