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Show Telegrams. LIGHTKirJS FLASHES.' The international Typographical Union m-'t in Cinckua'i, on Monti iy. Tbe Vandali;4 and Teirj Hiute roihoid will be opened to-day. S L u s his a new d ily in e jenc-n;r jenc-n;r pfq.-er, th 1 iuli.t Tuo ttuiia bill granting lacdj hi aid ul cutintruc ing an.ds iu Ca ifornia is up- r'ed tuic'-i i h nmendmenta. llobeit IlAubin died in Liv.rpool on .Surd ij. Morrill ta in'roduerd a ti.l into the houre to etcju-aga Daildiug aLis for foreign tr:ide. The l;ritih police are dls'ovpring rara licu-aons ot a i-'oi i.n plut iu Kng-land Kng-land ubd Waii. A (pi in'i j of arms ind aicmuoit.ou iUi:ieJ fjr Dbim tas bo n seized. The Oregon election passed off quietly. The contest was clos .-. rover, demtcrat, for governor, has probably a thousand majoiity. Th-re urj c:osa republican g ins iu stvtral counties. la tire srnate S ewart introduced a bill to p.-oLibit contracfs for labor, in-ttndtd in-ttndtd to apply to Chinese immigrants. immi-grants. Tbe joiot resolution for iccreased pay to the census marshal h .s passed. A b 11 to repeal ad Ks authorizing transportation of goods of war and rueioban.lise into Mexio over. and or by inland waters pa-sed. A bill granting pre-emption lights to teltitrj on certa n California lunds 13 iEt'0 luced. A'sj me for the survey of th-i north-eastern boundary of Arizona, said to be necjeeary beciu.-e uf the eucrciichmen'S hy Mormots on the northern and maieis on the eastern line. The bill ato'Phing the tar ff on coal is adjpted. Nest Tu sday the Cuban question is to be considered iu the bans-. Soht nek's ne v lunding bill ii re-p re-p rted. It auihoriz s 'he issue of a thousand mtllions four per ceat. gjlj bonds, running thirty yeare; priacipai acd iutt.rest to be txeuipt from taxation. taxa-tion. Th-) sinking speci il funds bonds are to be caneehed, des royed and deducted t'roni tho pubhc debt, and an am aunt eq ai-. el iut co 'lie i i-teiesc i-teiesc on such bun J-i to be aj-pio-pria-ed annually tu the reduction of the debt. Toe reve me 1 il! wa3 pissed with Sc' euck's tar.fi bid as anaJditijnal section. A propoHor was sunk oa lake Hi-ron, Hi-ron, cn Sucdey. by colii.-ion. Une mm lost. Seven ves-els c'eari d from Pbi'a-delphia Pbi'a-delphia on Satard v? with over a ruil-io ruil-io a (.a I lis pe i ol-u:a- Brigands robbed a stage between T. era Cruz and Jalopa, alc-xico, lately, and killed a passenger. Six of the brigands were since executed Mexican mines are said to be yielding yield-ing enormously Several Mexicans with unpronoun-cable unpronoun-cable names are still '"iusurging. " An earthquake in Oaraea killed in the city of that name, lu! wounded 53, destroyed a third of the city, extended ex-tended to the mines and killed eleven there, and threw down buildings in all parts of the state. The wheat crop in Europe this year wiil be average. Count Esterhazy, of the Austrian embassy at Washington, married the widow of General Griffin, on Sunday. Sun-day. President Grant gave a splendid reception re-ception to the Indian chiefs on Mon-dav Mon-dav eight. The U. P. R. R. is employing Chinamen Chi-namen for section work, west of Ctiey-enne, Ctiey-enne, causing much indignation and eliciting threats from the discharged Flaslies. War is declared between the New York Central and Erie railroads. The English commission of amnesty has refused to hear counsel for the Fenian Fe-nian prisoners. Three hundred English dockyard bands are coming to Canada in the transport Croc utile. The terrible fire in Constantinople was still raging on Monday night, though somewhat abated, as many houses had been blown up to arrest its progress. A Fenian panic prevails at New-castle-on-Tyne, England. A band of twenty-seven brigands were playing the deuce in Turkey till a body ot troops got after them, took two chiefs alive and killed fourteen of the gang. A Dr. Taylor nearly beat his wife to 'dea'h at Medoca, Ills , a few days ago, fled to the woods, was subsequently captured by the people, handed to the sheriff, and taken from him and hanged, hang-ed, while on the way to jail, by a mob. His wife still lives. There is considerable dissatisfaction with Butler for failing to report the Georgia bill as he was instructed to do. Information from Spanish sources says that two tons of powder, a hundred hun-dred thousand cartridges and two thousand rifles of the" Upton cargo designel Jbr the Cubans, were captured. cap-tured. Ten of tbe crew, including Captain Harrison, were killed, and three taken prisoners, who were exe-I exe-I CiltetL Cisuero-, who commanded the I expedition, had sailed on the Upton to Columbia to bring two hundred men. |